MTL - I Only Like Your Character Settings-Chapter 46 run under the moon

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"I don't want to go." Xia Xiqing quite bluntly rejected Xia Xiuze who was dying on the phone.

Xia Xiuze has frantically bombarded his WeChat since he was still in Shanghai, each of which has the same content, begging him to go back and celebrate his birthday with him.

"Who else is there at this meal besides you?"

Xia Xiuze's faltering voice came from the earphones, Xia Xiqing approached the elevator, "You both know they will go, but you insist on letting me go, don't you mean to make yourself uncomfortable?"

As the elevator ascended, Xia Xiuze's voice was also raised, acting coquettishly and aggressively, causing Xia Xiqing to frown.

"Isn't it just a birthday? Let's go alone and it's over." The golden elevator door slowly opened, "It's just the two of us, or you can invite your little classmates together, as many people as you want, I'll take care of it for you..."

Before he finished speaking, Xia Xiqing, who was just about to get out of the elevator, was pushed back into the elevator.

"Fuck..." After he realized it, he realized that the person who pushed himself against the inner wall of the elevator was Zhou Ziheng.

Xia Xiuze kept screaming over there, like a frightened chicken.

[Brother, what's wrong with you! elder brother! elder brother! ]

It's noisy. Xia Xiqing took off one of the earphones, stretched out his hand along the way, rubbed Zhou Ziheng's chin with his index finger, and mouthed silently.

[what? ]

The reason why Xia Xiqing asked this question was entirely because of Zhou Ziheng's travel style. Black-rimmed glasses, a dark gray casual sportswear, the hood of the jacket tightly covers the face, and a black mask. I don't know whether to go to class or work. Anyway, his private server is the student style, and most of the boys on the university campus wear it this way.

The completion of fashion depends on the face.

He leaned close to Xia Xiqing's ear without earphones, deliberately lowered his voice, and the youthful scent of perfume entered Xia Xiqing's nostrils.

"Can I kiss you?"

If he said, I want to kiss you, or I want to kiss you, Xia Xiqing would rush to kiss him without hesitation, but this guy actually used a requesting question, and his tone was like a child begging for Christmas. Like a gift, it's impossible to refuse.

Xia Xiuze was still asking anxiously at the other end, making Xia Xiqing's heartbeat mess up.

The children who didn't get the permission decided to grab the gift by themselves. Zhou Ziheng reached out and plucked Xia Xiqing's hair, and pressed a kiss on his mouth through the mask. The only pair of exposed eyes were bent into two clusters of crescent moons, full of joy after success.

Such an innocent way of playing has become the weakness of an old driver like Xia Xiqing.

Zhou Ziheng picked up the earphone that Xia Xiqing took off, and put the small wire-controlled microphone close to his mouth, with a smile in his tone.

"Happy birthday, Ozawa."

The voice in the microphone immediately quieted down and became stuttering. Xia Xiqing took the earphones from Zhou Ziheng's hand, "Who else can it be, your brother Ziheng."

It was obviously a teasing tone, but as soon as these four words came out, Zhou Ziheng couldn't help being happy, and the corners of his mouth under the mask rose wildly. When he is happy, he wants to make others happy too.

Xia Xiqing was dealing with his younger brother on the phone, and patted Zhou Ziheng's arm, "Go down, I'm going home."

"Wait a minute." Zhou Ziheng reached into his coat pocket with both hands, and there was a rustling sound. Xia Xiqing was still baffled, but Zhou Ziheng took out a large pile of sugar and stuffed it into Xia Xiqing's hands.


"I'll give you candy." Zhou Ziheng's tone was raised, even though he was stuffed in the mask.

Every time he works, he puts some sugar on his body, so that he can replenish energy when he has no time to eat. However, he feels that he is full of energy today and does not need sugar anymore.

"Childish." Xia Xiqing looked at his smiling eyes, snorted, stuffed the candy into his pocket, pretended to be ruthless, turned around, and took out one when he was almost at the door. , Hastily tore off the candy wrapper and stuffed it into his mouth.

Orange flavored toffee, sweet. It was Zhou Ziheng himself.

Xia Xiuze still didn't hang up the phone, his voice was getting more and more pitiful, and he almost cried. Xia Xiqing walked to the end of the living room, and opened all the curtains with a single stroke. Sunlight diffused through the floor-to-ceiling windows and embraced him, like sweet sugar water embracing orange petals in a can.

