MTL - I Only Like Your Character Settings-Chapter 33 Trading at a loss

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Xia Xiqing, who was put on a hat, raised his head slightly, and licked the dry corners of his mouth.

Was he being teased by Zhou Ziheng, a little virgin?

"Brother, are you okay!" Xiao Qi ran down from the steel frame in a panic, and several students who were making materials nearby also came to care.

"It's okay." Xia Xiqing waved his hand and smiled at Xiao Qi, "Fortunately, you had the foresight to lay the mat. You all go to work, I'm fine."

When he said this, Xiao Qi was a little embarrassed, "Brother, if you feel unwell, I will take you to the school hospital for examination."

Zhou Ziheng narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at this attentive junior, "Are you from the Art Academy?"

When asked by Zhou Ziheng, Xiao Qi immediately became nervous, "Ah, yes, yes. Hello, my name is Qi Kai."

"My name is Zhou Ziheng." He smiled at Qi Kai, but this kind of superficial smile only felt oppressive to others, especially Zhou Ziheng's aggressive appearance.

Qi Kai didn't need him to introduce himself at all, there was no one in the entire campus who didn't know Zhou Ziheng. A top student in the School of Physics, a child star who has been active in the entertainment industry since he was 6 years old, the most popular 20th-generation niche student in the entertainment industry, and a family background that has been spread more and more mysterious by girls, no one would disagree with this kind of proud boy. aware of his existence. It's just that he never thought that one day he could have an intersection with such a person.

"Who doesn't know that your name is Zhou Ziheng." Xia Xiqing chuckled, turned his head again, reached out and patted Qi Kai's calf, "It's okay, don't worry."

"Yeah." Qi Kai's ears turned red when Xia Xiqing slapped his calf, which was particularly dazzling in Zhou Ziheng's eyes.

He likes men?

No, he likes Xia Xiqing.

These two people should have never been in contact before. Could it be possible that they fell in love with him in such a short time? If it was before, Zhou Ziheng would have felt that such a thing was almost impossible, but after meeting Xia Xiqing...

Nothing is impossible.

Xia Xiqing propped his hands behind his back, staring at Zhou Ziheng with disheveled hair and black-rimmed glasses. Aside from those exquisite shapes, his refreshing appearance really looks like a little wolf dog. Xia Xiqing raised his toes and stepped on Zhou Ziheng's shoes, "Young handsome guy, you came in time."

Zhou Ziheng smiled with the corner of his mouth crooked, and stepped on his toes with the most A expression in the world, "I'm not a handsome guy, I'm a big star."

"Okay." Xia Xiqing simply stepped on Zhou Ziheng's toes with both feet, "Big star, where is my lunch?"

"Lunch..." Zhou Ziheng just remembered this, turned his head suddenly, and saw the scattered lunch box thrown on the ground by him outside the mat, "It seems that it is not very edible..."

Xia Xiqing sighed and lay down on the mat, "I'm starving to death."

"Senior brother," Qi Kai, who was watching these two people together but couldn't get in the way, finally couldn't help but said, "Are you hungry? I'll take you to eat."

"Okay." Xia Xiqing smiled warmly, "I will also try the canteen of the highest school."

Who doesn't have a meal card yet? Zhou Ziheng said something in his heart, Xia Xiqing had already stood up, took off his coat and handed it to Qi Kai, "Put it on first, I'll come back and wear it later."

Sure enough, it was this guy's coat.

The three of them awkwardly went to the nearest cafeteria. Xia Xiqing walked between them all the way, but spent most of the time discussing sculptures and creations and topics with Qi Kai. do not go in. Modernism, classicism and various doctrines are beyond the scope of his knowledge.

Crossing a small road is the cafeteria. It happened to be meal time, and the flow of people was astonishingly large. Xia Xiqing, who was chatting enthusiastically with his junior, realized that he was followed by a real star, so he tugged at him, "Hey, what do you want?" Don't go, I'll go by myself."

Originally, he had good intentions, and was afraid that Zhou Ziheng would be surrounded by people, but Zhou Ziheng pulled up the sweater hat and put it on his head, and said in a muffled voice, "I have to eat too."

