MTL - I, Luffy, Awaken the Sun God on the Top-Chapter 254

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In the laboratory, Luffy sat up from the ground, covered his head and said in a daze, "Obviously I took precautions, but I still followed Caesar's way."

"You finally woke up."

Luffy looked at the voice, and asked Luo in surprise, "Luo, why are you here?"

Luo who was sitting on the ground asked back: "I also want to ask you this question."

Robin in the other corner looked at the crowd and said, "It seems that we have all been arrested."

Luffy looked at the surrounding environment and asked, "Where is this? When?"


Hearing a voice from the other side of himself, Lu Fei followed the voice and said, "I didn't expect you, an old smoker, to be here."

Dashiqi, who fell on the ground, wanted to break free from the chains that bound him.

Luo looked at Da Siqi struggling and said, "Don't struggle, it's useless. This chain is made of Hailou Stone, and the capable person will lose strength when touching the whole body."

The door of the cell was opened, and the person who walked in said with a smile: "It seems that you are all awake." Inch.

Chapter 306 Navy traitor

Seeing the person walking in, Luffy asked Luo, "Who is this person!"

"Much more energetic than I imagined."

Da Siqi looked up at the familiar voice and said in surprise: "You are?"

Smoker also saw the person coming and asked in disbelief: "Why? As the leader of G-5, why did you appear here? Virgo!"

"Go and release our boss Smoker. Colonel Dashki."

Just after Smoker and others were taken away, the other G-5 navy launched a fierce attack on the orcs at the entrance of the research institute, and the orcs guarding the door also fiercely fought back against "803".

The orc leader recalled Caesar's order and quickly told his subordinates: "Everyone retreat, close the door!"

Two half-orcs ran to the mechanism and turned the gears of the mechanism. There was a violent vibration above the door. The attacking navy stopped and looked over the door. A black iron door fell down.

The marines ran for the door. "No, the entrance is blocked."

Before they reached the door, the doors on each floor had already fallen, completely separating them from the research institute.

"Still barely caught up."

"Open the door quickly, you bastards!"

"give it to me."

"No way, this door left no trace under our attack. :"

The navy's hammers, guns, knives, and bombardment had no effect on the gate.

Seeing the soldiers who went to the back door come back, they hurriedly asked, "How is the situation at the back door?"

The soldier who came back told what he had seen. "Now the back door is also sealed, and the entire laboratory is now closed."

A leading navy man gritted his teeth and said, "That guy named Caesar is really cunning."

Another navy said with a worried face: "We must not have been tricked."

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

The soldier said to the others: "Although this jelly-like thing is no longer falling, haven't you noticed that they are merging and getting bigger little by little?"

"And there is no way to steal the ship. We have no way out now."

"The phone bug was also taken away, and now I can't get in touch with the headquarters."

"Then what should we do now!"

The navy standing in the open space at the entrance of the research institute panicked when he saw the slimes surrounding him.

"Bluburu, the gate has been completely closed according to the order."


Monet hung up the phone and said with a smile: "It seems that everything is going well! Those marines are really a bunch of poor people."

Virgo, who was sitting on the sofa, asked Monet, "What is Caesar going to do next?"

Monet smiled and said: "I don't know about this. He didn't say anything and I didn't ask carefully, but he actually woke up his pet SMILI. He should have a big plan. Maybe things will change." Very interesting."

Monet then asked Virgo: "By the way, Virgo. Did you eat a hamburger in the morning?"

Virgo looked at Monet in surprise and asked, "How do you know, I ate hamburgers in the morning."

Monet pointed to the corner of his mouth and said, "That's because the corner of your mouth is still stained with the leftover hamburger."

Virgo picked up the coffee and looked at the reflection in the cup, wiped off the residue with his hand and said to Monet: "I am very interested in that experiment by Caesar.... Will all the navies outside die?"

Monet also shrugged and said: "It should be, anyway, as long as we stay here, we will be safe."

Smoker heard the conversation between the two and shouted at Virgo: "Vergo! Those people outside are all G-5 navy soldiers, and they are all your subordinates! You don't want to die, do you?"

Virgo said indifferently to Smoker's questioning: "How do you know what I think?"

Da Siqi, who fell on the ground, asked, "What did you say?"

Virgo walked to the cage and said with his hands behind his back: "I didn't expect you to be locked in the same cage. This lineup is simply too luxurious for this cage."

