MTL - I Made the World Mutate-Chapter 1120 To make friends

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Fifty thousand years, the vicissitudes of life, enough to make too many changes in this world.

Kuang Shenfeng's office site may have moved from the ground to the underground.

Unleashing the seal of the Emperor of Heaven, and borrowing the power of the great decree, Xiao Mu launched the earth escape technique to sink into the ground.

However, after sinking more than ten li in a row, he didn't get any results. The underground is the ordinary earth, except for the ordinary things such as soil, rock, ore, and groundwater, Xiao Mu has found nothing else.

Generally speaking, normal people will give up immediately when encountering this kind of situation, believing that Kuang Shenfeng's office has completely disappeared.

However, Xiao Mu is different from ordinary people. After all, he is the palace monarch of the Zhengdong Territory, and there is a deep connection with this land.

At the moment, mobilizing the authority of Yan Luoxi's Central Mansion, using the hands of the mansion in the shape of a signal tower that he just formed, began to communicate with this place.

He was only trying, and he didn't expect the result. But after a while, he couldn't help but raised his head and looked over his head in astonishment.

Somewhere above that head, he actually sensed the existence of a powerful aura.

"Could it be that a certain formation hides a trace of spirituality?"

Xiao Mu started to use the earth escape technique to ascend in surprise.

After climbing seven or eight miles, Xiao Mu stopped when he was four or five miles away from the ground.

In the position where he himself stood, he could clearly sense the spiritual existence around him. Even through the authority of the mansion, he can clearly sense that there is such a strange closed space near his body.

However, that strange closed space was not in this world, so that Xiao Mu could only sense it by borrowing the authority of the Zhengdongyu Prefecture, but couldn't touch it.

"In the opened space, there are hidden formations arranged outside the space. What kind of space is this? What formations are arranged outside the space? What is inside the space? Are the spaces and formations here in line with the ancient righteous gods Feng related?"

"The Heavenly Court powerhouse entered the Datang site, massacred the descendants of the Kuang family, and took away the bones of Kuang Shenfeng. Could it be that he was looking for this hidden space?"

Xiao Mu fell into thoughts and began to guess whether the space involved the purpose of the heavenly court.

"Record the aura of the formation aura and give it to Yang Juan to study. He is a descendant of Yang Yuan. Maybe he can deduce what formation is here, and then break the formation to open up the space."

When Xiao Mu realized that the so-called spirituality in front of him came from the hidden space behind the formation, he immediately began to act.

He threw the array talisman on the ground, copying the breath of the hidden array.

Afterwards, Xiao Mu collected the copied array breath with real power, turned it into substance and put it into the Earth Seal space, and prepared to take it back to Yang Juan for research.

After doing this, Xiao Mu, who had originally planned to leave immediately, turned around and looked in the direction of the hidden space.

The purpose of the Heavenly Court powerhouse entering the Datang Site may be to find this hidden space.

If you leave like this without doing anything, will the hidden space be found by the heavenly people?

After ten seconds, Xiao Mu, who was worried, decided to re-arrange the hidden space, using a concealing array to cover up the hidden space.

Take out the array talisman from the body, throw one by one on the ground.

The concealing formation gradually took shape, and the spirituality released from the hidden space, which was originally very concealed, became more and more difficult to feel under the concealment of the hidden spiritual formation.

"With the Absolute Spirit Divine Formation, even if the people of the Heavenly Court find this place, they will not be able to find the hidden space. Unless they know there is a Absolute Spirit Divine Formation here, they will destroy the Absolute Spirit Divine Formation first."

While talking to himself, Xiao Mu was completely relieved and began to use the escape technique to ascend from the ground.

With a flash of golden light, Xiao Mu appeared on the ground.

The feeling of danger suddenly fell from the sky, and the gray-black brilliance covered Tianyu, wrapped in a devastating amount of violence, and blasted against Xiao Mu's head like a world-shaking thunder.

He is the strong power of the retribution system!

Xiao Mu was taken aback, let go of Zheng Shenyu without any hesitation, waving the Yama Hammer to greet him eagerly.


The big gray-black hand blasted the Yama Hammer, the golden light and gray-black brilliance exploded at the same time, the power of the right gods from both sides gushed out violently, the hand of the mansion Xiao Mu immediately borrowed from the earth, and the power of the east is transmitted to Xiao Mu. body of.

Xiao Mu's body just sank downward, and the strong man in the retribution system who attacked Xiao Mu's righteous gods, but his body was involuntarily flew backwards due to Xiao Mu's bombardment.

"It's you!"

Xiao Mu recognized the sneak attacker, who was the man with a high crown he met in the old house of the Kuang family that day.

"It's you? You're Xiao Mu?" The man with a high crown also recognized Xiao Mu's identity, "That day was also you!"

Without any hesitation, after a word, the two attacked each other at the same time.

