MTL - I Lost My Memory Before the Divorce Was Agreed-Chapter 4

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After Duan Yu left, the blockade at the entrance of the hospital building did not disappear.

It is summer now, the weather is hot and dry, and there is a lot of scolding noise, and many patients cannot get a good rest.

"Are you journalists sick! This is a hospital, and you are here to disturb the rest of the patients. Some patients can't be frightened at all. Do you still have any humanity! If you don't leave, we will call the police!"

The medical staff and security guards were sweating profusely, and the clothes on their backs were wet.

However, the reporters surrounding the building seemed to be inaudible, and the male reporter at the head said, "Our industry is not easy, it's all for the sake of eating. Isn't Lu Yuanbai awake and asked him to come out and respond, we have The material is gone."

The tone is very arrogant, it seems that Lu Yuanbai can't come out to give an explanation today, and these people have been here until the other party comes out.

A female nurse who was struggling to stop the reporter knew Lu Yuanbai's current situation. The other party had just finished the operation. Although she woke up, she couldn't move at all, let alone come out to meet people, she couldn't even sit up.

The female nurse gritted her teeth, "Are you reporters leaders or police officers, why do you let patients come out to see you now! Let me explain to you!"

Unexpectedly, the group of reporters did not feel ashamed, but instead mocked, "Little girl, you are a fan of Lu Yuanbai, right now young people really have no bottom line, and anyone can be regarded as an idol in their hearts.

The female nurse was in a hurry. "To be fair, you are fans. You reporters' mouths and nibs are really people-eating things, otherwise they wouldn't be around here!"

As soon as the voice fell, the female nurse was hit by a mineral water bottle suddenly thrown over.

Although there was not much water in the water bottle, it was still painful to cover his forehead subconsciously.

I saw the crying girl with red and swollen eyes, pointed at her and said angrily: "You are a medical staff saving the dying and helping the wounded, but now you are here to excuse the murderer. Are you worthy of the nurse uniform you are wearing? Are you worthy of the education you have received?"

The female nurse covered her forehead and was obviously frightened by the water bottle that had just suddenly smashed over.

As if everything she had done to stop these reporters for her job was a joke.

She also knew that Lu Yuanbai ran a red light and caused a car accident. She didn't have any good feelings for Lu Yuanbai, and she didn't even want to take a look at the so-called star during the house rounds and let someone replace him.

But Lu Yuanbai is not the only patient in the hospital. She has to be responsible for her patients. There is no way for the patients to rest well now.

The female nurse was also a little excited for a while, "Why should I be sorry, everything I do now is worthy of my education, the nurse uniform I wear, all I do is my own job, it's you who are making trouble, show off your power It's you, and it's you who slander people!"

A male reporter stepped forward and said, "What are you yelling at this little girl! I'm still a kid in high school, my blood relatives were bumped into the hospital, and now my life and death are uncertain. No! It's a pity that you are still working in the hospital."

As he said that, he was about to step forward to push people, and the security guards and medical staff on the side rushed forward to stop him.

The female nurse was also pulled behind by the head nurse who came, but when she returned, she couldn't help but redden her eyes.

It reminded her of the time when she was leaning against her colleague this morning, ironically disgusting Lu Yuanbai.


But nothing lighter than stabbing a knife.

Just as the reporters started to push and shove the blocking security guards, a number of black people in suits got off from a few black cars not far away.

There were a lot of people in that group, all of them were strong and strong.

Walking to the front of the hospital building, without saying a word, he began to pull back the collars of the reporters who were chanting the so-called justice slogan.

Many reporters were staggered by the huge force, and fell directly to the ground in an even more embarrassed manner.

"What are you guys doing!"

A reporter was dragged down and got up in anger, but after confronting the bodyguard who was not much stronger than him, he silently shut his mouth!

In front of the sturdy bodyguards, those reporters who had been showing off their might just imagined being dragged to their backs one after another like a group of chicks.

Even some reporters carrying camera equipment, the camera smashed directly on the ground, and the equipment parts were shattered on the ground.

Then a bodyguard handed over a business card to the reporter whose camera was broken, "Contact for compensation."

The reporter looked at the business card in the bodyguard's hand and instantly changed his face.

These bodyguards are Duan's people.

Duan Shi can be described as the leader of the business world in City A, with power and power. Duan Yu, the boss of the company now in charge, is also a ruthless character who returned from overseas a few years ago.

Even the boss's own uncle was in politics, and no one dared to provoke him.

The reason why these reporters dared to go up to interview Duan Yu just now was just because of the large number of people. If Duan Yu really troubled them, every family would not be able to escape, and the unfortunate would also be unlucky, and there was no fear in his heart for a while.

But now it's different,

The reporter looked at the business card in the bodyguard's hand and hesitated to take it. The business card seemed to be saying.

"If you have the guts, come and pay for it."

For a while, the hospital building opened and the scene was extremely chaotic. The young man who was supposed to appease his sister took out his mobile phone and pointed it at the men in black who suddenly appeared.

