MTL - I Make Games To Scare Crying Players-Chapter 149 across parallel worlds

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  Chapter 149 Crossing Parallel Worlds

  [The system has started and the function is self-testing.]

  [Wearer detected, scanning for vital signs]

  [It is detected that the vitality is 70%, and the life support function has been activated]

  [The detected life physique is 55%, the activity enhancement has started]

  [Sensory enhancements activated.]

  [The external force assist function has been activated.]

  [The energy replenishment function has been activated.]

  [The breathing cycle function has been activated.]

  [The pain suppression function has been activated.]

  [The sensory filtering function is activated.]

  [The light refraction function has been activated.]


   With the ringing of the key card.

  The mechanical door marked 'lounge' opened in front of it, revealing the internal shelves and lockers as well as another inner door.

   Mr. Zai looked down at his body, where he was no longer dressed in orange.

   Rather, it resembles a special armor of cutting-edge technology. It looks extremely thick!

  After wearing it, he tested it a little and found that his physical strength recovered quickly.

  The sight distance can also be zoomed in and out, as well as night vision and thermal imaging functions, as well as lighting functions.

   And the movement speed has also been significantly improved.

  The most important thing is strength.

   Mr. Zai looked down at his hand, and then punched the wall fiercely.

  Suddenly, a fist mark appeared in front of him.

  At the same time, there are cracks around it like withered branches.

   "Brothers, see? This is Pava!"

   "Are you envious? You got it in exchange for nausea."

  Speaking of this, Mr. Zai felt a little offended.

  When picking up the corpse, because it is a real-time calculation animation, he does not need to operate it.

   But there is a process.

  Especially in the cutscene, when the protagonist 'pours' the head out of the helmet. The blood was still 'flowing' from the inside of the helmet.

   Really disgusting!

   "To tell you the truth, sometimes the production team is too rigorous in details. Like when you just picked up the armor, it should be done in one step."

   Mr. Zai looked at his body, and fortunately, everything was taken care of.

   Then, it's time to go to the parallel world!

  On this passage, Atti, the cleaner, has disappeared. But his mop and bucket were still there, in the middle of the road.

   But Mr. Zai doesn't care about these.

  He stepped out facing the lounge, and suddenly, there was a heavy trampling sound under his feet.

   From the sound effect, it is quite dynamic.

   After entering the lounge, he stood still, waiting for the change.


   Nothing happened.

   Mr. Cub:?

   "How will this parallel world pass? Or is this here?"

   Mr. Zai frowned and looked around the lounge.

  This place is about 10 flat. On the top of it, the electric light was dimly lit, and the light emitted slightly illuminated the shelves and lockers under the surrounding walls.

   Inside, there is also a closed mechanical door, facing the door of the lounge.

   Mr. Zai turned around on the spot, but nothing happened, and finally looked up at the opposite lounge.

   "Isn't the entrance in that room?"

  He frowned, walked out quickly, and opened the door to the opposite lounge.

   But the layout inside is exactly the same as the other lounge.

   Also filled with shelves, lockers, and an inner door facing the entrance.

   "There is still no change. Do you want to open this inner door as well?"

   Mr. Zai came to the inner door of the lounge and opened it with a level 5 key card.

  With a beep, the door in front of him swung open.

   Then, he froze.

"This this."

   In front of Mr. Zai, there was a dark horizontal passage.

  On the wall opposite him, is a new door.

   It says... 'lounge'!

   And in the aisle between the two doors, the bucket and mop of the cleaner Atti are blocking it!

   Mr. Zai hurriedly turned his head, on the passage he came in first, the cleaner's tools were also there!

  The position and placement of the two are all the same, and it can even be said to be exactly the same!

   "The cleaner's thing. Appeared. Could this new passage be from a parallel world?"

   Zub Zai backed away in surprise, and then immediately turned back to his original passage. I bypassed the cleaning tools and entered the opposite lounge.

  He will also open the inner door of this lounge!

  With a light beep, the mechanical door slowly opened.

   What appeared in front of Mr. Zai was still the same passage!

   Directly opposite him was still a mechanical door marked 'lounge'.

   And in the middle of the passage is the cleaner's bucket and mop!

   Suddenly, he understood.

   "A passage, two lounges, and four doors. These inner doors lead to other worlds...?"

  Cub always came to the new passage, bypassed the cleaning tools, walked to the rest room, and looked back.

   At this time, behind him, the series of opened mechanical doors formed a straight line!

   Including the cleaner's tools, he also saw 3.

   If there is no accident, these doors will continue to open, and they will still be in a straight line, endless!

   "I probably understand, brothers. I don't know whether this new passage belongs to the parallel world or the circulation space. Let me do an experiment first."

   As he spoke, he kicked over the cleaning tools, causing the water inside to spill out.

