MTL - I, Luffy, Awaken the Sun God on the Top-Chapter 258

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He would think of the dragon he had seen before, and quickly said to the others: "By the way, if we catch him, we might escape on it."

The few people who raised doubts just now heard that there was no need to run anymore, and they responded very unitedly: "You have a good idea, just do it like this! If you continue to run like this, we will all be surrounded by poisonous gas."

Sanji shouted at the dragon in front of him with a cigarette in his mouth, "That dragon, stop!"

Frankie kept staring at the video and worriedly said to the others: "Look at the screen, Caesar's killing machine is chasing Sauron and the others."

Robin looked at the samurai and smiled and said: "The samurai has recovered his body, it seems that he is really working hard!"

Luffy who heard the voice also opened his eyes and looked at the people on the screen with a smile and said, "Haha, what are these guys doing? What a strange running posture!"

Looking at Luffy in the cage, he still laughed, and asked curiously: "Why are you not worried at all! Straw hat boy, are they your companions?"

Luffy looked at Caesar and replied, "Of course!"

Hearing Luffy's affirmative answer, and looking at Luffy's unwavering eyes, Caesar continued to say to Luffy: "But having said that, you companions are really tenacious. My killing weapon has been chasing me for a long time. I didn't catch up with them, but you don't have to worry, they will soon exhaust their energy and die of poisoning."

"Afterwards, the whole island will be covered with poisonous gas. At that time, it will really become the country of death where all creatures can't survive! At that time, there will be no living people outside the entire research institute. creatures. Now that I have come to this point, I might as well tell you one more thing, and you will do like them."

After showing off, Caesar pushed the sliding bar next to him with his hand, and a door was exposed on the wall behind the cage. The door slowly rose, and as the door rose, the cold wind from outside was blown in.

When all the doors were opened, the cage fell down.

Caesar walked to the door and looked at the falling cage and shouted excitedly: "Let you prove that no matter how powerful the opponent is in front of me, the killing weapon (Death Kingdom 813 degrees), all people will appear Vulnerable. Hirururu!"

Chopper, who was hiding in the corner, anxiously looked at the falling cage and said to himself, "What should I do! What should I do? How can I rescue them?"

Just as Chopper took a step outside, he lowered his head to look at his thin and weak body, then stepped back and continued to hide in the dark, looking at the antidote he had worked so hard to find, and fell into a dilemma.

Just as Chopper was struggling in his inner struggle, a ball of paper hit Chopper's face.


Chopper screamed in fright at the sudden ball of paper, then quickly picked up the ball of paper thrown over and hid back.

Looking at the paper ball in his hand, Chopper opened it curiously. "You don't need to do anything."

Chopper looked back at the laboratory, Luffy and the others had already flown out, and then he glanced at everyone left in the laboratory and couldn't help but wonder: "Who the hell?".

Chapter 318 The Base Was Attacked

The entrance of the laboratory

The navy looked curiously at the cage that was slowly falling down with ropes and asked, "What is that?"

"It looks like a cage."

"It looks like he should be Boss Smoker!"

"It's great that Colonel Dashiqi and the others are fine!"

All the sailors cheered towards the cage and danced happily when they saw the descending cage.

A soldier noticed something was wrong and said to the crowd: "No! Although they came out, they were still locked in cages. We will still be killed by the smoke."

Da Siqi climbed to the edge of the cage, looked at the soldiers below who cared about him and Smoker, and said, "Everyone?"

Da Siqi looked in horror at the killing weapon that was approaching little by little in the distance.

Franky said, "Should I say it or not, this research institute is really well built."

Robin pursed his lips and smiled, looking at the equipment with the cage on it, and said, "Yes, this equipment looks bulky, and I didn't expect to be able to carry such a large cage so easily."

Da Siqi saw that Frankie and Robin were not nervous at all, and said anxiously to them: "What time is it now, what are you all paying attention to?"

Luffy looked at the cage and said calmly: "It seems a little troublesome now."

Luo looked at Luffy who was still calm sitting next to him and said: "Although, Virgo's appearance here is beyond my plan, we can't stumble in this small place when Luffy is in charge. The agreement between the two of us must be Let's continue. This time we can't screw up again..."

Then he looked forward and said firmly, "Let's start fighting back."

Lu Fei also showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, and looked at Luo's firm eyes and responded: "Okay!"

