MTL - I Only Like Your Character Settings-Chapter 38 Diary Mystery

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"Besides the butterfly bookmark, are there any other clues?" Zhou Ziheng's voice came from the other side, "There are only three known numbers in the number sequence, and the calculation may not be correct."

That's right, Xia Xiqing looked around and found a delicate and beautiful conch next to those books, and there were a few pictures on the wall above the desk, one was a close-up of a sunflower flower, and the other Zhang is Da Vinci's famous painting "Vitruvian Man" that Xia Xiqing is so familiar with.

These seemingly unrelated things caught Xia Xiqing's attention. He stared intently at the wall when he suddenly heard Zhou Ziheng's voice.

"Why are you silent? What are you doing?"

"Look at a **** painting of a man," Xia Xiqing continued to stare at the portrait on the wall, and answered his question solemnly, but Zhou Ziheng seemed to be choked and coughed uncontrollably. After a while, he stammered again, "Oh, I, there is one on the wall on my side?"

Xia Xiqing felt surprised, and he tried to describe to Zhou Ziheng, "A man with long curly hair stands with his legs together, his hands and feet are on a circumscribing square, his legs are spread out and his arms are standing on a circumscribing circle, is this the picture?"


This is definitely no accident, the similarity of their rooms is too high.

"Does this painting have any significance?" Although Zhou Ziheng had seen this painting many times, he really didn't have much knowledge of art, so he could only ask experts in this field for advice.

Xia Xiqing touched the tip of his chin, "It's very meaningful. This painting is a sketch illustration drawn by Da Vinci for the ancient Roman architect Vitruvius's "Ten Books on Architecture". Vitruvius once wrote in his book The golden ratio was praised in the book, which also inspired Da Vinci to draw this sketch of human body proportions. The man in it is also considered by the world to be synonymous with perfect proportions..."

While talking, I felt that some important thought flashed past, Xia Xiqing suddenly stopped, "Wait a minute."

He picked up the conch on the table, turned his head to look at the close-up photo of the sunflower, and looked at the distribution and arrangement of the full seed particles inside.

And this famous "Vitruvian Man".

I see.

"I see, it's the golden section sequence." Xia Xi calmly sat back on the chair, "The spiral of the conch, the arrangement of sunflower seeds, and this painting are all the golden section."

Now the fourth number calculated by Zhou Ziheng has also been verified, "Is the golden section sequence the Fibonacci sequence? It won't be 610 plus 987, equal to 1597, I didn't expect it to be true."

"So the other clues are just hints." Xia Xiqing put the conch down, "You try to enter the password."

Zhou Ziheng hummed, and Xia Xiqing's room heard the ticking sound of entering the four-digit password. Less than two seconds later, he heard a mechanical voice prompting "The password is successful."

After tossing for a long time, I finally unlocked one, although it was not from my own room. Xia Xiqing waited wholeheartedly for the good news of success, but Zhou Ziheng replied, "The password is correct, but I can't open the drawer."

"How is it possible..." Although Xia Xiqing knew that the two of them were not in the same room, and that there was no combination lock on his side, he subconsciously pulled the drawer on his side when he heard Zhou Ziheng say that he couldn't open it.

Didn't expect to pull it off...

This is too weird, Xia Xiqing's tone was full of disbelief, "It's so strange, after you enter the correct password on your side, the drawer on my side can be opened."

Who knows that the reversal doesn't stop there.

Zhou Ziheng immediately replied, "My drawers can also be opened now. Strange."

Hearing Zhou Ziheng's muttering voice, Xia Xiqing thought of his expression of frowning and not understanding, and couldn't help laughing, "Maybe you were too weak just now."

"Impossible, I really couldn't open it just now."

Maybe it's a problem with the program group, and it's all man-made props, so it's understandable if there are some flaws.

"Don't worry about it, let's see what's inside first."

Xia Xiqing looked down at the drawer and the first thing he saw was a group photo. In the photo was a couple holding hands in front of the beach. The photo was carefully put into a beautiful photo frame.

According to this photo, it is speculated that the owner of the bedroom has a girlfriend.

But why is this kind of photo stuffed in a drawer? Xia Xiqing felt that this was unreasonable, but he also knew very well that he couldn't think too much at this time, so he put the photo frame casually on the table and continued to look through other things in the drawer.