  At the same time, in a straight-line distance, the cleaning tools in the other two channels seemed to be hit by something, and they also fell over and flowed all over the floor.

   Seeing this, Mr. Zai frowned.

   "Strange, if it is a parallel world, then I kick over the bucket here. The other two passages should not fall over..."

   "So this is a loop space? Not a parallel world? I'll test it again."

   Zub Zai took out the night vision device from his backpack and dropped it.

  Suddenly, night vision devices also appeared on the ground of the other two passages!

   Chief Zai's eyes widened, but he didn't pick up the night vision device under his feet. Instead, he came to the previous passage and picked up the ones here.

   As a result, the night vision devices on the left and right channels disappeared directly, and he looked thoughtfully.

   "Well, from the current point of view, this Z-FBC-0970 should be a circular space. No matter what we do, it will remain the same here. But. Oh. I remembered."

   Mr. Zai patted himself on the head.

"Brothers, do you still remember what the other protagonist said? He said keep going, keep walking until he saw his ID card. And the cleaner also said keep walking, keep walking until he felt right. "

   "That means, as long as you keep opening the door and walking, you will break this cycle and go to the parallel world?"

   "In this case, brothers, come with me and strangle the dog!"

   As he spoke, Mr. Zai chose a random direction, crossed the rest room, and came to another passage.

  Then open the door of the 'new lounge' in front of you.

   With a light beep.

   Outside the door, a new passage and a new lounge appeared again.

  The cleaning tool was knocked over as before.

   "Then go on vigorously!"

   President Zai crossed the aisle without saying a word. Repeat the operation of opening the gate-opening the inner door-crossing the passage-opening the gate-opening the inner door.

   Just like that, he kept walking, kept walking.

  The environment has never changed, and the surroundings are the same.

   But he was still walking, watching the barrage while walking.


  3 minutes later.

  The scene changes...

   Mr. Zai swiped open the inner door of a lounge, and suddenly, he heard a quarrel.

[what do you mean? You are me from the past, so you should help me fix this **** detector! Good to keep it working! ]

  [Don't say I'm Ni, I can't afford to lose this person! What technical problems, since you are me and also work at FBC, how can you not do it? He even ran to another cycle to find me, it's a shame! ]

  [Stop arguing, different cycles have certain differences, but they also have certain influences. You guys are arguing so much over a little spotter that it's affecting my cycle and slowing down my progress! ]

   Mr. Zai blinked and came to a new passage. Take a look, good guy, amazing!

   There are at least 10 heavily armed security personnel standing here, distributed on both sides of the passage.

   In the middle, there are several researchers in white coats and some unnamed equipment.

   But the most striking thing is the three old researchers who look exactly the same in the middle.

   At this time they were arguing and their faces were flushed.

   And judging from their dialogue, it is clear that they are from different worlds.

   "This... This is the parallel world! My mother... I really went to the parallel world...?"

   "But why don't these people... notice me?"

   Zai Zong walked towards the three people from different worlds and walked around them.

  But they ignored Mr. Zai in a daze, as if he didn't exist.

  [They can't seem to see me...? Maybe it's because of this mechanical equipment... ]

   At this time, the protagonist of the game popped out a line, explaining the current situation.

   "Huh? This armor makes me invisible?"

   As he spoke, Mr. Zai raised his hand in disbelief.

  But what you can see in your eyes is not transparent and invisible, but a real arm.

   "What's the situation, I can see myself, but these NPCs can't? Is this armor so amazing?"

   Zub Zai tried to push the vigilant security guard, but because of his strength, the security guard staggered.


  [Alert! All alert! There is some unseen entity here! I was attacked! ]

  [Abort experiment! Immediately block the entrance and exit, close Z-FBC-0970! All researchers, all against the wall! Say it again! All against the wall! ]

  [It may have followed Dr. Jung from another timeline, everyone be careful! ]

  [All agents, try to attack your surroundings! Once you feel a sense of hindrance, report back immediately and clamp down as much as possible! ]

   "Damn! Run!"

   Immediately, the cub ran away.

  He really never expected that the production team not only made a parallel world, but also made a small event in one of the worlds.

   I also gave physical feedback to these NPCs, it’s amazing, it’s full of details!

   As soon as Mr. Zai ran into the door of the lounge, it was closed by the NPCs with a bang.

   "I... I'm stupid, do I still bring this? What will happen when I go back now?"

  Zai always has a thick skin, he carefully opened the door of the rest room that had just been closed behind him, and it turned out...

  Outside, there was nothing but an overturned bucket.

   There is no security force, no equipment, and no researchers who are exactly the same as the three doctors.

  Everything seems normal.

  It seems that the parallel world just now was just a coincidence.

  He is back in his space loop.

   "I can't go there... It's a pity... After all, it's the first parallel world I encountered after walking for so long..."

   Mr. Zai shook his head regretfully.

  Turn around and continue to open the door.

