MTL - I Only Like Your Character Settings-Chapter 54 have and only

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Xia Xiqing vaguely felt that Zhou Ziheng knew something.

How did he know, did Xu Qichen tell him? But they don't look so familiar.

My mind is very chaotic, and thoughts come out one after another. He didn't want to think about these insignificant details. Zhou Ziheng's embrace has a wonderful healing power, which can quickly heal his emotional rift, and even Xia Xiqing himself doesn't know why.

He moved the hand hanging by his side, and slowly hugged Zhou Ziheng back. His cold palm pressed against his broad back and slightly protruding shoulder blades, drawing heat from it.

Zhou Ziheng didn't expect that Xia Xiqing would hug him back at this moment, and his heart sank a little, as if a villain had quietly sat on it. He could feel Xia Xiqing's fingers gently grasping the edge of the shoulder blade, and he pressed his forehead against his shoulder as if admitting defeat.

This is not a kind of trust.

I couldn't help but use my hand to slowly rub the back of his neck along the line of his spine.

"Are you smoothing the cat?" Xia Xiqing's muffled voice came from his shoulder.

Zhou Ziheng laughed, "You mean, are you my cat?"

Xia Xiqing was stunned by his words, and he became angry again just after he got down. He let go of his hands and raised his head. As soon as his palms were placed on Zhou Ziheng's chest, he grabbed them and clasped his fingers tightly.

"You pushed me away too many times." Zhou Ziheng looked into his eyes, "I have to be ready to be pushed away by you anytime, anywhere."

But I know you don't really need me, so even stopping you from pushing away has become a conditioned reflex.

Hearing what he said, Xia Xiqing's ears warmed up, she lowered her eyes to look at him, and didn't try to break free from the hand he was holding. Suddenly, he felt a warm touch on his forehead, which was unbelievably soft.

When he reacted, he raised his eyes to look at him, and his eyes were kissed lightly again. The moment his lips touched his eyelashes, Xia Xiqing subconsciously closed his eyes because he was not used to it. I felt that Zhou Ziheng's hands were holding his face, his fingertips pressed against the soft spot behind his ears, and his kiss landed on the tip of his nose.

Xia Xiqing was flustered and sad.

He suddenly felt that he was actually very miserable. He had never been treated tenderly since he was a child, so he firmly believed that these things should not be owned by him.

So that I got a little bit, I feel panicked.

His nose was sore, it was too embarrassing to cry now, Xia Xiqing tried hard to restrain himself, frowned and opened his eyes. Zhou Ziheng's forehead was pressed against his, the tip of his nose rubbed against his, his gentle voice seemed to be covered with a layer of sea fog.

"I know you think I'm not the same as you, idealistic, full of kindness." He whispered, fingers gently rubbing Xia Xiqing's mandible, "But I want to make it clear that I don't have that much desire to protect. "

"Really...haven't you?" For some reason, Xia Xiqing's rhetorical question seemed weak.

"Well... Occasionally there are. For example, when you see a stray cat huddled up on the side of the road, you want to pick it up and take it home."

Xia Xiqing let out a cold snort from his nose, "I'll let you pick it up if you say it? Your hands are covered in blood."

"It's okay, this is a necessary price." Zhou Ziheng's lips curled up in a gentle arc, he lightly tapped Xia Xiqing's forehead with his forehead, and continued, "For example, seeing a beautiful rose Trapped in the thorn bushes, I also have a desire to protect and want to rescue him."

"Is leaving the thorns a good thing for Rose?" Xia Xiqing raised his eyes to look at him, his eyes were covered with water vapor, and there were tears that hadn't been digested just now.

"It was because he wanted to leave that I went to save him."

"how do you know?"

"Of course I know." Zhou Ziheng's eyes were crooked when he laughed, which was his most childish expression.

Zhou Ziheng's logic is always strange, but always persuasive. Xia Xiqing lost his temper at what he said, and asked again, "What about another example?"

"Forget it, as a man of science, my poor metaphorical ability has come to an end." Zhou Ziheng tilted his head, and pecked at the small mole on the tip of Xia Xiqing's nose.

His eyes were bright, and he seemed to feel that his smile was too childish, so he restrained himself a little more, appearing more serious and sincere.

"There is and only Xia Xiqing can make me want to protect."

Such a light sentence, so light that Xia Xiqing couldn't grasp it. But it suddenly became so heavy again, it slammed into my heart hard, and I couldn't get it out, and it was deeply sunken inside.

The stray cat is afraid of humans, and the rose is afraid of the approaching hand.

Xia Xiqing is afraid of gentleness.

Because tenderness is the only invincible weapon in the world.

"May I kiss you, now."

