MTL - I Might Be A Fake Cultivator-Chapter 2341 All beings robbery

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Doing everything requires responsibility.

Tiandao is fair. Since Chen Chen and Cyril intend to destroy it, then they let the two culprits bear the negative emotions of billions of beings.

That's responsibility!

The ruddy fruit concentrated the negative emotions of hundreds of millions of sentient beings, and all the bad effects caused by the destruction of the heavenly path have gathered on this fruit.


Suddenly, a shocking Jianmang cracked away and fell on the fruit.

Powerful to the extreme sword qi, even split the mile into the sky in half.

But ... the fruit hasn't changed at all, and it's not even affected by the sword gas attack. It doesn't even show a shake.

Cyril slowly retracted his sword, his face revealing regret: "It can't be cut."

"Of course it is impossible to chop. This is a collection of negative sentiments of billions of sentient beings. If you hold a sword on their neck like this, they will only make their negative emotions bigger and the red fruits more terrible ..." Chen Chen Shook his head.

Cyril's mouth twitched slightly, knowing that Chen Chen was right.

That red fruit just hung in the sky quietly, like a beautiful thing to be picked by others, and the fruity aroma seduced to the extreme.

Peotian helped the rest of the people to see the red fruit, and they felt very tempting and wanted to taste it. But for Cyril and Chen Chen, this is a highly toxic substance, not even touching.

But the two emperors also knew that this was a difficult hurdle.

This is not only a matter of heaven for them, but also the universe of billions of beings. This hurdle can't get through, even if they can forcibly break the sky, they can't become the sky.

"The will of all beings, the fruit of all beings."

"Although it is a bad result, it is really a great thing."

Chen Chen looked at the red fruit with some emotion.

The red fruit seemed to have heard Chen Chen's compliment, and was a little bit happy, even taking the initiative to shrink his body, from a ten-foot giant fruit to an apple-sized red fruit, it seemed to make Chen Chen better.

Facing this scene, Chen Chen was not only unhappy, but became cold all over the body.

This thing ... absolutely fatal! !!

"Chen Chen ... or half of us, right?" Cyril clenched the sky-breaking spear, and wiped his forehead with cold sweat.

This time the calamity of the heavens is difficult.

It's just a red fruit, just hanging high in the sky.

But Cyril knew that both of them could have been violent on the spot.

This is the evil result that brings together the power of sentient beings. It ’s not a joke!

"Half a man?" Chen Chen frowned a clear eyebrow, and said, "Don't you be afraid that we will be robbed by beings to buy one get one free?"

Cyril was embarrassed when he heard it.

He naturally knew what Chen Chen meant. If the power of this fruit was so horrible that both of them ate and died, then no one would be able to take the heavy task ...

That's what it means to die for two.

But, sacrificing one can really offset the grievances of sentient beings?

Cyril hesitated for a moment, and finally shook his head firmly: "No, it's still half of us! If one of us dies, then the probability of success of the Skyshatter Plan will be greatly reduced. It's better to gamble!"

Seeing Cyril insist, Chen Chen naturally did not force it.

"Okay, then I'll come first." Chen Chen began.

Then he walked towards the red fruit, holding the fruit in his palm.

The fruit is smooth and cold, even with some weight. When Chen Chen wanted to feel how heavy it was, he felt dimly, and couldn't get accurate weight at all.

He used his strength to probe inside the fruit and saw countless negative energy essences. How much negative energy essence there is, Chen Chen can't measure it, but he has to use one word to describe it, which is immeasurable.


In the end, can Chen Chen be able to withstand these robberies? To be honest, Chen Chen has no idea.

But he had already realized, no matter how terrible and terrifying the difficulties at hand, even if he had to pay the price of his life, he would go forward.

Chen Chen held the fruit of the calamity of all beings tightly, opened his mouth, and swallowed it.

"Wait!" Cyril suddenly said.

Chen Chen made a move and looked at Cyril.

Cyril Shen chanted: "If this red fruit is not physical but conscious, it will by default judge you who took the first bite as all the calamities, and then throw all the calamities to you with a brain, That person's half of that statement would have no meaning ... "

Chen Chen frowned, and understood Cyril's meaning: "Eating one bite means eating all?"

"What are you going to do?" The boy asked again.

"We establish a spiritual connection, both at the physical level and at the mental strength level, and at the same time bite the apple!" Cyrillic said positively.

Chen Chen: "..."

As the creation god, this can indeed be done.

But always feel strange?

Chen Chen didn't hesitate too much ~ ~ took the advice of Cyril.

At this time, in the sky-breaking glass palace.

The members of the Skybreaker Gang are eating power into the Skybreaker while they are eating melons. They all know that the red fruit is not easy, so Chen Chen was very nervous when he got the red fruit.

Especially Xue Yan, a pair of fair little hands clenched, I don't know how long it hasn't been released, and I have been worried for Chen Chen.

"Look at it, Chen Chen took the red fruit in front of Cyril!"

"Are you planning to have Lord Cyril eat it first?"

The members of the Skybreaker Gang did not hear the conversation between the two emperors, so they were very curious about this move.

"How do you always think that the actions of the two emperors are strange ..."

Some members of the Skybreaker looked weird.

The rest did not refute, because at this time Chen Chen and Cyril were slowly approaching, getting closer and closer, and finally only separated by a red fruit.

The red fruit is in the middle of their mouths.

Chen Chen's clear and dark pupils were staring at the warm and bright red pupils of Cyril. Both eyes were indifferent, as if everything in the world had disappeared, only the eyes of the two sides ...

"They ... what are they doing ..."

"Do n’t you think there is a great risk of eating fruit, so you decide what to do before you die?" A returning female fairy, with a crimson complexion, seemed to have thought of something, and even had a short breath A pair of beautiful eyes stared directly at the two in the sky, for fear of missing a shocking moment.

Xueyan heard this, her eyelids jumped, and she looked nervously.

Obviously very cold face, the heart has been raging.

Could it be that ...

Just then, Chen Chen and Cyril opened their lips at the same time ...

Read The Mage of Eternity