King Shichibukai, Telfagaro, Straw Hat Boy, Luffy, Straw Hat Member Devil Son, Nicole Robin, Navy Dingo, White Hunter Smoker.

People all over the world are surprised to see that the caged people in the video are not simple.


"Why are all these people in that place?"

Kira, who was wearing a mask, looked at the video and said to Kidd, "Boss, look at these guys who are also on that island and have been arrested."

Kidd got up and left the room after speaking to Kira. "Straw Hat Luffy, it seems that you have also acted. It is no fun to continue watching this. With his character, he will definitely not become an experimental product willingly."

Kira looked at the people in the video and nodded in agreement with what Kidd said just now. "That's right!"

Kira followed Kidd and walked outside, and Kidd, who was walking in front, said to Kira: "I really didn't expect the three of them to get together, that **** from Telfargaro, I Are you still thinking about when you will go to work for the government? Sure enough, he will not simply turn to the government, so it seems that he wants to make trouble! I will definitely not let him go ahead of me, and our plan should also be advanced. "

Kira smiled and said to Kidd: "Ah! Haha, Kidd, you have to take it easy this time, just don't be like before."

Kidd heard Kira's slightly mocking voice and said, "Kira, shut up, I can take care of my affairs."

Kidd went to the door and twisted the doorknob. When the door was opened, an explosion sounded in front of the two of them.

The two looked at the people surrounding the door with surprise written all over their faces!

Apu, who is also a supernova disc player with Kidd, stood at the door and said with a smile to Kidd who was about to come out: "`~ Long time no see, Captain Kidd!"

Not only is Apu here, but another Basil Hawkins in Supernova is holding his own cards and calculating what?

Apu smiled and said, "You are really careless!"

Kidd gritted his teeth and watched his subordinates being knocked to the ground and asked loudly, "Apu! What are you trying to do? You dare to attack me."

The soldiers under Kidd stood in the distance and said to Kidd: "I really can't stand the captain, we can't stop them at all."

Apu didn't care about the life and death of Kidd's subordinates at all. "I have arranged snipers nearby, you better not act rashly, the enemy called us over, no matter how you look at it, we are here to fight, right?"

Ki (Qian Dezhao) looked at Wiggins who was playing cards and said, "Kira, you saw it. I told you not to call this guy into custody."

Kira thought otherwise. "Boss, calm down, he is a very capable guy no matter what."

Wiggins played cards with a blank face and said to Kidd: "You invited us here, but made us wait here for a long time. You really have no hospitality at all."

Seeing the attitude of the arrogant Apu and Wiggins, Kidd, who was suppressing his anger, couldn't bear it anymore, and directly used his ability. "One by one is so arrogant, believe it or not, I will wipe you all out here.".

Chapter 319 The Evil Pirate Alliance

As Kidd used his ability, all the scattered metal weapons and metal objects in the vicinity flowed towards Kidd's arm.

Apu looked at Kidd who had already used his ability, and excitedly gestured at Kidd: "It seems that we are about to start fighting, but fortunately, I have already expected it, so let me experience your ability. Cut Ke Nao!"

Wiggins, who was sitting on the side, saw that Apu was about to fight with Kidd, and continued to say expressionlessly: "The appearance here has nothing to do with me. I am still busy with time, so I will leave!"

After speaking, he got up and prepared to leave.

Kira watched as Wiggins was about to leave and quickly stopped: "Wait a minute, Wiggins, don't be so anxious?"


Before Kira could say anything, another explosion sounded next to him and he yelled at Kidd and Apu angrily: "Calm down, all of you! Today we are going to talk about a big event, about the three of us It's a matter of the Pirate Alliance."

Kidd looked at Apu in front of him angrily, and wanted to continue to shoot, but because Kira said so, 817 did not continue to shoot.

Apu and Wiggins, who was about to leave, were stunned when Kira told them that they were going to talk about the alliance.

Kira continued to question several people angrily: "Don't you even know how to talk to others?"

Smoker looked at Luffy and Luo with confidence and asked curiously: "What is the counterattack you just said?"

Luo didn't answer Smoker's question, but instead asked everyone in the cage: "If we ink the ink now, we will have to finish this sooner or later. We should finish it sooner. Is there anyone here who can make the object burn?" ? If not, it doesn't matter."

After listening to Luo's words, Robin said to him: "If you want fire, Franky can also spray light. You don't want to use Franky's light to burn this chain."

