MTL - I Make Games To Scare Crying Players-Chapter 200 the unnamed forest

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  Chapter 200 The Unnameable Forest

  Since we have chosen to make "Dark Forest" VR, we must do it seriously and with our heart.

  The remake of this game is not just as simple as copying the original game into VR, which will appear insincere.

  At least Meng Shu thought so.

   To do it, you have to treat the VR version of "Dark Forest" as a new game, so that players will have a new sense of freshness and strangeness when experiencing it.

   Therefore, the game content has to add some new things on the original basis.

  And "Forest of the Forbidden" is his "new content".

  According to the documentation, this is a strange and extremely mysterious strange forest.

  Inside, a large number of strange humanoid entities live.

   At first glance, it seems to be a paradise far away from the human world, and it seems to be a peaceful world without disputes.

  However, this place has an extremely weird anomalous characteristic.

   Named Hazards.

   means 'cannot be named. '

  This forest cannot be referred to by any oral or written names, pronouns, or numbers.

  Because once this is done, the namer will die in various strange ways.

  And all those who indirectly saw or heard this named name will have a mild or severe life crisis according to the "number of times" they saw and heard.

  If you know the name of the forest directly from the namer, you will end up similar to the namer.

   So it cannot be named, only 'described'.

  And the same description cannot be used twice, otherwise it will be regarded as a 'naming', and then trigger the above-mentioned crisis.

   Therefore, when calling this forest, you have to use various compound words to 'describe' it.

   That's why the document is not numbered.

   But in number order, it's at position 4000.

  In addition to the naming hazard of the forest itself, the humanoid entities living in it are not simple.

   They, steal names!

  These humanoid entities will call you by various names.

  If you answer, it means you accept what they call you, and your name will be stolen by the humanoid entity and become its property.

   Finally you are not you anymore, who you are and all.

  Entities will use your name and identity to enter the human world.

   Without a name, you will eventually become a part of the forest.

   In a humanoid way…

   In addition, if you die after being told the name of the forest, you may become a part of it.

  In short, for Meng Shu, this kind of confusing and weird forest fits his requirements and ideas very well.

   And now, he can make it happen.

  As early as May last year, when he first made "Dark Forest", it was the first game since time travel.

  He is poor and penniless.

  Many ideas cannot be realized due to time constraints.

   Only some FBC-related settings can be added to the original game to lay a good foundation.

  Including the second game "Blackjack", one month's time could not allow him to enrich the game, he could only add some lines about FBC.

  So, now that the VR version of "Dark Forest" is being remade, it is natural to realize the ideas that were not realized at first, so as to perfect this horror universe.

  Then this 'Forest of Forbidden' document is very suitable.

  Because the story of "Dark Forest" itself takes place in a wildly growing forest, and the integration of this document will not only further improve the FBC world view, but also make this forest appear many unexpected weird things.

   As for the direction of the plot, Meng Shu had already thought about it.

   At this time, in the office, Meng Shu created a temporary Word document.

   After double-clicking to open, start to formulate the plot process.

   Firstly, the first step, the plot of the game itself remains unchanged, the truth is still investigated in the horror forest, and finally it is found that the reason for the mutation of the forest is caused by an alien luminous life form.

  The ending of the game will also be preserved, which is the good ending of waking up from the dream, giving your life and burning everything. And the bad ending of continuing to fall into a dream and being forever trapped in the so-called "warm family" in consciousness.

  Then, it is not difficult for Meng Shu to add the world view of FBC and the setting of "Forest of the Forbidden" on this basis.

  The planning value of 60+12 in the system panel made him think clearly and logically.

  First of all, the background story of the original game:

  In the story of "Dark Forest" in 1987, a luminous star life body visited the human planet and fell into a forest in a small country.

  The appearance of this alien life form caused the forest to mutate and grow crazily.

  Tightly packed tree trunks soar into walls, preventing access from inside and outside.

  The lush and exaggerated branches and leaves cover the sky and block out the sun, making the forest lifeless and gloomy.

   Soon, the forest flooded the roads, swallowed the village, and became a place of isolation.

   And, the trees even started to expand outside

  Tends to eat the world

   But it wasn't the most desperate.

  The alien life form built a large-scale dream based on reality, and through a certain method, the people in the forest gathered next to its body without anyone noticing it.

   Then collectively pull into the dreamland, so that people can't distinguish between reality and reality in it, and can't wake up.

   Because of the inability to distinguish dreams, once people die in dreams, their bodies in reality will also be brain-dead.

  The corpses left behind will become nutrients to nourish alien life forms.

   Because of this, the country's rescue began to appear weak.

   Mutated trees, whose growth rate and expansion rate far exceed the cutting speed of tools, are completely useless and desperate.

  Even if the rescue team is lucky enough to enter the forest, they will be attracted to the alien life form in a daze, and fall into a deep dream until they die.

   That is to say, unless a miracle happens, there is almost no solution to this disaster.

  Then, this forest can be changed to 'Forest of Forbidden'.

  Due to the fall of alien life forms, the growth mutation in the original game and the weird characteristics in the abnormal file appeared in this ordinary forest inhabited by humans.

  FBC immediately took responsibility from the small country and began to send agents to investigate on the ground, but it turned out that they all lost contact.

  Considering the quality of agents, the second investigation operation was changed to the entry of Mobile Task Force Zeta-9 'Mole'.

  However, it was discovered that the mutated towering trees formed a high wall that could not be entered.

  The helicopter also failed mechanically due to magnetic field confusion and could not deliver people at high altitude.

  Finally, the FBC had no choice but to dig tunnels into the forest for investigation.

  Here we meet the crucial 'Underground Passage No. 21' in the game.

   As for the fate of this task force, Meng Shu had other plans, but they certainly would not die in vain.

   After the task force lost contact, the FBC gave birth to the third exploration and investigation operation.

   And this time, the main character will appear...


  In front of the computer, new ideas and plots took shape in Meng Shu's hands.

  All kinds of unconstrained ideas are being screened in his mind.

  Because it is a dream in the game, things that were impossible in reality can also appear reasonably.

  Similarly because it is a dream, the rules of the world no longer exist, and normal phenomena will be full of weirdness.

  As for the anomalous characteristic of 'unnameable' in the forest, he also had a better idea...

   Even, it can be set as a task...

   But when it comes to missions, although the sidelines in the original game have been done very well. But after switching to VR, it still seems a bit insufficient for this huge forest.

  Although the game is not an open world, but a large map.

  But if the amount of tasks is too small, the entire map will be empty and large.

   Therefore, random events are essential to bring the weird interpretation of the entire forest area to life.

   On this point, Meng Shu also had a new idea.

   Soon, it's afternoon.

  Having completed the preliminary production plan of the game, he opened the work group and notified task designer Chen An and art director Fang Yuancheng to come in for a meeting.

   But what he didn't know was that because of the debut of "Dead Space" at E3, the setting of the mechanical armor made it widely reported by domestic and foreign media, which made this game expected by players all over the world.

   For a while, "Dead Space" stole the limelight.

  Most male players can’t wait to experience the thrill and satisfaction of wearing armor and showing their might in the game.

   Because of this, the popularity continued, which once made other domestic games a foil.

  However, this also managed to attract the attention of some well-known directors in the entertainment circle to the only game.

   and the company's legal person - Meng Shu.

   There will be no business wars and open and secret fights in the business world in this book.



  (end of this chapter)

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