The WB hot search for Lu Yuanbai's car accident remains high, but another entry with Lu Yuanbai's name gradually rises from the bottom of the list again, climbing to the third hot search.

Click in is a video sent by an anonymous user, and the number of views is amazing.

Click on the video, and it is the scene of the farce at the entrance of the hospital building.

In the video, reporters, medical staff and bodyguards in black suits are torn together, and it is obvious that the bodyguard who has a bad face and pulls people back has the upper hand.

Some medical staff fell to the ground together because their center of gravity was unstable because they were tightly held by reporters.

There was a weeping voice in the video, "We just wanted to ask Lu Yuanbai for an explanation, and it became like this. Lu Yuanbai's family asked bodyguards to stop us and started with us. Lu Yuanbai woke up early. Now, I don't know all this, we have been here all the time, and he is not willing to give an explanation!"

"Lu Yuanbai, come out whenever you have someone's conscience!"

The female voice who spoke has never shown her face, but she can also know that she is a family member of the van driver.

"There is simply no kingly law, so he beats people in broad daylight! Lu Yuanbai's husband is the man in power of the Duan family, and he can be lawless if he has money!"

"@Radio, Film and Television Bureau, Lu Yuanbai is still not banned for such a bad actor?"

"Calling bodyguards to beat reporters and medical staff, my **** conscience is eaten by dogs!"

"The reporter asked for an explanation for the victim's family. The medical staff rescued the victim in the car accident, but now they are going to be beaten. Is Lu Yuanbai still a human? How can he live with such a peace of mind!"

"I ask every day, is Lu Yuanbai dead?"

"What about the fans who quarreled with passers-by in the morning, why don't you say your brother is innocent now!"

"Thanks to the teacher who I watched Lu Yuanbai's performance before, and I fancied him for a while, now it's like being fed shit."

"Who's not, now seeing Lu Yuanbai's physical disgust, that boss of the Duan family is not a good person, how can a rich person have any kind of love, I think the previous show of love between the two was all hype, the boss may not be outside. How many little threes and fours?"

For a time, the direction of public opinion on the Internet was completely one-sided, and even the comments below Lu Yuanbai's endorsement business were completely lost.

"You guys are even looking for bad actors to be endorsements! How awesome!"

"Resist bad actors, boycott Lu Yuanbai!"

"There's no one who doesn't know what Lu Yuanbai has done! Hurry up and paste it up!"

"Lu Yuan's eyes were lawless, and he ran a red light and caused harm to innocent families. Now the victim is still in a coma in intensive care, and he is not out of danger, but Lu Yuanbai's injuries are minor and he has already woken up. The victim's family is asking for an explanation. , but was stopped by the bodyguards and used violence to harm the reporters and medical staff at the scene, and the bad actor Lu Yuanbai must resist!"

"The bad actor Lu Yuanbai must resist!"

"The bad actor Lu Yuanbai must resist!"

"Lu Yuanbai is backed by the Duan family, no one dares to provoke it, it may be difficult to block, alas..."

"Then let this scum continue to be at ease? We have so many people and great strength, I don't believe that capital is so powerful! It can be so rampant in a society ruled by law!"

"Yes! An artist like Lu Yuanbai who corrupts the social atmosphere will only bring harm to immature children and must be banned!"



Wait for the word entry to start appearing.

Looking at the WB hot search list at a glance, there are five or six about Lu Yuanbai.

Afterwards #路元白Blocked and replaced #Luyuanbai's car accident, becoming the top of the wb hot search list...

In the ward, Lu Yuanbai was lying on the bed with round cheeks, chewing the apple in his mouth.

Song Zhao went to the hospital cafeteria to get him a meal, but because he was too hungry, he planned to eat another apple pad to support his stomach.

This time, Lu Yuanbai didn't dislike whether the apple was peeled or not, and ate it one bite after another.

With a big bow like rabbit ears on the head, it is like a rabbit who only eats radish.

next moment,

The sound of the doorknob being twisted came from the door of the ward.

Lu Yuanbai's round cheeks stopped instantly,

His eyes were fixed on the door.

His meal is here!

In Lu Yuanbai's expectant gaze,

The next second, a tall man in a custom suit stepped in.

The man is tall and tall, with wide shoulders and long legs. He is a standard inverted triangle figure. He wears a suit and leather shoes, and his gestures are full of majesty.

Lu Yuanbai's small round face was bulging, and he looked at the person who came without blinking, and his eyes fell on the man's face unconsciously.

The man's facial features are straight, his eyebrows are sharp and ingenious, his jawline is smooth, his suit wraps his tight chest, and he has the abstinence of a gentle scum.

Lu Yuanbai stopped chewing the apple in his mouth for a while.

The young master has been fond of beautiful women since he was a child.

And the man in front of him looks better than in the photo.

For a while the brain stopped thinking,

Lu Yuanbai said directly, "Hi, wife!"


Read The Duke's Passion