MTL - I Might Be A Fake Cultivator-Chapter 2314 Who meets the double needle

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An Lin didn't feel ashamed.

The goddess of life attacked thousands of times in a short period of time with a hostel.

And he was only pierced hundreds of times by Jade, and successfully avoided all fatal injuries. Isn't it something to be proud of?

As for what to say, he fought back.

Then some strong men are difficult.

An Lin put his whole heart on avoiding the jade pupa, which is difficult to parry. Where can he be distracted to fight back?

The attack of the goddess of life is not a joke. Once you don't pay attention, it is not his arms or waist that Yucha runs through, but his head and heart!

An Lin had to devote all his energy to avoiding.

"Deadly!" The goddess of life waved her arms quickly, and the jade urn was being led by the supreme authority, and the speed became faster and more murderous.

It was almost.

I can almost kill Anlin!

The goddess of life devotes every strength to the blade. Jade's lethality can be said to be unprecedentedly strong. It can tear the **** body and penetrate the power of the five elements.

The Ocean God was also excited, and his eyes widened to see An Lin's fall.

However, at this time, the elf in the distance has rushed again.

The goddess of life hummed, her left hand stretched out, and she pushed in the void in the direction of Tina's flight, and a number of indestructible sky barriers began to appear to the side.

Would she not know that the elf would come to harass? She had been prepared for a long time. The Sky Barrier Consortium built by the ninety-nine major world barriers was specially prepared for the elves.

The barriers of the Great World are already the strongest barriers other than the early continental barriers. One major world barrier is enough to stump some newly created gods. What is the concept of the ninety-nine major world barrier?

Equivalent to, there are ninety-nine big worlds between Tina and the goddess of life!

If you want to break open in a short time, it is crazy.

However, Tina really rushed up like this.

"Ultra-dimensional magic, billions of mirrors!"

The world sword in Tina's hands suddenly began to refract the stars in the sky, converging into the countless brilliance of the starry sky, falling towards the barriers in front of her.

Strange fluctuations began to spread.

Each sword cut and each ray of star light resonated with the world barriers, reflecting the star light into the world barriers, and then infiltrating them, so that the barriers reflected billions of stars.

?? After the first barriers appeared billions of stars, the second barriers began to reflect the stars of the first barriers, and then the third barriers began to change. Ninety-nine barriers, advancing and penetrating at high speed.

The goddess of life trembled when she saw this scene.

Tina wasn't breaking the barrier with brute force, but using strange ways to infiltrate her own power into the barrier!

Almost the next moment.

In the last heavy barrier, it began to turn into a clear and empty starry sky. When billions of stars flickered, infinite starlight fell on the goddess of life.

Bang Bang Bang ...

Each flash is an impact.

In an instant, the goddess of life was hit billions of times.

"Give me !!" The goddess of life endured the pain of being burnt by the stars, and swung her one hand at the ninety-nine heavy world barriers, and the heavy barriers fell to Tina just like the big world.

Since the shield cannot block the enemy, use it as a hammer.

Bang! !!

Tina really was hit by a world barrier.

The goddess of life successfully interrupted Tina's cast!

But just when the goddess of life focused on Tina, An Lin had already taken out and urged the Nine-Life Yuan disc. Zijin Hongmeng's breath merged with the true meaning of the heavens, turned into a sharp needle to tear the void, and stabbed towards the goddess of life as fast as possible! !!

"Dare you even dare to pierce me?" The goddess of life showed angrily, and hurriedly cast herself, avoiding the purple gold needles sideways.

The purple gold needle passed by the side of the goddess of life, tearing her flower skirt, but did not hurt her snow-white skin, but she did not start to fight back, the purple gold needle quickly turned around and pierced her body again. go with.

After the Hongmeng Zijin pointed needles are fused with the true meaning of the heavens, they are detached and sharp, and they can transform the supreme power of authority into the spirit of Hongmeng. They can also break the life force of the **** of life with a little point!

This time, the purple gold needle returned to the spike, and before the woman could dodge, she finally made a blood drop on the arm of the goddess of life.

"I still want to escape? I'm going to kill you!" An Lin danced with both hands, the nine-life yuan disk limit urged, the purple gold needles turned into a deadly afterimage, and stabbed wildly at the goddess of life!

How similar this scene is.

Like when the goddess of life stabbed Anlin ...

"Bold!" The goddess of life was furious, and the strong power of life burst into a blast, and it was the violent blow of the stinging purple gold needles.

At this time, the colored jade of the goddess of life had stabbed towards Anlin at the speed of death, even faster than Anlin controlled!

"Zijin breaks the sky!" All the power of Anlin gathered on the purple gold spikes, turning it into a lethal trajectory, rushing towards the jade urn shot from the goddess of life without fear.

boom! !!

Two large needles collided in the air ~ ~ The energy exploded.

The power of death radiated from the top of the jade, like a **** flower blooming on the other side, giving Yinghong the world on the side of the **** of life.

Anlin's Hongmeng purple gold needles are also unwilling to show weakness. The most detached force that erupted has turned the world on his side into the color of purple gold.

The energy from the collision between the two sides is extremely terrifying, pouring all the power of both sides, and constantly raising. The tide of energy is spreading more and more widely, far beyond the level of ordinary creation gods duel, the radiant radiance even spreads beyond a million miles, turning the central area of ​​the Taichi continent into two half energy areas!

This is far more exaggerated than the explosion of the West Sea sky boat.

This scene also completely deterred the souls fighting in Bai Qionghai.

The Si Yu Mo Emperor who just completed the battle defeated the Buddhas, and looked at the confrontation in the distance with great nervousness. They all know that the duel in the distance is the most critical duel in the entire battlefield, which greatly affects the victory and defeat of the entire battlefield!

The two most powerful and sharpest confrontations did not last long.

An Lin finally saw a crack on the other party's jade!

He was overjoyed, his motivating force reached the limit, and roared, "Break me!"

Hum! !! !!

Purple gold needles are full of energy!

There was a loud bang.

The purple gold needle burst.

An Lin: "?????"

Under the man's incredible eyes, the slightly cracked jade jade stabbed the purple gold needles and pulled out a **** trajectory in the void, running through the man's heart ...


Blood blooms.

An Lin felt a tingling pain in his heart.

Immediately after, death came like tide! !!

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