The gray-black octagonal hammer appeared in the hands of the man with a high crown, and blasted against Xiao Mu's Yan Luo hammer.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The violent voice sounded, and the man with the high crown kept retreating again and again. This person was not as strong as Xiao Mu. Under the hard fight with Xiao Mu, his righteous gods shook endlessly.

Xiao Mu was relatively strong due to his own strength, and coupled with the power of the East Territory, after dozens of hammers, he could blast the high-crowned man with no power to fight back.

A feeling of danger suddenly appeared behind him, as if being stared at by a poisonous snake and producing a tingling sensation.

Xiao Mu didn't need to look back to know who appeared behind him.

Zhu Qianhao, the puppet Zhu Qianhao made by the heavenly court was made by the bones of Zhu Qianhao and the spirit blood of his descendants.

A fierce and evil aura quickly approached from behind Xiao Mu, and the **** hand full of death enveloped the sky above Xiao Mu's head. This **** hand, which was purely transformed by death, matched the octagonal hammer in the hands of the man with a high crown, and faced Xiao at the same time. Mu launched a bombardment.

Xiao Mu returned in a hurry, Yan Luo hammer split into two, each holding one in each hand and blasting against the man with a high crown in front and Zhu Qianhao behind.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Loud noises that shook the sky came from before and after Xiao Mu. Xiao Mu was shaking in the realm of God, and stubbornly blocked the joint bombardment of the high-crowned man and the puppet Zhu Qianhao. In the blink of an eye, there were dozens and hundreds of bombings.

Xiao Mu's Righteous God Realm shook violently, and Yan Luoxi's hand in the shape of a signal tower began to shake, like a small tree swaying in a strong wind.

This result shocked Xiao Mu.

After all, the hand of his mansion has not been gathered for long, and it is not stable enough. Not only is the power borrowed from the earth limited, but at the same time it is slightly insufficient when fighting two powerful people of the same rank.

Xiao Mu was not afraid. After the hand of the mansion was destroyed, he could reconsolidate, but if the man with the high crown of the retribution system caught the heaven, he could understand the purpose of entering the Tang ruins.

Therefore, Xiao Mu immediately adjusted the strength of his two hands to use more authority in the battle with the man with a high crown, and began to adopt a defensive stance against the bombardment of Zhu Qianhao's puppet behind him.

boom! boom! boom!

The violent confrontation sounded uninterrupted, and within a few breaths, there were dozens and hundreds of fierce confrontations.


The man with a high crown spurted blood violently, and he was injured by constant confrontation.

However, Xiao Mu's situation was also not so good. Although he blocked the bombardment of the man with a high crown in front, he could hardly resist the bombardment of Zhu Qianhao's puppet behind him.

The **** hand that Zhu Qianhao turned into a puppet flew out of the dead man's life, and constantly penetrated into Xiao Mu's True God Realm, and began to destroy inside his Right God Realm.


After all, Xiao Mu's hand of the mansion had just successfully condensed and was not stable enough. After a violent shaking, it finally collapsed.

Xiao Mu's strength immediately began to decline.


The man with the high crown seemed to have realized something. At the moment when the hand of Mansion Xiao Mu shattered, he clearly sensed the decrease in Xiao Mu's strength, roared to greet Zhu Qianhao's puppet, and slammed towards Xiao Mu together.

boom! boom!

At the same time, Xiao Mu used Yan Luo Hammer to resist back and forth, and the violent to the extreme energy surged from the front and back. With one blow, Xiao Mu was directly injured and spurted blood on the spot.

"Your strength has decreased?" The man with a high crown clearly sensed the change in Xiao Mu's strength this time, and a smile appeared in his eyes staring at Xiao Mu.

Xiao Mu, whose strength was lowered, decided not to fight anymore. Seeing the man with a high crown and Zhu Qianhao's puppet rushing towards him at the same time, he immediately leaped into the air after a meal.

The cloud of the five elements wrapped Xiao Mu's body, supporting Xiao Mu to fly away to the southwest.


The high-crowned man yelled at Zhu Qianhao's puppet, and the two chased Xiao Mu in the clouds.

After Xiao Mu mutated, the cloud of the five elements was faster, and quickly opened the distance between the man with the high crown and the puppet Zhu Qianhao without restriction.

"Damn it, he ran away!"

The man with a high crown saw Xiao Mu's figure escape his sight, and held Yun's head while he cursed.

"Luck is too bad, you are at a loss, the hand of the man who has finally condensed, who would have thought that it would collapse at that time."

Xiao Mu, who escaped from the chasing range of the man with a high crown, was extremely regretful.

With his strength, borrowing the power of the East Territory through the hand of the man, he had a chance to kill the man with a high crown, but who would have thought that the hand of the man who had just condensed was too fragile, and it was broken in the middle of the battle. , So Xiao Mu could not continue the fight.

"Same as last time, after discovering my trail, the Heavenly Court powerhouse must search for me all over the city, so don't rush back, and hide outside the city for a while."

