MTL - I Only Like Your Character Settings-~ Episode 12: Werewolf Killing (2)

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106 Episode 12: Werewolf Killing (2)

After the various sweets of the awards ceremony were moved to the Internet by the fans at the scene, the popularity of self-study cp remained high every day, becoming the well-deserved overlord of the cp world. Zhou Ziheng's self-deprecating speech "Three Suggestions for Newcomers" at the award ceremony was also spread on the Internet. After taking off the general offensive personality, Zhou Ziheng suddenly attracted a large number of fans, and his popularity continued to rise.

During the preparations for the second season of "Escape from the Sky", the Weibo of the program group was captured by fans of the program and guests every day. To build momentum for the unfinished second season, the program team decided to broadcast the second live broadcast of "Escape from Werewolf Town".

[@[[[[: Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, so is it to make a serial form! ! look forward to! ! ]

[@You come and kiss me: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! ]

[@甜甜的小菇: Looking forward to it! Start the live broadcast! ]

The program team contacted nine guests to make up the schedule, adjusted for a few days, and finally started the second live broadcast of "Escape from Werewolf Town" at 7:00 on Saturday night.

In order to save time, everyone dressed up before going to the live broadcast. There was a traffic jam on the road. Xia Xiqing and Zhou Ziheng were the last two to arrive, but as soon as they entered the live broadcast room, the barrage exploded into countless fireworks.

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ]

[Fuck! ! Brother Xi Qing! ! Hengheng! ]

[etc! ! Brother Xiqing and Hengheng's sweaters! ! It seems to be a couple! ]

[That hot-eyed sister! ! you are awesome! ]

The dark gray sweater Xia Xiqing was wearing was actually Zhou Ziheng's, a fashion brand abroad, but the shoulders were a bit narrow, so Xia Xiqing used it to wear it. Zhou Ziheng ordered another one the next day, but the dark gray one was sold out, so he had to buy a black one, but the pattern was exactly the same as the one on Xia Xiqing.

[Brother Xi Qing, when will he have long hair again, the long hair is so beautiful! ]

[When did brother Xi Qing feel too lazy to cut his hair, so he had long hair hahahahaha]

[Ziheng's shoulders! ! Pacific Broad Shoulders Sue! ]

All the guests are seated, the seats are in the same order as the previous werewolf killing, No. 1 Xia Zhixu, No. 2 Xu Qichen, No. 3 Ruan Xiao, No. 4 Yang Bo, No. 5 Xia Xiqing, No. 6 Shang Sirui, No. 7 Xia Xiuze, No. 8 Zhao Ke, No. 9 Zhou Ziheng. Everyone greeted the camera in order. While Ruan Xiao was talking, Xia Xiqing caught sight of Xia Zhixu giving Xu Qichen a handful of Wangzai toffee, then smiled and stretched out his hand to knock on the table, making a gesture to Xu Qichen. Wink.

[Ahhhhhhh, Xi Qing's little move! ]

[xxq looks good every time she raises her eyebrows! ! ]

[Brother Xi Qing, do you want candy? ? I have it here! ]

Seeing Xia Xiqing's hint, Xu Qichen was about to throw a candy to him, but Xia Zhixu who was beside him threw a candy directly at Xia Xiqing's forehead, Xia Xiqing simply reacted quickly, and stepped back to grab the candy with his hand .

It was Xia Xiqing's turn to say hello soon, and he didn't have time to teach Xia Zhixu a lesson, so he smiled and waved to the camera, "Good evening~ I'm Xia Xiqing on the 5th."

Saying hello, Xia Xiqing caught a glimpse of Zhou Ziheng patting Xia Zhixu on the shoulder, and said seriously, "Don't bully my wife."

[Fuck! ! ! ! Hengheng is awesome! ! ]

[Why is my goose so stiff today! ! ]

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ? ? ]

[Yes! ! Officially stamped daughter-in-law! ]

Xia Xiqing smashed a candy on Zhou Ziheng's head, "What are you talking about!"

Xia Xiuze on the side also followed Xia Xiqing's example, "That's right, what are you talking about?" He got up and gave Zhou Ziheng, the toffee victim, a high-five, "yeah~"

"Really..." Xia Xiqing was speechless, why did everyone go to that brat Zhou Ziheng.

After a while, the game officially started. After everyone confirmed the cards they had drawn, the familiar narration of the program group sounded.

"Please close your eyes when it's dark."

A gloomy music sounded, and the lights turned crimson.

[Escape from birth and escape from the werewolf music are very permeable]

[deideidei! I can't even watch Escape from Life at night! It's obviously not a horror reality show, but it makes me panic after watching it! ]

[I always chase after each other in the same dormitory hahahaha. ]

"Cupid, please open your eyes."

Ruan Xiao opened his eyes and stretched out his hand.

[Ooooh, oh, Xiaoxiao! ! ]

[Ah, ah, sister Ruan is Cupid! ]

"Cupid, please choose two players to connect as a couple."

