MTL - I Lost My Memory Before the Divorce Was Agreed-Chapter 37

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The door was pushed open, and Duan Yu kept his eyes on the planning case without even raising his head.

Lu Yuanbai remembered that the housekeeper said that Duan Yu was in a bad mood today, so he carefully placed the flowers at the door of the study, planning to go first to coax people, and when Duan Yu's mood improved, he would send flowers and rings.

Lu Yuanbai, wearing white slippers, stepped into the study, and made some noises on purpose, so as not to look at him.

Then he said, "Wife, I'm back."

Lu Yuanbai's clear and clear voice sounded in the study, but Duan Yu kept looking down at the planning case.

Lu Yuanbai stepped forward, not far from Duan Yu's desk, and turned his head slightly to look at Duan Yu.

I saw the man's face was indifferent, and even his approach did not attract the other party's attention at all.

Lu Yuanbai was a little surprised. He was fine last night. He invited him to take a bath and ate the food he fed. Why did he ignore himself when he came back from work today?

Lu Yuanbai pursed his lips, then moved a chair and sat beside Duan Yu.

He whispered in his ear, "Wife, why are you ignoring me?"

Duan Yu didn't say anything, still looking at the planning case that had not been turned over for a day.

Seeing that people have been ignoring him, Lu Yuanbai stretched out a white finger to touch Duan Yu's hand.

It was very lightly touched and then quickly retracted, like a cat playing with a ball of wool for the first time.

Very novel.

When Lu Yuanbai saw him touch Duan Yu, although the other party didn't respond, he didn't reject him, so he dared to touch him again.

Then Lu Yuanbai seemed to have found some fun. From time to time, he would touch the back of Duan Yu's hand. Seeing that people kept ignoring him, he finally played with Duan Yu's hand and started talking to himself.

"Wife, I went out today to earn pocket money for you."

"Wife, aren't you surprised that you didn't see me when you woke up this morning?"

"Wife, did you eat on time today?"

"Wife, I missed you when I went to work today, did you miss me?"

Duan Yu's face was cold and hard, but the touch on his hand made his heart itch, and his ears were full of Lu Yuanbai's thoughts about him.


He is really good at coaxing people!

Lu Yuanbai continued: "I'm busy with work today, so I don't have time to contact you, so I can't call you."

"Is it because I can't get in touch because I'm busy with work, or I can't get in touch because I'm busy sending flowers?"

The man's low and hoarse voice sounded, and a pair of deep black eyes looked at Lu Yuanbai.

Duan Yu spoke suddenly, and Lu Yuanbai was a little surprised, then looked at Duan Yu and said with a smile: "Wife, did you watch the live broadcast of my work today?"

Duan Yu stared at Lu Yuanbai's delicate cheeks, and before he could speak, he heard Lu Yuanbai continue: "Wife, you miss me too today."

Looking at Lu Yuanbai's expectant peach blossom eyes, Duan Yu really couldn't say a single "no" for a while.

Then staggered Lu Yuanbai's gaze.

so close,

He was almost confused by the appearance of the person in front of him.

Seeing people and starting to stop talking, Lu Yuanbai said straight to the point, "Wife, why are you unhappy?"

Lu Yuanbai asked very seriously, his eyes fixed on Duan Yu's unsmiling face.

Seeing people and starting to ignore them, Lu Yuanbai began to ponder what Duan Yu said just now, and then tentatively said: "Because I don't send flowers?"

As soon as these words came out, Duan Yu turned his head and glanced at Lu Yuanbai.

Lu Yuanbai: "..."

Lu Yuanbai looked at his stingy wife and was speechless for a while. Before, he didn't ask for that rose because he was afraid that Duan Yu would get angry, but the answer was that Duan Yu would be angry regardless of whether Lu Yuanbai received the rose or not. .

After Duan Yu glanced at Lu Yuanbai, he turned his attention back to the planning case.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, Lu Yuanbai reached out and closed the plan in front of Duan Yu, raised his hand over Duan Yu's face and faced him.

"You are angry because I gave flowers to others?"

With his face held by Lu Yuanbai, Duan Yu couldn't turn his head without looking at him.

