MTL - I, Luffy, Awaken the Sun God on the Top-Chapter 235

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After Nami taught Brook and Chopper a lesson, she realized that Luffy was not on the boat and asked Robin, "Where's that guy, Luffy?"

Robin took out the phone and shrugged helplessly.

"Luffy, you actually changed my plan, let's see how I deal with you when I go back."

On the other side of the shark submarine, Sauron and Sanji both looked at Luffy in the back row with sympathy, and Luffy ate the meat he brought with him nonchalantly.

The giant on the small raft of the warship group was tied to a cross, with a white cloth covering his head, and a big evil character was written on the cloth.

Vice Admiral Mole stared at the tied giant (Wang Nuozhao) and asked, "I've never heard of any pirate taking the initiative to board the government's transport ship. Why did you do this?"

The bound giant was covered by a hood with a bad character, and when he heard the mole's question, he shouted excitedly: "I just want to get back what belongs to me. After you go to war again, the original new world has already disappeared." There is chaos, and the island where your government is docked is one of them."

"Now the people on the island are living a life without eating their last meal, but even so, your ships still took away the last remaining food on the island. It is just to prepare food for your nobles every night. Banquet, I'm a cook, and it's my mission to fill the stomachs of those who can't eat enough.".

Chapter 254 Ghost

Mole's eyes were indifferent. He himself was appointed by the government to say that pirates were attacking government ships. He retorted to the giant's statement: "You mean, you boarded the ship for food? The tragedy on that island is not yours. Was it caused by pirates? Don’t change the concept secretly.”

After hearing this, the giant's eyes became sharper and he said, "Anyway, we are like parallel lines, which can never intersect."

The mole didn't say anything, turned to the surrounding navy and said: "Recently, there have been frequent pirate attacks in various places. Now that this pirate ship has already imprisoned pirates, don't relax your vigilance. Keep an eye on the sea for any abnormalities. No movement, don't hesitate to shoot directly."

main ship

The navy watching from the lookout saw a ship holding a phone and reporting: "Vice Admiral, we found a pirate ship in front of our fleet."

Aokiji ignored it and continued to lie lazily on the seat wearing a blindfold, while Momotu stood aside and wiped his saber 697.

Huoshaoshan looked at the side of Qingji and Taotu and ignored it, "Have you seen the flag clearly?"

"See clearly, the lieutenant general is the Straw Hat Pirates!"

"What? Why are they here?"

When Momotu heard the words of Straw Hat Pirates, she directly held the knife in her hand and her eyes were full of murderous intent. Now she wants to get back all the shame brought to the Navy by wearing the Straw Hat of War.

blue blue blue

"I'm the Mole."

"Vice Admiral Mole, the Straw Hat Pirates are found nearby, please take extra care."


The mole put away the phone bug and said to the guarding navy again: "There are pirates infested nearby, everyone should be more vigilant."

A major general heard a pirate approaching the mole and asked in a low voice, "Lieutenant General Mole, is it really okay for us to take this route?"

Mole stood in front of the small raft and looked at the first ship (aedb) and said: "Actually, I originally came here for the escort, but because the route is dangerous, I specially transferred a general and two lieutenant generals from the headquarters. Major generals escorted them together, so there is no risk in this trip."

Huoshaoshan's face was also sweating nervously. He knew the fighting power of the straw hat. He was invincible on the top. It was difficult for them to block it, so he pretended to be calm and said: "Don't worry about them, keep sailing. Keep an eye on it." If you find it close, report it immediately."

On the other side, Nami was approaching on a jet ski, Robin and the others also stopped in front of the furthest warship, and Luffy and the others also arrived at the designated location. They all reported their positions to each other.

Lili, who was smaller, stood at the bow of the ship and said to Luffy and the others with tears in her eyes: "Thank you everyone, if I'm the only one, I'm afraid I won't be able to get close to the warship."

"It's still too early to say thanks. We'll come out if we haven't."


"Miss Lili, rest assured and leave it to us."

Sauron, Luffy, and Sanji asked her not to worry.

Nami took out the phone bug and said, "Start!"

Robin Brooke Chopper jumped straight onto the warship.

"Dazzling Hundred Blossoms."

"Fold at the waist."

Gaba, a series of voices rang out on the deck, without any resistance in front of the fruit ability.

Robin took the lead, and the navy on the deck was strangled to death by the hand that appeared from behind before he could react.

A warship next to it saw the navy that fell from the ship, and was surprised: "What's going on? Report to the lieutenant general."


"There are ghosts."

Everyone followed the sound and saw a skeleton standing at the bow of the ship.

Brook's soul left his body and ran around on the boat: "Hahahaha. I'm not a ghost, I'm a soul."

The mole who was in charge of guarding the giant on the raft heard a scream and asked his subordinates, "What's the sound? What happened over there?"

Nami received the message from Robin and then said to the phone bug: "Sauron, you can act now."

"Come on!"

Luffy jumped up and down happily when he heard that he could go out and beat people.

Sauron and Sanji flew out first, and the two of them kept walking in the air until they reached the sky above the raft. Sauron rescued and cut off the chains that bound the giant. Sanji went over the warship in front of the raft and kicked the chain that was pulling it.

The two quickly returned to the raft after they were done.

Without the shackles of the chains, the giant slumped to the ground.

Nami watched happily from a distance and said, "It seems that everything is going well!"

He froze when he saw Luffy.