Ruan Xiao carefully observed the crowd with their heads down, hesitated for a while, and compared a 9 and a 2 to the camera of the program group.

[What? ? ? Hengheng and the screenwriter brother? ? ? ]

[Did Xiaoxiao and Zhao Ke both demolish the Xipi Brigade? Hahahahaha]

Suddenly, Ruan Xiaoyou gestured a cross to the program group, indicating to choose again. Two seconds later, she compared a 9 and then a 5, and the bullet screen was maxed out.

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh self-study is a couple! ! ]

[Self-study is real! ! Self-study is really a couple! ! ]

[Ruan Xiao is really the number one fan of self-study girls hahahahaha]

[Ruan Xiao is too good! ! ]

[Human wolf lover wolf lover wolf love please please please, Jade Emperor Queen Mother Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Da Luo Xian, I want to see human wolf love ah ah]

"Cupid, please close your eyes." The narrator paused, "Please open your eyes, lovers."

Xia Xiqing felt that a staff member patted him on the shoulder, and he still felt a little irritated in his heart. It was fun to be connected to a couple. Unexpectedly, when she opened her eyes, what she saw was Zhou Ziheng. @无限好文, all in Jamie

All his expressions on the spot can be cut into emoticons.

[Hahahahahaha Xi Qing is so funny]

[Cupid: Hey hey hey can't think of it]

[Xia Xiqing: Could it be that the program group is making real couples open their eyes? ? ? ]

Zhou Ziheng was also a little surprised, and even a little excited, the corners of his mouth rose crazily, and he couldn't control it at all.

[Hengheng is dying of joy hahahahahaha]

[Heng Heng: Damn, how can I play this, I'm connected with my wife]

After the two confirmed it, the narration resumed, "Couples, please close your eyes."

"Werewolf, please open your eyes."

Xia Xiuze, Zhou Ziheng and Yang Bo raised their heads and opened their eyes amidst the reminder.

"Werewolf, please confirm your companion."

[Holy **** this time Hengheng is a wolf! ! ]

[Hengheng and Didi are wolves! ! Angel group is wolf! ]

[It would be great if the screenwriter brother was the third wolf, the three angel wolves hahahaha]

[Holy **** Zhou Ziheng is a wolf! ! So this time it's really a wolf love! ]

[Exciting ah ah ah ah ah]

"Werewolf, please kill."

Yang Bo took the lead in comparing a five, because in his opinion, as long as Xia Xiqing is not his partner, it is a big change. Just like Zhou Ziheng said, Xia Xiqing, who does not play cards according to routines and is extremely smart, is all The biggest uncertainty in the game, this uncertainty must be eliminated if you want to win.

But this move was opposed by Xia Xiuze, he frantically shook his head and made a 2, it was Xu Qichen.

[Hahahaha Didi is too loyal]

[Didi: Even if my brother lied to me, I can't kill my brother! ! ]

[Heng Heng thought to himself: With Didi around, I won’t worry hahaha]

[Two-thirds of the Werewolf team are Xia Xiqing's die-hard loyalists hahahaha how can this be played]

The two were at a stalemate, Zhou Ziheng made a comparison of 1, and wanted to kill Xia Zhixu, Xia Xiuze took a look and compromised, anyway, as long as his brother doesn't die, everything can be said. Yang Bo thought about it for a while, and felt that Xia Zhixu was also someone who knew how to play, so he agreed to kill No. 1.

"Wolf, please close your eyes."

[Zhixu is so miserable hahahahaha]

[Xia Zhixu was sold by my little uncle and aunt hahahahaha]

[What the **** is aunt hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

[Auntie, don’t run away! Against me Xipi you! ]

"Witch, please open your eyes."

Hearing the prompt, Xu Qichen raised his head and rubbed his eyes.

[Ahhhhhhhhh Xu Bian is a witch! ]

[The identity cards this time are so awesome! ]

[This witch will definitely save people hahahaha]

"It was he who died last night."

Seeing the director's tidying up, Xu Qichen was a little surprised, he died unexpectedly.

[Hahahaha the editor was shocked]

[My husband is dead? ? ? ? ]

"Witch, you have a bottle of antidote, do you want to use it?"

Xu Qichen was thinking in his heart that Xia Xiqing had already played Zidao last time, so he wouldn't play it again, and it was impossible from the viewability of the show, and Zidao had never been Xia Zhixu's style, he was a typical The charging wolf.

Let's save it. Xu Qichen nodded to the program team.

[The screenwriter brother didn't save people right away hahaha]

[I've been thinking about it for a long time hahahaha poor little brother Zhixu]

[Compared to brother Xi Qing last time, my brother is really a loyal dog hahaha, completely disregarding the game experience! ]

"You have a bottle of poison, do you want to use it?"

Xu Qichen shook his head and closed his eyes.

