MTL - I Make Games To Scare Crying Players-Chapter 151 Inexplicable D-Class Code

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  Chapter 151 Inexplicable D-level rules

   As soon as the voice fell, the main mission of the game was updated again.

  【Please explore this unknown parallel world and find another you】

   Mr. Zai glanced at the game prompt, then at the content of the note in front of him, and curled his lips.

   "I don't understand, brothers, I feel like my IQ is being rubbed on the ground by the production team."

   "It is said that I should obey the instructions on this note, which will save my life. But you have scribbled and changed it, and you can't see any of the key content. How can I obey it?"

  "I feel that these people pretend to be deep when they speak intentionally or unintentionally, and they are not frank at all."

   Mr. Cub pressed the handle, and the note was automatically put into the backpack.

  Looking at this familiar yet unfamiliar broken passage, he thought of an explanation on the note.

   "Is it really impossible to go back? I'll try, I don't want to stay in this broken world."

  Zi always walks to the door when he came, and at a glance, there is an endless straight line, and he can't see the end.

   Everything, same as before, no change.

   Explain that the way he came here is normal, and he can go back at will.

  Then the lounge opposite

   Mr. Zai turned his head slightly and looked behind him.

  There, the wall is broken, the wall is cracked.

  In the concrete, ferocious steel bars and metal pipes are exposed.

  On it, cobwebs are densely covered, forming a piece of natural ecology.

  The original bright metal mechanical door has also become rusty at this moment.

  Even the house plate logo has already faded seriously.

   So much so that the word 'lounge' is so worn that you can't see it, which shows how dilapidated it is.

   Mr. Zai came to the door and looked at the credit card machine next to the door.

  There, it was covered with thick dust and covered with a layer of 'clothing'.

  And the green light indicating power on is not on, indicating that the power has been cut off for a long time.

  However, even if it is powered on, the wiring is probably aging, and there may be a short circuit or something.

"Sometimes the details of this game are really awesome, look at the thick dust. You just take a screenshot, then send it to your friends, and ask them if it looks like a game. I'm sure ten Eight of them would think it was reality!"

"For this professional attitude, let's look at other developers. For these unimportant details, they have always been perfunctory, or just use materials to fool them. But this is also understandable, after all, resources must be used rationally. If any high-definition material Put it inside, can you play it without buying a 9090ti graphics card?"

   "So the optimization level of the only game is really quite high, it is different if you are willing to pay for it. Just for this, everyone is worth buying this game!"

   As he spoke, Mr. Zai took out the Level 5 key card from his backpack and swiped it up.

  Because there was no electricity, the familiar beep did not sound, and the mechanical door in front of him did not open.

   But the dust on the credit card machine was flying up.

   Particles appear in the flashlight beam of the Warframe helmet.

   "I tried it, but it really can't be opened, and it's probably damaged inside. Anyway, we can't leave now. Either go back, or stay here to explore."

   Mr. Zai put away the key card and looked at both sides of the aisle.

  Finally chose to walk in the direction of the security station.

  Because he walked twice, so he is more familiar with that side.

  So, after deciding on the destination, Mr. Zai started to act.

  He trotted to the end of the passage, and then found embarrassingly, because there was no electricity, the door leaving the passage... could not be opened.

   "Brothers... It seems that I can't get out, I'll go to the other side to see."

  So, Mr. Zai turned around and ran to the other end of the passage, only to find that the door here was also unable to open.

   Not only that, under the light of the flashlight, he also found two large crooked characters written on the door by some kind of red spray paint.

'leave-! '

   This immediately made him curious.

   "Don't do this! The more you do this, the more curious I will be."

"If your words were changed to 'Welcome to this world', I might not want to come. But you are trying to hide something, and that note. It is simply telling us, guest officer, come quickly, Come and play~"

   "Right guys?"

  The audience and fans in the live broadcast room flicked their keyboards one after another, expressing that they were right.

   What's more, he has already expressed that he can't wait to see the world, so that the cubs don't want ink marks.

   "Don't rush, let me take a look. The mission asked me to explore here, but the door is closed, so it should be decrypted, or find another way."

  At this moment, Mr. Zai wearing VR frowned, feeling a little troublesome.

   "This game is said to be very free, so it makes sense for me not to follow the routine?"

  So, he smiled and chose the easiest way to open the door.

   "The car I just mentioned!"