"What did you find?" Zhou Ziheng asked from the other end.

Xia Xiqing casually returned a photo frame, and then saw a clue that seemed to be more effective, "I found a notebook, it seems to be..." He flipped through it, and found that there were dates written on it, and some short records, "Journal?"

"I also saw a diary, but there is no photo album." Zhou Ziheng continued to exchange the information he had, "There is also a birthday card with a sentence written on it."

Just as Zhou Ziheng listed the clues he got, Xia Xiqing had already opened the birthday card first, and read the words on it.

"The moment I met you was the beginning of the big bang, every particle left me and flew towards you, and after that tiniest moment, the universe was truly born."

After reading it in one breath, Xia Xiqing suddenly realized that this was a love story between a couple. The atmosphere became a little awkward, Xia Xiqing didn't know what to say, it was like this, and he could only blame himself for talking too fast, and he couldn't blame others.

"Hey, what, are you science students so good at teasing?" In order to ease the embarrassment, Xia Xiqing asked this question in a pretentious way.

The more panicked people are, the easier it is to say the wrong thing. This sentence is really a wise saying. Xia Xiqing, who had just finished asking the question, immediately thought of the [Tyndall Effect] that Zhou Ziheng took on the plane.

Too bad, Zhou Ziheng must have misunderstood that he was molesting him, but in fact he didn't want to bring up the topic at all.

Originally thought that Zhou Ziheng couldn't speak, but who knew he would actually answer.

"That depends on whom."

Zhou Ziheng's voice didn't sound embarrassing at all, but rather calm, which made Xia Xiqing lose face, and he was the only one who felt embarrassed from the beginning to the end. The embarrassed Xia Xiqing completely ignored Zhou Ziheng's implication, and did not realize that he was the "who" Zhou Ziheng was talking about.

"Ah, the birthday on this greeting card is October 23rd. I think this clue might come in handy later." In order to preserve his "victorious" dignity in front of this innocent little wolf dog, Xia Xiqing shifted abruptly. On the topic, Zhou Ziheng also found that he was unnatural, but his frequency could not be adjusted with Xia Xiqing. He only felt that his own words with private goods made Xia Xiqing feel pressure, and changing the topic was a disguised form of refusal.

Both of them went around in circles without knowing it.

While putting down the birthday card, Xia Xiqing once again focused on the previous notebook. This is a slightly old diary. The edges of the diary are frayed and the corners are all warped. It took a long time. Thinking of this, Xia Xiqing turned to the first page.

"Let me take a look at this diary." Xia Xiqing explained to Zhou Ziheng through the radio, and then focused all his attention on the diary.

[The weather was fine on November 11, 2014]

[I thought this was my hardest day ever. A widowed young man with a broken leg spends Singles' Day alone in a hospital ward. Unexpectedly, a new tenant came to this double ward, and she was a super cute girl. When she smiled, she had a pair of rabbit teeth, like a bunny, so cute. ]

It's this boy's diary... Xia Xiqing flipped through it quickly, and stopped at a certain page.

"Tsk, it took more than six months to catch up..." He looked at the page with the date [May 20, 2015], and couldn't help but mutter to himself.

"Have you caught up?"

Xia Xiqing heard Zhou Ziheng's question, and heard the sound of flipping pages from the other end, thinking that he must have not seen the back, "You are too slow to read." After speaking, he flipped the pages backwards , Accidentally saw one page of the diary saying [She is hospitalized again, I hope the operation goes well and there will be no more problems. ]

This girl has been hospitalized again and again, so she must be seriously ill.

He suddenly thought of the book on the desk just now.

"His girlfriend's disease should be... left heart hypoplasia syndrome in the third book. This disease seems to be a kind of congenital heart disease." Xia Xiqing flipped through the previous book, trying to find some useful information from it .

"This radio was a gift from the girl." Zhou Ziheng said suddenly, "Did you see it?"

"Let me take a look." Xia Xiqing flipped back, and sure enough, he found the page that Zhou Ziheng said.

[The weather was fine on May 20, 2016]

[She gave me an old bric-a-brac today, a radio! She said that this radio was bought by her grandpa when she was young and saved a lot of money for her grandma to propose to her. When she was a child, she would lie on the radio and listen to stories every day. I can still imagine that little milk rabbit. Look, alas, it would be great if I could really time travel, I want to go back and see what she looked like when she was a child. ]

"It turns out that this radio is still a prop with a story." Xia Xiqing smiled, "This old antique will not want to witness their marriage, three generations of veterans."