To be honest, Zhou Ziheng has studied here for three years, and the number of times he came to the cafeteria to eat is almost one of the few. He still remembers that when he first entered the school, he was called to the dean's office to do ideological work for him, and he should go to the cafeteria as little as possible. There are too many public places to avoid riots, so Zhou Ziheng is basically not at school except for class.

This is a good time, the recognized star school grass suddenly appeared in the cafeteria, although he was dressed low-key and simple, but his height of 1.9 meters alone was enough to stand out from the crowd in the crowded cafeteria.

"Fuck, isn't that Zhou Ziheng?"

"Really, oh my god, what a good day today, Zhou Ziheng has come to eat in the cafeteria."

A sharp-eyed girl immediately recognized Xia Xiqing next to Zhou Ziheng, "My God, isn't that Xia Xiqing?"

"Fuck! Xia Xiqing and Zhou Ziheng came to the cafeteria together! Fuck, I want to tell XXX!"

"Oh my god, it's really a self-study CP!"

There are more and more people, unknowingly, the surrounding becomes more and more crowded. Many people start to take pictures and record videos with their mobile phones, and they are almost unable to walk. Xia Xiqing has not eaten all morning, and now he is surrounded by so many people , the air is thin, and it feels difficult to breathe.

He turned his head and found that Xiao Qi, who had followed in together just now, had disappeared.

Must have been pushed away by the crowd.

Someone in the crowd turned on the flash, Xia Xiqing was shaken for a moment, and couldn't help lowering his head. I felt a little bored in my heart, I should have split up with Zhou Ziheng just now.

Suddenly, I felt that one hand was holding my shoulder, and the other hand was holding the plate to cover his face.

Zhou Ziheng's voice came from behind, "Excuse me, can I not take pictures? We just have lunch, thank you, please excuse me..."

This move of his quickly caused the girls present to scream, and the crowded crowd gradually dispersed under his guidance. Xia Xiqing was escorted by Zhou Ziheng and walked to the window.

All the aunts in the cafeteria didn't know Zhou Ziheng. When they saw Hengheng who had grown up with him come to eat, they all laughed from ear to ear. Obviously they only wanted a large plate of chicken, and it piled up like a mountain.

"Auntie, enough is enough."

"Not enough, you see how tall you are, eat more."

"It's really enough..." Zhou Ziheng took the dinner plates piled up one by one, and smiled helplessly at the aunt in the cafeteria, "Thank you, auntie."

Standing aside, Xia Xiqing took a plate with a smile, and teased in a low voice, "Amazing, Zhou Ziheng, coming to the cafeteria brought out the sense of sight of visiting a kiln."

Zhou Ziheng immediately booed, "Don't say that at school."

Xia Xiqing was overjoyed, this guy is so funny.

The two found a remote place to sit down, and Zhou Ziheng took the initiative to fetch tableware for him, leaving Xia Xiqing alone, and the two little girls sitting next door mustered up their courage to say hello to Xia Xiqing, "Brother Xiqing, are you really the best?" Come to our school."

Xia Xiqing found it interesting, put his hand on his chin and smiled, "Could it be that what you see now is an illusion."

"Ah, it's really him."

As soon as he finished teasing the little girl, Zhou Ziheng sat across from Xia Xiqing and handed him the chopsticks. Xia Xiqing felt that something was wrong. The two girls dared not speak when they saw Zhou Ziheng. They took a few photos secretly and then slipped away.

"Hey, I feel that the girls in your school are quite afraid of you." Xia Xiqing took a bite of food with chopsticks and stuffed it into his mouth, "They don't even say hello to you."

Zhou Ziheng, who was buried in his meal, raised his eyes to look at him, and said in a teasing tone, "Of course I can't compare with you, Brother Xiqing."

Brother Xiqing's cry was very pleasant, even better than those two girls just now, probably because Zhou Ziheng grew up according to his own taste, and doing this kind of flattering thing is simply getting twice the result with half the effort, straight to the heart.

"Sweet mouth." Xia Xiqing kicked Zhou Ziheng's leg under the table, "Hey, call again."

Zhou Ziheng pretended not to understand what he was saying, and lowered his head to eat, but Xia Xiqing was unwilling to let go, and even clamped Zhou Ziheng's chopsticks with his own chopsticks, "Hurry up and call again."

