MTL - I Make Games To Scare Crying Players-Chapter 208 high level meeting

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  Chapter 208 High-Level Meeting

   The highest floor of the Unlimited Online Entertainment Building is the office of the chairman of the board.

  And this floor is also the symbol of the highest power of the entire company.

   Those who can come here for a meeting are those who are important in the company and have a certain right to speak.

   At this time, in the conference room of Nuo Da.

  Chairman Mr. Liang has already sat at the main seat, without saying a word.

  Behind him stood Supervisor Lian.

   And below, there are chief financial CFO, chief operating COO, chief technology CTO and others.

  They were already sitting in jeopardy, waiting for the meeting.

  Director Lian spontaneously poured tea for the senior executives, then stood aside, waiting for orders.

   Not long after, the meeting officially started with the arrival of the CEO.

  Just when the high-level executives thought they were about to discuss some important matter, Mr. Liang's first sentence stunned them.

   "This termination contract, Leo (Leo), who approved you to do this."

  Leo is the English name of Operations Officer Liu in the company.

  In some medium and large companies, for the convenience of addressing each other, they will give themselves a decent English name or flower name.

  Only in this way can we avoid the situation of calling each other Mr. XX, or Mr. X.

  And some foreign companies, from leaders to employees, must have English names.

   As the name suggests, there is no distinction between superiors and subordinates.

   Therefore, in some foreign companies and large companies, ordinary employees also call their leaders by their English names, not Mr. Chen and Mr. Li, which are called by outsiders.

  But in Infinity Online Entertainment, no one dared to call Mr. Liang by his English name or fancy name except the members of the board of directors.

   Including the CEO himself.

   "No one approved it, it was my own idea."

  Hearing what Operation Officer Liu said, Mr. Liang breathed out, seeming a little disappointed.

   "What's your idea? What's your idea? Cooperation with Tiancheng Pictures to sell IP rights?"

  Operation Officer Liu opened his mouth, but stopped talking.

  He looked around and found that other senior executives were looking at him, and forced himself to calm down while feeling uneasy.

"Mr. Liang, I think the cooperation with Tiancheng Films is very promising. This will not only sell the company's game copyrights, but also lead to the trend of game adaptation film and television, and I believe Tiancheng Films can definitely do it with its ability. Yes. As long as they do this, other companies should follow suit, and then the game copyright will not be as uninterested as it is now.”

   "The current market needs a strong leader."

  President Liang raised his head and looked at Operation Officer Liu.

   "I don't comment on your idea, but in order to cooperate with Tiancheng Pictures, you sold the game copyright of other companies without authorization?"

   "Even in order to maintain this business, you still play tricks to register other people's trademarks? Do you know that this is illegal? Didn't the legal department tell you?"

   "How much impact will your actions have on Unlimited Online Entertainment?"

   "More importantly, you talked about Tiancheng Pictures, but you terminated the contract with the only game!"

  Mr. Liang threw the termination contract in his hand on the table, making the originally quiet conference room even more dead silent.

  Hearing this, several high-level executives looked slightly surprised, and looked at Mr. Liang and Operations Officer Liu one after another.

  But they didn't hold the mentality of watching a good show, but were extremely serious, thinking about the seriousness of this matter.

   But at the same time, several high-level officials became curious.

   What kind of business partner is this, so important? So much so that Mr. Liang was asked to hold a high-level meeting.

   Could it be some big foreign company?

   At this time, Operation Officer Liu also realized the problem, and understood that Mr. Liang attached great importance to that small company.

but why?

  Is there anything special about that small company?

   Or is it said that people and Liang are always relatives?

   "Mr. Liang, there is absolutely no other meaning in the termination of the only game, it is purely because the risk assessment is too big."

   "Mr. Liang, I am considering the issue from the perspective of the company. It is precisely because of this that I choose to terminate the contract with Unique Games."

"To cooperate with them, we have to pay promotion fees to promote their games. But in this case, if their games don't sell well, then our initial advertising investment will not be able to recover. You also know the promotion fees It is a huge sum of money, if the market fails, it is acceptable to have copyright on our side, but even without copyright, there is really no guarantee.”

   "So, this cooperation, I don't see any benefits to Infinity Online Entertainment. On the contrary, there are risks everywhere."

