MTL - I Only Like Your Character Settings-Chapter 81 match made in heaven

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Zhou Ziheng dyed his hair back to black after finishing his filming. His filming days came to an end. He went back to Xishan Villa to spend a few days with his parents at home, and returned to P University to continue his studies during the school season in September.

Seeing Zhou Ziheng returning to school, Zhao Ke was so excited that he thought he was dazzled.

"Hey, you cut your hair short? You're so handsome." He bumped Zhou Ziheng's shoulder and winked, "How is it?"

Zhou Ziheng took the notebook out of the bag and turned it on. He put on his glasses and said in a bad tone without even looking at Zhao Ke. "You dare to say that you should be thankful that I didn't beat you up."

"Why did you beat me!?" Zhao Ke grabbed Zhou Ziheng's shoulders, "You, you two collapsed? I'm not sure, I finally got a CP! You can't make me dirty!"

Zhou Ziheng pushed his paw away, turned his head and gave him a kind smile, "Thanks to your old man, it almost turned yellow."

"I can't." Zhao Ke still wanted to say, and the professor came in. He closed his mouth with a wink, and sent a long list on WeChat, asking all the details. Zhou Ziheng just pretended that he hadn't received it. Seriously listen to the class and study.

After the big class in the morning, Zhao Ke's bones were all broken. Zhou Ziheng was dragged to the cafeteria to eat, and he hadn't gone to the cafeteria for a long time. Quickly, the entry of [Zhou Ziheng returns to class at P University] was also quickly searched. He was annoyed by being on the hot search, so Zhou Ziheng sent a WeChat message to his sister-in-law, asking her to post the hot search.

"Going back to the dormitory at night?" Zhao Ke bought a cup of coffee from the coffee machine on the teaching floor and handed it to Zhou Ziheng. He took a sip, with the brim of his hat pulled down, "No, I'm going back to the apartment today."

"Yo, those who didn't know thought there were people hiding in your apartment." Zhao Ke was just lying, but Zhou Ziheng was drinking coffee contentedly and didn't refute, so Zhao Ke realized, "Damn it? Are there really Tibetans?" gone?"

Zhou Ziheng coughed, gave the finished coffee cup to Zhao Ke, and called Xiao Luo to pick him up.

Zhao Ke sent Ruan Xiao a message as if he had gotten some big gossip today.

[Zhao Ke: Self-study cohabitation! ]

Since the filming of the filming was over, except for the commercials that had been set before, and the return to "Escape from the Sky", Zhou Ziheng didn't take on other jobs. He went back and forth to school and home every day, and the two months passed quickly.

The weather is gradually getting colder, and the autumn in Beijing is extremely long, giving people the illusion that winter is coming, but there is still a day to go, and the moment when winter really comes.

After tossing and tossing until midnight, Xia Xiqing felt very short. Sleeping in a daze early in the morning, I felt that the arms that hugged me were loosened. Zhou Ziheng held his face and kissed him several times while he was half asleep. , Xia Xiqing stretched his arms around his waist again, his voice was still a little hoarse when he spoke.

"Where are you going early in the morning..."

"There is a class in the morning, solid state physics. Zhao Ke said that this teacher wants to take the roll call." Hearing Xia Xiqing's confused question, Zhou Ziheng felt warm in his heart, but he had no choice but to go to class, so he had to grab the shirt on the bedside and put it on his body, buttoning it one by one. He buttoned it until he reached the end and kissed Xia Xiqing's hand, "Hey, sleep a little longer."

Xia Xiqing let go of his arms and lay down on the side. Hearing the sound of Zhou Ziheng putting on a sweater coat, he raised his hand to cover his face, "God... I can't imagine that I'm dating a college student... or the kind that needs roll call in the morning."

Seeing that his arms were exposed and naked, Zhou Ziheng was afraid that he would catch a cold, so he covered him tightly with the quilt, then leaned down and kissed Xia Xiqing's face twice, "Isn't it good for college students? It's not a popular year lately." Go to school and study hard and cook for you and warm your bed when you come home, where are you going to find such a good college student." Zhou Ziheng bit his ear shamelessly again, "The key is not bad."

