MTL - I Only Like Your Character Settings-~ Episode 16: Graduation (Follow-up)

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110 Episode 16: Graduation (Follow-up)

"When did you do this?" The joy on Zhou Ziheng's face was beyond words. This kind of youthful and sunny smile is extremely precious to Xia Xiqing.

He loves Zhou Ziheng's spotless youthful spirit very much, it does not come from the appearance, but the cleanliness and firmness from the bottom of his bones. After all, in this materialistic world, even pure ideals are forced to become lonely.

"While you were busy writing your graduation thesis, I have been preparing it for several months." Xia Xiqing walked up to the little boy and pointed to the book in his hand, "You should also look at the details, science department pregnancy."

Zhou Ziheng also walked over and lowered his head. It turned out that the book was also engraved with words, near the rotating positive and negative particle storm, engraved the story that Zhou Ziheng once told him, in very beautiful English handwriting.

"You are really... so amazing." Zhou Ziheng felt that he suddenly lost his ability to express himself, like a primary school student who could only use the lowest level of words. But his eyes were bright, and he was happier than getting the whole world. After saying that, he lowered his head again, and stroked the writing on the book with his fingers.

Xia Xiqing was on the side, staring at him admiring the sculpture.

Zhou Ziheng is undoubtedly brilliant, with the passionate love of thousands of people.

But when faced with ideals, he really shines.

At this moment, Xia Xiqing is the only person in the world who knows why he is shining.

It took nearly four months from design to fabrication of this work. Xia Xiqing started to work on the design draft almost two years later, looking for suitable materials all over the world. Every small "particle" is made by Xia Xiqing alone in the studio. From polishing to coloring, every process is devoted to his enthusiasm for art and love for Zhou Ziheng.

"How many pieces did you make?" Zhou Ziheng raised his head, reached out to touch the small black particles, and asked the question he had always wanted to ask.

Before Xia Xiqing could answer, he saw Director Wang bringing a junior girl from the news agency over, wanting to take a photo with Zhou Ziheng. Xia Xiqing retreated consciously, Zhou Ziheng's eyes followed him, and saw him move away from a distance, stretching out his hand and gesticulating four numbers towards him.

1, 3, 1, 4

One thousand three hundred and fourteen colliding positive and negative particles.

Too cliche, Xia Xiqing thought. He didn't want to tell Zhou Ziheng. But he did it in such a clichéd way, whether it violated the randomness common in aesthetics, or deliberately did it hypocritically, he just wanted to.

At least when he saw Zhou Ziheng smiling for this, he felt great satisfaction in his heart.

Xia Xiqing, who was watching Zhou Ziheng from a distance, suddenly realized that he had really changed a lot. In the past, he was always reluctant to create public sculptures. He always felt that his lonely and dark works were not suitable for exposure to the public. Go where no one can see you.

But now he hopes that his hard work can be as good as possible, full of hope as much as possible, so that everyone can't help but stop and be inspired by it when they see it, so that he can safely sign this work Ziheng's name last week.

After taking the group photo, Zhou Ziheng took the donation certificate from the director, bowed, and walked towards Xia Xiqing with a smile on his face. Xia Xiqing, who was leaning on the marble pillar, joked, "You are so much taller than your director, you are really a little girl who makes it difficult for others to take pictures."

"Then what can I do?" Zhou Ziheng raised his eyebrows, pinched the rose in his hand and followed Xia Xiqing as he walked out of the building while looking down at his name on the donation certificate.

"Like this graduation gift?"

The moment he walked down the steps, the sun fell on Xia Xiqing's face, making him squint his eyes slightly when he spoke, which was a cute little gesture.

"Of course." Zhou Ziheng took his hand generously, "Thank you."

How many people in this world can win the favor of lonely artists.

Based on this alone, Zhou Ziheng felt extremely lucky. When holding hands with him, he felt the rough gauze rubbing against his palm, and Zhou Ziheng began to feel distressed again, "You made this when you were making sculptures."

"I was obsessed with things and wanted to use a knife to cut materials, but when I grabbed the edge of the knife, I got cut." Xia Xiqing said lightly, but Zhou Ziheng felt very distressed. He could imagine Xia Xiqing shutting himself in a quiet studio, silently completing every detail.

It hurts so much, I want to hug him.

"Did you really go to the United States when you said you were on a business trip in the last few days?"

Xia Xiqing nodded, "Well, I'll go to New York to receive the award."

It turned out that what the director said was true. Zhou Ziheng couldn't help feeling strange, in his opinion, Xia Xiqing was never a person who would chase awards, he was always independent in his views on art, never took the initiative to pursue other people's evaluation and praise, and taking the initiative to participate in awards was not his way of doing things.