  Speaking of this, Operations Officer Liu looked at Supervisor Lian and pointed the finger at her.

"Among them, Supervisor Lian should bear the main responsibility. It is because of her negligence that our Unlimited Online Entertainment has become a person who purely pays for help. This professional ability is really unprofessional. Supervisor Lian must deeply understand his own shortcomings. Mistakes do."


  Director Lian opened his eyes wide and exclaimed, but quickly covered his mouth and kept silent.

  But Operation Officer Liu ignored it, and continued to speak on his own.

"The only game is completely sucking our blood, and relying on luck to make their game successful. And luck may succeed once or twice, but it is impossible to succeed for a lifetime. I didn't know before With this cooperation, now I found out, for the benefit of the company, I have to stop”

   "Do you think I don't know?"

   Mr. Liang's sudden interruption interrupted Operation Officer Liu's eloquence, making his next words stuck in his throat and unable to speak.

   "Do you think that I don't know the regulations in the contract? Do you think that this is a cooperation made by the Lian supervisor?"

  Operation Officer Liu: .

Is not it?

   If you knew, would you allow this outrageous collaboration?

   This is completely putting Unlimited Online Entertainment at the risk center!

  If the huge promotion fee cannot be recovered because the other party’s game is not selling well, then it is completely taken advantage of!

  It is impossible for you, Liang, to be ignorant of the stakes, unless.


  For a while, Operation Officer Liu didn't know how to reply.

   President Liang looked at the silent COO and snorted coldly.

   "Why should I agree to such a contract, why should I agree to cooperate with Unique Games, have you never thought about it?"

  Operation Officer Liu continued to remain silent.

"I don't know? Okay, let me tell you. Because they have technology that we don't have! They have VR development technology that even foreign countries don't have! This is the reason! Their technology has led to their games being rare on the market. VR game!"

   President Liang was talking, and suddenly stood up, looking down at everyone in the meeting.

   And Operation Officer Liu's head lowered even lower.

   "If they were just an ordinary game company, would we accept such cooperation? It is because they are not ordinary, they have something that others don't have."

  “Before I started working with Unique Games, I tested them and asked them to come up with a case worthy of our cooperation. They took it out, and it’s still on our platform, called "Blackjack"!"

  “VR has become as popular as mobile phones, and it belongs to electronic daily necessities. But because it is not a game console, it has always been a shortcoming in the field of games. It has no suitable games, and even foreign countries cannot do it.”

"But the only game has done it. They have made a palace-level game in the field of VR, which is not well-known abroad. Rare things are expensive. They have such technology. What does it mean? It means that they have infinite A market where people compete! They have a whole market dividend waiting to make a profit!"

  When the CEO heard this, his eyes lit up.

  Gosh, this is real!

  That company is so capable! ?

  For a while, the CEO's mind was full of thoughts, thinking about the possible benefits and benefits of continuing cooperation.

  Before, when Mr. Liang was notifying the senior management for a meeting, he had approached him alone.

   Mainly asking why he passed this termination contract.

  The CEO at the time was in a daze, completely confused about the situation.

  COO submitted the contract termination document, which mentioned risky cooperation. He carefully looked at the content of the document and found that the situation was true, so he passed the review.

   Logically speaking, there is nothing wrong with this.

  Who would have thought that Mr. Liang called to ask about this matter, which also made the CEO understand that it was not easy.

   Just didn't expect it to be so special!

   What others don't have, the only game has! Then they can harvest wildly in the market without any worries!

  Because there is no competitor at all!

  Cooperating with them, even a little soup has good benefits!

   On the other hand, the chief financial officer is also thoughtful.

  As the person in charge of the company's financial power, she has seen several applications for huge promotion expenses before.

   And every time it is a game promotion.

  Recalling it now, the application form seems to be the only game Mr. Liang just mentioned.

  She still remembers one of the times, because the promotion cost was as high as about 11 million, so she didn't approve it directly, but returned the order to ask the applicant to give enough reasons and analyze whether it can make a profit.

  In retrospect, this matter is a bit outrageous.

  Because the company has never spent so much money promoting a game!

  But it happened repeatedly in the only game, which is incredible.

   Now combined with what Mr. Liang said, it seems that he really has full confidence in that company.


