MTL - I Only Like Your Character Settings-Chapter 66 heat wave fireworks

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After crossing the river and passing through the bustling city, the scenery became more and more remote. Zhou Ziheng touched Xia Xiqing with his toe, "Are you almost there?"

"I don't know." Xia Xiqing didn't even make a careful distinction.

Zhou Ziheng felt that he had been perfunctory, "Aren't you from Wuhan?"

"Not many people from Wuhan have visited the whole of Wuhan." When Xia Xiqing said this sentence, his tone was thoughtless at first, but at the end, there was a faint sense of exclamation. Zhou Ziheng noticed this, but Brother Fei who was sitting in the front didn't notice, and happily took over the conversation, "Yes, old Wuhan people like me run around every day, and they may not have traveled everywhere."

Xia Xiqing turned his face to look at him, that small mole on the tip of his nose could always attract Zhou Ziheng's attention, "You know the three towns of Wuhan, right?"

Seeing Zhou Ziheng nodding, Xia Xiqing continued, "Actually, there are three towns, rather than three cities. Each of them has a large area, let alone combined. My family lives in Hankou, and I often went to Wuhan University to sketch when I was in high school. , It takes nearly two hours by bus, and I can sleep in the car.” When he talks about the memories, his expression always softens, “However, our drivers here drive very hard, and it is basically impossible to fall asleep. "

Looking at Xia Xiqing's face, Zhou Ziheng always thought that it would be great if he could hug him. He could just hug Xia Xiqing and listen to his stories all night long.

"You two have time, there is still a week before leaving the plane." Kuncheng smiled, "Xi Qing, you should take Ziheng around Wuhan more, so that he can integrate into the role as soon as possible and enjoy the fireworks."

Xia Xiqing hummed, the hand held by Zhou Ziheng was a little sore, he touched it with his wrist, frowned and gave Zhou Ziheng a look, Zhou Ziheng would soon feel sorry, thinking that he had hurt him, so he quickly let go. Hold hands firmly. Xia Xiqing didn't take his hand back, but gently placed it on the seat cushion, and Zhou Ziheng gently covered Xia Xiqing's with his own.

Several people said this in the car, and it didn't take long to arrive at the shooting location. This is the most famous urban village in Wuhan, and it is also the least "Wuhan" place in the whole city. The road began to become congested, with disorganized stalls everywhere and unavoidable pedestrians. Fortunately, Brother Fei was good at driving and drove the car into the culvert of Hua'anli.

The culvert is actually a passage into the Hua'anli community, with green walls on both sides and a covered roof in the middle. Just such a narrow five-meter-wide corridor is responsible for the function of allowing 100,000 community residents to travel every day.

Holding the steering wheel, Fei honked the horn towards the disheveled van in front, "Today is not bad, I didn't meet the car coming out from there, otherwise there will be a traffic jam at both ends, and neither of them will be able to move."

The van in front finally moved out of the way, and drove forward slowly like an elderly man, so that they could only drive slowly. Finally, they entered the culvert, and the light suddenly dimmed. Zhou Ziheng subconsciously shook his hand. He tightened Xia Xiqing's hand and looked towards him, but Xia Xiqing just rested his chin and looked out of the car window.

Fortunately, he didn't pull out his hand, which made Zhou Ziheng feel relieved enough.

In fact, the culvert was not completely dark at all, it was just a little darker, and the passage was not long, so it opened quickly. It seems that it was because of the rain just now, and the ground was muddy. An aunt was walking close to the side of the culvert with two bags of daily necessities. She was splashed with mud spots by the wheels and cursed a few words in unauthentic Wuhan dialect. Continue to stick to the culvert and go out.

Zhou Ziheng doesn't hate this kind of chaotic and noisy market place. As an actor, he likes this kind of place very much. It is full of people of all kinds, and everyone is like a storybook that is spread out. Interpreting all kinds of strange plots.

I drove to a place where the car couldn't get in. The four got out of the car, and Brother Fei swiftly closed the door, leading them to the rented house Kun Dao asked him to rent. Zhou Ziheng and Xia Xiqing walked behind, their hats were pulled down very low, their shoulders rubbed against each other in the sticky hot air from time to time, and then opened up a short distance with their steps.

Walking through a muddy path, the four of them came to a densely packed construction area. The houses here were built very high, which made people think of the lattice rooms in Tongtian in Hong Kong, but they were not exactly the same. The high floors here were obviously added later. Yes, the walls of the floors below have long been smeared with a thick dark color by cooking oil, but above are ocean-blue tin containers, glowing with a purplish gleam under the fading sunset.

"The conditions here are really bad." Fei Ge lit a cigarette and took a puff. The smoke he exhaled seemed to be stuck with moisture, and he couldn't disperse it nicely. "This seat is small. There are so many people that if you can’t build on the ground, you can only build on the sky, and the houses get taller and taller.”