Zhou Ziheng, who couldn't move his chopsticks, was not annoyed, and looked up at Xia Xiqing, "What's your name?"


"Hey." Zhou Ziheng followed his words, and Xia Xiqing realized that he was taken advantage of by this kid. He wanted to kick his calf bone, but then he thought about how many people he had to maintain. Because of his little angel image, he could only barely suppress the tone, took out his phone and edited a message.

After a while, Zhou Ziheng's cell phone turned on.

[Terrorist: You like being called brother so much, don't regret it. ]

Not to be outdone, Zhou Ziheng put down his chopsticks and picked up his phone.

[Moral Model: Just say brother for a meal, it’s not a bad deal. ]

Xia Xiqing laughed, decided not to chat nonsense with him on WeChat, and began to eat seriously. Zhou Ziheng felt strange. According to the usual Xia Xiqing, he would give him back no matter what. Now he voluntarily abstained and had no intention of fighting. It's too strange.

Probably really hungry.

"Hey, where's your younger brother?"

"I don't know, I guess I was squeezed out by your fans."

Zhou Ziheng snorted, "It's obvious that he himself is too short, and he blamed my fans."

"Yo, it's quite short-sighted."

After finally finishing their meal surrounded by crowds, the two came out of the cafeteria.

"Go back to self-study?" Xia Xiqing asked.

Hearing this word came out of his mouth, Zhou Ziheng felt even more strange. He raised his chin toward the path before, "I'll send you there and I'll go to the library."

The two of them were walking side by side on the way back to the Academy of Art. As they walked, Xia Xiqing couldn't help laughing when he remembered the scene where Zhou Ziheng caught him.

"why are you laughing."

Xia Xiqing squeezed Zhou Ziheng's arm, "Laugh at someone with a heroic disease." Finally, he walked to the door of the semi-indoor hall just now, "Thanks to my thinness, if you change to a bigger guy, it won't kill you."

"Okay, you go to study, I'll leave when I'm done." Xia Xiqing turned around, took off the hat and threw it into Zhou Ziheng's arms, "Thank you."

Looking at the hat, Zhou Ziheng felt a little panicked, he couldn't tell what was wrong, he just wondered why the two of them were always advancing and retreating. The more he ignored Xia Xiqing's answer, the more energetic this person was, the more he posted, stole his things without any reason, and found all kinds of excuses to get close. But now that he came to find him by himself, he seemed so frank again.

He couldn't figure it out, and didn't want to think about it anymore. He turned around and was about to leave, when Xia Xiqing's voice came from behind again.

"Hey, I know you have a strong sense of justice, but next time you encounter this kind of thing, don't try to be brave. If something happens to you, you will suffer a lot."

Zhou Ziheng sighed silently.

Do you really think I'm so stupid that everyone ran to pick it up?

He almost blurted out, but finally held back.

"Yeah." Putting his hat back on his head, Zhou Ziheng left the art academy without looking back, returned to the library, and studied the questions for an entire afternoon without saying a word.

Zhao Ke, who was sitting next to him, didn't think anything was wrong. Tired of studying, he took out his mobile phone to scan Weibo, and found that several articles on the hot search list were related to his best friends. [Zhou Ziheng Self-study], [Self-study CP] , [Canteen meets self-study CP], [Xia Xiqing goes to P University]...

He has always liked to eat melons, and he entered the trending search without hesitation, and saw that some alumni shared photos of two people eating in the cafeteria, some of them were squeezed together, and two people were eating alone in the cafeteria. There are too many comments to brush through.

[Heng Heng, who has conquered the entertainment circle]: I envy P 555, a college student, and I am too good at playing self-heng pictures, tall and handsome, wearing black-rimmed glasses is so good.

[Self-study girl rushes to the duck]: Hengheng really has an amazing boyfriend who shielded Xi Qing's face, and she shed tears for the beautiful love of self-study today [PS: But everyone, please don't disturb Hengheng's study.

