MTL - I Lost My Memory Before the Divorce Was Agreed-Chapter 76

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Lu Yuanbai: ! !

The pain from the buttocks caused Lu Yuanbai to be stunned for a moment, and his peach blossom eyes widened, as if he was shocked but couldn't return to his senses.

Duan Yu spanked his ass! !

This thought appeared in his mind instantly, making Lu Yuanbai feel hot all over.

Just now when he was confronting the man, he appeared calm and calm, but at this moment there was nothing left, and the originally fair little face began to turn red uncontrollably.

For a while, I was embarrassed and annoyed.

He hasn't been spanked since he was eight! When he was a child, Lu Yuanbai was slapped by Ms. Lu Wanfang on his **** for making mistakes. At that time, Lu Yuanbai, who was still a little bun, dared not speak out.

I can only feel indignant in my heart,

How could he be spanked by a dignified man!

It was not until I grew up that I gradually got rid of this humiliating way of punishing mistakes.

However, what Lu Yuanbai didn't expect was that Duan Yu slapped him **** his **** just now.

Although Duan Yu had some control over this slap force, there was still a tingling pain after the slap on the buttocks, and it was obvious that he had used some strength.

Lu Yuanbai was lying on Duan Yu's knee, his originally fair cheeks were flushed red at this time, and a thin red lip trembled slightly.

"you you…"

Lu Yuanbai tried to say something, but because of his emotional ups and downs, his tongue was a little knotted for a while, and he couldn't say a word.

Duan Yu looked at the person lying on his lap indifferently with his brows and eyes, and the next moment he raised his knife and landed on Lu Yuanbai's buttocks, giving him another slap.


This time it was a lot lighter than before. Obviously, when Duan Yu slapped Lu Yuanbai's **** for the first time, Mingqian was mad at the popularity in front of him.

What is Lu Yuanbai is just a novelty to him, and the only one he loves is the eighteen-year-old Lu Yuanbai.

Since taking the position of the boss, Duan Yu has never been provoked like this, and his emotions were a little out of control for a while.

The first slap took some strength and hit Lu Yuanbai's **** hard, full of punishment.

The person in front of him can't be taught a lesson, otherwise he still doesn't know what irritating words can be said with that mouth.

After the second palm went down, Lu Yuanbai lay on Duan Yu's leg and his whole body trembled slightly.

For a while, I felt like I was about to burn.

Immediately afterward, he looked up at Duan Yu like a frightened little mouse, and saw that the indifference on the man's face had long since lost the softness of the indifference on his face when facing him alone.

The next moment Lu Yuanbai saw Duan Yu raise his hand again.

Lu Yuanbai's brows jumped, and he hurriedly put his hands behind his back to protect his buttocks.

"no no…"

However, Lu Yuanbai's whole body is now restrained by Duan Yu, and this weak resistance is like tickling, and it has no effect at all.

Lu Yuanbai's voice trembled slightly, for fear that the embarrassing slap would fall on him again.

He is already so old, and his face and dignity are much stronger than when he was heartless before.

However, the man was really angry, and he was determined to punish Lu Yuanbai severely.

Otherwise, Lu Yuanbai is arrogant because of his favor, and because of his liking, he will dare to do it next time.

Duan Yu ruthlessly pulled away Lu Yuanbai's hand on his buttocks, and then slapped him again.

Lu Yuanbai, who was hit by this palm, let out a whimper.

However, Duan Yu did not soften his heart when he heard Lu Yuanbai's aggrieved humming.

What Lu Yuanbai said in the ward at the beginning, his indifferent attitude towards him, and his stubborn quibble just now, the anger in Yu's heart could not be suppressed for a while.

"No more... no more..."

The next moment Lu Yuanbai struggled slightly on Duan Yu's leg, trying to escape like a little turtle trying to turn over.

However, Duan Yu pulled him back around his waist.

Lu Yuanbai exclaimed in a low voice, and his heart beat up and down in his chest for a while, jumping around.

He didn't want to be spanked again.

