MTL - I Married the Second Male Lead After Reincarnating-Chapter 500 Wen X Bai: Let's have a baby

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  Wen Yan helped Bai Yiyi wash her body, carried her back to the bed, and then went to the bathroom to pick up the scattered clothes and put them into the washing machine.

   After putting the clothes in the dryer, Wen Yanyi returned to the bed.

  Bai Yiyi fell into a drowsy sleep, but as soon as Wen Yan went to bed, she still consciously crawled into his arms and hugged him, rubbing against his chest like a puppy.

  She has been sticky and gentle since she was a child, and she settled down when she knew the difference between men and women in adolescence. After the two got married, she returned to her previous state, and she seemed to like hugging him even more than before.

  Wen Yan pressed her restless head, and said softly, "Sleep."

  Bai Yiyi responded and went to sleep peacefully.

   After more than ten minutes, Bai Yiyi still hasn't fallen asleep.

  She heard Wen Yanyi's breathing evenly, as if he had fallen asleep, so she raised her head and kissed him on the chin.

  Wen Yanyi probably really fell asleep, and there was no movement.

  Bai Yiyi tried and kissed again.

  The person holding her remained silent.

  Bai Yiyi became interested, like a child who likes to play tricks, kissing one after another, laughing happily.

   While playing, the man's hoarse and tense voice suddenly sounded in the darkness: "Sleep, or don't sleep tonight."

  Bai Yiyi noticed the change in him, frightened for a second, and became quiet instantly.

  Wen Yanyi continued: "I'm going on a business trip in two days, maybe a week, so stay at home and don't go out and cause trouble."

  Since Xia Zimu became pregnant, Bai Yiyi's life has lost a lot of fun. Apart from the great harmony of life with Wen Yanyi, there is no other fun in life after get off work.

  She was born with a toss-up temperament. After being peaceful for so long, a small corner of her heart has long been restless. However, Wen Yan is so strict that she usually doesn't even dare to look at other men's faces outside.

  As soon as she heard that Wen Yanyi was going on a business trip, Bai Yiyi was secretly happy in her heart, but she was very obedient on the surface, and nodded obediently: "Okay."

  On the third night after Wen Yan left, Bai Yiyi organized a game and called a few friends over to have a drink.

   There are a few young rich women who come with their male companions. The boys are all handsome, but Bai Yiyi is a married woman after all, so at most she just looks at it, and she doesn't want to see more.

   But who knows, she doesn't want to, but others have already taken a fancy to her luxury house and famous car, and she is determined to be the little milk dog of the rich wife and sister.

  After she sent her sisters home, she returned to the bedroom and found a person lying on the bed.

  The man was lying with his back to her, wearing Wen Yanyi's pajamas.

  She thought it was Wen Yan who came back, and she felt a "thump" in her heart. She climbed onto the bed softly, knelt on the bed, and poked the man's shoulder with her finger.


  The man turned over, his face full of shyness, "wife~"

  Bai Yiyi's pupils trembled.

  Where did this **** zero come from?

  The next second, she heard the door behind her being slammed loudly.

  Bai Yiyi turned around with a dazed look on her face.

  Who came here just now?

  Bai Yiyi got up from the bed, kicked the little milk dog out of the house, and then asked the housekeeper who came back just now.

   As expected, it was Wen Yanyi who returned.

   "Didn't my brother say he won't be back until a week?"

  The butler said respectfully: "Mr.'s work ended early, so I bought the nearest ticket and rushed back that day."

  Wen Yan was worried that she would be lonely at home alone, so he hurried back as soon as work was over.

   As a result, when she opened the bedroom door, she gave him such a big surprise.

  Bai Yiyi felt a chill down her spine.

   It feels like it's over tonight.

  She didn't dare to go to the study to find Wen Yanyi, so she climbed back to bed anxiously and fell asleep.

   As a result, the next day, Wen Yanyi didn't intend to settle accounts with her, so he went straight to work after breakfast.