Asking such a sincere question again, Xia Xiqing felt that he was still defeated, and he even smiled wryly unconsciously, "So you still want to kiss?"

"Yeah." Zhou Ziheng shook his head quickly again, "No, it's not what you think, I want to..."

A voice suddenly came from the bathroom door, before Zhou Ziheng could stop his explanation abruptly, Xia Xiqing sealed his flustered heart with a kiss.

“The public restrooms in this hotel are in good condition.”

The voice of a stranger.

"Why do you care so much about the hotel's bathroom?" Men's bad taste in the bathroom is to speak yellow accents, "Why, do you like to play such exciting games?"

The hand with interlocking fingers was held even tighter by Xia Xiqing, chest to chest, a kind of saw-saw in strength. But his eyes were soft, full of bright tenderness.

It was such a pair of eyes with strong hints that made Zhou Ziheng unable to think that Xia Xiqing was really full of love like those who were deceived in the past. Even though he knew it wasn't true.

"What's the bathroom in a hotel? Nightclubs are more exciting. Last time I went to the bathroom in a daze after drinking. The voice next door was so loud that I went. It was a live broadcast. It was like a wave."

Perhaps because of hearing their conversation, Xia Xiqing's other hand began to move restlessly, from the hem of Zhou Ziheng's black shirt to the texture of his skin. The kiss that should have been understated also became sticky, the lips moved away and then pressed together, boldly probing at the critical point of the kissing sound.

"Hahaha exciting, I will try it next time."

Zhou Ziheng's furrowed eyebrows showed that he was obviously emotional. Xia Xiqing let go of his lips reluctantly, stared at his eyes, and silently imitated mouth shapes when he raised his eyebrows.

[Try? ]

"Try? Who are you going to try?"

Being teased like this was already far from Zhou Ziheng's original intention. He hugged Xia Xiqing tightly with some annoyance, wrapped his arms around his waist, and rubbed the belt of the overalls with the chest of the shirt rolled up to the forearm. The kiss came too fast, Xia Xiqing managed to stabilize his legs, but his upper body was too oppressed by him, the whole body bent backwards, almost losing balance.

"Oh, soak any one and bring it in, the little girl is very good at fishing now..."

In the middle of speaking, there was a loud bang suddenly from the washroom, which scared the two of them back and the sound disappeared.

Xia Xiqing also broke out in a cold sweat, and his hand that tried to hold the partition but couldn't control the force just now was still stuck there.

"Fuck, I'm scared to death."

"Something fell off. If you have the guts to still want to pick up a girl, let the girl pick up on you..."

After the rhetoric was over, Zhou Ziheng bit Xia Xiqing's lower lip, tugged on it, and then let go, lip-syncing like him.

[Let's soak you. ]

There was another bang. The two of them didn't say any more, and slipped away without even pulling up the zipper of their pants.

"Fuck, hell, hell."

Hearing the sound getting farther and farther away, Xia Xiqing, who had hammered the partition, was overjoyed, and laughed beside Zhou Ziheng's ear, laughing harder and harder.

"You scared them so much that they wouldn't dare to have **** in the bathroom for the rest of their lives." Zhou Ziheng lowered his voice.

Xia Xiqing, who was lying on Zhou Ziheng's shoulder, turned his face, and blew warm air into Zhou Ziheng's ear, "Speak as if you dare, big star."

"Is there any advantage for you to provoke me?"

"Yes." Xia Xiqing stretched out his hand, carefully tidied Zhou Ziheng's messy shirt, tucked the hem into his trousers, and tugged at his belt buckle, "I'll **** you when you can't help it. "

Zhou Ziheng laughed helplessly, "Why don't you wait until I can't help but **** you?"

Xia Xiqing pouted, but there was nothing wrong with what he said, "No, I'll **** you."

"When will you give up this idea?" Zhou Ziheng looked at his persistence and found it cute and funny.

"One must have a dream." Xia Xiqing is serious, "My dream this year is to complete the important mission of helping you start your business."

"Then don't cry when you're disillusioned."

"I will cry with joy when I achieve it."

"You'd better be." Zhou Ziheng bowed his head and kissed him on the cheek. Xia Xiqing deliberately put on a disgusted expression and raised his hand to wipe his face. When he lowered his head, he remembered the injury on Zhou Ziheng's arm. He grabbed his wrist and found that the red mark on his arm hadn't faded away. He probably died the next day. Will bruise.

"It doesn't hurt." Zhou Ziheng spoke first.

Xia Xi glanced at him innocently, "Who cares if you are in pain or not." After speaking, he let go of his wrist, "You deserve it, I rushed forward."

"Yes, it deserves it."

"You don't learn from me."

"I didn't learn from you. I really think I deserve it." Zhou Ziheng hugged Xia Xiqing like a big dog, then let go, grabbed his shoulders and stood a little further away. He said with a smile, "You look good today."

