MTL - I, Luffy, Awaken the Sun God on the Top-Chapter 13

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Navy Headquarters.

Warring States is very happy, because just now through the East China Sea's naval intelligence, Hawkeye has met the Straw Hat Boy.

Donghai's eyeliner was watching closely.

Soon, the reporting sailor came in.

Warring States asked: "How's it going? It's been more than a day since I met the Straw Hat Boy, should I try it out?"

"Marshal, according to intelligence, the battle started after Hawkeye arrived, and the battle lasted for a day and a half."

Hearing this, the Warring States Period shook.

Knowing that there was new news, Karp also came, so he naturally heard it.

After hearing that, Garp's heart sank. After fighting for a day and a half, Luffy...

The opponent is the world's number one swordsman, facing Hawkeye, fighting for a day and a half, how can Luffy bear it.

It can make Hawkeye fight for a day and a half, which shows that Hawkeye is serious. Even though Luffy is stronger than he imagined, what is going on now? seriously injured, or...

Garp frowned, his fists clenched.

Warring States could see Garp's mood, but he had to keep asking.

Warring States is happy in his heart. It was unexpected that Hawkeye could fight for so long. He thought it was just a test.

In that case, maybe the Straw Hat Kid has...

Warring States asked: "What happened afterwards? Did Hawkeye use all his strength?"

"Information says that based on the momentum of the battle, Hawkeye is probably at full strength."

These words made Garp's heart sink even more.

"Just now, according to the information, the battle is over. However, Hawkeye did not fight the Straw Hat Boy, but fought with the crew of the Straw Hat Pirates, the pirate hunter Zoro for a day and a half."

Hearing this, Sengoku was stunned, and Karp was also stunned.

Wasn't he fighting Straw Hat Luffy? how come…

Just the crew of the Straw Hat Pirates, Hawkeye fought for a day and a half...

Sengoku frowned, but Garp breathed a sigh of relief.

This information made Zhan Guo feel a little outrageous, and wanted to ask Hawkeye what was going on.

However, although Hawkeye is the king of Qibuhai, it is not something they can contact if they want to, and they still go their own way.

Just then, the phone bug rang.

Warring States quickly connected, because it was Hawkeye calling.

Zhan Guo tried his best to calm himself down and asked, "What's going on? Didn't you fight the Straw Hat Boy?"

Hawkeye's tone was as indifferent as ever: "Contacting you, the representative has completed."

"Straw Hat Luffy, you fought too?"

"No, first let me talk about the strength of the Straw Hat Pirates, the Pirate Hunter, and Roronoa Zoro. In terms of swordsmanship, they are only inferior to me."

Hearing this, both Sengoku and Garp were shocked.

It is only inferior to the world's number one swordsman, which means it is very powerful!

Warring States immediately asked his subordinates to get the information of the pirate hunter, and quickly brought it. After looking through it, he found out that he was only seventeen years old.

I know it's a three-sword style, a swordsman, but it's so strong.

He was able to fight Hawkeye for a day and a half, and it was learned from intelligence that Hawkeye was still injured.

This means that Hawkeye is not exaggerating. This seventeen-year-old Sauron is very powerful, even if he is placed in Qiwuhai, he is not weak.

Thinking of this, the Warring States period was shaken and heavy, and the rookie pirate group had such a powerful partner for a while.

Fortunately for the Warring States period, fortunately, I noticed it early.

Sengoku began to understand the specific strength of Sauron. Since it belongs to the Straw Hat Pirates, it is still so powerful, so it must be understood.

After understanding, Zhan Guo knew clearly.

Then, the most important thing.

Warring States asked: "What about the strength of the Straw Hat Boy? Since you have left, the representative has already understood, but the intelligence said that after you fought with the pirate hunter Zoro, there was no other fighting sound. You and the Straw Hat Boy did not fight?"

Hawkeye said bluntly: "No."

This made both Sengoku and Garp astonished, didn't they?

"Although not, I already know his strength. As a captain, he is not inferior to Roronoa Zoro, and even stronger."

Zhan Guo's face instantly became heavy. He already knew Sauron's strength, and his heart was shocked, so strong.

And now, Straw Hat, stronger... this...

I originally thought that although he is the captain, maybe the captain is weaker than the crew?

Although this kind of situation rarely happens, but to say that the straw hat boy is stronger, he thinks it is too outrageous, and he is still so young.

But now that it is confirmed, Sengoku's face is heavy, and there is another monster in the sea.