Zhou Ziheng was about to look up when he felt a hand on the back of his head. When he walked over and turned around, he realized that there was a loose wire hanging there just now. Xia Xiqing had already retracted his hand and inserted it into it. The pockets of the overalls.

"You lower your head a little bit." Xia Xiqing's voice was very clear in the hot and humid air, "I don't know what I ate to grow up, so tall."

Brother Fei heard it, and asked, "That is to say, how did you grow so long, Ziheng?"

"Long?" Zhou Ziheng looked inexplicably at Xia Xiqing as if asking for help. Xia Xiqing lowered his head and laughed, then raised the brim of his hat a little and looked over, "Wuhan dialect doesn't say that people are tall, especially for children. For example, I am your uncle." Xia Xiqing raised his hand and touched Zhou Ziheng. The brim of his hat, imitating the tone of an adult in Wuhan dialect, said, "Hengheng, I haven't seen you growing in half a year."

After speaking, his tone immediately changed back, even taking away the dialect, "Do you understand?"

The corners of Zhou Ziheng's mouth curled up. He didn't like Xia Xiqing speaking Wuhan dialect so lively.

"Xi Qing's Wuhan dialect is very interesting." Fei Ge smiled and praised the Kun director in front of him, and the Kun director was also satisfied, "If I don't say that the editor Xu is very good, I even saved the actor's dialect. When the time comes, Xi Qing, you will act in Mandarin with a Wuhan accent."

"Didn't I play a hearing-impaired person?" The road ahead was too muddy, even Xia Xiqing had no choice but to bend down to roll up the legs of the gray overalls while talking, revealing his white ankles . Zhou Ziheng's footsteps also stopped, his eyes drifted downward, stayed on the slightly protruding ankle for a second, then turned back up, until he reached the rolled-up trouser legs and the skin hidden inside.

He couldn't help but think of the scene where Xia Xiqing's ankle rested on his shoulder that night. At that time, his eyes seemed to have been soaked by the hot and humid air of this city.

"Oh! Oh, yes, yes, Jiang Tong has a little hearing impairment." Unaware that Xia Xiqing was lagging behind, Director Kun who was awakened slapped his head, "I forgot about it. Then you train and train yourself."

Brother Fei continued, "He played the role of an outsider, right?"

"It is to train into an unauthentic Wuhan accent, hahaha."

The two laughed together. Xia Xiqing, who was walking behind, felt hot, took off his hat, scratched his hair, and fanned it twice. He was about to put the hat on his head, but Zhou Ziheng suddenly pulled himself closer, and whispered Throwing a sentence in the ear.

"I think I'm pretty long."

Xia Xiqing frowned and raised his eyes, his hair was drenched in sweat, curled and stuck to the side of his fair face, the longer ones could extend to the jaw line, even the expression that he was about to blame became alluring.

Zhou Ziheng leaned close to his ear, brushed his lips against his slightly protruding earbones intentionally or unintentionally while speaking, his voice was very low.

"As you said, you can reach the innermost part."

This hooligan is playing tricks. Xia Xiqing was on fire, he couldn't have a fit, wouldn't he be like a little girl who was molested? He took a deep breath, and felt that the saying that Feng Shui takes turns was not wrong at all. He grew up as a hooligan, but now he was molested by a guy five years younger than himself!

After managing his expressions well, Xia Xiqing turned his face to look at Zhou Ziheng. He raised his eyebrows obviously because he wanted to play hard, and he spoke word by word, "Age is not important, experience is the most important."

But in Zhou Ziheng's eyes, it was all about seduction.

He nodded and grabbed Xia Xiqing's shoulders. Kuncheng just turned around and was happy to see the two of them being so affectionate. After all, to act together for such a long time, the actors must reach a certain level of friendship, otherwise he, the director, would have a headache.

"Experience needs to be accumulated." Watching Director Kun turn around, Zhou Ziheng returned to Xia Xiqing from the corner of his eye. He lowered his voice, and he said aggressively, "Brother taught me."

His ears were very hot, Xia Xiqing pushed him away, and uttered a word, "Hot." His words seemed to have a bit of the accent that Wuhan people like to procrastinate. Ears can tell. The tone of a single hot word turned and turned, until it was about to turn into his heart.

Even if he was pushed away, Zhou Ziheng felt happy. The sweet aroma of ribs and lotus root soup simmered by an unknown family wafted from the narrow building. When the sky was about to go out, he walked behind Xia Xiqing with a smile. Feel the beauty of fireworks in the world for once.

Anything is fine, anywhere is fine, as long as Xia Xiqing is by her side.

When I walked into a unit building, the stairs inside were dark and narrow. Xia Xiqing just walked up two steps when Zhou Ziheng took his hand. He wanted to break free, but he didn't bother to break free, so he just let him hold him, anyway, the light is so bright It was so dark that the two people walking in front couldn't see clearly.

After going up to the fourth floor, I passed through a dark corridor with a door at the top. Brother Fei took a key from his trouser pocket, and opened the lock with difficulty using the screen saver of his mobile phone.

