MTL - I Only Like Your Character Settings-Chapter 49 deeper and deeper

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Just being hugged by Zhou Ziheng like this, Xia Xiqing was so comfortable that he could just fall asleep like this, but he felt that it was too strange for him to be like this. Zhou Ziheng was obviously five years younger than him, and he was so naive and stupid before, and he would blow his hair when he teased him. How did it become like this.

It's so gentle, it's unbearable, and it can't be pushed away.

He buried his head in Zhou Ziheng's neck, bit the neckline of his black short sleeve with his teeth, pulled it out, and lightly rubbed the protruding collarbone with the tip of his teeth.

So much like a cat. Still the kind of cat who is not very obedient.

"You can't bite." Zhou Ziheng pinched the back of his neck, "It's time to film."

"I know, big star." Xia Xiqing raised his head, stretched out the tip of his tongue to lick his lips, then retracted it quickly, his lips were bright, which made Zhou Ziheng's heart itch.

"I've found that you like to treat me like a child recently." Xia Xiqing looked into Zhou Ziheng's eyes, and stretched out his hand to pull his smooth forehead hair back, revealing his superior browbones. Zhou Ziheng's daily appearance is completely like a college student, he looks obedient and refreshing. Although Xia Xiqing used to not like this kind of little milk dog and liked more vigorous ones, but if it is Zhou Ziheng, he has a very comfortable charm.

"Really? I don't think so." Zhou Ziheng smiled slightly with his lips pursed.

"You just smile like this every time you want to play a twenty-five-stringed pluck but dare not." Having been bored with him for a long time, Xia Xiqing summed up the pattern. His hand slowly slid down, touching Zhou Ziheng's side face, his thumb rubbed back and forth on his well-shaped lips, and his eyes fell on it, "What are you talking about?"

His voice became ethereal again, hooking Zhou Ziheng's heart straight to the sky, like a hydrogen balloon.

Xia Xiqing just looked down at his lips, the two lashes trembling slightly, like two black butterflies about to fly away. Looking at it, Zhou Ziheng couldn't help but slow down his breathing.

Afraid of alarm, afraid of him flying away.

Xia Xiqing suddenly raised his eyes, spread his butterfly wings, and the ceiling lights in the living room were reflected in his pupils, like the moon wrapped in the night, "Why don't you talk."

beautiful. He would be angry if he said it out, but Zhou Ziheng felt so in his heart.

Zhou Ziheng still didn't speak, just looked at him quietly, his eyes moved down from his eyes, and slid down the bridge of his erect nose, all the way to the tip of the slightly raised nose, with a small spot on the tip of the nose.

The Creator must have loved you very much when he forged you. He carefully held the paintbrush, hesitated for a long time, and then lightly tapped a small dot on the tip of your nose to make you so different.

He also puts the brush in your hand, so that you can use all the lines and colors in the world to your heart's content, making you full of talent.

You are God's most favored child.

"There are too many things I want to say," Zhou Ziheng touched the protruding spine of his back, "but there is none that you like to hear."

"Forget it, shut up." Xia Xiqing laughed.

The charm of that little mole is really terrible, it is very attractive when not smiling, but it looks so innocent when smiling. Zhou Ziheng finally couldn't help kissing the tip of his nose.

"Who allowed you to kiss here." Xia Xiqing raised his eyebrows dissatisfied, and grabbed Zhou Ziheng's neck. He hates when people kiss his nose like he's a girl.

Xia Xiqing was ridiculed a lot when he was a child because of male and female appearances, and he never got rid of this prejudice when he grew up. He is so strong, he hates all actions and even descriptions that feminize him.

Zhou Ziheng coughed a few times as if he was about to suffocate, Xia Xiqing let go of his hand, but still pointed at him harshly, "Actor."

"Don't you think your nose is pretty?"

Xia Xi glanced innocently, "The nose is pretty, but I don't like moles, so I'll order them tomorrow."

Zhou Ziheng was in a hurry, "No way."

"Why not, I can do whatever I want with my face." Xia Xiqing looked like a ruffian, and was about to stand up, but found that the legs that had been crossed all the time were completely numb, "I'm going, my legs are numb."

Zhou Ziheng pinched his thigh maliciously.

"Fuck! Zhou Ziheng!"

"Don't cross your legs, you have to move."

"Don't don't touch me, it's so numb."

Zhou Ziheng straightened his legs, grabbed Xia Xiqing's legs and put them behind him, "This is better."

