MTL - I, Luffy, Awaken the Sun God on the Top-Chapter 5

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The three of them stood on the small wooden boat, looking a bit crowded.

Luffy looks forward to: "Soon to change to a big ship, and there will be a pirate flag."

Sauron smiled, it was inevitable.

Luffy looked at Sauron curiously, looked up and down, and became stronger.

"Sauron, you must be very powerful now. I want to know exactly how powerful you are."

Luffy really wants to know. Although he knows the plot, there may be some changes in strength compared to the original plot.

After all, it was not only Hawkeye, the world's number one swordsman, who taught Sauron, but also Roger, the pirate king.

Roger's swordsmanship is also extremely powerful, especially the name of the move, God's Avoidance! It is so domineering that even gods would avoid it, not to mention its power.

So, I don't know if Sauron has learned it.

Sauron also understands why Luffy is so powerful when he is so young.

Before Lu Fei made a move, it was beyond his cognition, and he was confused, but after two years of cultivation in it, he understood everything.

Recalling his previous self, Sauron couldn't help laughing, feeling a bit like a frog in a well.

The world is too big, and he has seen it a little.

Although there will be no other communication inside, but through the strength of Hawkeye and Roger, let him know that this world is very big, and there are people outside.

My previous self felt that his swordsmanship was good, even if he was far away from the world's number one swordsman, it would not be too far away.

But when he started to study, he was a little hit, the gap was too far, the difference between heaven and earth.

At the beginning, he couldn't even beat a baboon, which was very frustrating.

Now, he is confident in his own strength.

I also understand why Luffy fainted when he didn't do anything, it was because of his domineering look.

Zoro is also curious about Luffy's strength, knowing that in this small place, it is very difficult for Luffy to go all out.

So before, the strength that Luffy showed was definitely the tip of the iceberg.

Both of them were curious about each other's strength, looked at each other and smiled, and had an idea together.

That is to find an uninhabited island nearby and fight!

Nami then also knew what they were thinking and began to take charge of the voyage and search.

Nami also wanted to know how strong Luffy and Zoro are, can they deal with the Dragon Pirates?

Thinking of this, Nami found it difficult, after all, Luffy and Zoro are only two people.

Naval Headquarters, Marin Fand.

Marshal's office.

Sengoku was in a good mood and heaved a sigh of relief.

This made Karp, who was eating senbei leisurely, a little uneasy.

Garp asked: "Warring States, did Hawkeye respond?"

Zhan Guo nodded: "Well, I responded. He said he wouldn't grab it with his hands, but he can try it a little bit. However, he is not sure whether he will die or live after a little bit of hands. He won't just because the other party will die. Close hand."

Speaking of the latter, Sengoku secretly observed Karp's expression.

As he thought, Garp's face was gloomy, and his expression was very complicated.

The heart is naturally angry and worried, but it can't be fully expressed.

As a good friend, Sengoku also understands Karp's mood, seeing this expression, he doesn't say much.

Garp could only sigh in his heart: "Luffy, I hope you can survive this test, otherwise, it is impossible to become the One Piece or something."

Although I really don't want Luffy to become the One Piece, I don't want Luffy to die either.

Warring States changed the topic: "Not long ago, there was new news that Straw Hat's pirate team has added a new crew member, now there are two."

Garp felt a little more relaxed and had a partner.

My grandson's vision is not bad, and with a partner, the chance of surviving the Hawkeye will be higher.

After all, Hawkeye couldn't be serious.

Therefore, Garp hoped that his partner could be stronger, so he asked curiously.

"Who is it? How strong is it? How much is the bounty?"

Warring States didn't care: "A pirate hunter in the East China Sea has a slight reputation in a small area of ​​the East China Sea. His name is Roronoa Zoro. If he is strong, he has some strength, but in a place like the East China Sea, he is still watching the sky from a well. The great route is nothing, the bounty is estimated at 50 million Baileys."

This made Cap twitch, fifty million Baileys...

The bounty is also linked to strength. In this case, facing Hawkeye...

Garp's heart was heavy, and he felt that his grandson Luffy and the crew member Zoro were in danger.



I moved in these two days, so there are few updates, sorry. I'm already busy, starting tomorrow I will update four to five times a day. Ask for flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly tickets, and tips. grateful! .

Chapter 007 Luffy VS Zoro

On an uninhabited island in the East China Sea, Nami watched with a telescope on the distant sea.

Originally, Nami wanted to go to the island to see it, but Luffy reminded her to watch it here in the end.