In fact, after Lu Yuanbai said this, Duan Yu also felt that he was quite inexplicable.

He thought that Lu Yuanbai was just interested in raising kittens and puppies, but today he was annoyed for a day after seeing Lu Yuanbai giving flowers to others.

Exasperated, yes.

This kind of emotion is suppressed in the bottom of my heart. What Lu Yuanbai gave to him can also be given to others.

As long as Duan Yu thought about this, it felt as if someone had made a hole in his heart.

Because he knew that Lu Yuanbai, who had lost his memory, was sincere towards him and revolved around him every day.

But this is only limited to when only two people get along.

He knew very well that the feelings Lu Yuanbai gave him before made him feel fresh, and he had never experienced it before, so he also had a deep desire in his heart.

But as long as this desire is expressed, there will be weaknesses.

Duan Yu is very disgusted to show his soft help, that is to give the enemy a chance to deal with him.

Just when Duan Yu's eyes were gloomy, he was about to speak.

Lu Yuanbai hugged the dog head of his dog man and took it into his arms.

Duan Yu's indifferent expression was taken aback.

next moment,

The youth's unique voice sounded above, "It turns out that you like me, wife, too."

Duan Yu's profile was pressed against Lu Yuanbai's side neck, and as soon as Lu Yuanbai spoke, the vibration of his vocal cords came clearly.

The two were skin-to-skin, and what the other said was tingling in the ears.

Lu Yuanbai straightened his upper body, his peach eyes were slightly curved, and he hugged Duan Yu tighter.

Bai Nen's small face rubbed against Duan Yu's head, and he knew very well that Duan Yu was angry because he sent flowers to others because he liked him.

Duan Yu has always been reticent before, never expressing anything to him in terms of feelings.

And because he was angry when he sent flowers to others, he undoubtedly cared about his performance.

Lu Yuanbai had a very strong perception of emotion since he was a child.

Just as Duan Yu was about to refute, he heard Lu Yuanbai continue: "I didn't give other people flowers, but that flower deserved it, and Shen Yuchi and I played games that hindered me, so I gave him the roses. , there is nothing to send or not to send."

"Do not be angry."

Lu Yuanbai hugged the person and shook it.

"I don't like other people. Besides, we are already married, and we married you because the one we like the most is you."

Lu Yuanbai hugged Duan Yu, for fear that his wife would think about anything else, and said everything very contentedly and did not leave room for himself in the future.

Lu Yuanbai felt that when he got married, he should give his lover a full sense of security.

The man's deep voice sounded, "Really?"

Duan Yu's eyes fell on Lu Yuan's white neck.

I thought that if Lu Yuanbai told a lie, he would immediately bite off his neck.

Lu Yuanbai hugged Duan Yu and nodded, "Of course it's true, my favorite now is you."

Duan Yu was silent for a while, and said, "Who was that before?"

Lu Yuanbai smiled without thinking, "It's my mother."

Duan Yu: "…"

For some reason, after Lu Yuan's vernacular fell out, Duan Yu also had a bottom line in his heart.

Then he raised his arms and was about to wrap his arms around Lu Yuanbai's waist when he saw that the person who was holding him released his hand at this moment and got up from him.

Duan Yu with his hands floating in the air: "..."

"Wife, wait for me."

Speaking of which, Lu Yuanbai stepped on his slippers and walked out of the study.

The sweet fragrance was pulled away from the whole body, and Duan Yu felt empty for a while. Seeing Lu Yuanbai leaving in a hurry, he thought that the other party had something urgent.

He also stood up from the boss chair.

Just as he was about to follow, the next moment he saw Lu Yuanbai walking into the study again with a large bouquet of roses.

The bouquet of roses was of many varieties and colors.

Lu Yuanbai came in with the flower in his arms, Duan Yu's expression froze.

Then Lu Yuanbai walked quickly and handed the flower to Duan Yu, and said a little embarrassed for a while: "My wife, I bought it after I earned money from my work today."

"I will try my best to make money to buy flowers and gifts for you in the future."

Lu Yuanbai's expression was very sincere and could not see any falsehood.

As he said that, he took out the ring that he brought back from the jewelry store today from his pocket.