"You shouldn't read fanfiction, big star." Xia Xiqing turned over on his back, embraced a large quilt and closed his eyes.

The quilt is full of Zhou Ziheng's fresh and clean smell, like the turbulent clouds in the autumn wind, gently enveloping this rootless fallen leaf.

"Oh, by the way, my sister-in-law told me yesterday that in order to promote the movie, we may have to appear on some variety shows. Let me ask if you would like to."

Xia Xiqing closed his eyes, almost falling asleep, so he could only half-blindly answer, "Okay..." He scratched Zhou Ziheng's heart like a cat meowing, so he couldn't help but walk to the bed again, whispering. He bowed his head and kissed his side face carefully. When he was half awake, Xia Xiqing was the softest and most defenseless time. Every time he kissed, he could hear him humming softly, and the sticky sound from his nasal cavity seemed to be resisting. , and it seems to blame.

It was very difficult for Zhou Ziheng to control himself from indulging in his rare obedience.

The absolute and strong possessive desire will always automatically and consciously turn into a pool of autumn waves in the cool morning, submerging the lover's soft and docile body.

When he woke up again, he didn't know what time it was. Xia Xiqing reached out and turned off the bedside lamp, got up to wash and tidy up, ate some snacks bought by Zhou Ziheng, and went into his studio. Since they came back from filming, the two of them slept in different houses every day, sometimes at Xia Xiqing's house, sometimes at Zhou Ziheng's house, but most of the time it was Xia Xiqing who acted as a monster and wanted to use his swimming pool to soak in hot springs.

But Zhou Ziheng had never been in this studio, and Xia Xiqing would usually put down his work to accompany Zhou Ziheng when he came back, and he had never asked about Xia Xiqing's artistic creation.

Wearing a dirt-resistant brown denim jacket, Xia Xiqing put on welding goggles, and began to put on airs in front of the small mud drafts and line drafts he had made before. He hadn’t done plaster sculptures like this for a long time. Sometimes I often help my tutor to do it, but this is the first unborn sculpture created by him independently.

In order to make sculptures, he put away all the paintings in the studio last month. This room is actually the largest room in the entire apartment except the living room, but now it is also full of steel bars and sculpture mud. The sparks from the welding of steel bars reflected on Xia Xiqing's goggles, shining brightly.

As soon as the big skeleton was welded, Xia Xiqing was so tired that he sat on the steel bar and leaned against the wall to rest. When I was doing sculptures at the Academy of Fine Arts, I often invited some white models to set up a shelf for them as a reference, in terms of height, body shape, and body posture, so as to ensure that they would not be distorted.

But this time, Xia Xiqing could only follow his own heart.

A message came from the phone, Xia Xiqing put down the water he drank, and brought the phone over.

[Jiang Yin: "Tracking" is about to start publicity recently, and I have to trouble you to cooperate. ]

His tone of voice was like that of a police uncle, Xia Xiqing couldn't help laughing, replied with an ok emoji, and took advantage of his break to log on to Weibo. It's been a long time since the last time he was online, and Xia Xiqing's Weibo messages have reached the page Stuck, he waited for a while before he could check it normally.

Habitually click into the comments first, the screen is full of [Brother Xi Qing misses you! Ask for a selfie! ]'s news was like little red love hearts breaking through the screen, spraying it straight on Xia Xiqing's face.

Just post a selfie.

Xia Xiqing turned on the front camera and found that he was still wearing protective glasses. He looked left and right, and thought the glasses looked pretty, so he pressed the shutter directly.

Just like that, Xia Xiqing posted a sloppy selfie of himself wearing welding protective goggles on Weibo to express his consolation.

After a while, this selfie, which was not very distracted, was reposted by fans frantically.

[My sweetheart is a little painter: ahhhhhhh fresh brother Xi Qing! ]

[Brilliant Xia Xiqing: What kind of sunglasses brother Xiqing is wearing is so cool! The anti-counterfeit mark mole is super cute! ]

[Self-study girl Chong Duck: These glasses have a sense of technology, they look like scientists~~BTW Xi Qing, is this a temporary photo? Really fresh selfie. ]

This has all been found? Xia Xiqing couldn't figure it out, this is not a self-study girl, but a microscope girl.