  With a loud noise, the mechanical door collapsed.

  The huge movement caused the audience and fans in the live broadcast room to widen their eyes.

   As for Mr. Zai, he still maintained his punching posture.

  That appearance looks heroic.

   Obviously, the mechanical door was blasted open by him.

  The viewers and fans in the live broadcast room will not be able to deal with it directly.

   "I'm stupid! Can you still do this!?"

   "This operation TM is too free!"

   "My giao! Shocked my brother for 3 minutes, and he can still open the door like this!?"


   "You still have to be the one to talk about the show operation!"

   "Understood, Zhen·physics opens the door. Mom is afraid that I won't be able to open the door anymore."

  During the game, Mr. Zai laughed loudly.

   "See, brothers, this is Powwa! Do you long for power?"

   "This armor is really strong, I don't know if it can be tough."

   Shaking his hands, Mr. Zai stepped out.

  The outside of the passage is the same as what he saw when he first looked for the reincarnation effect of Z-FBC-0970.

   This proves that the map structure of the game has not changed.

  The difference lies in the style and stacking.

   At this time, standing outside the passage door, he looked at the surrounding environment in the darkness.

  If the ring prison-19 in his original world is a modern disaster version style. Right now, here is the end of the world.

  Because as far as the eye can see, it is full of ruins and exposed steel bars.

  In the dark environment, let alone people, you can't even see a mouse.

   It seems that the place has long been empty.

   "Is the other main character really here? Shouldn't he be dead?"

   "To be honest, brothers, I think I came to the wrong timeline? No matter how you look at this place, it looks like a site that has been abandoned for N years after the extinction of human beings."

   “I remember another protagonist explicitly saying that his world was ‘the Bureau is purging humans,’ but that doesn’t look like it here.”

   "In short, let's explore first. Anyone with ears can hear the punch just now. Will there be any abnormalities running over?"

   Mr. Zai looked around, and under the light of the flashlight, there was no sound.

   All right, anyway, this armor can make him invisible.

  Although I don't know why I can see my body, others can't.

   Right now, I just don't know if the anomalous entity can't see him like a human NPC.

   In addition, he is also very curious about what the world has become now.

  He would like to go outside if he could.

   But for now, let's walk around the site.

  After making up his mind, Mr. Zai began to carefully explore in the deserted facility under the light of the flashlight.

   After a few minutes, he was surprised. The mechanical doors here, whether it is this room A or that room B, are not closed!

   This means he can move in and out as he pleases.

   It looks like only the passage he came from is blocked.

   "I don't know if it was intentional by the production team or for some reason, except for that passage, all the doors here are open."

   Mr. Zai frowned, remembered this strange point, and continued to explore.

  He passed an office where the documents were scattered, the desks and chairs were tilted, and even the frosted glass was broken.

  He also passed a shooting range with damaged targets and no guns. There was also a display on top, but it was also broken.

  He also walked into a changing room, where the lockers were half-opened and half-closed, and the clothes were all over the floor in a mess.

  No matter how you look at it, the facilities at this site have been abandoned.

   "It feels a bit wrong. Judging from these messy places, there must be conflicts and riots. But if this is the case, why are there no dead bodies?"

   Mr. Zai was puzzled, and walked out from another door in the lounge.

  Suddenly, his steps froze.

  Because, in front of his sight, there was a dead body sitting impressively!

  A D-class personnel wearing orange clothes, already turned into a skeleton!

   "I'm stupid, I knew it wasn't easy here! I finally saw a person, even though it's a dead person, but it's still a person!"

   Mr. Zai stepped forward immediately, but as he approached, the game entered the real-time calculation animation again.

   Indicates that the cutscene has begun.

  In the game, the protagonist squatted down cautiously and began to examine the bones in front of him.

  Because it is in the first person, the appearance of the bones is also clearly shown to everyone in the live broadcast room.

   So, they all saw that there was an obvious hole in that skull.

   At this moment, the protagonist spoke.

  [A deceased D-Class, from the signs of weathering, appears to have been dead for decades. ]

  The protagonist reaches out, pinches the skull, and examines it carefully under the light of the flashlight.

  His posture is bold and fearless, as if what is in front of him is not a human skeleton, but a human prop.

  [He hit the head? Judging from the traces of penetration, the bullet should have entered from the forehead and exited from the back of the head. ]

  [Dying in this place means that you were not executed. Then it is very likely that it is unimaginable. FBC really did this kind of thing]

  The protagonist reached out and searched the corpse in front of him, as if wanting to see what was on him.