   And just like that, he walked again for a minute or two.

   Incident, strike again!

  [You will all die! will die! I saw it with my own eyes! You are all dead! all dead! ]

  As soon as the mechanical door opened, Mr. Zai heard these crying words.

  Suddenly, he became interested.

   "I Zhuo, have I arrived in a parallel world?"

  He hurried out, only to find that there were also a group of security guards and researchers standing on this passage.

  At this time, a blond female researcher was frowning, looking at the D-class personnel kneeling on the ground.

  [What the **** did you see? ]

  The female researcher asked.

  Then, the D-class personnel trembled all over, with fear on his face.

  [The failure of the failure of control...! There will be a power outage at the facility...There will be riots everywhere...Broadcast alarms one after another...The anomalies...The anomalies are coming out...Dr. Taylor...I see you...You are...]

[enough! Agent, this man is delirious and useless. In addition, the experiment was temporarily suspended, and the electrician was asked to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the electrical facilities and control devices. I have to report to Dr. Maynard. ]

   After finishing speaking, the blond female doctor turned and left.

  Leave the crying D-class personnel being dragged away.

   And other people are also starting to pack their things.

   Seeing this, Mr. Zai smacked his lips, feeling amused.

   "Guess everyone...this D-class personnel...couldn't have gone to my original world? After all, the control really failed there."

   "By the way, can I wander around in this parallel world? There hasn't been a control failure incident here, right? Is it possible to be familiar with the map here? Anyway, no one else can see me."

   Mr. Zai looked at both sides of the end, walked over and tried to open the door.

   As a result, the protagonist broke out a line.

  [I have no reason to hang around here, I have to rush to that world to save people as soon as possible]

"All right."

  Zi Zong shrugged and had to move on.

  So, he began to repeat the steps of opening the door—opening the door—crossing the passage—opening the door—opening the door.

   After walking like this for about a minute or so, he encountered a new event again.


   "I am stupid? Someone is fighting! Brothers, do you want to go and see?"

  At this time, Mr. Zai, who came to the new passage, found that the gunshots were not here, but came from a remote place.

   This made his curiosity a little unbearable, but he still asked the fans in the live broadcast room.

  But the answer he got was to tell him to go and see it quickly.


   It seems that the people in the live broadcast room are also very curious about what happened in the parallel world.

   "Okay! Let's go, the gunshots are coming from... It seems to be coming from the direction of the security station. GOGOGO!"

   As he spoke, Mr. Zai rushed over.

  As the passage door opened, the gunshots resounded even louder.

   That means the direction is correct!

   "Come on, brothers!"

   Chief Zai took the lead and rushed out.

   "A new parallel world! A new parallel world! A new parallel world! Here I come to a new parallel world!"

   "Don't be afraid, I'll come and save you right away!"

  The security station is not far away, about 109m away.

  But for the curious cubs, it seems a bit long.

   Fortunately, this set of "mechanical armor" on him makes his movement speed feel as if he is walking like flying.

   Especially after the physical strength is very durable, it reflects an extraordinary feeling.

  For a while, he felt that as long as he had this awesome equipment.

   There is no need to find those hidden mechanical rewards in the game at all.

   This armor alone is enough for him to pass the level!

   Soon, due to his high-speed movement, there was only one corner left from the security station.


  The gunshots intensified!

   There are passionate roars and angry abuse.

  At the same time, there was a roar of a monster that made his pupils constrict.

   "TM! Absolutely something happened to the security station in front!"

   At this time, under the urging of the fans in the live broadcast room, Mr. Zai began to speed up.

  The corner is also getting closer.

  But the bursts of gunfire began to slowly decrease.

   Then, there were successive screams and monster roars.

   Mr. Zai was anxious, he tried his best, and finally reached the corner!

   Then he turned sharply, and suddenly he froze in place.

  [Ahhhhhhhhhhh—! ! ]

   This is the roar of a monster, not a human.

   Mr. Zai glanced at it in shock, and he saw a tall, slender white-skinned monster rushing into a passageway, howling, with its arms outstretched.

   The speed was so fast that it directly smashed the mechanical door.

   It can be seen how terrifying it is!

   "I'm so stupid...what the **** is this damn..."

   Mr. Zai stared blankly at the passage where the monster rushed in. The smashed mechanical door couldn't hold up, and collapsed to the ground with a bang, shaking up dust.

  The security station in front. There are corpses and blood all over the ground.

   And the position where everyone died is not much different from what he saw when he took the 'Mechanical Armor' before...

   Or exactly the same?

  Cub can’t remember clearly.

  But he knew that this place was probably closely related to his original world.

   After all, he has now seen the tragedy that happened at the security station, and the monsters slaughtered here.

   But before, when he came here to pick up the armor, this tragedy had happened for a long time.

  So, this parallel world is the past time period of his world?

  (end of this chapter)

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