Robin was not very sad but happily said to Luffy: "What a coincidence! I was locked up with you."

Luffy also optimistically replied to Robin: "That's right! When I was in Pakistan with that smoker, you also caught me and passed 3.1."

Smoker, who was sitting on the side with a cold face, shouted at Luffy: "Shut up, you haven't seen the situation here yet?"

Da Siqi asked Smoker sadly: "Mr. Smoker, what should I use to express my current mood now."

Smoker also remembered Dashiqi's conjecture at that time, looked at Virgo and said, "Your initial guess was correct. Caesar's kidnapping of a child was rewritten by Virgo as a shipwreck. The culprit who thought of this matter is the leader of the base. Although the G-5 military style is not good, there will be no scum.".

Chapter 307

Robin looked at Smoker and asked curiously, "Why are you so excited? Do you know this person?"

Luffy lowered his head to answer Robin's question. "Have you not seen the relationship between them?"

Luo revealed Virgo's identity to the crowd and said, "It's normal that you didn't find out, because this is the G-5 Lieutenant General Virgo. It's not that he betrayed the navy, but that he was a pirate in the first place."

After hearing this, Dashiqi looked at Virgo outside the cage in disbelief and said, "You just said that he was originally a pirate."

Luo lifted Virgo's background and said to everyone: "That's right, before he became famous, he entered the navy as an undercover agent according to Joker's instructions. It took 15 years and he made great strides all the way from a soldier. , there is no one more useful to JOKERE than him, and he is the least likely to be suspected by 04 in the Navy. Virgo has been JOKER's accomplice from the beginning."

With tears in her eyes, Da Siqi looked at the vice admiral in front of her who she respected before and muttered, "How could it be?"

After listening to Luo's words, Smoker said annoyedly: "The JOKRE you mentioned should be the code name of the middleman in the black market. It's really annoying to hear what you said. There is such a big undercover agent in the Navy headquarters next to me. Didn't notice at all."

"You don't have to be so pessimistic. Since I was able to be an undercover agent under the eyes of your white hunter, I am really honored! Major General Smoker!"

When Virgo heard this, he laughed and said to Smoker: "Since the day you were transferred from the headquarters to G-5, I have already set up a large warning net, and I can get rid of you today as soon as I think of it." , and my inner pressure has been reduced a lot.”

After speaking, he warned Luo next to him: "By the way, Luo, I have already warned you not to talk too much. Maybe you forgot and I want to remind you. Forget it, I will let you go today."

Virgo poured himself a glass of water, turned around and said to everyone in the cage: "Someone threatened me just now, saying that I would be in danger if I met people from G-5 when I went out. I really wanted to see how I was in danger. I How could a pet be suspicious of its owner? Even if my identity is exposed today, I have already figured out a way to deal with it. I have already said this. You should understand what I mean."

Virgo said to several people: "Major General Smoker, Colonel Dashiqi, you two will die here, so that you can shut up forever. The remaining G-5 Navy Caesars outside will also be dealt with. Who let This is the most important institute in JOKER's eyes. He will never allow anyone who threatens this place to leave alive. You can rest assured that I will still treat this matter as an accident as before."

Smoker heard a name mentioned many times in Virgo's mouth, and asked Luo who was also locked in the cage: "Who is that JOKER?"

Luo looked at Smoker and sighed, he had nothing to hide, and said to everyone: "Hey, it's okay to tell you, I used to be his subordinate, that's why I know the truth about Virgo. Identity, the name is actually just a collective name for the middlemen of the black market, and you should probably have heard of his real identity."

Listening to Luo's words, Robin also became curious about this JOKER: "What did you say?"

Luo looked up at Virgo outside the cage and said seriously: "He is one of the seven world-renowned pirates, and one of the seven kings recognized by the world government. Don Quixote Doflamingo."

After hearing the name, the others all showed surprise on their faces. They didn't expect that the man behind the island was actually Doflamingo, one of the Shichibukai appointed by the government.

Luffy said without too much surprise: "Doflamingo!"

"Luffy, haven't you already met him?"

Luffy said arrogantly when he heard Smoker's words: "Yes, I saw him when I was on the top, it's not worth mentioning at all."

Da Siqi, who fell on the ground, heard the 803 characters of the name Doflamingo, and remembered that he had heard some rumors a while ago, and then said to everyone: "I heard that Doflamingo is fighting on the top. Afterwards, he began to expand his power, and even attacked Moria, who was also king of Shichibukai."