The weather is getting hotter, and it is coming to the season that Xia Xiqing hates the most. But somehow, he became abnormal.

For a moment, I wanted to try the feeling of spending summer with Zhou Ziheng.

"Okay. Just eat one meal." Xia Xiqing was so abnormal that his heart softened. Sure enough, sweets would affect people's emotions. "Don't cry, I warn you."

Xia Xiqing has long wanted to open an exhibition of his own paintings in China, but there is something wrong with the things he draws recently. Those crazy and gloomy colors have become soft and sticky, and the brush strokes have lost his unique sharpness. People can't help but think of toasted glass shards. It made him uneasy, and change was always uneasy, no matter the time.

He thought of the magazine he shot with Zhou Ziheng last time, which seemed to have been released, and thought about ordering a copy, only to find out that the official blog of the magazine had posted a pre-sale record-breaking celebration post on Weibo. 100,000 copies were broken in 1 second, and 150,000 copies were sold out in 6 seconds.

It's really scary...Xia Xiqing clicked on the comments, all of them were carnivals of self-study girls.

A very sad incident happened recently. In a middle school in a small southern city, a boy was bullied because of gender identity impairment, and finally chose to commit suicide. The heat of this matter can't be calmed down. Some people are discussing the equal rights of minorities, and some people condemn the executors of school violence.

For some reason, the video of Zhou Ziheng questioning the scope of "normal" in the magazine's interview was once again turned up by the marketing blog, and it became the material of a new round of heated discussions among netizens, especially the LGBT community.

[everything21: I am not a fan of Zhou, but I was shocked by his words. I feel that there are really very few celebrities who have such ideas now. Zhou Ziheng is worthy of being a P university bully, and suddenly wants to become a fan. ]

[I don't eat melons, I eat you: Zhou Ziheng asked these questions so well, I couldn't think of the answer all at once, what is normal and what is abnormal, no one is qualified to define, let alone Qualified to punish others under the banner of "you are abnormal". ]

[Hengheng 2.5m: Zhou Ziheng is really a rare celebrity who is willing to think about social and humanistic issues. Although he is young, he has lived a deeper life than many people. Obviously he can act in idol dramas with this face, but he just regards conveying his beliefs as the mission of becoming an actor. This kind of boy is simply a treasure. ]

[Who said I was a fool: When I heard the paradox of colorblindness, I knew there was a king sitting here. ]

[Hee hee hee hee: To be honest, many celebrities don’t even know the definition of paradox...]

[Wennie hee: The last sentence is so touching. We are born to be ourselves. ]

[3443122: There are really too many stereotypes in this world. Boys who like to dress up a little will be scolded, and long hair depends on people's winks. Although I am not a fan of those little fresh meat, some people always The scolding this time is too ugly, their looks are needed for work, why use appearance to define a person. With such a comparison, Ruisi paid homage to Zhou Ziheng. ]

[Self-study is getting married today: Ziheng's three views have always been very positive. I heard a friend from P University say that he took philosophy as a freshman, and the theme of the final pre is what is a good moral system. I remember that there is a video recorded by the students at station b, and I strongly recommend it to everyone. When he was doing the pre , so charming. ]

What makes a good moral system...

Xia Xiqing was suddenly interested and wanted to see what Zhou Ziheng was like at that time. He turned on the computer, searched for keywords, and finally found this video from two years ago. The photographer was probably a classmate sitting in the first and second rows. From the bottom-up angle of view, Zhou Ziheng's legs were too long, and the screen was full of barrages with amazingly long legs.

Zhou Ziheng's pre time was only 40 minutes in total, all in English, and the PPT was very concise, completely following the principle of Occam's razor for men of science and technology. He is wearing a formal white shirt with the cuffs rolled up to the forearm, and his hair is a little shorter than now. Standing under the huge projection, he will occasionally walk with long legs. When he asks the audience, his head will habitually slightly Leaning to the left, with an inconspicuous smile on his face, his handsomeness cannot be stopped by total loss of picture quality.

He understood what the netizen said, and he was really charming. But who would have thought that this person who was discussing [general moral rationality and moral autonomy] on stage just now childishly stuffed his own candy into his hands.

Zhou Ziheng's charm is a mixture of two completely opposite temperaments of juvenile and mature masculinity, the only thing in common is tenderness.

Childish tenderness, or calm tenderness.