Frankie, who was tied aside, said helplessly: "My free laser beam must use both hands, and the posture must be correct to activate the beam."

Luo looked at the warship below and said to Franky, "It's okay, can you ignite the warship on the lower right?"

Frankie also looked at the only half of the wreckage of the warship on the shore below and asked, "Is that what you're talking about?"

Seeing Luo nodded his head, Franky jumped up from the ground and said confidently: "Luo, this kind of thing is a trivial matter for me, let me take care of it."

Frankie said to the warship below: "Frankie Fireball."

Then a fireball like a washbasin spewed out from Franky's mouth, flying towards the half of the wreckage of the warship below.

The fireball landed on the warship, and an explosion occurred immediately, knocking out the nearby naval soldiers, and then ignited a raging fire.

"Oh no!"

"The boat is on fire!"

"Hurry up and get out of here!"

Seeing that the fire was extremely fierce, the navy quickly fled to the distance.

As the fire on the warship below grew stronger, thick smoke billowed out, and the black smoke rose up, enveloping the cage hanging in mid-air.

Caesar, who was watching the video in the laboratory (aedb), looked at the screen in surprise and said, "What is this doing? Could it be that you know you can't survive and give up on yourself?"

Looking at Frank Caesar, I liked it more and more, looked at the screen and said with a smile: "It seems that you still have secrets that you don't know. After this experiment, I must dismember your whole body and study it carefully." Research."

"It's from the smoke that I can't see the cage at all."

"Sister Dashiqi, are you okay?"

"Boss smoker, you didn't choke on the black smoke, did you?"

The soldiers below all shouted to the cage above with concern.

A soldier slapped the soldier from behind and scolded: "Idiot, what are you talking about? The smoker boss is originally a user of the smoke fruit, how could he be afraid of smoke?"

The few people in the cage were also uncomfortable, coughing all the time because they were choked by the smoke.

Frankie coughed and asked Luo, "Telfagaro, what's your idea, the smoke is coming up now."

Luo looked at Franky and asked, "Didn't you do all of this?"

Frankie looked at Luo in a daze when asked, "You, didn't you ask me to do this?"

Robin on the side was also amused and asked, "What are you doing?"

Luo looked at the cage and said, "Now what we're going to do is. Click."

Before everyone could wait for Luo to finish speaking, they heard the sound of a string of iron falling to the ground, and everyone looked at Luo in surprise.

Luo told everyone why he did this. "In this way, Caesar's video phone bugs will not be able to see us, and Caesar will not know that we escaped, so we will not be exposed."

Lu Fei smiled at the corner of his mouth and asked Luo curiously: "I really want to know how you untied the sea tower stone chain."

Luo crushed the chain with his hands and said to the others, "It's nothing at all. In fact, what bound me was an ordinary chain.".

Chapter 320 Foresight


The other people in the cage looked at Luo in bewilderment after hearing that, when did they change to ordinary chains.

Luo finished speaking with a smile and then used his ability to change the scalpel into his hand. "It's easy to open if I use my ability, BOOM."

Tell the astonished crowd what happened. "You don't think I stayed here for several months, just to see the scenery here. I used to be afraid of any accidents, and the chains had been dropped a long time ago. I have prepared a few ordinary ones in the research institute. Chains, if something happens that causes me to be caught, I can avoid ~Hailoushi's bondage."

Then Luo took his own scalpel and cut off all the chains that bound the others-.

Luffy had already guessed that Luo Ding would have a backup, so he was not in a hurry. After the Hailou stone tied to his body fell, he said excitedly to Luo: "Luo, I did not misunderstand you, so let us - let's have a big fight."

Luo, who was holding a knife, also showed an excited expression on his face and said, "Then let's start."

Luo looked at Smoker and Da Siqi with a murderous look in his eyes and said to them: "The next thing to consider is how to deal with you. The only blame is that you know too much. Your lives are at stake now." Am I in a good mood?"

Smoker didn't have the slightest intention of giving in and said to Luo: "Haven't you already thought about what to do?"

Luo stretched out his right hand and made a strange gesture in front of the two of them.

Looking at Luo Moji, he said to him: "Don't talk nonsense, hurry up if you want to do it."


Smoker, who was talking, felt something was wrong when he finished speaking.

"Mr Smokey!"

Read The Duke's Passion