"What's so good!" Xia Xiqing was almost annoyed by him, and now this posture has completely become the posture of him sitting on Zhou Ziheng's body. I tried to move my leg, "Hiss... so numb."

"Don't move around, be good."

"Good sir."

"I'll give you a massage, and the numbness will go away." Zhou Ziheng said as he rubbed Xia Xiqing's thigh.

"Fuck...don't knead."

Zhou Ziheng didn't care about it at all, his thoughts were quite pure, his legs were numb and he had to move and press. While thinking this way, I continued to press him.

Xia Xiqing pressed his hand, "I told you to stop rubbing, can't you understand human speech?"

His breath was unsteady, panting slightly, Zhou Ziheng finally realized how ambiguous their actions are now, the palms on his thighs were hot, he wanted to move but dared not move.

If he did something now, Xia Xiqing would probably not refuse.

But it's not too pretentious.

Zhou Ziheng was terribly conflicted, and was about to clear his throat to relieve the embarrassment, when he was suddenly kissed by Xia Xiqing.


The soft lips were moist and full of aggression, licking Zhou Ziheng's palate viciously, the kiss made him itchy and numb, and his breathing suddenly became disordered.

"Now...why don't you rub..." Xia Xiqing didn't forget to provoke during the deep kiss.

Taking advantage of the fire...Zhou Ziheng felt that he was simply too naive.

Being so provoked by Xia Xiqing, Zhou Ziheng didn't bother to think about him anymore. He rubbed his broad and dry palms viciously, with extremely ambiguous strength. He took care of everything, but he just didn't touch the place Xia Xiqing wanted him to touch.

"Zhou Ziheng..." Xia Xiqing almost gritted his teeth and called his name, which made Zhou Ziheng very happy. He kissed Xia Xiqing's soft lips, and rubbed his back with his hands. Xia Xiqing resisted the desire to bite his neck. Impulse, everywhere is a restricted area, I can only trace his auricle with the tip of my tongue.

The deliberately suppressed panting sound spread in the ears covered with water vapor, and was infinitely magnified by the distance, hitting the heart one after another, disturbing the heartbeat that had already lost its normal rhythm. The flame burned down from the tip of the ear, igniting a prairie fire.

The fluffy carpet exudes a soft temperature, the light illuminates the fair skin of the person in front of him inch by inch, and the watery light rippling from the depths of his pupils.

The expression on Xia Xiqing's face was stubborn and seductive, and his tone was full of provocation, "You can't do it."

Zhou Ziheng lowered his head and gently rubbed Xia Xiqing's side neck with his lips, but he didn't really kiss, but slowly rubbed it up to his earlobe, his voice was a little hoarse, "It seems that you can't do it anymore."

Xia Xiqing was going to be driven crazy by him.

It is a complete misunderstanding to say that he is a milk dog. This **** is a wolf dog at all, and it is the kind that is super tolerant.

"I can't do it anymore." He licked Zhou Ziheng's ears carefully, panting softly like he was out of breath, his long legs stretched out, "I want to sleep with you, I especially want to sleep with you."

"No, you don't want to." Although Zhou Ziheng was still smiling, his forehead was covered with sweat.

"Don't whet my appetite, if you push me into a hurry, I'll go find someone else..." Before finishing the harsh words, Xia Xiqing couldn't help but yelled out in a low voice as soon as Zhou Ziheng shook hands.

"My lord! Zhou Ziheng! You..."

"Yes." Zhou Ziheng smiled softly, slowed down his hands, squeezed gently, and kissed Xia Xiqing's ear again, "You are so fierce."

Impressed. Xia Xiqing felt that he had encountered the biggest trouble in twenty-five years.

Really the "biggest" trouble.

The two of them tossed and tossed stickily for more than an hour, but in the end Xia Xiqing didn't get what he wanted. He wanted to slam the door and go home in anger, but the sofa at Zhou Ziheng's house was so comfortable that he didn't want to do anything after it was over. Wanting to lie down on the sofa, Zhou Ziheng covered him with a super long blanket, which was soft, from head to toe, and the sofa was huge. He lay beside Xia Xiqing and held him in his arms.

"How many times do I have to say don't hug me before you can have a long memory."

Xia Xiqing's voice was muffled, which sounded too cute to Zhou Ziheng.

"Don't you find it comfortable to hold?"

"I don't think so." Well, a little bit.

"I think, I want to hug you, so just let me hug you." He gently patted Xia Xiqing's back with his hand, and sometimes rubbed his hair.