"This is the room." Brother Fei stepped in first, "Look, it's quite small anyway."

In fact, it is much better than Xia Xiqing imagined. He originally thought it would be a dirty and old house, but in fact it was just a little smaller, a narrow one bedroom, one living room and one bathroom, and it seemed a bit awkward for four people to stand in. Don't open your body. They went around the house for a while, and Xia Xiqing also got a general understanding of the room type. As soon as the door came in, there was a small living room, and a small passage was the bedroom. On the right side of the passage was the kitchen and the bathroom, which were side by side and about the same size. It's only enough for one person's range of activities.

The only source of light in the whole house comes from a small window in the bedroom. There is a row of small succulents under the window, which are very green and lovely.

As soon as he entered the room, the stuffy feeling was like a layer of plastic wrap, transparent but airtight, tightly covering Zhou Ziheng, he picked up the collar of his clothes and slapped it several times.

"It's almost like this. In fact, the original owner is still very clean. He is a young man who works outside." Director Kun laughed, "He is very honest. I said give him more money, because he may have to redecorate. No, we still gave more, and the kid was so happy that he kept saying thank you to me."

Xia Xiqing tried to match this small house with Jiang Tong's residence in the script. This feeling is very strange, as if he deliberately squeezed into a safe small mold and turned himself into another person. There was a small dusty fan on the coffee table in the living room. He sat on the sofa facing it and pressed the switch. The fan squeaked and turned, and the wind was not strong, which was better than nothing.

Zhou Ziheng's eyes were glued to Xia Xiqing's body, watching the heat blowing up his forehead hair, watching him stretch his neck to meet the wind, his sweaty hair stuck to the corner of his mouth, and he pushed it away with his hands, but he But he had no time to care about the broken hair sticking to the back of his slender neck.

This scene brought Zhou Ziheng a sense of sexiness full of fireworks.

"Oh, by the way, the filming crew and I have a meeting to go outside to take night scenes together. Do you two stay here or go back to the hotel?"

Before Xia Xiqing could answer, Zhou Ziheng made a decision on his own, "Stay here, I want to get a feel for the script." As he spoke, he walked to the sofa and sat down in two steps, and put his arm around Xia Xiqing's shoulders, "Xi Qing, come with me. I'll call Ronaldinho to pick us up when we're done."

After hearing this, Brother Fei shoved the key into his hand, "Then I'll give you this, my wife sent me a text message just now, urging me to pick up the child from the remedial class."

"It's okay, Brother Fei, you can go, my assistant will come over later." Zhou Ziheng nodded his hand on Xia Xiqing's shoulder, "Besides, there is still a local here."

In this way, Kuncheng and Brother Fei were persuaded by Zhou Ziheng, and they went downstairs together, the footsteps gradually became inaudible, Zhou Ziheng closed the rusty iron door, and when he was about to turn around, Xia Xiqing pushed the door .

"What are you thinking?" Xia Xiqing threw back the hat in his hand and threw it on the gray-green fabric sofa behind him. His palm was very hot, and it went through his chest to his heart like a branding iron.

Finally, the taboo was gone, Zhou Ziheng looked down at his thin waist wrapped in a slim top, and hugged him, the distance was suddenly compressed, and the stuffy air between the two seemed to be pushed out, separated by The trendy fabric fits skin to flesh.

"Hit your mind."

Xia Xi lowered his head and pushed his arm away from him, "Dream." After he finished speaking, he walked to the bathroom on his own, and his voice echoed sticky, "I'm taking a shower, my body is too sticky. Yes. You call Ronaldinho now and ask him to buy some food on the way, I'm very hungry."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand to lock the bathroom door, only to find that the bolt covered with copper rust could not be moved at all, and he couldn't lock it after several attempts.

A bony hand grasped the door frame. Xia Xiqing raised his eyes, and gave Zhou Ziheng a rebellious and naughty smile.

"I'm hungry too."

After speaking, he squeezed in, and the cramped bathroom was filled to the brim. The switch of the shower was turned on as soon as Xia Xiqing came in, and the water splashed down, adding to the humidity in the small space.

Sticky humidity is a breeding ground for lust.

"There can't be two people standing here." Xia Xi grabbed the hem of his clothes with both hands, pulled them up, and took off the clothes that were completely stuck to his body.

Zhou Ziheng took another step closer, almost sticking to his body, "If you get closer, you can always stand down."

Looking up, Xia Xiqing's mouth that was reddened by the heat wave opened slightly, with a smile that was not a smile on his face, and his words seemed to blame, "Why are you so pestering."

After he finished speaking, Zhou Ziheng snatched the black T-shirt he took off, threw it outside the bathroom, pushed his chest step by step and forced him to the maximum shower, the heat falling from his head The water drenched everything, including Zhou Ziheng's always deep voice.

"It's better than you, hard to chase and hard to deal with."

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