[Self-study is necessary for Chinese New Year: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh There is a clock behind Xi Qing, it was really shot and posted now! ]

That's right. Xia Xiqing looked back at his workbench, it was okay, there was nothing indescribable.

He refreshed the homepage again, just in time to see that Zhou Ziheng reposted the official blog of "Tracking", and clicked in to see that it was the announcement material, two still photos from the filming period.

The first one is Gao Kun's vaguely psychedelic side face in the smog, the gray and white smoke flowing wantonly, the green distant mountains outside the tunnel, and his short crimson hair, which are clearly bright and mixed colors, but the composition and The angle of view reveals a subtle sense of desolation.

The second picture is a dark alley in the middle of the night, with a pale moon hanging high, casting a pale gray light on the criss-crossing illegal wires and the messy buildings that are constantly expanding upwards. There was a trace of panic and fear on the face of Jiang Tong who was walking towards the meeting, the face of the person behind had been swallowed by the darkness, the tattoo on the arm was faintly visible, the vivid red hair became A fire in the dark.

Neither of the two pictures fully showed the complete shapes of the male number one and the male number two, and even the faces are blurred, but the unique realistic and desolate style is unique, and the self-study CP fans have accumulated enthusiasm for too long, and it didn’t take long , This publicity material has been reposted 100,000 times and commented 30,000 times.

Zhou Ziheng, who is the absolute male number one, only added one sentence when he forwarded it.

[@周自燕: Although I dyed my hair, smoked, drank and tattooed, I knew I was a good boy. ]

Pfft, who wrote the copywriting.

Xia Qing thought for a second that this was probably written by Zhou Ziheng himself, but if he wrote it like this, wouldn't he be afraid of ruining his personality as the number one Alpha in the entertainment industry?

He also retweeted one after Zhou Ziheng, which seemed to be teasing, but was actually flirting.

[@Tsing_Summer: Why would a good boy stalk someone? //@周自恒: Although I dyed my hair, smoked, drank and tattooed, I knew I was a good boy. ]

Soon the reposts of the two of them were topped by fans. The self-study girl saw the interaction between the two after many days, and she was as happy as in the New Year.

[Self-study girl Chong Duck: Sisters are sending candy! ! Come on! ]

[You are doing self-study and we are good friends: why else? Because he likes you! ]

As soon as this comment appeared, it was topped as the most popular one, and the same sentence was written all over it.

Because he likes you.

Unable to explain why, the corners of Xia Xiqing's mouth turned up, in a good mood. Even looking at my unfinished steel frame is very pleasing to the eye, and I feel that there should be no failure before the mud is applied.

When you fall in love, it really gives people the illusion that the whole world is beautiful, especially when you fall in love secretly. Hormones surge, dopamine kicks in.

Many main creators reposted the official blog of "Tracking" one after another, even Yang Bo, who didn't have many roles, reposted it, but Xia Xiqing noticed that Song Nian was not among them. When filming before, the cooperating partners added Weibo to each other. Xia Xiqing clicked in from his follow list and found that Song Nian had just posted a selfie on Weibo.

[@actor Song Nian: Believe that there will be gains if you pay, and be grateful every day. [Love] [Hug]]

Below is a picture of her sleeping on a recliner from another crew, with a script full of notes on her.

These are nothing, nothing more than some chicken soup for the soul, to consolidate my hard work and professional personality. But Xia Xiqing always felt that something was wrong. Everyone participated in the promotion of the new film. Compared to the film crew who had already said hello, Song Nian did not forward it alone, and even posted a photo of himself in another film crew when others were promoting it. .

It's kind of rhythmic.

But Song Nian has a problem at this time, isn't she afraid that Kuncheng will cut all her scenes before the release?

What is she drawing? She is not like Zhou Ziheng who has such a good family background who is not afraid of anything, and her resources are not top-notch among Xiaohua. If this movie was cut out, it would be a waste of time.

Xia Xiqing felt that this didn't make sense, and he could only blame it on himself for thinking too much. After all, he was born to like conspiracy theories.