He is already a twenty-five-year-old adult, but now Lu Yuanbai seems to have returned to his childhood. He is ashamed of being spanked, but he dares not speak out.

Duan Yu put his hand on Lu Yuanbai's body, and suddenly remembered the scene when the two secretaries were deserting in the company and watching Lu Yuanbai's movie.

In that film, Lu Yuanbai was wearing a long gown. When he was tired and supported his waist, the fabric on his waist tightened with his hands inward, and the hem of the clothes was slightly lifted. The curves of Bai's round buttocks are very good.

At this moment, Duan Yu put his hand on Lu Yuanbai and swallowed.

really wrinkled...

However, even if he is tilted, he cannot escape the slap of the lesson.

This time we must let Lu Yuanbai have a long memory.

Duan Yu looked down at Lu Yuanbai, and the yin in his eyes didn't retreat halfway.

Heartless little white-eyed wolf...

Looking at the person who was lying on his lap, pursing his lips, and trembling slightly.

Duan Yu opened his mouth, "Does it hurt?"

The man's big palm gently rubbed the spot where Lu Yuanbai was beaten just now.

Lu Yuanbai's heart jumped in an instant, as if he was about to jump out of his throat, he wanted to raise his hand to stop it, but thinking that this move might anger the man, I don't know how many slaps he would have to receive, and finally he forcibly held back. .

He just lay on his legs and nodded his furry head reluctantly.

Don't mention how frustrated I feel for a while,

The arrogance when confronting Duan Yu just now disappeared.


The man continued to ask, and an indifferent and low voice came from above.

Lu Yuanbai couldn't see Duan Yu's expression now, but he thought that if Duan Yu said these words, he would definitely feel bad for him.

As long as he pretends to be pitiful, he can escape while the man is not paying attention.

The spoiled Lu Yuanbai is like this, he is dying, and he is still making wishful thinking in his heart.

And it's crackling and crackling, like...

I'm afraid others won't hear the same.

I saw Lu Yuanbai lying on Duan Yu's lap, nodding his furry head obediently, his voice was very soft, like a little beast that was very afraid of danger.


The man looked dangerously at the man on his lap, but at a glance he saw through Lu Yuanbai's small calculus.

very good…

Death was imminent, and Lu Yuanbai had no intention of repenting.

The deep voice that made the heart beat faster rang out again.

"You know you're afraid too?"

I don't know how to hear this sentence, Lu Yuanbai's heart skipped a beat.


Another slap in the ass.

Duan Yu suppressed Lu Yuanbai's waist with one arm, and slapped Lu Yuanbai's **** with the other hand.

"You know it hurts too?"

"You know you're afraid too?"

Lu Yuanbai couldn't speak for a while when he was beaten, "No...not...I..."

This is intermittent.

However, the slap that fell on his **** did not stop.

And a palm is heavier than a palm.

Lu Yuanbai wanted to block it, but he couldn't stop it at all.

For a time shame, anger, unwillingness mixed with fear mixed in the chest,

I regret very much why he said the names of Ass and Mimi so obsessively in the first place.

What he regrets even more is why he gave his **** such a name in the first place.

What's happening now is also very funny.

Ass dad is being spanked by someone.

Lu Yuanbai's buttocks are starting to numb slightly now, but the man doesn't mean to stop at all, obviously he is mad.

The man who is in the business world has no sense of existence in front of Lu Yuanbai with his rational composure.

The slaps on the buttocks were next to each other, and Lu Yuanbai felt aggrieved for a while.

He couldn't do anything either. When he woke up, he knew what he could do about the absurd things that happened in the past three months.

He just lived a little too awake, and he was right.

Duan Yu's voice was indifferent, "Do you know what's wrong?"

Lu Yuanbai slumped over the person, not knowing whether to answer or not.

However, this did not answer, in exchange for a crisp palm.

Lu Yuanbai felt ashamed and aggrieved for a while, and the little temper that Duan Yu was used to during this time also came up.

Just like a little milk cat showing small fangs, the dissatisfied voice said fiercely: "I'm right!"

