MTL - I Lost My Memory Before the Divorce Was Agreed-Chapter 1

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WB hot search - burst!

[Danghong Xiaosheng Lu Yuanbai collided with a van on Huaicheng Street this morning, causing a car accident. The scene was **** and messy. Both parties have been sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. 】

As a rising star in the entertainment industry, Lu Yuanbai climbed to the top of the hot search list almost as soon as the news came out.

There are endless pictures of the scene of the car accident from the major marketing accounts, and several big Vs even sent out small videos from the perspective of passers-by.

In the video, the sports car driven by Lu Yuanbai rolled over on the side of the road, and the body was greatly twisted and deformed due to the violent impact.

Broken parts scattered all over the floor.

The summer morning sun will splash the blood on the ground, shining especially dazzling.

There was a lot of noise around the street, and there were a lot of people surrounded by people of all shapes and sizes. There were many people who took out their mobile phones to take pictures of the tragic scene.

"Someone called the police, did you call 120?"

A loud female voice came out from the crowd, and people remembered that no one had called the police for an ambulance.

The total length of the video is 20 minutes, and the siren and the honking of an ambulance sounded in the video when it was played for nearly 10 minutes.

When Lu Yuanbai was rescued, he was already in a coma. Blood flowed from the wound between his skull and flowed into his neck along the outline of his face, making his delicate and handsome face look very terrifying, and he could no longer see the original appearance.

The white shirt was dyed red, and the ambulance staff took Lu Yuanbai out of the car, and his arms fell to his side in a strangely twisted arc.

Following the steps of the medical staff, the arm swayed unconsciously, and the little red book in the pocket of the suit pants also fell out of the pocket with a large movement.

Bright red blood dripped to the ground along the white fingertips, leaving dark red marks on the asphalt road.

After seeing the **** scene, many people around them felt uncomfortable and turned their heads away.

"Isn't that person Lu Yuanbai?!"

As Lu Yuanbai was recognized, the video came to an abrupt end.

"My God, it's really Lu Yuanbai, I hope everything is safe!"

"When I went to school in the morning, I walked on this street. I didn't expect a car accident. I hope everyone is fine."

"There was a car accident during the morning rush hour. The streets were full of office workers and students. It was terrible. Fortunately, no passers-by were injured."

"The believer is willing to be a vegetarian for the rest of her life, so that her brother will be safe and sound."

"How fast is this, half the front of the car is about to run over."

"Fuck, Lu Yuanbai's arm is broken, right? Why don't you make a code for such a **** video?"

The WB hot search just came out, and most of the comments below are fans and passers-by, but naturally there are some different voices.

"Am I the only one who thinks Lu Yuanbai deserves it? He'll be punished for hitting a woman."

"The floor master is poisonous, saying that Lu Yuan beat women for nothing, do you have any evidence?"

"When did Lu Yuanbai beat a woman! If you don't have evidence, it's a slander! Spread rumors!"

"It's not, it's not, it's not true that there are people who don't know how to beat women in vain. Sure enough, the Internet has no memory, and the melon at the beginning of the year forgot it just a few months later."

"Isn't that melon a rumor? Lu Yuanbai has won all the lawsuits."

"Who knows that Lu Yuanbai sued the other party, what crime he sued, and the right of reputation is not accurate one by one. The statement issued by the studio at the beginning was full of guilt, and he said that he didn't believe anyone."

"The owner of the floor holds on, those who beat women are garbage, and they deserve to be in a car accident!"

"Another marketing account released the monitoring of the road section. It was a car accident caused by Lu Yuanbai running a red light. I don't know what his fans are pity him, whether it is miserable or the van driver is miserable."

"That... Am I the only one who noticed the marriage certificate that fell out of Lu Yuanbai's pocket?"

"Fuck, sisters, I also noticed that before, Lu Yuanbai and the boss always showed their affection. I thought it was a hype, but I didn't expect to carry the marriage certificate with me. This is true love."

"Has President Duan seen the news? This is so distressing!"

"Is this love? Is it marriage? Carry a marriage certificate with you."

"It's terrible. Is the arm broken? I just want my brother to be safe."

"Enough of the brain-damaged fans. Now that the road section is monitored, it is Lu Yuanbai's full responsibility. The comments are still being guarded."

"It's not good to draw conclusions too early. Let's wait for the police to report."

"What kind of passers-by are the fans upstairs pretending to be, and everyone's eyes are not blind. If Lu Yuanbai didn't run the red light, he wouldn't have a car accident at all. He totally deserves it."

"It's better to pray for him than to bless the driver of the van, the van driver is really unlucky."

"I take back what I said for Lu Yuanbai. He really ran the red light first."

"It's still miserable for the van driver and the passersby who watched the **** scene on the side of the road."

After Lu Yuan's car accident hot search stayed at the top of the list for a long time, the trend of comments gradually began to be one-sided.

The comments under the wb hot search are noisy.

The VIP ward of the Central Hospital is extraordinarily quiet.

In the quiet and white ward, the breeze blew through the treetops, bringing the white curtains by the window from time to time.

The person lying on the hospital bed had handsome facial features, and there were some slight blood-red scratches on his fair face.