Xia Xiqing has almost accepted all kinds of compliments on his appearance since he was a child, but there are really not many people who are as honest and sincere as Zhou Ziheng.

He suddenly became more concerned, although he seemed a little narrow-minded.

"Am I prettier or is that Zixi prettier?" Xia Xiqing raised his face and rubbed Zhou Ziheng's ears with his hands.

Zhou Ziheng immediately frowned in puzzlement, "Why are you comparing yourself to him?" He just didn't understand, but was misunderstood by Xia Xiqing, and his ears were pulled hard by him, "Wait, wait...I mean he doesn't understand It can't be considered good-looking, isn't there a lot of people with that kind of appearance?"

Xia Xiqing wanted to pretend to be cool, but the corner of his mouth had his own thoughts.

"Oh? Then I don't have many such things?"

Zhou Ziheng frowned in thought, raised his hand to pinch Xia Xiqing's chin, turned his face to the left, then to the right, then straightened his face, and said that cold and pleasant remark again.

"There is one and only one."

My heart trembled. Xia Xiqing lowered his head and licked his dry lips, and said three words in an awkward tone, "Science man."

"It's a pity that my hands, which can only draw schematic diagrams of force, can't draw, otherwise I would like to draw you every day."

After talking about it, Xia Xiqing's heart was about to jump out. He raised his hand to cover Zhou Ziheng's mouth, "Shut up, get out, I'm suffocated."

It made him feel distracted.

Zhou Ziheng smiled and kissed his palm.

This person... Xia Xiqing withdrew his hand. Thinking of how fans in the fan circle described Zhou Ziheng, such as arsonist with a heart, sniper with a heart, these clichéd descriptions that he once despised.

It's actually quite suitable?

Pooh. He has no heart.

In order to avoid suspicion, the two came out of the bathroom one after the other. Kuncheng and the producer were still discussing in the room. Zhou Ziheng walked in first, and the assistant director shouted: "Brother Kun, Ziheng is back."

"Where did it go? It's been so long." Kuncheng asked casually. Zhou Ziheng sat on the seat next to him, "I answered a call."

"Are you okay just now?" Kuncheng glanced at his arm, and Zhou Ziheng touched it uncomfortably, "It's okay, it will be fine in two days."

Kuncheng laughed, "What were you thinking at the time, you can't tell that someone is acting." Zhou Ziheng knew that he was joking, so he stroked his hair and didn't respond.

"But the one you went up to block just now is very similar to Gao Kun." Kuncheng shook his head, "It's Gao Kun."

"Xu Zixi's acting is also good, with good skills and aura," Kuncheng sighed, "but compared with Xia Xiqing, the traces of acting are immediately exposed." After finishing speaking, he glanced at Zhou Ziheng, "You too I want to date Xia Xiqing."

Zhou Ziheng felt that he saw something, and said nonsense, "It must be to match the good acting."

"Come on." Kuncheng patted him on the shoulder, "Go back first, let's discuss it later, it will be settled in two days, by the way, have you seen Xia Xiqing?"

"I saw him at the door of the bathroom just now." Zhou Ziheng nonsense calmly, just at this time Xia Xiqing walked in, "He's here."

The downstairs is full of reporters. At first Zhou Ziheng wanted to go with him, but then he thought it would not be good to be photographed together, so he asked Ronaldinho to drive him back first, and Zhou Ziheng pushed a lot of activities for this drama , but this side is still pending and can't turn on the phone, so it has suddenly been idle for the past two days.

"Zi Heng, you're on the trending list again today."

Zhou Ziheng got into the car, took off his mask and sunglasses, "Bought by the company?"

"No." Ronaldinho couldn't laugh or cry, "The teaser for the third episode of Escape from the Sky came out, and it immediately became popular."

Hearing what he said, Zhou Ziheng remembered that the director of the program group on WeChat did ask him to help promote it on Weibo, but he forgot it in a hurry. He went to Weibo to refresh the homepage, and sure enough, he saw the notice. It was posted at 5:00 p.m. He clicked on the video and watched it.

The beginning of the trailer is a close-up of the radio. After a period of noise, human voices suddenly appear.

It was Xia Xiqing's voice, with a slow rhythm and soft timbre.

[The moment I met you was the beginning of the big bang, every particle left me and flew towards you, and after that tiniest moment, the universe was truly born. ]

Suddenly an image of a nebula exploding appeared on the screen, splitting into several identical nebulae, which merged into one in the vibration, gradually shrunk, and gradually turned into an illustration in a book, a seamless montage technique.

Soon, the voices of several people appeared one after another.