   Several senior executives looked at the COO with complicated expressions.

  At the meeting, Mr. Liang continued to speak in a cold voice.

"Our Unlimited Online Entertainment does not have VR technology like Unique Game for the time being, but we can invest in them! Use their technology to earn dividends in the blank market. In other words, cooperating with Unique Game is equivalent to a high-value and high-return game long-term investment!"

"You keep talking about risky cooperation. As the COO of the company, you should know that investment itself is risky. After this year, the facts have proved that the original cooperation was right. Look at the unique game that brought us How big a profit, what a benefit."

   "Now, in order to cooperate with Tiancheng Films and earn more than 20 million yuan, you have personally terminated the contract with the only game? You also preempted their trademark and sued them, offending them to death?"

   "You tell me, what to do now? Huh?"

  In the conference room, the senior executives were silent.

   They didn't gloat, they didn't look at the jokes, they didn't even look at the COO.

   Instead, I was thinking about what to do next to restore the cooperation.

  This high-level meeting, on the surface, seemed to be asking questions, but in fact, it was gathering everyone to find a way to come up with a plan to continue to cooperate with Unique Game.

  The people present are not stupid, they can see the essence through the phenomenon.

  If it is really just to blame Leo, then there is no need for all the high-level officials to come to the 42nd floor.

   Just give him a call alone.

   Therefore, seeing the COO has been speechless, the CEO frowned deeply, and then broke the deadlock.

   "Mr. Liang, I am also responsible for this incident, because I approved the termination of the contract. Leo, did you send this contract to Unique Game?"

  Operation Officer Liu shook his head, saying no.

   This made the CEO look lighter.

   "That's OK. This means that Unique Game doesn't know about it yet. We can ask the legal department to destroy this contract."

   "Also, Mr. Liang, is it possible for us to acquire Unique Game?"

  Mr. Liang frowned, didn't speak, but looked at Supervisor Lian.

  The latter understood and spoke immediately.

   "I don't know too well, maybe not. But I will ask Mr. Meng and ask them if they have this intention."

  The CEO nodded.

"OK, that's it. If we can't acquire them, then we should honestly apologize to them for this matter. I think I should come forward and say it. When they accept the apology, we will include them in the list of key partners .”

   "I will talk about the trademark squatting. The biggest possibility is to transfer the trademark to them, which can be regarded as our sincerity in apologizing."

   Speaking of this, the CEO looked to the CFO and CTO.

   "Then there is financial support. They definitely need money to develop games. We can provide early-stage funds to help. By the way, we can also provide technical support to complete game development. What do you think?"

  The financial officer and the technical officer looked at each other, and after contemplating for a while, they spoke.

   "For the issue of funds, as long as the company allows it, remember the bill of lading."

  “Our technical department may not have enough manpower, and they all have mastered VR development. I don’t think we can do much to help. At most, we can provide some production experience.”

  The CEO nodded, since all departments are cooperating, then the rest can be solved.

"Finally, it is the cooperation with Tiancheng Pictures. Leo, you are still responsible for this matter. The copyright of the only game can be ignored, and now you have to ease the relationship with them. So you have to ask Tiancheng Pictures Unwilling to change a game? I think the games the company is developing now should meet their requirements.”

   "In addition, we must explain the situation truthfully, and we must make them understand and accept our difficulties. If we fail to negotiate, you know that there will be liquidated damages, and this is your personal reason."

   "Mr. Liang, is this method feasible? If so, then I will personally apologize to Unique Game."

   President Liang glanced at him, then at Operations Officer Liu, and said.

"Mr. Meng, the only gamer, I have talked to him a few times, and I know what kind of person he is. Although he is young, he is not stupid, and he is obviously a person who takes soft things rather than tough ones. You are apologizing on behalf of Unlimited Online Entertainment At this time, put down your airs and say it properly, do you understand?"

   "Also, Leo, you are still too busy in the position of COO. Let me find you a helper."

  Operation Officer Liu's face suddenly changed, and he looked at Mr. Liang in disbelief.

  The latter just walked out of the conference room without looking back.

   "So, did the COO who made a mistake receive such a punishment?"

  In the only game office, Meng Shu leaned on a chair and spoke plainly.