"No." Zhou Ziheng calmly rejected Xia Xiqing's joke, "There is something wrong with their relationship."


"You turn back and count down a few pages."

Xia Xiqing followed Zhou Ziheng's prompt and turned to the last few sheets.

[The weather is cloudy on May 13, 2019]

[I had a quarrel with her today, and it feels like we haven’t had a good communication with each other for a long time, why we have come to this point, I really don’t understand. Does time really spoil everything? ]

Seeing this sentence, Xia Xiqing suddenly fell silent. This kind of stories of idiots and resentment of men and women emerge endlessly every day, and they are always good at the beginning. After a long time, friction, conflict, jealousy, and resentment, these negative emotions began to breed and grow crazily, until All the feelings between the two were swallowed up, and the faces that had never tired of seeing each other became hideous.

So why start.

The most stable and harmless relationship in the world is no relationship.

This kind of realistic love story brought Xia Xiqing into a low mood. He casually flipped through the next few pages, using this method to cover up his inner turmoil until his fingers stopped on the last page.

[20 years of heavy rain in May 2019]

[Why should I turn off the phone? Even if I get angry after being misunderstood, I shouldn't turn off the phone. If I don't turn off the phone, she won't faint emotionally. Emergency contacts... This card is so ironic that the only time I used it I cut off contact. I should be the one who died. ]

"The girl died..." Xia Xiqing didn't expect such an ending, "He died of a heart attack."

"Died from..." Zhou Ziheng seemed to have something to say, but he paused, and asked after a while, "So did he die because it was too late to be rescued?"

"Yeah." Xia Xiqing put the diary back on the table. He has long passed the age when he would be moved by this kind of love story. What he thinks now is what is the function of this diary. According to the arrangement of the script of the last issue of the Chamber of Secrets, it is speculated that every item in the room does not exist for no reason. Their functions can be roughly divided into two categories. One is to reveal the clues of the password, but there are too many dates in the diary , without the cooperation of other clues, it should be unlikely to deduce the password.

Another function is related to the plot of the secret room, or the killer, but this is even more unreasonable. So far, this story is a love story, and it has nothing to do with the suspenseful murder case in the previous issue.

So what should the identity of the killer in this issue be?

Xia Xiqing, who was in deep thought, frowned. There was nothing else in the drawer. He closed it slowly, and his eyes fell on the photo frame that he took out earlier and put it upside down on the table.

Only then did he realize that there was a sentence written on the back of the photo frame.

[Return to the correct position. ]

correct location?

This coincided with Xia Xiqing's idea when he first saw this photo frame. Things like photo frames should be placed on the desktop, not in the drawer. If the information about the quarrel between the hero and the heroine is connected, it can be explained.

Xia Xiqing picked up the photo frame.

Where should it be placed?

"Is there really no photo frame over there? On the table? Or somewhere else." Xia Xiqing had no choice but to confirm to Zhou Ziheng again without any prompt information. After all, their rooms have so many similarities, maybe in his room , the photo frame has been pinned somewhere.

"No, I didn't find any photo frame." Zhou Ziheng's voice was very sure.

At this moment, Xia Xiqing suddenly discovered that there was a palm-sized rectangular groove on the right side of the laptop in the upper right corner of the desktop. He lowered his head and looked at the edge of the photo frame in his hand, and suddenly a somewhat bizarre idea popped up in his mind.

Could it be that…

He tried to place the photo frame in the groove on the upper right corner, and as he thought, the photo frame and the bracket fit into it exactly!

"I found the right position." Xia Xiqing breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that these grooves were useful, but luckily he felt something was wrong when he came in.

At this moment, the desk lamp turned on automatically without warning.

But that's not the weirdest thing. What he really felt terrified of thinking carefully was Zhou Ziheng's next sentence.

"The photo frame appeared." Zhou Ziheng's voice was full of surprise, and he couldn't even believe it, "Do you know how it came out? It's like a mechanism, a part of the desktop is opened, and the photo frame is pushed from the inside Come up and stand on the upper right corner of the desk."

"What did you say?"

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