Zhan Guo was horrified in his heart, is this still his grandson? Why is it so powerful?

Hawkeye's temperament can never be exaggerated.

Immediately, Hawkeye hung up the phone, because what had to be said had already been said.

Warring States didn't ask any more questions, his face was heavy after sitting down, and he accepted the reality after a brief moment of contemplation.

Warring States order: "Go and release the reward for the Straw Hat Pirates."

"Marshal, how much is the bounty set?" Hai Bing asked, knowing that Zhan Guo already had a plan in mind.

Warring States said in a concentrated voice: "Pirate hunter, Roronoa Zoro, the bounty offered: 350 million Baileys!"

"Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, Straw Hat Luffy, the bounty: 450 million Baileys!"

"Hiss!" Hai Bing took a deep breath.

Garp grinned and began to eat the senbei, muttering: "Hahaha... as expected of my grandson."



Ask for flowers, evaluation tickets, rewards, monthly tickets, comments. Many thanks! .

Chapter 019

Soon, the arrest warrant was made and began to spread around the world.

Kebi, who was sweeping the floor of a naval branch, saw the reward list hanging on the wall. The photo on it was a grinning Luffy.

Kebi was startled when his eyes moved to the bounty offer below.

Even, suspecting that the number was wrong, I counted one by one again, and finally found that there was nothing wrong.

"450 million Baileys... that's amazing..."

Kebi was shocked, thinking it was 45 million Baileys, but found out that it was 450 million.

After the horror, Kebi was happy: "Mr. Luffy, you have finally moved towards your dream, congratulations."

After being happy, Kebi became serious.

"However, next time we meet, we may be enemies."

Seven days later.

The Meili is sailing in the sea, and its goal is the village of Cocosia.

After competing with Hawkeye, and after spending five days in the restaurant on the sea, Sanji agreed to board the ship.

Now, there are five members of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Usopp is still in the teaching space, but is about to come out.

Sanji couldn't wait to learn about the teaching space. He felt amazing and understood why Luffy and Zoro were so strong at such a young age.

Sanji naturally wants to enter too, he can't be too inferior to Zoro.

At this moment, two bounty lists floated on the deck.

Looking down, I naturally saw it, it was the reward list of Luffy and Zoro.

Nami picked up Luffy's eyes and was shocked.

"My God, 450 million peles."

Sanji was also shocked: "350 million Baileys."

Luffy and Zoro are naturally happy.

However, Luffy was not very satisfied in his heart, thinking: "Is it just 450 million Baileys? Forget it, if something bigger happens in the future, it will go up."

Nami also understands why Hawkeye wants to test Luffy's strength, it has something to do with the navy.

Sanji was a little dissatisfied. If he wanted to enter the teaching space as soon as possible, he couldn't be too inferior.

Windmill Village.

The villagers were also happy when they found out, especially the village chief and Makino.

Makino sighed softly: "Luffy is so powerful, the first time he offered a reward, it was directly 450 million Baileys."

The village head had a headache: "What a disgrace to our village."

Even so, I am happy and proud inside.

on the hill.

After Dadan saw it, he was very happy, relieved and proud, as if his child had achieved very good grades.

Dadan sighed softly, "Luffy is stronger than Ace."

Dadan remembers that the first time Ace offered a reward, the bounty did not exceed 50 million Baileys, while Luffy directly offered 450 million Baileys.

Navy Headquarters.

Karp's heart is more heavy.

Because in this way, the Navy will pay more attention to the Straw Hat Pirates and will eradicate evil.

Then stronger combat forces will inevitably be sent to deal with the Straw Hat Pirates, and those sub-navies in the East China Sea are impossible to deal with.

So Garp felt that he would definitely mobilize powerful combat forces from the headquarters to deal with it.

Karp prayed in his heart: "I hope I don't send a general, probably not."

Somewhere on the great sea route.

A small fire-powered schooner sailed with only one young man on board.

He has black hair, wears an orange cowboy hat, has freckles on his face, is naked on his upper body, wears a red bead necklace around his neck, has a black tattoo of ASCE on his left arm, and wears black knee-length shorts on his lower body.

He's obviously Ace.

Ace held a reward list in his hand, and his eyes flashed with surprise.

"The first time I offered a reward, it was 450 million Baileys. As soon as I went to sea, the bounty almost surpassed me."

After being surprised, Ace was happy and exclaimed: "Luffy, you have not only grown, but also grown to a very strong level."

Recalling Luffy's fist that always hit him when he was young, Ace couldn't help laughing.