  A steady male voice came from his cell phone immediately.

  [In addition to this, a fine was also imposed. However, this is an internal matter of Unlimited Online Entertainment, and it is inconvenient to say more. The reason why I tell you is mainly to prove the sincerity of our apology, and I hope you will not reveal it. ]

  [This matter is indeed wrong for us at Unlimited Online Entertainment, we will conduct systematic training for high-level executives. We also deleted the V blog on the Internet, and reposted a V blog to explain it and eliminate the impact. ]

  [This matter was caused by Unlimited Online Entertainment, so it is naturally resolved by us internally. I'm really sorry, Mr. Meng. ]

  [Also, do you accept and understand us about the several proposals I mentioned earlier? We Unlimited Online Entertainment really hope to continue to cooperate with you. Based on the one-year cooperation, please forgive our mistake this time. ]

  Hearing this, Meng Shu sighed.

  After the notice broke on the V blog, he had expected that Infinity Online Entertainment would come forward to solve the matter, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

   I just didn't expect it to be resolved that night, that is, now.

   This speed is quite fast.

  Even the CEO himself called, showing sincerity.

   As for the COO's punishment, Meng Shu, who has experienced it, knows what it means.

  An important position that was originally independent, suddenly assigns you a helper, and the intention is obvious.

  He thought that Unlimited Online Entertainment would suppress the other party and not punish him because the other party was an executive, but he didn't expect Mr. Liang to be a real person.

   But it also shows that they value this cooperation.

In this case

  I originally planned to set up a publishing department by myself, but I can take it easy.

   After all, the VR version of Darkwood is almost done. If the diplomatic relationship is broken at this time, the issue of distribution will be a bit troublesome.

  Although he has the ability to publish by himself now, the time does not allow it, and the recruitment of new employees also needs to be carefully screened.

  So let Unlimited Online Entertainment do the distribution work for the time being.

  However, in order to prevent such a thing from happening again, he has to set up a publishing department no matter what, but it has to be done slowly.

   When the time is on the right track, you will be able to publish completely independently and no longer rely on unlimited online entertainment.

   "When will you hand over the trademarks?"

  [Director Lian will explain this question to you in detail. I don't know much about it. I'm really sorry. ]

   "Is there a time limit for the financial support and technical support you said?"

  [No, as long as you are an important partner of our infinite online entertainment, you will always provide support. ]

   “Is there any difference between the key partners and the previous ones?”

  [Director Lian will tell you in detail, please rest assured that the treatment is not just the same as before. ]

  Meng Shu nodded, okay, I didn't expect this misunderstanding to end when he was busy developing the game.

   Fast and fast.

   Fortunately, I didn't distract myself too much on chores, and the efficiency of Infinity Online Entertainment is not bad.

  The key point is that he saw Mr. Liang's attitude, which made him very satisfied.

   "Okay, I understand. I just hope that such a misunderstanding will not happen again, I don't have time to play this kind of game."

  [I’m really sorry Mr. Meng, and thank you for accepting our apology. ]

  Meng Shu picked up the water glass and took a sip.

   After explaining a few more words, he hung up the phone.

   Now, because of the V blog notification incident during the day, his private message exploded again on the original 99+.

  And within a day, there were more than 10 calls from unfamiliar numbers.

  Nine times out of ten, they were from various companies, and he didn’t pick up any of them anyway.

  The problem is that the subsequent impact of this matter may be used by people with intentions.

  Even if Unlimited Net Entertainment deletes the V blog, it sends a new notice to eliminate the impact. But what happened is what happened, and it is still being discussed on the Internet.

  Even conspiracy theories started popping up.

  However, because of this, the popularity of the only game has increased by one point.

  Everyone knows what happened. Unlimited Online Entertainment apologizes to Unique Game.

  However, in order to prevent the increase of negative news, Meng Shu decided to send a notice to divert the downwind.

   As for what to post, he already has an idea.

   Now, it's time to tell the players what the next game is.

   Hoo hoo, it's over. The plot is somewhat different from the original outline, and the original ending has also been modified. This ending is not bad for both companies. This incident downplayed the protagonist, and did not let the protagonist do this or that. It also changed COO's own ending so that he didn't behave like this or that.



  (end of this chapter)

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