Luffy didn't expect the two of them to fight. "He went to attack Moria?"

Caesar on the other side walked slowly into the shelter. All the children looked at Caesar with happiness and candy craving in their eyes. They all looked excitedly at Caesar calling the word master.

Nami looked at the people who came in, and heard the children questioning him: "It seems that you are the Caesar who abducted the children?"

Usopp also saw that this person is not simple, but he can appear here quietly and said worriedly: "Why did he appear here? Didn't he meet Luffy and the others?"

Caesar walked up to the two of them and beat them up and said, "Hilululu, I didn't expect you to do such a cruel thing.".

Chapter 308 Riot

Nami listened to Caesar's questioning and asked in a daze, "Are we cruel?"

Caesar looked at Nami and asked a series of questions "Why did you take these children? Didn't you see that these children are suffering with you?"

Facing Caesar's slap, Nami said angrily, "What do you mean? It's all because of you."

Usopp heard Nami who was next to him speak unrestrainedly and quickly persuaded: "Nami, calm down, don't provoke him."

Regardless of Usopp's words, he continued to question Caesar: "Aren't you the one who tortured these children?"

Usopp heard about Caesar's horror, and quickly continued to persuade Nami, who was speechless: "Calm down, this guy is a natural fruit ability user, and the reward was as high as 300 million three years ago."

The justice in Nami's heart was out of control, and she continued to say to Caesar: "What did you feed these children? They don't want to stay here at all, they want to go home, and their parents have been anxious Looking for them. I am here today, and I will definitely take them out of here."

Caesar's cold face suddenly smiled and said to the children: "Hilululu, may I ask the children here who want to go home again?"


The children ran towards Caesar excitedly.

"Wait! Don't go there! If you go there, you will take it back to that research institute."

Usopp quickly stopped a child and said.

The child watched Usopp, who was standing in front of him, become more and more short of breath, and slowly turned into gritting his teeth, impatiently punching Usopp who was blocking the way.

Nami looked at Usopp who was beaten into the air and shouted anxiously: "Do you have something to do, Usopp?"

The kid who just knocked Usopp away was mumbling candy, and continued walking towards Caesar as if he had lost his soul.

Looking at Usopp who was beaten by the children, Caesar looked at the children and said with satisfaction: "Hilululu, the children are doing well, come back."

Nami watched the children running towards Caesar, quickly grabbed a child and said, "Stop quickly, you must not go back! Didn't you say that you want me to take you home?"

The child caught by Nami has long lost consciousness, looked at Nami and said annoyedly, "Don't touch me, you cockroach."

After finishing speaking, Nami, who was holding her, was sent flying out.

Usolu hurried to Nami's side and asked concerned: "Nami, are you okay?"

Seeing the downed Nami Usopp took out his slingshot and said to the beating child, "The guy who will repay you for your kindness."

Still unable to bear it, Nami grabbed Usopp and said, "Don't do this!"

Usopp said to Nami: "Nami, let go, these children are unconscious, I can only stop them forcibly."

After listening to Usopp's words, Nami remembered the little things she knew with them, and she still couldn't bear to say to Usopp: "But, these children are all victims! They didn't make a mistake."

The children who were chained started to struggle again. "Quickly undo the chains."

After struggling for five or six minutes, they couldn't bear their impact and broke into several sections. All the tied children stood up.

Regarding Usopp Nami's worries, Caesar on the side smiled excitedly: "Hiluru, that's great. Has your strength grown to this point yet?"

Nami gritted her teeth and got angry when she saw Caesar's arrogant face.

Usopp couldn't take it anymore looking at the children walking dead, picked up the slingshot and said to Caesar: "'~ What is effective against gas is sure to kill, Firebird Star."

As the seeds shot out, a flame bird rushed towards Caesar, passed straight through Caesar's body, and then disappeared with a bang.

Nami and Usopp looked at Caesar in surprise, but they didn't expect that the flame bird didn't threaten Caesar at all.

Caesar looked at the surprised expressions of the two and showed off to them: "Hilulu, do you think I will explode when I touch the fire? But you may be disappointed, I smoked all the flames before the flame touched me." The oxygen near it is gone, and everything is extinguished when it touches me. Not only the poisonous gas is gas, but also the gas floating in the air, and it is also all gas. I can control the air within the range of my ability. "

The two were also at a loss after listening to (Qian's good). "Manipulation? Air?"

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