I couldn't help but draw another picture for him. In the upper right corner is a glowing projection screen. In the center of the picture, he props up the podium with one hand, showing a slight smile, and simply painted some watercolors. Xia Xiqing passed on the painting. to Weibo. His Weibo quickly exploded, surrounded by a large group of fans.

[My idol is the general attack of the next year in the entertainment industry: Fuck, the fairy wife draws pictures online! ]

[I want to eat candy: @周自恒 invites you to Zhihu to answer the question "What is the experience of falling in love with a painter?". ]

[Heng Heng's best A: Is this the scene of Zi Heng doing pre? I was still watching it just now! The wife draws so beautifully5555]

[I also have self-study today: What kind of madam is this, this is Mrs. Zhou. ]

[Self-study girl rushes to the duck: Hahahahaha Mrs. Zhou. ]

[Perhaps you do self-study: Hahahahahahahaha Mrs. Zhou is amazing! ]

The painting style of the comments became more and more deviant, and Xia Xiqing didn't care about it.

These little girls are so naive, they decide to attack or suffer based on their height and appearance. The sun was sinking, and Xia Xiuze's urgent messages passed one after another. Xia Xiqing knew that he couldn't hide, so he changed into a dark blue shirt, and put the latest AR game console from Xia Zhixu's company that he bought for him a long time ago into the trunk. Drive to the place he shared on WeChat.

This restaurant is a private restaurant specializing in Huaiyang cuisine. The location is a bit out of the way. The environment is first-class in the capital where every inch of land is expensive. Once you enter, there is a courtyard with flowing water, which is antique. They also came here once for Xu Qichen's birthday.

Before getting out of the car, Xia Xiqing smoked a cigarette in the car. After all, it was his brother's birthday, and he didn't want to make it too ugly.

Who knew that as soon as he parked the car and took two steps towards the door, he saw Xia Xiuze, with his school uniform jacket tied around his waist, waving his hands and shouting for brother from a long distance away. Seeing his excitement, Xia Xiqing let go of the grudge in his heart, walked over and threw the present into his arms.

"Take it, the latest model."

Xia Xiuze was overjoyed, "I didn't give Xia Zhixu anything he wanted before."

"You don't know how to call a brother, what Xia Zhixu Xia Zhixu." Xia Xiqing smiled and put out the cigarette, "Who do you call you that?"

"But you always call him that, and you still call him nephew." Xia Xiuze's voice weakened, and as expected, his brother slapped him on the head.

"I am me and you are you, can it be the same?"

Xia Xiuze quickly entangled him shamelessly, hugged Xia Xiqing's arm, and told him all the funny things that happened to him recently. This problem has not changed since he was a child, as if Xia Xiqing was his joke recycling factory Same.

The private room they booked was the most expensive "Shuiyun Room" in the entire hotel. There was a small bamboo forest between the private rooms in the hall and the other lobby rooms.

Pushing open the door of the box, Xia Xiqing saw Xia Yunkai sitting upright in the upper seat. He didn't seem to have changed much, he was a little older and thinner. The last time I saw him was when he returned to China on Christmas the year before last. The high-end hotel happened to meet and didn't even say a word.

"Come on, sit down." Xia Yunkai still had a smile on his face when he spoke, and those who didn't know thought he was really a serious and loving father. But the older he got, the more Xia Xiqing found that he became less and less aggressive, like an old dog defeated by time, waiting for the day when he could only live on his last breath. When Xia Xiqing thought about it, he felt it was ridiculous, not sad.

After returning to China, without discussing it, he gave Xia Xiqing a quarter of the company's shares, and somehow he became one of the major shareholders. He didn't know what this old man was thinking. Maybe he was expected to die in retirement.

Xia Xiqing sat down expressionlessly, facing Yu Fangyue. She deliberately dressed up in jewels, but no matter how much jewelry she piled up, no amount of delicate makeup could conceal the vulgarity in her bones. Yu Fangyue has a good face, even if she can't see Xia Xiqing again, she still has to do superficial skills, "Oh, I haven't seen Xi Qing for a long time, and I don't even talk about coming back to China for a meal. Your father misses you."

Hearing such obsequious words, Xia Xiqing slowly unbuttoned his cuffs, raised his eyes to show her a meaningful smile, and twitched the end of his eyes, "It's been a long time, I remember the last time I saw you, you weren't so old " He sighed, picked up the cup of poured tea on the table with his fingers, and blew on it, "I have a friend who does plastic surgery, let him give you a facelift?"