He returned to his Weibo homepage and found that he had received a reply from a follower. He clicked on it and saw that it was Zhou Ziheng's message under the selfie he just took.

[@周自恒: My wife stopped painting, did you switch to an electrician? ]

Xia Xiqing took off the goggles at once. How did he know he was welding? But soon, his attention shifted from electric welding to another place.

Why did he call himself his wife again!

Before, he didn't know what his wife meant, so he called after the fans, but now he knew it and called it on purpose, purely to take advantage of it. Xia Xiqing was already so **** off by him, the comments below were as if they had been beaten with blood, and those who didn't know thought they had stabbed some groundhog's nest.

[Self-study makes me happy: ah ah ah ma'am! Call my wife, I'm going to pass out! ]

[I love self-study: Oh, Idol personally came to Mrs. Painter’s Weibo to urge his wife to post less selfies and draw for him more hahaha. —On the convenience of falling in love with a painter. ]

[Self-study world's number one sweet: ah ah ah Zhou Ziheng, you are so good at it! The wife called so smoothly that I had to wonder how they called each other in private. ]

Seeing this, Xia Xiqing suddenly had the image of Zhou Ziheng calling himself brother Xiqing, and couldn't help but choke.

[Number One Alpha in the universe: By the way, isn't Ziheng's birthday coming up soon, isn't his wife ready for a birthday celebration? Did you still paint last year? ]

[Self-study, sister: Why not! My wife gave herself as a gift this year hahaha]

[My Xipi must get married: ahhhhhhhh! I still keep the picture of my wife’s birthday greetings last year as the background on Weibo, looking forward to Mrs. Xi Qing’s birthday greetings this year! ]

Since he saw these comments, Zhou Ziheng must have seen them too.

Xia Xiqing decided to lock the door of this studio in the future.

I quit Weibo and glanced at the phone calendar. It was already October 6th, two weeks before Zhou Ziheng's birthday. He suddenly remembered something, and searched for Zhou Ziheng's constellation.

Speaking of which, these things were the behaviors that Xia Xiqing hated and despised the most in the past. Recording the birthday of the person he liked, secretly preparing gifts for him, searching for descriptions about his constellation, he was so stupid, only when he was a teenager when he first fell in love It's something only a child would do, but at this time, Xia Xi put these inherent thoughts behind him early in the morning, and browsed the constellation website with great enjoyment.

No smart person can escape the temptation of love.

"Elegant personality, approachable, good at love..." Xia Xiqing unconsciously followed the words on the screen, but the more he looked at it, the more he didn't feel like it. He simply took a screenshot and sent it to Zhou Ziheng.

[Little Rose: You don't look like a Libra man at all. ]

Zhou Ziheng was studying in the library. When he clicked on WeChat, it turned out that Xia Xiqing had sent him some constellation analysis. The last time he read it was when he was in elementary school. He was used to being told that he was not a Libra boy. The family asked his mother if she remembered his birthday wrongly.

I was almost beaten by my mother.

[Moral model: Constellations are not allowed. ]

Soon Zhou Ziheng sent another message.

[Moral pacesetter: What is your zodiac sign? ]

[Little Rose: Archer. ]

[Moral Model: ...Okay, I'm slapped in the face. ]

[Moral pacesetter: The horoscope is accurate. ]

Since learning about the zodiac signs of lovers, Zhou Ziheng sat in the library and never read a word. He held his mobile phone and checked the horoscope analysis all night. Especially after seeing the matching index of Sagittarius and Libra, he was so happy that he had no desire to learn. , I just want to pack my schoolbag and go home.

[Moral pacesetter: Our horoscope pairing is 90 points, a natural pair! ]

Fool. Xia Xiqing put down the phone, adjusted the shelves carefully, and began to mix the sculpture clay, but Zhou Ziheng smiled and said that he was a natural couple, and the two crescent eyes couldn't be lingered.

He stretched out his hand and gently stroked the rough and simple semi-finished product, with a gentle smile on his face than the ginkgo outside the window.

What artist doesn't love his muse?

If there is, it's just that they haven't met yet.

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