   But as he opened his collar, the number plate on the chest of the D-class personnel in front of him was also exposed.

  Suddenly, Mr. Zai and the protagonist were stunned.

  Because of the number above, it is D-9341…

   And this... is the protagonist's number!


  The tone of the protagonist is shocking and surprised.

  Prophecy and foresight are gone at this time.

   It was the first time he experienced this kind of thing, and he no longer had the calmness he had in the site before.

   As a player, Mr. Zai felt incredible again.

  If the corpse in front of him is the main character, then who is asking him for help?

  He remembered that another protagonist clearly stated that he was a doctor, and he had not been downgraded to a D-level personnel for researching prohibited items.

  So the protagonist of the parallel world... can't be a D-class personnel.

   But now this world has appeared, and the number is still the same as the protagonist controlled by the player.

  Then who is this D-level protagonist?


   They came to the wrong parallel world?

   No, this is not the point of the question.

  The boneless D-9341 in front of him...doesn't have the ability to read files?

  Just as Mr. Zai’s head was a little bit down, the protagonist of the game seemed to have discovered something.

  He reached out from the skeleton's clothes and found a light yellow paper of A4 size.

  The next second, the content of this piece of paper was presented in front of the audience and fans in Zai Zonghe's live broadcast room.

   Then, their eyes widened again!

  —A statement of regulations printed out by a computer. It is old and light yellow, but it is relatively intact.

  【Rules for Class D Personnel】


  ‘Well, let’s say welcome first. You are currently a D-Class with the FBC Federal Bureau of Control. This position does not bring you compensation and benefits. Correspondingly, you also need to do your best to fulfill your duties as a D-class personnel regardless of the cost. For the smoothness of your work, please abide by the following rules during your tenure, otherwise you will bear the consequences. '

  1. You must go to the control room of Z-FBC-0682 'Undead Monitor Lizard'/Z-FBC-0049 'Plague Doctor' for routine inspections every day.

  2. Your D-level colleagues will not talk to you, let alone smile at you. If so, please get away as soon as possible and notify the security staff in time, they will deal with it.

  3. Only the security of the security station can be trusted.

  4. Each Class D personnel has an independent dormitory of 10*6 square meters, and only one person lives there. If you find that there are other D-class personnel in your dormitory. Please do not enter or touch, report to the nearest security station immediately, and then wait for 30 minutes on the spot.

  5. Remember, all D-class personnel will be locked in the dormitory without work notice, and cannot open it by themselves. All security personnel are not authorized to open any Class D dormitory doors. If so, please ignore him/her/it and remember not to trust anything he/she/it says.

  6. D-class personnel do not and cannot walk around the site without security. If you see it, ignore it as much as possible.

  7. No one, nor can anyone believe in God/religion.

  8. This site has No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, and No. 5 unmanned cafeterias. All D-level personnel will receive three meals prepared with a standard portion of 150 grams. If you get a notice that you can dine at restaurant 6, whoever told you, get away from them immediately and report immediately!

  9. From 21:00 to 21:30 every night, security personnel will provide a slice/piece of pizza of various flavors in the D-level dormitory area for a limited time. Remember not to take too much, definitely not to take too much! If the security personnel provides you with two tablets/more, refer to Article 3, and immediately press the alarm to remember the security number on his chest.

  10. Security personnel will never conduct meaningless behaviors such as bed checking/counting the number of people. If so, don't respond, just press the alert.

  11. Security personnel will not patrol.

  12. The abnormal number 0038 does not exist in FBC, if you see the corresponding control room, or someone enters and exits. Remember not to get close, and don't tell anyone. Do your best to forget about it.

  13. There are only Nos. 1-9 in the D-class personnel dormitory area. If you find No. 10 and No. 11 dormitory areas, and there are people in them. Then no matter what you are doing, stay away immediately, and no one will blame you.

  14. If you find a dimly lit area within the site facility with flickering or unlit lights, please do not enter. If you find someone walking out of it, please leave immediately and report to the security personnel in time!

  15. Be wary of any D-Class/Security/Researchers who accost you outside of work.

   Mr. Cub:

   "What the **** is this!?"

   There is nothing wrong with the number. In addition, there are two rules, which will be gone after writing.



  (end of this chapter)

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