MTL - I, Luffy, Awaken the Sun God on the Top-Chapter 215

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Usopp climbed to the position of the watchtower, observing the danger ahead.

Chopper directly turned into a humanoid form and Brook took over the task of controlling the sails.

"We are about to collide in front, adjust the direction quickly!"

Robin crossed his arms, "Wanlunhua!"

On the reef that the Wanli Sunshine was about to rub against, a huge palm suddenly grew, and it assisted in the steering in time.

On the front of Kraken, Sanji is not far behind.

"Sea walk!"

For a while, even Sanji was able to move at high speed even under the tremendous pressure of sea water.

This speed, even if compared with the mermaid's swimming speed, might as well let it go!

And flexibly dodge Kraken's tentacles!

Sanji moved at high speed in the sea water, directly approaching the vital position of Kraken!

Then there was a burst of kicks!

Every kick was effective, and the superimposed huge force made Kraken overwhelmed.

He was beaten unconscious soon after.

At this time, Luffy also swam up after regaining his strength.

"Sanji, wake him up! If such a big sea king can pull the boat for us, the market will be much easier later."

After Kraken woke up, looking at the three villains in front of him, he subconsciously covered his head with two tentacles.

Luffy crossed his waist and said:

"You bastard, you still want to destroy our ship!"

"If you don't want to continue to be beaten by us, help us pull the boat!"

Kraken nodded frantically, and then actively stretched out a tentacle and pointed to his head.

Seeing that the communication was smooth, Lu Fei smiled and said:

"Then you'll be called Little Squid from now on!"

Sanji was still puzzled.

Kraken, a Neptune who originally only existed in legends, can Luffy actually communicate with him?

The reality is that Luffy really did.

0····Ask for flowers····

Then, under the **** of Kraken, the three of them chased after the Wanli Sunshine.

Aboard the Miles of Sunshine.

Everyone breathed a long sigh of relief for the rest of their lives.


"I was so scared that my heart almost jumped out, yo **** ho **** ho **** ho ho, although I don't have a heart."

Usopp: "When will I get to Murloc Island! This sea is too dangerous!"

Chopper suddenly remembered something and said in a trembling voice:

"Luffy Zoro and Sanji, they seem to have lost us!"


"They, should...shouldn't they..."

However, they rode the falling current and came to the deep sea.

You can't see your fingers here. If you have a claustrophobic person, you will probably pass out on the spot.

Franky once again shows his versatility as a robot!

When Usopp and Chopper saw Frankie posing, their eyes turned into stars.

"Chest light!"

The next moment, when the light on Frankie's body was turned on, both of them's faces were darkened!

"Don't be able to shine wow from weird places!"

Nami suddenly pointed in a direction full of fear,

"Usopp, Chopper, you...behind you."

Usopp and Chopper instantly petrified when they saw Nami's frightened expression.

Instead of being afraid, just don't turn your head.

As if this would not scare them.

At this moment, Robin noticed that there seemed to be a huge movement behind the ship.


An extremely muffled sound came, and Chopper and the huge sea fish behind Usopp were directly slapped by several tentacles of Kraken.

In a short while, the sea fish, which was as huge as a Neptune, turned its belly inch.

Chapter 221 Fishman Island Palace

Seeing Kraken again, although everyone on the boat didn't know why they would help them.

Ready to flee right away!

Luffy Sauron and Sanji, under the **** of Kraken, quickly caught up with the Wanli Sunshine.

The three of them directly merged into the membrane of the boat,

"Everyone! We're back!"

Chopper directly came over and hugged Luffy, "Whoa, I thought I'd never see you again!"

"Great, you are finally back!"

After Sanji came back, he instantly changed his form, and his eyes turned into hearts.

"Nami-san! Robin-san! Seeing you again is a destiny destined by heaven!"

Nami and Robin directly ignored "620" and dismissed Sanji.

I was relieved to see everyone coming back.

Frankie on the side was stunned for a moment, and immediately prepared to shoot, wanting to get away from Kraken as soon as possible!


"Wait, Frankie! Don't waste the energy of Feng Lai Pao!"

"Squid is our companion now, let him **** us to Fishman Island for the rest of the journey!"

Everyone's eyes widened when they heard Luffy's words. Chopper pointed at Kraken and said:

"Luffy, have you really subdued it?"

Luffy nodded,

"In the sea, it is difficult for me to fight, thanks to Zoro and Sanji."

"Now he is also a member of our partners!"

After Luffy finished speaking, Kraken nodded his head in a very humane way.

At this time, everyone was relieved, and Usopp took a serious look at Kraken.

When he met this big guy for the first time before, he was so scared that he didn't dare to look at it.

After careful observation this time, I realized that this guy's expression didn't seem so vicious.

The key is to be human!

Soon, everyone accepted this new partner.

With the help of Kraken, the next route became much easier.

But should I say it or not, everyone's luck is really a bit too bad.

It just happened to meet a volcanic eruption under the sea.

With a natural disaster of this level, even Kraken had to run away desperately.

When everyone was about to be swallowed by the flowing magma, including Kraken, even the Wanli Sunshine fell directly into the trench.

The huge earthquake brought by the volcanic eruption rolled countless rocks into the trench.

When the number was relatively small at first, the Kraken was also able to break some rocks with its tentacles.

But as time went by, more and more gravel rolled down the trench, and even if Kraken was a sea king, his life was in danger at this time.

On the nick of time, Usopp picked up his slingshot.

"Million Green Star!"

With Usopp's move, he hit the cliff of the trench.

In a few seconds, a large area of ​​plants immediately grew.

All the countless gravel and rock blocks were blocked on it!

It is the most critical thing, a green star, directly let the Wanli Sunshine get out of the predicament!

Luffy: "Nice job!"

Nami: "Well done Usopp!"

Chopper: "Great, finally survived!"

Usopp touched his nose when he heard everyone's praise, his face full of pride.

Nami looked at the record, and happily said after the pointer:

"That's right, it's here, as long as you walk down here, you can reach Mermaid Island!"

Sanji, who was hanging on a bottle of blood to replenish his blood, sat up in shock in his dying condition.

"What is coming to Mermaid Island?"

For a while, Sanji's nose dripped red liquid again.

In the next second, he lay down on the ground again. . . .

Chopper quickly took out photos of all the beauties and put them in front of Sanji.

"Sanji Sanji, you can't die! Take a look and strengthen your immunity!"

However, this trick doesn't seem to have much effect on the current Sanji.

His vision has been completely occupied by the beautiful and elegant mermaid fantasy.

After a while, everyone's eyes suddenly became brighter. The strong and dazzling light made everyone squint their eyes.

But when everyone gradually got used to it, everyone without exception stared at the scene high on the bottom of the sea and was stunned.

That's a giant bubble.

In the middle of that bubble, from there emanated a light like sunlight.

There seems to be a huge tree in the vagueness, which immediately makes people feel full of vitality.

This is completely different from the hell-like scene they experienced when they dived.

Looking at this dreamlike scene, Nami looked at the record pointer in disbelief, and the direction pointed by the record pointer was Murloc Island.

"Here we are, we have finally reached the 3.1 place where the mermaids live!"

"Ah! Let's go to Murloc Island!"

Usopp and Chopper. Then echoed:

Read The Duke's Passion