MTL - I, Luffy, Awaken the Sun God on the Top-Chapter 190

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"That's how it went."

"This injury is impossible."

"Don't risk your life, Straw Hat, I, Kidd, have another appointment with you."

"It's very dangerous. Warring States must be thinking about this battle. It is the best result to solve Ace, Whitebeard, and Straw Hat at the same time."

The supernovas feel that Luffy is more ominous, just like Whitebeard.

Even, I think Luffy is more dangerous than Whitebeard.

Xia Qi sighed: "Even though Karp can release water, there is still the Warring States Period."

Rayleigh is also heavy: "Luffy, you won't stop here."

Rayleigh is looking forward to it in his heart, expecting that Luffy will reach Ralph Drew just like Roger.

Even, beyond Roger.

The captains of the Whitebeard regiment also found it difficult. The Straw Hat was seriously injured, and they were about to face Garp and Sengoku, which was impossible.

Although there is still a father, but the situation of the father is not optimistic.

They were desperate, but they had to fight.

Don't fight, there is no hope, fight, even if there is still no hope, try hard.

However, only everyone in the Straw Hats believes that Luffy can do it.

White Beard, Red Dog, and Aokiji bombarded each other and retreated.

White Beard showed pain on his face, looking at Luffy who jumped up.

The corners of his mouth and forehead were bleeding, his white beard was covered with beads of sweat, and his eyes were filled with anticipation.

"Go and try it, kid, if you are also a person who inherits the will of D, let me see the future direction of this era."

Daughter Island.

Hancock was so worried that he couldn't control himself again.

"No, I'm going to find Luffy."

Hancock is held back by his two younger sisters and stubbornly, blocking the 0...

"Sister, you can't go."

"Have you forgotten what Luffy said?"

Hancock didn't care, it was too dangerous, he was about to face Garp and Sengoku, in this state, he was not an opponent at all.

Hancock scolded: "Whitebeard, old guy, what is the world's strongest, it's too low, and the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates, this battle, let Luffy work so hard, they can't compare to Lu Fei fly."

While worshiping and admiring Luffy, I also feel that the White Beards are too inferior.

Whitebeard can perform more aggressively, and Luffy will not be like this. He was besieged by the three generals just now.

Luffy's condition is better, so he won't be so worried when he jumps on the execution platform.

"Sister! If you go, Lord Luffy will be angry!"

"If I have a bad impression of my sister, then it will be difficult for my sister to be with Lord Luffy, or to say, it will be difficult for my sister to marry Lord Luffy."

Suddenly, Hancock suddenly calmed down.

The previous sentence is okay, but it is difficult to marry Luffy.

No, I must marry Luffy and become Luffy's woman.

If you can't be with Luffy, you might as well die.

Hancock calmed down, flushing.

"Luffy, you said you would come back, then I will continue to wait for you."

Seeing Luffy jumping up, when Kizaru was fighting Sanji, the other hand condensed the laser and aimed at Luffy.

"Devil God Wind Foot!"

However, Sanji moved quickly, kicked his arm, and the laser deflected.

Huang Yuan frowned and was blocked.

Sanji said: "Either watch obediently, 3.1 or continue to fight."

It means, either continue to fight with me, or don't fight, let's see how Luffy saves Ace.

Huang Yuan thought for a while, and it was easier to stand and watch, and the battle was hard to end in a short time.

Luffy jumped up and was parallel to the execution platform.

Warring States is waiting, is believing.

Ace was worried, so he came anyway. Although he was close, he felt that Luffy was extremely dangerous now.

However, Ace also wanted to fight, and hoped that Luffy could succeed and open the Hailou Stone.

Then, it's time to express the power of the explosive burning fruit.

However, Luffy will say: Ace, you who burn the fruit, look at my fifth gear.


When Luffy was about to fall to the execution platform, a white and strong figure swept up, and it was Garp.

For a moment, all eyes focused on the sky.

Luffy, meet Garp! .

Chapter 187 Emperor Ace Yan, Luffy Sun God

The fourth-stage snake man Luffy jumped up with a firm expression, even Grandpa Garp couldn't stop him, it was coming soon.

"Grandpa, get out of the way!"

Karp has a complicated heart, but a firm face.

"How could I get out of the way, the old man is a lieutenant general of the navy headquarters! Before you were born, I have been fighting pirates. If you want to pass here, just step on my dead body!"

Hearing this, Zhan Guo felt relieved.

On the battlefield, the navy is more powerful.

"Great, Lieutenant General Garp has done it."

"It's impossible for the straw hat to go up, and there is no need for Marshal Warring States to do it."

"That's right, and Lieutenant General Karp obviously meant to do his best when he said this."

"Yeah, I mean desperately, have you thought about it? Impossible, unless Lieutenant General Karp died and stepped over the corpse. But, impossible, let alone the current straw hat, even the straw hat in its heyday, it is impossible to defeat Kap Lieutenant General Pu, let alone killed."

"So, if there is no hope, the navy will win!" 04

The pirates are heavy-hearted, and the pirates in the white group are even more desperate.

"I thought Garp would release the water, but this is not necessarily the case."

"Hey, even if the water is released, there is still the Warring States Period."

"There is no hope."

Chambord Islands.

The civilians cheered.

"Oh, Lieutenant General Garp is mighty."

"The Straw Hats are gone soon."

"Karp won't kill the straw hat, he will knock him out."

"The Navy will win."

Ace, who was kneeling on the execution platform, looked at Garp's jumping back, invincible, and worried.

Garp growled and punched.

"Luffy, I will not be soft, I will treat you as an enemy!"

However, Luffy punched quickly, and the Orochi shot out, landing on Garp's chin.

Karp was blown away, spitting blood from his mouth.

This made Zhan Guo look ugly and had a headache.

Is the straw hat more powerful? Garp can't hide? No, no, it is still water.

Warring States didn't think too much, he was still there.

The battlefield was dumbfounded.


"Lieutenant General Garp, he was beaten down."

"It's okay, Garp will get up in an instant, and then continue to block."

However, soon, they were even more stunned. Karp fell to the ground and didn't come out after hitting the deep hole.

This made the Navy look at each other in dismay.

Luffy thanked him in his heart, but Grandpa still released the water and softened his hands.

Garp just wanted to lie in the pit forever.

"Luffy, although I didn't stop you, there is still the Warring States period, it's too difficult and too dangerous."

Garp is heavy, although he has not knocked down Luffy now, but other high combat power will do it.

Especially in the future, Luffy will become more and more dangerous, after all, he is very close to Ace.


With a sound, Luffy landed on the execution platform! In front of Ace!

In an instant, the battlefield was silent for a short time, and everyone in Shampoo was silent.

"Karp still released the water."

"It's okay, don't panic, there is Warring States by the side."

"Although I'm already standing in front of Fire Fist Ace, I can't save him."

"What can I do if I come here, it's useless."

Whether it is civilians, pirates, or supernovas, they all feel useless.

Raleigh sighed: "I hope it can be successful, although it is impossible."

Sengoku is on the side, it is impossible for Luffy to save Ace.

What's more, even if he is saved, it is not really saved. Leaving Marin Vandor is the real way to save Ace, otherwise he will stay deep in the battlefield.

At this time, Huang Yuan stood and watched.

However, Huang Yuan felt that it was also supporting one of the three major strengths of the Straw Hats.

Huang Yuan put his hands in his pockets, very leisurely.

"We're going to the execution platform, but, with Marshal Warring States around, don't try to save Fire Fist Ace."

Naturally, Sanji couldn't move, he was smoking, panting, looking at the execution platform with anticipation in his eyes.

Read The Duke's Passion