Xiao Mu thought about it, and then slowly dropped the cloud head.

Go into the underground to hide, and convey back the information just collected.

The news of the hidden big formation and hidden space was passed to Yang Juan, who asked Yang Juan to study what kind of big formation it was, and strive to break the hidden space as soon as possible.

Another message was sent to Du Wenzhen, asking him to send someone to monitor the situation on the side of Cangkuo Mountain, so as not to be discovered by the Heavenly Court, but the hidden space on his side was not known.

Later, Xiao Mu began to repair his injuries.

The reaction of the Heavenly Court powerhouse was the same as he had expected. Soon afterwards, he was exploring by divine mind, and explored inch by inch along the ground.

From the breath of Xiao Mu's spirit, it was judged that the explorer was still the strong one last time.

This person's strength is at least in the late Zhengshen stage, Xiao Mu guessed that it was most likely Lin Guyi.

After spending a day and night in the underground, Xiao Mu came out of the underground and turned into a middle-aged man again and returned to his rented place until the search in the heaven was completely completed.

At the elevator entrance, a gloomy man in a suit and leather shoes and Xiao Mu took the elevator together and walked out on the 13th floor.

Afterwards, the two still walked in the same direction and stopped at the gate of 13C.

The man in the suit looked at Xiao Mu in surprise, "You live here?"

"Is there a problem?" Xiao Mu asked back.

"Isn't this girl Qi Rong's residence?" The man in the suit seemed to speak smoothly.

"Oh!" Xiao Mu woke up, subconsciously thinking that the man in the suit was some kind of relative of Qi Rong, "Are you looking for Qi Rong?"

The man in the suit nodded, "Are you his friend?"

"Tenant." Xiao Mu corrected, "What about you? What can I do with her?"

The man in the suit nodded again, but stopped talking to Xiao Mu.

This attitude immediately made Xiao Mu upset, he smiled coldly, and wanted to have an attack.

However, before the attack started, Xiao Mu held his temper, and he suddenly remembered that his current identity was only the ordinary fourth realm of the Mortal Realm and not Xiao Mu.

A mutant in the fourth realm of the Mortal Realm is not qualified to find a mid-Yin God Realm powerhouse to trouble.

Good luck for you!

when! when! when!

The gloomy man in a suit reached out and knocked on the door. Xiao Mu, who was planning to take out the key to open the door, stood by and waited because he was unhappy with the other's attitude.


Qi Rong's voice came from the living room, "Wait."

About half a minute later, when the sound of footsteps approached, Qi Rong opened the door, glanced at the gloomy man in the suit, and couldn't help looking at Xiao Mu.

"Forgot to bring the key?" Qi Rong was surprised by mistake.

"Miss Qi Rong?" The man in the suit suddenly spoke stiffly.

"Are you?" Qi Rong was taken aback for a moment, looked at Xiao Mu, and then at the gloomy man in the suit, only then did he realize that the two were not together.

"My surname is Ming, from the Datang Site Service Office, Miss Qi Rong, we said, do you want to see him?" The gloomy man in the suit folded his face and introduced himself. From beginning to end, there was no smile on his face.

"Ah..., Mr. Ming, you... hello! You... are you an attendant at the Datang site? Did Liu Guanshi send you? Please come in, please come in quickly!" Qi Rong was surprised and happy, and hurriedly put his suit on The gloomy man gave in to the house.

The man in a gloomy suit nodded loudly, and walked past Qi Rong with his head raised in leather shoes and entered the hall.

From start to finish, the gloomy man in the suit didn't mean to take off his shoes and change shoes, and Qi Rong didn't even dare to mention it.

Because Xiao Mu was behind, Qi Rong did not close the door, and immediately chased the gloomy man in the suit into the living room.

Then, UU reading Qi Rong’s voice came from the living room, hospitably, "Mr. Ming, do you drink tea? What kind of spiritual tea do you like? I have a total of..."

"no need!"

Before Qi Rong finished speaking, Mr. Ming interrupted her, "I am only here to talk to you about one thing with Liu Guanshi's order. According to Xiaozong, Xiaozong (the friend of the friend whom Ling Xiaomin said) said. , Do you want to get to know us Guanshi Liu?"

"Ah, yes... yes." Qi Rong stammered, but also a little flattered.

Mr. Ming finally managed to squeeze out a smile, "We Guanshi Liu, we are a person who likes to make friends. If Miss Qi wants to make friends with him, Guanshi Liu will also be very happy."

"Make... make friends?" Qi Rong was flattered, her voice trembling.

Liu Yan, the deputy manager of the Datang site service, make friends with himself?

Mr. Ming continued: "Ms. Qi, don’t doubt, our thoughts on making friends with Liu Guanshi are true. If Ms. Qi really wants to make friends with him, our Liu Guanshi is willing to give Ms. Qi a kind of exercise. Please Ms. Qi. Practice, Miss Qi, please have a look."

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