Nami thinks it's a bit unreasonable, this uninhabited island is also very big, it is equivalent to a city, so the scope of the battle cannot spread to the entire island, right?

At that time, I thought it was okay, I went up to see for myself, and just stayed away.

But both Luffy and Sauron told themselves not to go to the island, so they could only watch it here.

Looking through the binoculars, you can see that on the island, Luffy and Zoro are facing each other.

Sauron pulled out all three knives, held the knives in both hands, and bit one on his mouth.

Sauron's fighting spirit rose, and he looked forward to: "Luffy, we don't need to test it, let's get serious directly."

Lu Fei smiled and nodded: "I think so too."

Both of them knew that they were very powerful now, after all, they had practiced hard for two years.

Therefore, the temptation is avoided. This battle was originally just to see the strength of each other.

The two were about to fight directly and seriously, Sauron had already set his posture, and Luffy suddenly made a movement that made Sauron and Yuanfang Nami feel inexplicable.

I saw Lu Fei squatting like a horse, with his head lowered, his left hand on his knee, and his right fist touching the ground.

"Second gear!"

With the sound of second gear, Luffy's calf pulsated like a spring.

Under the surprised eyes of Zoro and Nami, it was found that Luffy's body complexion turned red and steamed.

The second gear uses feet or hands as a pump to accelerate blood flow and strengthen the body.

After entering the second gear, there was a chirping sound, and Luffy's hands turned black.

Seeing this, Nami was very puzzled: "Why did the hands turn black?"

However, it was soon discovered that Sauron was the same, and the knife in his hand was also covered with a layer of black, turning into a black knife, which looked sharper.

Nami felt that she was a little ignorant, what was it all about.

Perhaps, after I enter the teaching space, I will be able to understand these.

"Rubber jet bazooka!"

Suddenly, a red afterimage flashed across Luffy's body, and he came to Sauron in an instant, so fast that Nami's eyes still stayed where Luffy was standing before.

Luffy threw out his fists, Sauron was startled.

"So fast!"

Before he had time to fight back, Sauron crossed his knives in front of him to block.

With a bang, Sauron retreated 20 meters and leaned against a boulder. With a bang, the boulder shattered and collapsed.

Sauron grinned, his fighting spirit rose and his blood boiled.

"Luffy, I have to be serious too."

At this time, Nami was a little stunned: "What happened..."

She didn't react at all, it was too fast.

"One-knife-evil port bird."

Zoro quickly drew the knife, and Nami was even more surprised, the speed was too fast.

With the quick draw of the knife, a slash similar to that of a blue bird was issued.


However, it was easily dodged by Luffy.

Luffy reminded: "Zoro, seriousness is not like this."

"Then be careful!"

Sauron bit the knife in his mouth, and carried the two knives behind his back with both hands. Suddenly, there seemed to be blue battle energy behind him, and the faint sound of a tiger sounded.

Under Nami's astonished gaze, a blue mighty Tiger King appeared behind Sauron.

"Three-sword style, pole, tiger hunting!"


As Sauron slashed out with his two knives, the roar of the tiger resounded, and the blue tiger roared out.

Luffy knew that Sauron was powerful now, so he would not be careless. He put his right hand in front of his mouth, took a big breath, his chest expanded, and he blew hard.

Suddenly, the right hand and arm became huge, like a giant.

This was what Nami had seen before, but this time it was different because the entire giant's arm was covered in black.

Obviously, facing Sauron, Luffy has to be serious and domineering.

There was no need to use domineering to deal with the Bucky Pirates before.

"Rubber Giant Bazooka!"


Huge black giant fists blast out like rocket shells, and both of them are extremely powerful.


The black giant fist collided with the blue tiger, and there was a stalemate.

However, following Lu Fei's shout, the blue tiger twisted, and with a puff, the blue tiger collapsed, and the power of Lu Fei's punch was also relieved a lot.


Zoro jumped up and quickly came to the top of Luffy's head, the muscles of his arms swelled, and Nami, who was watching in the distance, was surprised.

"How did you do it? I was already full of muscles, but now my arms are swollen again."

Although I haven't seen the power yet, I can feel that it is full of violent power.

The next knife must be very powerful, and it seems to be close.

"Three swordsmanship, one forceful force, two forceful force, and two forceful slash!"

The muscles in both arms strengthened, and Sauron slashed down with two knives.

Luffy withdrew his hand quickly, and the giant fist shrank back to its original size on the way.

At the same time, Luffy's right foot was huge, turned black, and kicked upwards.


The ground around Luffy cracked, sunken, and gravel flew.