The appearance is correct, the bridge of the nose is high, and the slender eyelashes are like a crow

Feather dense.

After an unknown amount of time, the dark eyelashes trembled slightly.

Lu Yuanbai woke up awake, and severe pain hit his limbs.

The delicate face instantly wrinkled into a bun face.

"Am I going to die..."

Lu Yuanbai was lying on the bed, groaning in pain.

The young master has never been so seriously injured since he was young.

He had a bandage on his head, a plaster cast on his right hand, multiple musculature contusions on his body, and stitches on his waist and crotch.

It was as if he had been run over by a large truck several times, and he felt pain all over his body when he moved.

Lu Yuanbai looked at the white ceiling in the ward,

Before, he was still fighting with his shameless old scumbag outside the courtroom. He didn't expect to wake up again and was sent to the hospital by the other party.

Tiger Poison still doesn't eat children, but that bad old man is obviously a dead hand.

The more Lu Yuanbai thought about it, the more angry he became, not because he was sent to the hospital by his own father.


It's a shame that the fight didn't win.

Lu Yuanbai is now in pain all over his body, unable to move, lying on his back on the bed and sulking.

After receiving the news that Lu Yuanbai had a car accident, agent Lin Mu hurried to the hospital.

When I came in, I saw Lu Yuanbai, who was usually cold and elegant, twisting on the bed like a big white worm.

"..." Lin Mu: "Brother Yuan, what are you doing?"

Lu Yuanbai, who was twisting on the bed, stiffened, and with some effort he lifted his neck to see the person who suddenly appeared in front of the ward door.

Although I don't know him, he still smiled shyly, "My **** is a little itchy."


Compared with his usual cold image, at this moment he gave the agent a lot of impact.

Lu Yuanbai never spoke like this.

At this time, the young man lying on the hospital bed, his eyes were as clean and bright as before, but he also had an indescribable youthfulness.

Because of the cranial trauma, the whole head was wrapped in white medical gauze.

The white bandage tied a big bow on Lu Yuanbai's head, like two rabbit ears.

At a glance, the whole person is dumbfounded.

It is very different from the cold image that people give to people on weekdays.

Lu Yuanbai looked at the man, "Are you the nurse my mother hired?"

Lin Mu's steps froze, and he looked at Lu Yuanbai in disbelief.

"Brother Yuan, I'm your agent."

"I'm not a star, where is the agent?"


The person in front of the ward was obviously not a nurse, but he looked like he knew him, making Lu Yuanbai a little confused.

But the back of him was itching painfully, and he couldn't move because of the wounds on his body.

Lu Yuanbai smiled shyly, "Brother, can you scratch me..."


Before he finished speaking, he saw the big brother at the door open the door and walk away.

"..." Butt...

Lin Mu found that something was wrong with Lu Yuanbai, and hurriedly went out to find a doctor.

After bringing the doctor back, he pointed at Lu Yuanbai, who was still struggling on the bed, "Doctor, isn't he stupid!"

Lu Yuanbai: ?

you have to say,

I don't like to hear it.

Lin Mu's face was anxious and serious, and he couldn't see the slightest hint of joking.

"He hit his head in a car accident! Did something go wrong?!"

Lu Yuanbai has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, and he has finally made it out. If there is a problem with his brain, everything will be ruined!

Lin Mu said and gestured, his eyes turned, and Lu Yuanbai, who had a big bow tied on his head, looked at each other.


Then he anxiously pulled the doctor's arm, "Doctor! Look at what he looks like now!!"

"..." Lu Yuanbai was lying on the hospital bed, looking at the eager look on Lin Mu's face, if he hadn't been conscious and didn't know the big brother in front of him, he would have doubted for a while, whether he really had something in his head. question.

After another examination, the doctor concluded that it was an indirect amnesia caused by the violent impact on the head of the car accident.

Although it is indirect, it is still uncertain when the memory will be restored.

After the doctor left, Lin Mu sat beside Lu Yuanbai's bed with a complicated expression.

He has only known Lu Yuanbai for four or five years, but in his impression, Lu Yuanbai is indifferent and elegant, and he is completely the image of a flower in the high mountains.

Lin Mu looked up again, and Lu Yuanbai was holding a bow on his head.


Complicated for a while.

"Brother Yuan, do you still know me?"

After Lu Yuanbai scratched the itch on the bed by himself, he glanced at Lin Mu carefully, "I don't know."

Lin Mu was silent for a moment, "Then how old are you this year."

"I'm eighteen."


Lu Yuanbai had no memory for seven years.

Lin Mu: "Alas."

"Why do you sigh at such a young age?"


It seems that it is not Lu Yuanbai who should be lying on the hospital bed at this moment, but Lin Mu.

After some explanation, Lu Yuanbai's peach blossom eyes opened slightly, and he couldn't believe: "I'm twenty-five?!"

Lin Mu nodded.

After seeing the shocked expression on Lu Yuanbai's face, the big stone in his heart gradually fell.

It doesn't look stupid.

The next moment, I heard the excited voice of the young man: "Then I don't need the college entrance examination!"