[Who doesn't want to sleep with Xia Xiqing]: It turns out that Heng Heng and Xi Qing are both so tall. Compared to passers-by, these two are really handsome. Xi Qing's mole on the tip of the nose is beautiful. Today is also a day when Xia Xiqing wants to sleep crazily.

[Maybe you are doing self-study]: Zhou Ziheng laughed so much when the two of them were eating, and Xi Qing even kicked Hengheng~ But isn’t the hat Xi Qing is wearing belonged to Hengheng? I remember that when passers-by met Ziheng in the morning, he was wearing this black baseball cap.

[I want to go to self-study]: It's Ziheng's hat! And since Hang was wearing this hat when he went out from the library, it was on Xi Qing's head when he came to the cafeteria! Oh my god, this Xipi has so much sugar! It was a slap in the face to say that they have a bad relationship!

[Little Cloud in the Wind]: So what exactly is Xia Xiqing doing at P University? Fried CP?

[Lululu Xiaogulu]: Why are you scrambling for CP? Don’t make false accusations about others. Xia Xiqing was invited by a professor from our Academy of Arts to help. It just so happened that Zhou Ziheng was also in P University. Some people are really malicious when they open their mouths.

[Lemon-flavored soda]: My classmate is from the Academy of Arts. He said that Xia Xiqing is very powerful. He can be regarded as their senior brother. His professional ability is so strong that he is very gentle.

[Self-study is not popular, it's hard to tolerate]: Envious~ I really want to know what Heng Heng did when he went to the art academy to find Xi Qing~

No one sent out such a hot candy, Zhao Ke clicked his tongue a few times, and immediately went to the trumpet to send out the information given by the Art Academy team.

[Eat melon Xiaomuke]: Xia Xiqing was invited by the professor of the Art Academy to help with the sculpture exhibition. Zhou Ziheng went to find him at noon, but Xia Xiqing, who happened to be standing on the high platform, fell down, and Zhou Ziheng ran to pick him up (though he didn’t catch). Then the two went to eat together. If you are interested, you can go to XXX to see the exhibition the day after tomorrow. The main exhibit is redesigned by Xia Xiqing.

After he finished speaking, he also added a picture of two people lying on the mat. It was not clear when they were taken far away, but the two people could be recognized basically, and the sculpture behind them was even mosaiced.

This Weibo was quickly found and reposted by a big CP fan. In just ten minutes, there were thousands of posts. Zhao Ke was amazed at the popularity of these two people, and felt that he was about to be overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of the self-study girl. Surrounded.


Hearing Zhao Ke's voice from the side, Zhou Ziheng frowned and looked up at him, "What are you doing?"

"No, it's nothing." Zhao Ke hid the phone in his pocket guiltily, and smiled at Zhou Ziheng, "Then what, I don't want to learn anymore, I still have an appointment, so you should go home early." He quickly cleaned up Desk, "Don't forget the exam tomorrow afternoon."


After studying the questions all afternoon, Zhou Ziheng was also a little tired, so he packed up his things and prepared to leave, "Wait for me, let's go together."

Zhao Ke drove here, and Zhou Ziheng's house was close, so he took Zhou Ziheng back along the way. Sitting in the co-pilot, Zhou Ziheng opened Weibo out of boredom, only to find himself on the trending list again. Not only today's event, the magazine's official blog also released the highlights and interview videos of the magazine's previous shoots. The entries of [Zhou Ziheng's normal category is defined by who] and [Zhou Ziheng's wife-protecting madman] immediately became popular Search.

He was checking hot searches along the way, and Zhao Ke was frightened, for fear that Zhou Ziheng would find out that he was the informant. After finally sending Zhou Ziheng home, he let go of his heart.

When he was on the elevator, Zhou Ziheng received a message from Jiang Yin, informing him that he would be recording a new episode of "Escape from the Sky" on Saturday. He was replying when a hand appeared between the elevator doors that were about to close.


It was Xia Xiqing's voice. Zhou Ziheng raised his head, with a surprised expression on his face.

"The home we went back to?" Xia Xiqing walked in, "I would have called you if I knew about it, and we could come back together."

Zhou Ziheng put the phone back in his pocket, and didn't know what to say, so he hummed.