Then he watched Duan Yu take a deep breath, with a visible nervousness on his face.

"Wife, I'm really sorry for forgetting you after a car accident and losing your wedding ring. I didn't mean to. I like you. I liked you when I woke up from the hospital bed. Thank you very much for your willingness to marry me. , would like to spend a lifetime with me."

As he spoke, he opened the ring box, and the ruby ​​ring inside was shining under the light.

Lu Yuanbai held the ring box with his right arm, and then took out the ring the size of Duan Yu.

For a moment, my nervous hands trembled, "I..."

Such a scene is very novel. Duan Yu's tall body is holding a bouquet of brightly colored roses, and he looks down at Lu Yuanbai's trembling left hand holding the ring.

Lu Yuanbai was nervous. It was the first time he had done such a thing as putting a ring on his lover, just like a marriage proposal.

Just when Lu Yuanbai couldn't say anything nervous, Duan Yu's sharp left hand stretched out in front of Lu Yuanbai.

Duan Yu looked at him with mixed emotions in his heart. Looking at Lu Yuanbai's trembling hand, he stretched out his left hand in a strange way.

Lu Yuanbai looked at it, and with trembling hands, he brought the ring into the ring finger of Duan Yu's left hand.

In Lu Yuanbai's eyes, this is a very sacred thing.

The moment the ring was brought into the ring finger, Lu Yuanbai's nose twitched and he said, "Wife, I love you."

He hopes that the marriage between him and Duan Yu can go on for a long time, and the love between the two will always be good.

These are what Lu Yuanbai desires.

Lu Yuanbai has done more things for Duan Yu emotionally than the Duan family. He will consider his emotions and care about his feelings.

Although Duan Yu didn't know what emotion it was, to be precise, he didn't hate Lu Yuanbai sticking to him, and he enjoyed it very much.

Duan Yu has always been a high-ranking person, and his feelings for anyone are limited, but looking at the sincere way to him in front of him, Duan Yu is not stingy to give him more feelings.

Then he took out the remaining ring from the ring box, raised Lu Yuanbai's hand, and pushed the ring into Lu Yuanbai's ring finger.

Lu Yuanbai's fingers were fair and slender, which matched well with a ruby ​​ring.

Duan Yu couldn't help holding Lu Yuanbai's hand and looked at it for a while.

"Wife, you should say I love you."

Lu Yuanbai's voice was muffled, very light and soft, Duan Yu looked down at Lu Yuanbai's red rabbit-like eyes.

After a moment of silence, he said, "I love you."

Lu Yuanbai's eyes were red, and he nodded obediently, pursing his lips.

Duan Yu looked at him funny and leaned over to look at him, "Why are you crying?"

Lu Yuanbai shook his head with his mouth closed, "I didn't cry."

He just felt that this scene was a little unpleasant and a little moved.

Lu Yuanbai looked at the ring on his ring finger, and his heart was sour. Now he is a family man again.

Then he looked up and saw that Duan Yu had been looking at him, a little embarrassed and began to change the subject, "My wife is late, let's go to dinner first."

As he said that, he was about to drag Duan Yu downstairs.

Duan Yu put the rose bouquet on the table by the window in the study, and then went downstairs with Lu Yuanbai.

Lu Yuanbai didn't eat much today because of work, and now seven o'clock in the evening is just dinner time.

Lu Yuanbai held the cutlery in his left hand and fed food into his mouth bit by bit.

While eating, I did not forget to add green vegetables to Duan Yu.

Duan Yujunyi's face was slightly cracked, looking at the green vegetables in the bowl, the pit dug by the two of them yesterday when they were eating, can't climb out in a short time.

Lu Yuanbai puffed out his cheeks and began to care about Duan Yu, "Wife, did you eat breakfast and lunch on time today? What did you eat?"

Duan Yu held the cabbage in the bowl with chopsticks, and selectively ignored Lu Yuanbai's first question, "white porridge and fried eggs."

Lu Yuanbai took a sip of water from the cup, "What about lunch?"

Duan Yu's hand holding the chopsticks paused imperceptibly and said nothing.

Seeing his wife's delay in answering him, Lu Yuanbai raised his head and looked at Duan Yu suspiciously.