So clingy, and so good at taking care of others, she is actually a single mother. Xia Xiqing didn't dare to imagine.

He thought of the girl he had mentioned in Truth or Dare before.

It is how much I like her that I have not been in love for so many years. Not necessarily, the nature of his job is so special, he is so busy, he has to film and go to school, how can he have so much free time to fall in love.

But why don't so many people in this circle talk about it? It has nothing to do with the nature of the job, it's because I like her.

no. Xia Xiqing suddenly came to his senses, what was he doing, why was he bothering about whether Zhou Ziheng liked that woman or not.

Feeling unwell and irritable for no reason, Xia Xiqing turned his back, not wanting to see Zhou Ziheng's face.

Zhou Ziheng didn't notice his series of mental activities, nor did he notice that Xia Xiqing was wrong, he still kissed the back of his head tenderly, and hugged him from behind, like two spoons loving each other.

"If I join the group, I may go to other places to film."

When Xia Xiqing was in a daze and was about to fall asleep, he heard Zhou Ziheng say this, and he woke up halfway again, and asked, "Where are you going..." Just after asking, he felt that his voice was too sticky, Xia Xiqing coughed again to clear it Throat, "How many months have you filmed?"

"Now that I have spared four months for this drama, I'm not sure yet."

four months? It's been half a year.

Zhou Ziheng continued, "And I have to play an AIDS patient in this play, so starting this month I have to lose weight, I have to go to training, maybe I won't go back..."

Before he could finish speaking, Xia Xiqing cut it off first, "Oh."

After saying this word, he felt flustered in his heart, and he didn't know why.

Zhou Ziheng wanted to say something, but seeing that he didn't seem to want to hear it, he swallowed the last part of the sentence and closed his eyes. He regretted so much, why did he tell him this, it felt like he was explaining something, what was his relationship with him, and why did he do unnecessary things.

My heart is getting heavier and heavier, and I am about to fall to the bottom.

After bottoming out, it bounced back.

"Does your crew need art? I mean, it's that kind of design, it's not right," Xia Xiqing was a little annoyed, he couldn't organize his words well, it was so unlike him, and finally turned around and said solemnly, "I want Otherwise, let me invest, can I invest? I also want to be a funder."

Zhou Ziheng was stunned.

What does he mean by these words?

"But you don't need me to take care of you, you are someone with a background. How about I take care of a young actor or something..." Xia Xiqing rolled his eyes, and Zhou Ziheng quickly pinched his mouth, "Say it again, who are you taking care of? "

"You, let's take care of you." Xia Xiqing was puzzled, this man was desperate to be taken care of while going to the bar.

"Even if you are a sponsor, the sponsor can't be stationed in the crew every day..."

"What are you doing on the set?" Zhou Ziheng was a little happy.

"What do you think I'm doing? It took me so much effort to get you to join me, but now you tell me that you're going to join the group, and I won't see you for half a year. I'm still a ghost."

Zhou Ziheng suppressed a smile, "So."

"Eh? Why don't I take care of you tonight." Xia Xiqing clasped Zhou Ziheng's face with both hands and rubbed it. The happy expression on his face lasted for less than two seconds before he frowned again , "No, what if I become addicted to this meal, it will suffocate me to death."

Zhou Ziheng finally couldn't help laughing, "What are you thinking about all day long?"

"I want to sleep with you, want to **** you, want to swallow you alive."

"Okay, I'll make a note."

We will do so in the future.

"It's annoying, if I invest in your crew, can I go there every day? Oh yes, I can be a producer, can I?"

"It's possible, but it's not necessary." Zhou Ziheng gently pinched the tips of his ears, "Actually, there is a way..."

"What way." Xia Xiqing raised her eyebrows, and her eyes got bigger.

Zhou Ziheng hummed for a long time, with some hesitation in his tone, "We should have turned it on a long time ago, and it took a long time, but the heroine tried too many people and couldn't find the right one, which wasted a lot of time. When I told me that he had watched "Escape from Life", I thought it was a polite remark, but I didn't expect him to take out the online clips."

Xia Xiqing didn't understand what Zhou Ziheng was going to say, but felt that it was a bit tiring to raise his neck like this, so he drilled up and looked into Zhou Ziheng's eyes, "And then."

"Let me tell you about the plot first. The little gangster I played got AIDS and wanted to take revenge on the society, so he followed the heroine and wanted to attack her. Then there is a very important scene in our play that I have to get the heroine against Covering her mouth on the wall, but they interviewed several actresses, and they couldn't perform that sense of collision, you understand?"

