MTL - I Might Be A Fake Cultivator-Chapter 6 1 essay that people can't refuse

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The afternoon class still made Anlin sleepy, but after the morning classroom storm, he did not have the courage to sleep in class.

For Anlin, the only interesting thing in the afternoon was that the class leader of their class was running for election.

The campaign was hosted by their class teacher, Ling Xiao Jian Xian. He was also the freshman of this new year. He grew up to be a fresh and handsome, and instantly attracted many fans in the class.

The position of the squad leader is democratically elected, and those who want to run for election are directly on the stage to canvass.

Xuan Yucheng’s campaign speech was a simple and rude one. He only had one sentence:

"You are the top players in this new life, then your squad leader must be the strongest in this session, because only in this way can you deserve this position!"

Xuan Yucheng praised his classmates and praised his own words. He had to say that it was very useful.

In the end, after a period of competition, in the case that Su Shaoyun did not participate in the election, Xuan Chengcheng won the position of the squad leader with an absolute number of votes.

After school, Xuan Chengcheng, who had just become the squad leader, came to Anlin’s side.

Will you start with me so soon? An Lin was shocked.

The new official took up three fires. I want to come to Xuanyuan, and finally I have to start. I am going to be a different person in this class.

"This class does not allow waste." Xuanyuan said in a plain tone.

Sure enough...

After listening to this sentence, An Lin still had a chance to attack in the future, and his anger was dispelled by Xuan Zhencheng's next sentence.

"So, An Lin, you must work hard!"

"If you have any problems with your practice, you can tell me that as a squad leader, I will do my best to help you!"

After that, Xuanyuan Cheng showed Anlin a smile that made people feel like a spring breeze. He also patted his shoulder to show encouragement before turning around and leaving.

An Lin looked at Xuan Cheng’s back, and some of them did not come back.

It turned out that I met a good squad leader!



In the evening, Anlin continued to practice meditation.

He can feel his own cultivation and increase it bit by bit.

But because there is no specific reference, he does not know how fast his practice is.

Hey, I hope that I can break through the four sections of the Tao with my own strength as soon as possible.

Anlin knows that it is urgent to upgrade and repair this thing. The more impetuous it is, the worse the effect of repairing it is.

On the second day, Anlin, who had been trying to cultivate a fairy, was in trouble.

A student from another class sent a letter to An Lin.

There are two big characters on the envelope that are on the paper: the gauntlet!

Seeing these two characters, An Lin’s heart jerked.

What kind of joke, who I recruited, who gave me a gauntlet!

Anlin uncomfortably opened the envelope and looked at the contents of the letter:

“It’s one of the three patriots who received the letter of recommendation from the real god.”

"In the next hundred classes of the squad leader Liu Dabao, after daring to leave the school, after the school, learn from the flower bed in the teaching building..."

The tone in front of the letter is normal, but the last few words are a sudden change in style:

"Whoever is going to fight this time, whoever is not a small JJ's bag!"

"I have already informed the various classes of the news of the decisive battle between the two of us. When there are many students coming to watch the game, wouldn't it be cool to come to you?"

"So after school, we will not see it!"

"There is no reason!" Anlin saw the end, almost to explode.

This Liu Dabao abacus Anlin will not know that he has just become the squad leader of the first hundred classes. If he defeats a freshman in the first class, it is very beautiful!

In addition to An Lin in a class, just one person can come out and use only one finger to smash this Liu Dabao.

Anlin is different. He is very weak, and he is also a man of the new life.

Therefore, Liu Dabao chose Anlin as his opponent.

In this way, you can not only build a reputation, but also solve the battle with ease and happiness...

In the letter, how has the praise of Anlin been so powerful, then he defeated An Lin in the final battle, it seems that he is even more powerful.

The most hateful thing is that he also spread the news of the decisive battle to various classes.

If there are so many onlookers, if Anlin does not go to war, it is really a shame.

If Anlin went, it was defeated by him in the eyes of the public. It was also a shameful thing.

This is really too irritating. In order to be famous, it is really something that can be done!

Although he has not seen what Liu Dabao looks like, Anlin has already greeted his ancestors.

"What's the matter, suddenly so angry?" Xu Xiaolan asked Anlin to look angry, could not help but ask.

"I ask you, the squad leader of the 100th class, Liu Dabao, do you know?" Anlin asked quietly.

"Oh, the squad leader of the gilded class, how can I know the kind of waste?" Xu Xiaolan did not realize that her words had deeply hurt Anlin...

An Lin resisted sorrow and wondered: "Why is the first hundred classes called gilded classes?"

"As the name implies, the students in that class are gilded to Xiuxian United University."

"Our university has gathered most of the talents of the Kyushu world, but there are also some waste materials coming in through the back door."

"They came to this school purely to mix a diploma, so they boasted that they were also a high-school student." Xu Xiaolan said in disapproval.

When I heard this, An Lin’s heart ignited hope: “How tall will their squad leader usually be repaired?”

"It is hard to say. The squad leader of the gold-plated class is not estimated to be repaired. Who should be the backstage, who can be a good one."

"I guess that his cultivation should be the body of the Tao from the four paragraphs to the two paragraphs. Those who can't practice at all should not accept the university." Xu Xiaolan replied.

An Lin’s mouth is a slap in the face. Is this war match the match between the strongest relationship between Xiuxian United University and the strongest relationship between the 100th class?

"What do you ask this question?" Xu Xiaolan asked curiously.

After knowing the general revision of Liu Dabao, An Lin was full of enthusiasm, and the turbulent warfare ignited in his heart.

"Xu Xiaolan, don't leave after school, and see how I stepped on the squad leader of the 100th class!"



Time flies Unconsciously, Anlin finally ushered in the moment to prove himself.

At the flower bed in front of the teaching building, an empty place stood two people.

Hundreds of freshmen gathered around, they came from various classes, they all received news from Liu Dabao, and came out to watch the battle out of curiosity.

Even a class of students gathered here, but they are not coming to Anlin. They were purely idle, so they ran to see the excitement.

The protagonist of this battle is one of the three new characters in the new life, Anlin, who is known as the "strongest relationship", and Liu Dabao, the squad leader of the first hundred classes.

Anlin stood on the ground with a negative hand and yelled at Liu Dabao.

Junxiu's face is matched with a white dress, which makes him look handsome and extraordinary.

"He is Anlin? It doesn't look so bad in the legend." A girl whispered.

She saw the appearance of Anlin, and the little face was already reddish.

A male student nodded in agreement: "From a temperamental point of view, it does not look like waste."

Opposite Anlin, Liu Dabao's appearance is somewhat ordinary, but he also showed a master style, slightly obese face, full of solemn expression.

"You are still here." Liu Dabao said coldly.

"Well, I am coming." Anlin nodded, saying that there was no wind in the white.

"Then let's get started, start this war of great attention." Liu Dabao said indifferently.

"Good." An Lin smiled lightly.

In this way, this war broke out.

Everyone present, saw a battle that would make them unforgettable...

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