Lu Yuanbai drank some water slightly, and the butler saw it and passed a napkin over.

After Lu Yuan said his thanks, he asked by the way, "Uncle, what did my wife eat for lunch today?"

The housekeeper was old and spent a long time in Duan's house. Lu Yuanbai didn't know how to address each other, so he called him uncle directly.

The butler glanced at Duan Yu without a trace. "Mr. lunch today..."

Duan Yu raised his sharp eyebrows and looked...

The housekeeper swallowed, "Sir didn't eat at noon today."

Duan Yu: "…"

Lu Yuanbai frowned instantly after hearing this, and looked at Duan Yu with suspicion.


There was a dead silence at the dinner table for a while.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, the butler hurriedly said that there was something else to do and left the restaurant like smearing oil on the soles of his feet.

Looking at Shang Lu Yuanbai's gaze, Duan Yu somehow felt an inexplicable sense of guilt in his heart.

This kind of self-doubt has never happened before.

I remembered the last time the two faced off on the second floor for a while because of eating on time.

Duan Yu never cared about such trivial matters as eating on time, but Lu Yuanbai seemed to have a different kind of obsession.

Lu Yuanbai looked at Duan Yu with a pair of peach blossom eyes, and said a little unhappily: "Wife, aren't you going to make a quibble?"

That's right, it's not an excuse,

is sophistry.

The boss, who is calling for wind and rain in the business world, was hoarse in front of Lu Yuanbai for a while.

After dinner, Lu Yuanbai went upstairs angrily, and even Duan Yu took the initiative to talk to him and Lu Yuanbai ignored him.

Although Lu Yuanbai was reluctant to be angry with his wife, the two had already argued for a round about eating on time, and Duan Yu obviously did not change his bad habit of eating irregularly. , Lu Yuanbai intends to give him some punishment.

Duan Yu looked at the back of Lu Yuanbai's departure, and for a while it seemed that the elementary school students who got zero in the exam were taught a lesson by their parents at the dinner table.

Then he glanced at the butler not far away.

The butler quickly turned his back when he saw it.

In the evening, the housekeeper went to the study on the third floor, and Duan Yu raised his head from the documents.

"How long do roses generally last?"

The housekeeper thought it was because he sued Mr. Lu in front of Mr. Lu that Duan Yu wanted to deduct his salary.

He was relieved to hear Duan Yu speak.

Butler: "It depends on the season."

Duan Yu: "How long can a broken rose last?"

The housekeeper thought for a while, and then said: "If there is sufficient water and sunlight, it can last for about half a month."

After hearing this, Duan Yu said, "Take someone to the warehouse to get some vases out."

"Okay, sir." The correctional officer asked carefully: "How much does sir need?"

Duan Yu turned his head to look at the large bouquet of brightly colored roses by the window.

The housekeeper also followed his gaze, and a bad idea instantly appeared in his heart.

Sure enough, the next moment I heard the man's deep voice say: "As many vases as you have, take as many vases as you have."


He knew it.

He has worked in Duan's family since he was ten years old, and he can't say that he knows Duan Yu's emotions and thoughts very well, but he also understands them very well.

I do whatever I want, and I don't listen to advice at all.

After Duan Yu looked at the bunch of flowers just now, the housekeeper secretly cried out in his heart.

A voice in my head said,

Sir, it will not be a flower arrangement in a vase.

Unexpectedly, this bad idea will come true in the next second.

The housekeeper was a little confused after hearing this: "Sir, there may not be so many vases in the warehouse."

Although the Duan family lacked everything, they really couldn't bring out so many vases for a while.

Duan Yu sat on the boss chair and leaned back, his long legs overlapped, "There are many vases at home, I see quite a few."


Decorated vases at home are not used for flower arrangement, but for appreciation, because they are all valuable and time-honored antiques.

The workmanship is exquisite, and it is a pity to use it for flower arrangement.

After experiencing some inner torment, the butler said, "Most of the ceramics and tile vases in Mr.'s house are antiques, and they are of great significance. It would be inappropriate for them to be used for flower arrangements."

The housekeeper knew this very well. Even if he didn't say it, Duan Yu knew it in his heart. After all, he bought it at major auctions.