"Prophet, please open your eyes."

Xia Xiqing raised his head and tilted his mouth toward the camera.

[Fuck! ! ! ! Brother Xi Qing is a prophet! ]

[This time the Cupid camp is awesome! ! wolf love! ! ]

[I've already brainstormed a hundred thousand words of fanfiction, what should I do! ! What kind of fairy setting is wolf love! ! ]

@无限好文, all in Jamie

"The prophet please test the person."

Xia Xiqing made a nine without hesitation.

[Do you really want to test couples hahaha]

[Xi Qing is so cool every time he plays the game! I love watching him play games! ]

[right! ! Did the rich second generation really have no idea of ​​forming an e-sports team? ? ? How about being a game streamer? ? ]

"His identity is..." The director team raised a werewolf reminder to Xia Xiqing, "This."

Seeing the reminder board, Xia Xiqing immediately showed a meaningful expression on his face.

[xq: I knew my husband was a wolf. ]

[Your husband is real, little wolf dog hahahaha]

"Close your eyes, seers. It's dawn."

The lights returned to bright, and all players opened their eyes.

"The police campaign is now starting. All players participating in the campaign are asked to press the round button in front of them."

All the players pressed the button, especially Xia Xiqing, who pressed it hard.

[Hahaha Brother Xiqing is playing hard] @无限好文, all in Jamie

[This plate I carry my husband! ]

[Damn three two wolves! ]

"Player No. 2 Xu Qichen, No. 3 Ruan Xiao, No. 4 Yang Bo, No. 5 Xia Xiqing, No. 9 Zhou Ziheng. Please start speaking from No. 2."

Xu Qichen's expression was very calm, he adjusted the headset and said, "Don't say much, I can prove my identity by myself, if there is a prophet behind me, the police badge must fly to me. It's better than that."

[Why do I suddenly think Xu Bian is also very cool hhhh]

[Xu Bian is the kind of character who is a bit cold when he is serious, but he is really super gentle when he is gentle, especially when he is with Xi Qing, he is super cute. ]

[Brother Xi Qing is a bad and cute Ku! ]

"No. 3 is strong," Ruan Xiao took over the words, "Strong defense against jumping, you can consider giving me the police badge. Pass."

[Ruan Xiao’s solution is so short, hahaha]

[Xiaoxiao is holding Cupid, too much talk is easy to expose, she must not talk too much at the beginning, if she talks too much, editor Xu will think Xiaoxiao wants to wear his witch's clothes. ]

Yang Bo followed Ruan Xiao, with a smile on his face, "I'm finally not a closed-eyed player this round, I'm a prophet, and yesterday's test was Xi Qing," he turned around and smiled at Xia Xiqing .

Xia Xiqing rested his chin on his hand, and turned his face to Yang Bo to smile.

[Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! ]

[xxq: How do I see you acting? Small sample you test me? ? What do you use to test me? ]

[God's perspective is so interesting hahahaha]

Everyone's attention was on Xia Xiqing and Yang Bo. Xia Xiqing even raised an eyebrow at him on purpose, which made everyone at the table laugh. Yang Bo put his hands on the table, and took a long breath, "He... is a golden water. Hahaha, it's a pity that we didn't find a wolf directly, but it's a good thing for us good people to find out that Xi Qing is a good person, at least I have a teammate who is very good at playing." Said Yang Bo began to report his police badge, "I will test in the next round..." He glanced at the few people who were running for the police, "Qi Chen and Xiao Xiao who are in the front seat Xiao is a strong jumper, let me pick one, and I will test it. If the witch can save me a round, I will test the next one."

"Again, I'm a prophet. Give Xia Xiqing, No. 5, a piece of gold water, and the police badge must be flown to me. Pass."

[Yang Bo's speech was surprisingly steady~]

[Really, but the operation of distributing golden water to real prophets is really a bit annoying hahahaha]

[Xi Qing’s expression is so handsome ah ah ah I really like to see him laughing so badly]

Xia Xiqing casually rested his chin, and lightly tapped his side face with his fingers.

"I'm a prophet. I killed No. 4 Yang Bo last night, and an iron wolf. I must cast him out with me tonight. Give me the police badge. In the next round, I will test No. 9 Zhou Ziheng, and the next round will test Xia Zhi." Xu." Said Xia Xiqing looked at Yang Bo, with a confident and flamboyant smile on his face, "If I were you, I would blow myself up right now. If I blow up this round, there will be no police badge, and you can also go straight into the night."

[Was it so exciting to come up? ? ? ]

[Brother Xi Qing, do you want to be so handsome! He must have licked Yang Bo's wolf face! ]

[This betrayal is too tempting! ! ! Brother Xi Qing, I can! ! ]

[xxq: Even if I test my husband, I will kill you! ]

Xia Xiqing raised his eyebrows slightly, raised the corners of his mouth, and spoke softly.

"Is it exploding?"