What's wrong with him, he's just not responsible for Duan Yu. Isn't he just a little bit scumbag!

Isn't he just a scumbag who just sits and puts on his pants and runs away?

What's wrong with him, what's wrong with him!

Who has never been sorry in their life? !

After Lu Yuanbai finished speaking, the more he thought about it, the more guilty he felt. For a while, he felt a little sorry for the teaching that Ms. Lu Wanfang taught him when he was a child. Fortunately, Ms. Lu Wanfang is not here now. Now it has become a mixed doubles for men and women. Although he has a guilty conscience, the humiliation of being spanked made him very angry for a while.

He was right, he just lived a little more realistically, he just lived to understand better than anyone else.

What he said to Duan Yu at the beginning was after a lot of thought, and he said that after analyzing all aspects.

He and Duan Yu are not from the same world at all. I want to ask if Lu Yuanbai likes Duan Yu in his heart now?

The answer is clear, Lu Yuanbai likes it.

Even Duan Yu was his first love to Lu Yuanbai.

As long as you get close to someone, you can't stop your first love, whose heart beats faster.

But to Duan Yu, he was just an unexpected novelty.

No one knows how long Duan Yu can love him, and Lu Yuanbai himself doesn't know, maybe a day, maybe a year, but because of the example of his parents' marriage, Lu Yuanbai knows it can't be forever.

Since this relationship will belong to someone else one day, what else would he do?

The predecessors planted the trees and the others enjoyed the shade, which was what Lu Yuanbai didn't like the most.

Lu Yuanbai is a person who recognizes the truth. If he recognizes a person, he can't change it in this life.

But Duan Yu is different. There are a lot of people and things around him.

In case one day...

What if one day Duan Yu doesn't like him anymore?

At that time, will he still begging the other party not to abandon him in embarrassment?

he does not want…

The more Lu Yuanbai thought about it, the more aggrieved he felt. He clearly thought about all the possibilities, but it was also from the perspective of two people.

"I'm right." Lu Yuanbai pouted and said stubbornly, "I'm not wrong."

Lu Yuanbai once again said in a dazed way.

Duan Yu looked down at him, his dark black eyes were turbulent.

it is good!

very good!

Lu Yuanbai still didn't know what was wrong until now.

This time, Duan Yu was not soft-hearted with the force of Lu Yuanbai's butt, but only heard a snap.

The pained Lu Yuanbai was about to jump up from Duan Yu's leg.

Lu Yuanbai covered his buttocks uncontrollably in pain and looked at Duan Yu in disbelief.

However, the man was so angry now that he pressed Lu Yuanbai down again, and slapped him down one after another.

Lu Yuanbai: "You...ah..."

Lu Yuanbai just wanted to say something, but when he slapped his palm down, he buried his head in pain.

However, the man didn't seem to be relieved at all. The next moment, Lu Yuanbai felt a cold on his leg. Looking up, Duan Yu took off Lu Yuanbai's pants.

The pajama pants printed with cute bears were thrown to the floor pitifully at this time. Lu Yuanbai now had only a pair of white underwear on his lower body besides his shirt.

Lu Yuanbai's brows jumped, and he wanted to run with his two fair legs fluttering.


However, Lu Yuanbai just moved a little, and the next moment he was dragged back by the man.

"Duan do you want?!"

Lu Yuanbai now has an unstoppable fear and fear of men in his heart.

However, the man still didn't show any mercy, and slapped Lu Yuanbai's **** hard.

This palm directly blinded Lu Yuanbai.

The cotton pajama pants were fine just now, but now there is only a thin layer of fabric left under Lu Yuanbai's body, which can't cushion anything at all.

The sound of this palm is much clearer than the previous one. Although the force used is the same, it sounds more painful.

Lu Yuanbai was like a stranded fish with a white belly. He struggled hard, but it didn't work at all. He could only obediently be beaten in a very humiliating manner.

But I am still not reconciled. Anyway, if I resist now, I will be beaten. It is better to die with a backbone.