What Yu Fangyue is most afraid of is nothing more than aging appearance. Xia Xiqing's words are to her heart every word. She is angry and blocked, but she can't find words to refute.

Xia Xiqing had a stomach for responding to her words, but he didn't bother to say it in front of Xia Xiuze. Xia Xiuze was the only one at the dinner table who kept talking, as if he was afraid that if he didn't talk, the others would start arguing if they had nothing to say.

"Xi Qing, when you are free, you still have to come to the company." Xia Yunkai picked up a chopsticks dish for him and put it in a bowl.

Xia Xiqing looked at the dishes in the bowl and lost his appetite. He can't see anyone pretending to himself the most.

"Go to the company? Why, do you think you won't live long enough to wait for your youngest son to inherit the family business?"

This sentence was extremely ugly, Yu Fangyue was about to speak, but Xia Yunkai stretched out his hand to stop him, he didn't seem to be angry, but said indifferently, "If you have a big family and a big business, you can't just rely on your younger brother to support you in the future." He paused Dun, "I know, your mother gave you all the art museums and galleries in her hands, so you won't have to worry about it for the rest of your life..."

"What did you mention her for?" Yu Fangyue finally couldn't help it, and said angrily.

"Is it your turn to talk to an outsider at this time?" Xia Xiqing lightly tapped the side of the colored porcelain bowl, looked at Yu Fangyue, but it was Xia Xiuze who asked, "Ozawa, I ordered a cake for you, you Go outside and ask."

Xia Xiuze said oh, stood up obediently, and heard his mother's sharp voice stop, "Stop! He told you to go out and you go out?" He froze in place until Xia Xiqing who was sitting next to him stretched out his hand and patted him gently. His legs walked out of the private room without hesitation.

"You! Come back to me!"

Xia Xiqing pretended to show a sympathetic expression, "It's a pity, your son only listens to me. The property of this family belongs to me, even your son born in October is mine."

This sentence was Yu Fangyue's biggest heart trouble. She trembled with anger, pointed at Xia Xiqing and cursed, "You are just like your mother, you are crazy..."

Before he finished swearing at the last word, Xia Xiqing splashed hot tea all over his face, his wet hair stuck to his face, and he was extremely embarrassed.

"I've wanted to respect you for a long time with this cup of tea, it's always inconvenient for Xia Xiuze to be here." Xia Xiqing was playing with the teacup in his hand, speaking softly and softly, "Just because I give him face doesn't mean I treat you as a human being. "

"Forget it, Xi Qing." Xia Yunkai tried to dissuade Xia Xiqing with an air of peace, but it made him laugh.

Xia Xiqing looked up at him, and the corners of his mouth curled up, "What kind of father are you playing here? When you sent me to the hospital, why didn't you say forget it and save my life?"

"In the past, it was my father who was not good. Back then, when he was young and energetic, he always..."

"Don't make excuses." Xia Xiqing looked down at his finger, which was stained with red paint, like a blood spot, which was very eye-catching. "Scum is scum, and old people are scum."

After speaking, he raised his head and smiled again, "I'm talking about myself, don't take it to heart."

Xia Xiuze came back with a cake in his hand. Seeing Xia Xiqing was still in the private room, he smiled obediently and cutely, "Brother, you didn't leave."

"I'm not leaving, I'm waiting for you." When Xia Xiuze sat down, Xia Xiqing reached out and patted him on the shoulder, "One year older, stop acting like a child."

"Then I'm a child compared to you." Xia Xiuze happily inserted the candle, not even noticing that his mother's face was covered with water stains that couldn't be wiped clean. Seeing Xia Xiuze so happy, Xia Xiqing suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. In this sick family, Xia Xiuze was the only one who was pure and kind, which was ironic in itself.

"I'm going out for a cigarette."

"elder brother…"

"I'll be back in a while, leave me a piece of cake." Xia Xiqing opened the door, and when he came out, someone from another box seemed to come out, and they met each other. The man was dressed in a famous brand, he was good-looking but his temperament was too greasy, and his walking posture was like that of a young master.

The other party stared at him for a while. Xia Xiqing would have been puzzled if he had been in the past, but now that the show is on, he is often stared at on the road, and he has long been used to it.

Walking to the other side of the bamboo forest, Xia Xiqing took a cigarette, but there was a night breeze outside, and it took him a long time to light it, which made him even more irritable.

The leaves of the bamboo forest were blown around by the wind. Through the gaps, Xia Xiqing seemed to see a familiar figure standing in the veranda of Zhuge. His temperament was very similar to that of Xu Qichen.