Lili stood on Lu Fei's shoulders and the two stood in front of Lili's father, "You can't see your face like this!"

Hearing the sound, the Mole quickly turned around and said with surprise on his face: "The Straw Hat Boy."

"How did Straw Hat Luffy and the others get here?"

When the other marines on the small raft saw Luffy, they remembered the sun **** from the top battle, and they didn't dare to stop him for a while.

Luffy used his fruit ability to reach out and take off Papa Lili's headgear.

"Hello! Uncle Pancake."

Lili said with tears in her eyes: "Father."

The giant opened his eyes and didn't expect Lili to appear in front of him. After all, there was more than one lieutenant general on the warship. "Lili".

Chapter 255 Ice Age

Sauron came out from behind the giant, and the navy next to him looked at him nervously with a weapon in his hand. Sauron ignored him and looked at Luffy and said, "Hey, Luffy's chain has been cut off."

"That's the pirate hunter Zoro, not only the Straw Hat but also that person."

Haijun looked at Sanji suspiciously and said, "Who is it, it should be this."

Sanji jumped up angrily when he heard the conversation of the navy behind him and shouted, "I am Sanji, Straw Hat Pirates Sanji."

The navy looked at the three of Luffy Zoro Sanji and said to himself, "Where did they come from?"

Seeing this scene, Nami directly covered her forehead and said, "It's screwed up again."

After covering his forehead, he cheered up and took out the phone bug and ordered Franky: "It's okay, I expected it from when Luffy took the shark submarine, and Franky drove the boat over."

"Give up the bamboo raft, tie the rope to Lili's father and lead him away."

Franky also put away the anchor and sprinted towards the fleet at full speed~: "Got it."

The mole drew his sword and rushed towards Luffy, saying, "Straw hat boy, I have been training hard for two years and I just want to fight with you again, accept it."

Luffy turned sideways and dodged directly, jumped back and opened the distance directly.

The Mole continued to slash forward with the knife, but Sauron directly blocked it and said indifferently, "Are you a lieutenant general?"

Sanji on the other side has been dodging the bullets fired by the navy, "It seems that he wants to start a full-scale war."

After hiding a few times, he went directly to the warship and kicked the navy.


A series of shells shot out from the bottom of the water and hit the warship directly. Lili's father was also shot and lay motionless on the bamboo raft.

The mole was pushed back a few steps by Sauron, looked at the shells fired from the bottom of the water and asked Sauron, "What? Is there anyone else?"


A man sat on a chair and laughed loudly: "Hehehe, I'm just saying hello." He floated up and caught them all. "

A group of crew members dressed in the same clothes said excitedly: "Yes."

"The cabin is flooded."

"Where is the enemy?"

There was chaos on the deck of the warship.


Qingzhi heard the voice outside and sat up and said: "It's finally here."

He came to the bow of the boat in a flash, and Taotu and Huoshaoshan also followed.

Xiu Zuo came directly to Mole and said with a smile, "Long time no see, old friend!"

Mole didn't expect this guy to appear here. "You are Xiu Zuo."

Xiu Zuo stroked his chin and looked at Mole carefully, saying: "It seems that you should already be a lieutenant general."

Mole looked at Xiu Zuo and thought of a possibility, "Is the recent pirate attack all your fault?"

Xiu Zuo didn't deny it, then looked at Lili's father who was lying on the ground and said, "Yes! Today his head is also mine."

Mole didn't expect this person to be so arrogant, but when he thought that General Aokiji hadn't shown up yet, he said confidently, "You're delusional, you don't even want to leave here today."

Xiu Zuo directly took out a remote control and pressed it. "yes?"

Many torpedoes floated around the entire naval fleet.

Lili ran up to them and cried, "Father, are you okay?"

The giant held Lili in his palm and said comfortingly, "It's okay, don't cry."

Robin and others all came to the bamboo raft, and Frankie also drove the Sunshine to the side of the bamboo raft.

Luffy clenched his fists and slowly walked towards Xiu Zuo and said, "Go and get uncle away, I'll deal with this guy."

"Ice Age."

Aokiji saw that the giant was about to be taken away, so he jumped directly to the surface of the sea, and used his ability to directly freeze the seawater near the warship into ice, leaving only the middle without ice.

Sauron cut directly to Lu Fei's side and said, "If you want to attack our captain, you have to see if I agree."

"The reaction is very fast, it depends on whether you can block it." Momotu said directly while slashing at Sauron with the knife in his hand.



Facing the Vice Admiral, Sauron lost the contempt just now, and directly resorted to Asura.

"Is that a person?"

"There are actually three heads and six hands."


The surrounding navy and Xiu Zuo looked at the Asura used by Sauron, and their eyes were full of shock. Are you sure this combat power is not the captain?

Xiu Zuo has also seen the big world and is not afraid to call Luffy directly, "Look at your abilities, lend me a punch."

Mole and Huoshaoshan watched Luffy deal with Xiu Zuo, then looked at each other and began to clear Xiu Zuo's men.

Lu Fei saw that Xiu Zuo's fist did not dodge, and he grabbed it with his hand: "Third gear, domineering winding rubber machine gun."

"Ah! Ah!"

Xiu Zuo was directly thrown into the sea by Luffy.

Luffy and others turned their heads to attack other people on the bamboo raft. The navy and pirates fled to the boat one after another. Zoro also repelled Momotu and returned to Luffy panting heavily, his eyes still burning.

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