The next moment, I saw Lu Yuanbai stretched out his hand to cover his buttocks, and was indignant, with a small mouth and began to babble, "You beat me, this is domestic violence, you..."

Lu Yuanbai was panting for a while in embarrassment, "You are not afraid that I will sue you for domestic violence!"

What a scandal.

The big boss of a listed company, who is in front of others and behind his back, abuses his little husband at home.

After all, the scene of their marriage at that time was not on a large scale, and there was a lot of uproar.

He didn't trust Duan Yu and was not afraid.

However, after the man heard what Lu Yuanbai said, the movement of his hand did not stop, but increased his strength a little.

Looking at Lu Yuanbai, he said viciously, "Then go and sue."

"Better make some big news, a national sensation, and let everyone know you've been spanked."

"you you…"

Lu Yuanbai was so angry that he couldn't speak for a while, and his **** hurt.

"You are not afraid that I will sue!"

Duan Yu looked at him, his eyes light, "Even if you go to sue, they will only think it is the husband's love."

Lu Yuanbai was so annoyed that he could not wait to get up and fight with Duan Yu.

"I don't want you because of you!" Lu Yuanbai said angrily: "You hit me, there is nothing wrong with the decision I made!"

As soon as these words came out, Duan Yu really stopped, and Lu Yuanbai seemed to have found the key point instantly.

"You beat me now, and you still expect me to like you and be good to you, isn't it too much?"

"You domestically abused me, didn't repent, and even ripped off my pants and humiliated me!"

"You treat me like this now, who knows if it will get worse in the future!"

While talking, Lu Yuanbai still felt a little grievance in his heart, "You still said that you love me and love me, and you still beat me like that when you love me. I said it hurts, and you don't see you stop, you don't feel bad for me at all."

"It's a lie to say you love me! I don't want you."

Lu Yuanbai was lying on Duan Yu's lap, complaining about Duan Yu's crime.

It seemed that it was all Duan Yu's fault, and there was nothing wrong with him.

After speaking, he gave Duan Yu a dissatisfied look, "If you like me, you won't be willing to hit me at all."

Saying that, he got up slightly and knelt on both sides of Duan Yu. Because the man was sitting, Lu Yuanbai's line of sight was higher than Duan Yu's.

Lu Yuanbai looked at Duan Yu condescendingly, not knowing whether to live or die, "My **** hurts, it's numb!"

Duan Yu leaned on the back of the sofa and looked at Lu Yuanbai with unintelligible eyes.

"You said it yourself, do I dare to want you like you? You still blame me... and blame me for not being responsible for you, obviously you didn't suffer at all."

The more he talked, the more angry, Lu Yuanbai uncontrollably pinched Duan Yu's chest.

However, he hesitated that the other party's chest muscles were too hard and did not move.

Lu Yuanbai:…

After Lu Yuanbai finished his actions, he glanced at Duan Yu with a guilty conscience, and saw the man's expressionless face, as if he had no intention of punishing him.

Only then did Lu Yuanbai continue to bump his courage.

"Even when I woke up with no memory before, you were still lukewarm. You accepted me when I stepped up to chase you and ran away. I paid more affection than you before, and I even bought you a big deal. gem."

When he mentioned the ruby ​​ring, Lu Yuanbai felt that his heart was bleeding for a while.

That was all his savings over the years.

They were all used to buy big gems for Duan Yu.

When he woke up, he opened the mobile banking and looked at the deposits in it, and his eyes were black.

I can't wait to go back and strangle myself, who was paying with five cards at that time.

What kind of big natural gem did he buy? It was his life.

"Not only did I buy you a big gem head, but I also went out to work to earn pocket money for you. For your health, I won't let you picky eaters and let you eat on time. I didn't do anything."

"I'm still..." The more Lu Yuanbai said, the more aggrieved, "I'm still fighting with others for you."

On the way to the police station, Lu Yuanbai got into a fight because the other party said something bad about Duan Yu.

"When I left for work, I even gave you pets to plant flowers for you. You have nothing to lose."

"I have done everything that I can, so that you can slowly accept me. You have no loss at all when I saw your cold face before."