He couldn't help turning his head to look, and it was really Xu Qichen, standing by the railing on the long corridor.


Xu Qichen turned his head, and smiled the moment he saw Xia Xiqing, "Hey, why are you here, what a coincidence."

Seeing Xu Qichen was always a joy. Xia Xiqing walked over and stood outside the corridor, leaning on the vermilion railing with his elbows, "What are you doing?"

"Oh, it's a social event. Just finished."

"Waiting for someone?" Xia Xiqing looked up at Xu Qichen, "Xia knows that kid Xu didn't come to pick you up."

Xu Qichen was a little embarrassed, "I told him not to come, he has to come, and it's almost here now."

"Tsk tsk tsk..." Xia Xiqing poked Xu Qichen's waist, "It's sticky."

Xu Qichen was ticklish, grabbed his hand and hid for a while, smiling like a child, the more this happened, the more Xia Xiqing wanted to tease him, "Don't hide, you."

"What are you doing?"

Xia Xiqing's hands trembled. Isn't that Zhou Ziheng's voice? Turning his head, isn't that Zhou Ziheng who is walking towards him with his hands in his pockets? Xia Xiqing was also puzzled, how could he be bumped into by Zhou Ziheng when he was playing around with others.

The hood covered most of Zhou Ziheng's face, so he couldn't see his expression clearly. Xia Xiqing was about to explain, but Xu Qichen preempted him, "You two are so familiar, I don't need to introduce you."

"Who knows him well?" Xia Xiqing leaned against the railing like a ruffian, and soon found something else from Xu Qichen's words, "No, you introduced? Did you have dinner with him just now? "

"That's right." Xu Qichen laughed, "Let's talk about the script."

"You want him to act in your novel again?" Xia Xiqing noticed that Xu Qichen's clothes were tearing, and he stretched out his hand to pull it over, intending to break it with a lighter.

"No, this time it's an original script."

Zhou Ziheng coughed, and Xu Qichen smiled discerningly, "Then what, there are still people waiting for me, I have to go, you guys talk first."

"Hey..." Xia Xiqing didn't have time to pull, Xu Qichen left without looking back. He frowned and turned his head back to look at Zhou Ziheng, "You said you didn't want to spoil the fun, I just had a chat."

Zhou Ziheng also leaned against the railing, and reached out to take the limited edition lighter from Xia Xiqing's hand, "I can't see that you are quite careful."

Xia Xiqing knew that he was talking about getting thread for Xu Qichen just now, so he thought it was funny, "If the thread is pulled out, I'll burn it for him."

"Pick it up?" Zhou Ziheng raised his eyebrows.

Xia Xiqing squeezed Zhou Ziheng's chin, "It is said that you follow idols, why do I feel that your mouth is more and more following me?"

Zhou Ziheng grabbed his wrist solemnly, "Kissing is contagious."

"Get out." Just talking about it, you can't kiss casually outside, Xia Xiqing felt that it was boring, let go of his chin, pressed the railing and flew over.

Afraid that he would fall, Zhou Ziheng stretched out his hand to support his waist. Before he could touch it, Xia Xiqing quickly grabbed his wrist, with a smile on his face, "Don't touch me." Zhou Ziheng just remembered, There was a scar on his waist, and he didn't know that his wound had been exposed long ago.

"Where are you going later?" Xia Xiqing asked.

"go home."

Xia Xiqing hooked his ankle with his foot, "By the way, take me with you, handsome guy."

Zhou Ziheng stretched out his hand and pulled his extra lock of hair behind his ear, "Aren't you going back to celebrate your brother's birthday?"

Xia Xiqing lightly stepped on Zhou Ziheng's sneakers, eyes drooping, "I wanted to run away a long time ago, I'm so disgusted."

Zhou Ziheng grabbed his wrist, Xia Xiqing looked up at him. The cold moonlight slipped from the brim of his hat and projected into those deep and intense eyes, like the shadow of the moon falling into the middle of the lake, and he was dragged forward like this.

"where to?"


The author has something to say: Brother: I want to leave a cake for my brother.

Chuchu: Your brother ran away with your Ziheng brother.

Brother: you go.jpg

Chu Chu: The Jiangnan leather factory has closed down, Zhou Ziheng took your brother away! 【Slip away quickly

Brother: Howling and crying.jpg

These two pups are sweeter than other people's love affairs, it's really scary.

Read The Duke's Passion