Xia Xiqing found him a little strange, "What's the matter, big star, tired of studying?" The elevator arrived soon, and the two walked out side by side. Zhou Ziheng didn't reply to his words, and he whispered something when he was almost at the door of the house. Bye, I turned around and swiped the door with the key card, entered the hallway, and was about to close the door with my foot, but found that the door was held by Xia Xiqing.

He turned his head and looked at Xia Xiqing who was standing at the door with some doubts.

"Let's chat?" Xia Xiqing walked into Zhou Ziheng's house with a smile, "Little friend, I don't think you're very happy." He smiled and walked closer, "Maybe it's because of me."

Zhou Ziheng frowned, and put his backpack on the ground, "You think too much."

"Really? At first, I thought, do you hate me so much?" Xia Xiqing's voice was light and light, falling on Zhou Ziheng's heart like a feather, "Although his mouth is still unforgiving, but it is a gesture of self-sacrifice." Help, eating and chatting with me again, I'm quite useful."

The words "sacrifice one's life to save one's life" reminded Zhou Ziheng of what happened at noon again.

He was very frustrated, frustrated that he would be disappointed because of Xia Xiqing's misunderstanding.

"Didn't you say that? It's normal for a good old man like me, who has a strong sense of justice, to be selfless for others anytime, anywhere." Zhou Ziheng gave up on himself, took off his glasses and put them on the cabinet in the entrance. Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned sideways, Xia Xiqing pushed him to the ground.

"You are sick..." Zhou Ziheng propped his hands on the ground, frowned and looked up at the perpetrator.

Xia Xiqing squatted down, and the two looked at each other.

"Then don't do that in the future." A quite seductive smile appeared on that clean and innocent face.

Zhou Ziheng was confused, "What do you mean?"

Xia Xiqing approached with the corners of his mouth curled up, stretched out his hand to hold Zhou Ziheng's chest and pressed him to the ground, and he was on top, his hair was scattered on the side of his face, the light in the entrance was scattered by the fine hair strands, and the light and shadow were getting closer and closer flickering on his face. Zhou Ziheng lay on the ground, his eyes fell on the mole on the tip of his nose.

"In the future, don't be desperate for others anytime, anywhere." Xia Xiqing's tobacco smell made Zhou Ziheng a little dizzy, and he even forgot to resist. The slender hand was still pressing on his chest, holding his increasingly flustered heart impartially, "Just for me."

Zhou Ziheng murmured to himself guiltily, afraid that his heartbeat would give away his traces, "What nonsense are you talking about..."

The distance is too close, and his favorite body is now under him, Xia Xiqing can clearly hear his breathing getting heavier and heavier, his Adam's apple rolled, and his lips that were about to stick were about to move. It was rare for Zhou Ziheng not to resist, which he found inconceivable.

"Don't you hate me that much anymore?" His voice was steaming, spraying on Zhou Ziheng's lips.

Zhou Ziheng tilted his head slightly, "Is it important?"

"Of course." Xia Xiqing's hand gradually moved down from his chest inch by inch, "This is related to mutual consent, or the overlord's bow."

As expected, his hand was caught by Zhou Ziheng, Xia Xiqing chuckled, "Relax, I'm not that impatient." He tried to break free from Zhou Ziheng's hand, but found that his strength was stronger than expected , "I didn't think about it, I just thought of what you said during lunch."

Zhou Ziheng raised his eyebrows, it was obviously the one lying under him, but he was full of aggression that made people retreat.

"What words?"

"One meal for a brother, this is a good deal." The corners of Xia Xiqing's mouth curled up, and when he smiled, he always gave people the illusion of innocence and beauty.

Unable to break free from Zhou Ziheng's grasp, Xia Xiqing directly put down his body and stuck to Zhou Ziheng's body, his unsuccessful lips came close to his ear, and his breath was as gentle as a vine, entangled his thoughts and released a sweet and charming aroma.

"Brother, let me **** you once, do you think this business is a loss?"


Before he could react, Xia Xiqing kissed his earlobe.

"Brother Ziheng."

Zhou Ziheng's heart stopped suddenly. The robbed breath, the thinned oxygen, the immobile body, the lingering breath lingering in the ears.

In an instant, he suffered the most violent and terrible attack in the whole world.

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