"I'll say now that I'm not wrong. You treat me like this, don't feel bad for me, and beat me."

Speaking of which, Lu Yuanbai felt aggrieved and touched his buttocks.

After Lu Yuanbai finished speaking, he quietly glanced at the man, as long as the other party had a little guilt, he would let him go next, and most of them said that Duan Yu didn't feel bad for him, but Lu Yuanbai felt sorry for him. Like Der Spiegel, Duan Yu couldn't help but feel distressed.

Seeing that the man did not move, Lu Yuanbai breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that Duan Yu will not continue spanking him.

He knew that pretending to be pitiful was useful.

In the past, Duan Yu liked him the most, and obviously it is the same now.

But when I said it, I felt aggrieved in my heart, and then continued to try again, "You treat me like this, don't feel bad for me, I don't like you."

Saying that, Lu Yuanbai swallowed and planned to get off Duan Yu.

For a time, my heart was very happy.

However, before Lu Yuanbai turned around, Duan Yu pulled him back the next moment.

The whole person fell into Duan Yu's arms.

"Lu Yuanbai" the man's dangerous voice sounded in his ears, "Who are you acting like a spoiled child with?"

Lu Yuanbai's heart sank suddenly.

Some stiff to see Duan Yu.

He underestimated the man in front of him.

"Do you think that pretending to be pitiful now will make me soft-hearted?"

Duan Yu suppressed Lu Yuanbai on his lap again, and the anger in his heart intensified. Just now Lu Yuanbai was obviously still trying to confuse him with the previous tricks and took the opportunity to escape.

"You think I'll fall into a place twice?"

What kind of person is Duan Yu?

Returnees became famous within a few years, and their skills and vigilant thinking are not comparable to ordinary people.

However, Lu Yuanbai was obviously provoking him just now.

The aura on his body was the suppression that Lu Yuanbai was completely unfamiliar with.

"Say I don't feel sorry for you."

Duan Yu looked down at the person lying on his lap, and his voice was indifferent, "Lu Yuanbai, I just love you so much, that I gave you the courage to plot against me in front of me."

"I don't feel sorry for you by spanking you? Then don't you know that I have more things to do to you?"

Duan Yu touched the back of Lu Yuanbai's neck, "I don't treat you that much, I just want to give you equal respect, and I don't want you to feel that you and I are not equal."

"If I want to play with you, Lu Yuanbai," the man lowered his head and approached, "You have been played to death by me long ago."

At this moment, Lu Yuanbai's heart was filled with unstoppable panic.

Because what the man said was not wrong at all, if Duan Yu wanted to play with him, it was almost a matter of moving his fingers.

Lu Yuanbai pursed his lips at this time, feeling aggrieved, but he didn't dare to say anything.

Duan Yu's hand moved slightly, making Lu Yuanbai's voice tremble with fright, "Can you stop fighting?"

This sentence can be said to be as pitiful as it is.

Lu Yuanbai's **** is numb now, if he beats him again, he will probably cry.

In fact, after hearing Lu Yuanbai's complaint about the pain just now, Duan Yu gave up the idea of ​​continuing to spank Lu Yuanbai's butt. He just wanted to pull the hem of Lu Yuanbai's shirt.

Unexpectedly, it frightened people.

However, this is the effect that is desired at this time.

"It's okay not to fight."

Lu Yuanbai looked at him aggrievedly, "Really?!"

Duan Yu looked down at the person, then leaned back on the sofa, "Kiss me."

Lu Yuanbai was stunned for a while after hearing this, completely unexpected that a man would make such a request to him.

"Can...can I change one?"

Lu Yuanbai pursed his lips and asked Duan Yu.

However, this requirement has no room for change.

"No kiss?"

Saying that, Duan Yu got up and planned to press Lu Yuanbai back on his lap.

Lu Yuanbai got up suddenly when he saw it, "Dear."

A pair of peach blossom eyes looked at Duan Yu with red eyes, and said aggrievedly: "Is it okay to kiss?"

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