   For the next few days, Wen Yanyi slept in the study and didn't talk to her. Even if she went out for dinner, Wen Yanyi didn't say anything.

  Bai Yiyi finally realized the seriousness of the problem, and her attitude changed from fear at the beginning to worry.

  As soon as Wen Yan came home from overtime work, Bai Yiyi heard the movement, and immediately knocked on the door of the study.

   When Wen Yan let her in, she opened the door and went in.

   After she entered, Wen Yan didn't even look at her, and was still working.

  Bai Yiyi walked around the desk, glanced at the documents that she couldn't understand, and then shifted her gaze back to the handsome face with a warm and frosty face.

  She raised her hand, tugged at his sleeve lightly, and murmured: "That man crawled onto my bed and lay down by himself last night, and I didn't move him."

  Wen Yanyi's gaze remained on the document in his hand, and his voice was shockingly calm: "Then did you invite him to your house?"

  Bai Yiyi choked, stopped trying to argue, and immediately admitted her mistake: "I was wrong, and I won't dare in the future."

  Wen Yanyi remained unmoved.

  Bai Yiyi mustered up her courage, swept aside the documents in front of him, raised her long legs, and sat on his lap.

  Wen Yanyi finally raised his eyes to look at her, his eyes were cold, "Go down."

  Although he usually speaks harshly to her, he seldom really flirts with her.

  Bai Yiyi looked at Wen Yan like this, and suddenly felt aggrieved.

   "Don't." She hooked his neck, hugged him coquettishly, "Husband, don't be angry, I will never ask anyone to play at home again."

  Wen Yanyi still had a cold face.

  Bai Yiyi pecked his lips and rubbed against his body, "Brother, don't be angry, I will promise you whatever you want me to do."

  Wen Yanyi finally said, "Really?"

  Bai Yiyi looked at the dark eyes in his eyes, suddenly felt a little regretful, and wanted to get off his lap.

  Wen Yan grabbed her waist, hugged her to sit on the desk.

  He stood between her legs, looked down at her, "give me your phone."

  Blushing, Bai Yiyi took out her phone, "Brother, isn't the video too exciting?"

  Wen Yan glanced at her nonchalantly, clicked on the social software, and said, "Delete all the people who came to the house that day."

  Bai Yiyi finally realized that she had made a mistake, her face flushed instantly, "Oh."

  Under Wen Yanyi's supervision, she deleted those cronies one by one.

  Bai Yiyi deleted things neatly, after all, friends can be added after deletion.

  Wen Yan saw through her thoughts, lowered his voice and threatened in her ear: "If you dare to add those people back, I will make you so weak that you won't be able to go out and fool around in the future."

  Bai Yiyi's heart skipped a beat, she hurriedly nodded her head and promised: "No more, no more."

   After deleting friends, Wen Yanyi finally returned to the master bedroom tonight.

   Then I paid all the public grain owed these days.

  Bai Yiyi was so tired that she couldn't keep her eyes open, she almost fell asleep in the bathtub while taking a bath, and finally Wen Yan hugged her out again.

  She nestled lazily in Wen Yanyi's arms, and suddenly thought: "Brother, let's have a baby."

  Wen Yanyi carefully put her back on the bed, "You don't want a child?"

   "Before, I was worried that the child would **** you from me, so no one would serve me."

   "Don't worry now?"

   "Now I'm mature."

  Wen Yan helped her pull the quilt over, leaned over and kissed her, and said, "But I'm worried that the child will **** you from me."

  Bai Yiyi was stunned for a moment, then raised her hand to hook Wen Yanyi's neck, pulled him onto the bed and hugged him tightly, and said with a smile: "Ah Yigu, what a clingy guy."

  Wen Yanyi let out a low laugh, "I don't know who is clinging to someone."

  Bai Yiyi didn't reply, she took a few mouthfuls of him in her arms, and fell asleep contentedly.

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