First, Shang Sirui asked, [If both of us are 'girlfriends', shouldn't it be the same chain of events? ]

Xia Xiqing's voice appeared amidst the noise, [What if you are girlfriends in different time and space? ]

The voice hadn't disappeared completely, and Zhou Ziheng's question appeared again, [Why is the death record of the heroine written in your diary? Since you traveled back, the heroine should be able to be saved, right?]

Shang Sirui's voice appeared again, emotionally, [In my plot line, I am the one who wants to save people. It's the heroine who saves the hero who shut himself up at home and turned on the gas to commit suicide, do you understand? ]

The only girl's voice came in, affirmative and resolute, [Xia Xiqing is the instigator of the tragedy, without him there would be no follow-up. ]

Finally, Xia Xiqing said with a smile.

[Believe it or not, I will kill you right now? ]

The screen instantly turned completely black, and the originally faster and faster music also became a noise.

Zhou Ziheng couldn't help laughing because the editing of the program group was perfect. Such a preview immediately drew everyone's attention to Xia Xiqing.

His own voice came from the earphones.

[She thinks you are Killer. ]

[Why should I trust you? ]

In the darkness, a butterfly exuding blue light appeared, waving its small wings, and the blue light gradually lit up the surrounding scenery, and the back of a boy in dark blue clothes began to appear in the picture. The special effect butterfly was still flapping its wings until it merged with the butterfly bookmark in his hand.

[Xi Qing? ]

Xia Xiqing turned around.

The screen was suddenly divided into two halves. He and Xia Xiqing occupied the left and right sides of the screen respectively. They were obviously not in the same room, but they were edited so that they could look at each other.

[If you are willing to take your life to gamble my sincerity, I don't care. ]

The screen was divided again, and four vertical frames appeared, and the faces of the four of them flashed one by one, and finally returned to complete blackness again. There was an uneasy breathing sound in the darkness, and Zhou Ziheng's heart twitched. This was Xia Xiqing's gasp.

The door of the room suddenly opened, and a beam of light appeared on the screen.

A person came out slowly.

Ruan Xiao's voice appeared.

[Has the hero ever gone out? ]

A figure gradually appeared in the darkness, it was Xia Xiqing's pale face.

It is accompanied by Shang Sirui's voice, [If I leave the room, the door of the room will be closed, and I will never be able to enter again. ]

A smile appeared on Xia Xiqing's face.

[I am ready to go out. ]

Like turning off the TV, the screen shrinks into an electronic wire, and finally turns completely black. With the sound effect, the four characters "Escape from the Sky" appear, and a butterfly flies past, leaving a blue subtitle—Butterfly effect.

I thought the trailer was over like this, but I didn't expect there to be easter eggs.

Among the four vertical frames, Shang Sirui first appeared. He squatted in front of the radio and twisted the knobs one by one, from left to right, from right to left, and Ruan Xiao’s voice suddenly appeared on the radio, "Hello?" Shang Sirui She was so scared that she sat down on the ground, and the black vertical frame next to her showed the situation of Ruan Xiao's room, and her expression was slightly puzzled. Then the two vertical frames turned black at the same time, and the remaining two frames lit up. Xia Xiqing stood in front of the door and stretched out his finger, and Zhou Ziheng in the next frame also stretched out a hand.

Apart from the white dividing line, the two people almost seem to be facing each other and touching each other with their fingers.

[Don't you think you're too biased? ]

[I was biased. ]

Video ends.

Zhou Ziheng was really amazed that the program team could actually cut the trailer of a mind-boggling suspense show to look like a romance movie. It has something to watch and a topic to talk about, without spoiling anything serious the plot.

"Have you finished watching?" Ronaldinho, who was waiting for the green light, laughed, "Do you know what your hot search term is?"


"See for yourself haha."

Inexplicably, Zhou Ziheng clicked on the hot search list, and the first two words were all related to him.

[Love Talk Boy Zhou Ziheng]

[Gentle Alpha Zhou Ziheng]


He took a screenshot and sent it on WeChat

[Moral Model: If you were given a choice, which one would you choose? ]

Coming out of the elevator with Xu Qichen, the phone vibrated, Xia Xiqing followed Xu Qichen's words while looking down at the phone, and laughed uncontrollably.

He didn't know what was going on, but now he could imagine Zhou Ziheng's smug expression.

"What are you laughing at?"

"It's nothing." Xia Xiqing quickly typed a few words and clicked send.

It was not until getting off the car that Zhou Ziheng, who was looking forward to the answer, received Xia Xiqing's reply.

[Terrorists: Kidsmakechoices, adultsmakelove.]

The author has something to say: Xia Xiqing: It’s all mine, why should I choose, I just want to be on... [Mouth covered

Zhou Ziheng: No, you don't want to.

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