Duan Yu looked at the bouquet of roses, and the picture of Lu Yuanbai walking into the study holding it was still in his mind.

"You also said they were vases." Duan Yu: "It's useless to put them as ornaments, it's better to smash them."

"..." The butler finally had to compromise, "I understand, sir."

Then he glanced at the bouquet placed by the window, which Mr. Lu brought back today.

The housekeeper sighed inwardly. Although it was a pity, the head of the family had spoken, and he, a servant, could only do as he did.

Then the housekeeper planned to walk out of the study and take people to the warehouse.

"and many more."

The butler turned around and asked, "Is there anything else, sir?"

Duan Yu raised his eyes to look at him, "Your salary is halved this month."


He knew he couldn't escape.

But Duan Yu's salary has always been a lot higher than the outside world, even if the salary is halved, there is still a lot.

After Duan Yu finished sending the flowers, the butler walked out of the study and went downstairs to take someone to the warehouse to get the vase.

Duan Yu was the only one left in the study for a while, and the documents on the desk could not be read.

His mind was full of Lu Yuanbai's angry look at the dinner table. This time it was more serious than before. Even if he took the initiative to speak, the other party ignored him.

Duan Yu glanced at the clock hanging on the wall, the time was 9:30 pm, Duan Yu looked at it as if he had remembered something, got up from the boss chair, and went down to the third floor.

Standing at the door of Lu Yuanbai's room on the second floor, he knocked on the door.

No one answered at first, Duan Yu raised his hand and knocked again, and the door was opened a small crack.

Lu Yuanbai had just taken a shower. At this time, he was wearing a bathrobe and opened the door to a small gap. Because of the bath, his fair cheeks were smoked by the mist, and Zeng pale red, and his peach eyes looked at Duan unhappy. reputation.

The voice was muffled: "What's wrong?"

Obviously still angry because Duan Yu didn't eat on time.

The door was open, but the gap was too small, and only half of Lu Yuanbai's face could be seen.

Duan Yu coughed, "It's getting late."

Lu Yuanbai looked at him suspiciously.

Duan Yu continued: "I'll squeeze toothpaste for you."

"No need." Lu Yuanbai refused very simply.

After a hard struggle this morning, Lu Yuanbai is now able to do the special skill of squeezing toothpaste with one hand.

Said to close the door.

Duan Yu quickly stopped Lu Yuanbai's movements.

Not giving up: "Really not?"

Lu Yuanbai knew that his wife was trying to coax him, but this time he had to teach him a lesson, "No need."

Then the door closed with a bang.

Duan Yu: "…"

After eating a closed door, Duan Yu had to go back to the third floor.

Coaxing people is really a technical job.

When Duan Yu was going to work the next morning, he saw pocket money on the floor at the door of the room as soon as he left the room.

It is still in the form of a mixture of banknotes and coins, but it is much worse than before.

Because Duan Yu's pocket money today is only two yuan and five.

In order not to bump into Duan Yu at work, Lu Yuanbai deliberately woke up early and put pocket money at the door of his wife's room.

The reason why there is only two yuan in pocket money is also a punishment for Duan Yu.

Duan Yu picked up the pocket money and put it in his pocket. When he walked to the second floor, he glanced at Lu Yuanbai's room and went downstairs for breakfast.

After that, I took the briefcase from the butler, and this morning I lost the hug that Lu Yuanbai had sent him to work before.

On the way to the company, the driver clearly felt that Duan Yu's mood was not as good as yesterday.

A morning at the company is no different than usual.

Since going to work, the secretary has been busy, dealing with work.

The documents are also screened first, and then the useful ones are sent to Duan Yu's office.

"Mr. Duan, this is what you need to pass today."

After speaking, the secretary waited by the side, and it didn't take long before a big, well-defined hand holding a document was stretched out in front of him.

The secretary looked at it for a while and was a little confused. In the past, the documents that Duan Yu was optimistic about would be placed next to the desk, waiting for her to pick them up.

This was the first time he raised his hand and handed her the document.

Then the secretary instantly noticed something was wrong.

Their boss seems to have something more in their hands today.

Read The Duke's Passion