Xia Xiqing understood very well. He immediately thought of the scene in the first episode of "Escape from the Sky" where he was dragged by Zhou Ziheng to the study room with the lights off.

"No, you don't want me to play that... heroine, do you?" Xia Xiqing's brows twitched together, and Zhou Ziheng stretched out his hand to rub them away, "No, I didn't ask you to reverse the role." Your face is fine too.

"Director Kun said let me tell you, he felt that our shot at that time was the effect he wanted, with collisions and emotions, so he asked me to ask you to see if you would like to try it, and Editor Xu said yes Change the script."

"Fuck, Xu Qichen is trying to trick me." Xia Xiqing rolled his eyes, "How does he want to change?"

"Editor Xu said that if it doesn't work, remove the line of love and change it to two male protagonists. The female protagonist is deaf and autistic, so changing it to a male protagonist is also feasible. Anyway, the whole is the theme of mutual redemption."

"Deaf? Still autistic?" Xia Xiqing chuckled, "What is Xu Qichen thinking? He dares to give me such a difficult role."

Looking at Xia Xiqing's face, Zhou Ziheng hesitated to tell the reason why Xu Qichen also wanted him to act.

In the original setting of the heroine, she had experienced domestic violence.

Born in a low-level family, her father was addicted to gambling, and her mother made a living by selling laughs. The two often had conflicts at home. If they disagreed with each other, they would fight. Her ears were disabled.

When Xu Qichen shared the concept of this version of the script, Zhou Ziheng felt that he was too cruel, obviously he was Xia Xiqing's friend.

[It's cruel, but he can't escape from nightmares all his life. ]

Zhou Ziheng can still recall Xu Qichen's indifferent and calm expression at that time.

[Xia Xiqing's life so far has been deceiving himself and others. If this heart disease is not eradicated, he will never be able to learn to love himself. ]

Zhou Ziheng took a deep breath, thinking that if he said these words by himself, maybe this matter would not be able to be accomplished. He could only touch Xia Xiqing's hair, "He thinks you can do it, so there must be his reasons. Xu Zhuan also said that if you have a willingness, he would like to talk to you about the script."

"I've never acted before." After saying this, Xia Xiqing felt ridiculous. As long as he lived, he acted for as long as possible.

"I think you're quite talented."

"You think I'm pretty good at pretending." Xia Xiqing wanted to sit up, but he was a little sleepy, "Let's talk about this, Xu Qichen should look for me, I'm going back, sleepy."

Zhou Ziheng grabbed him, "It's so close, why don't you go back, my house is enough for you to sleep in."

That's right. Xia Xiqing smiled, "That's right, it's so close, I'll go back in two steps."

"You can't go back in two steps. The distance from the sofa to the entrance is at least fifteen meters, plus the length of the entrance is four meters, and the straight-line distance between the door and the door is three meters. Assuming you are going back to your sofa, multiply all the distances by two, If you walk half a meter at a step, then you have to..."

Terrible science man. Xia Xiqing blocked Zhou Ziheng's mouth with a kiss, and then let go.

"Have you figured it out?"

"I forgot, where did it go?" Zhou Ziheng laughed, his eyes curved like a first quarter moon.

Xia Xiqing pinched his chin, "Then I have to take a bath."

"Wash here."

"No pajamas."

"Wear mine."

"Your big."

"It's comfortable to be big." Zhou Ziheng smirked.

Xia Xiqing slapped him on the forehead, "What do you know, little guy, you have a good job."

"How do you know it's not good if you haven't tried it?"

"Mother-fetal solo is not qualified to speak."

Zhou Ziheng snorted and hugged Xia Xiqing, leaning his furry head on his shoulder.

It was agreed not to like him too much, but to grasp the degree well, to retract and let go freely, and to be able to do a job with ease.

What do you want? It's all nonsense. If you like it, you can only like it more and more, and the brakes are ruined from the beginning.

Accelerated all the way to the cliff, even the gods could not save him.

"Hey, where do I sleep at night?"

"In my arms."

"Get out."

The author has something to say: I can write a hundred chapters (deceitful) about their daily life, they are so pure and desire nothing~

How can it be so easy to write between the beautiful and seductive cats and the seamless switching between milk dogs and wolf dogs.

Ah, I'm finally filming and writing a script.

Xu Qichen: This article is also called "Chen Chen's Repayment"

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