"Do you think you can't understand?" Xia Xiqing understood the thoughts in Zhou Ziheng's eyes, and he laughed, "After all, it is going to be donated in your name, so you can't just make a sculpture, although I don't think it's a work of art. The value should be measured by the so-called awards, but facing the general public, this is the fastest way to convince and worship them.”

"Although the work of an anonymous creator is not well-known, if it has the halo of a gold medal..." Xia Xiqing turned to look at him, "It is still worthy of our Hengheng."

He called it that again.

"Then..." Zhou Ziheng put his arm on his shoulders, and walked with him along the hidden atrium path, raised his wrist, and stroked his side face, "Thank you, brother Xi Qing."

"So cute."

The two walked to the place where Zhou Ziheng and his mother were separated before, and saw Zhou's mother and Zhao Ke, who was wearing a bachelor's uniform, chatting under a tree, next to Ruan Xiao who was wearing a red skirt, she was the first to see Zhou Ziheng and Xia Xiqing, her arms stretched excitedly waved at them.

Zhou's mother looked at the two of them with a smile, "Did you see the gift Xi Qing gave you?" Hearing her mother's question, Zhou Ziheng suddenly realized that her mother had been laying the groundwork for him early in the morning.

"You already knew." Zhou Ziheng smiled helplessly, "Just keep it from me."

Zhao Ke laughed meanly, "Surprise, it won't work if you say it, oh, what a blessing you are, such a big sculpture." Said he covered his chest, shook his head and sighed, "Today I am also real It's sour."

Ruan Xiao hit Zhao Ke on the back with his handbag, "What did you say?"

"It's nothing, it's nothing." Zhao Ke grabbed Ruan Xiao's waist, "I'm so sweet."

"Shameless." Zhou Ziheng complained mercilessly.

Mother Zhou seemed to get up, "Oh right. Just now your sister-in-law called me and asked if you were free to do a live broadcast. Many of your little fans listened to you and didn't come. Xiaoyin said to do a half-hour live broadcast Make everyone happy."

Zhou Ziheng didn't have much of an opinion, he didn't want fans to come because he was afraid of disturbing the order, but sharing the day of his graduation with them was also a matter of great significance to him.

Because there will be a unified graduation ceremony in the future, Zhou Ziheng can only start the live broadcast now, but he doesn't want too many people to see it, and he doesn't want this sharing to become a star promotion, so he uses his Weibo account The number is live.

In less than three minutes, the bullet screen in the live broadcast room was already flying. He handed the roses to his mother, put his phone on the selfie stick, and held it far away, so that everyone could be in the mirror together, except that he didn't want to show his face mother.

"How are you all?" Zhou Ziheng smiled at the camera, "Today is my graduation season, I believe you should have known it a long time ago."

[Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabe so good-looking! ]

[Congratulations to Heng Heng for graduating! From now on, Hengheng will be an adult who stepped into the society! ]

[Ah ah xqgg! ! Oh my god, I knew xqgg would definitely attend Hengheng's graduation ceremony, how can xqgg be so good, I'm so touched [

[And Xiaoxiao and Zhao Ke! Yes, Zhao Ke also graduated! Congratulations, congratulations]

[Heng Heng graduated! Mom is so pleased! Heng Heng is the best and the best graduate. ]

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh self-study! My xqgg looks good today too! It's really different when you get it. Self-study girls are really a group with a high incidence of diabetes. ]

"Actually, I'm going to record a vlog," Zhou Ziheng said while walking and talking, without looking at the camera. It looked like he was on a video call on the screen, which was very kind. "But the vlog needs to be edited, it's not like a live broadcast. In real time, right?"

[dei!dei!dei! I love live streaming! Can ask questions and chat with you! But I also like the vlog! ]

[The live broadcast can also be interactive! ]

[Heng Heng! Mom wants to see daughter-in-law! ! Let mom see her daughter-in-law! ]

[Hahahaha, daughter-in-law, don’t run away! ]

[I want to see my daughter-in-law too! ! ]

The barrage was so funny, Zhou Ziheng took off the phone, and almost hit Xia Xiqing's face, "They are all arguing to see you, your mother-in-law fan."

Xia Xiqing frowned and scolded him, "You are a mother-in-law fan."

Zhou Ziheng smiled smugly, "I'm a fan of my husband."

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ]

[Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! ]

[Here comes my favorite part hahaha]

[Husband fans! ! ! zzh awesome! 【Breaking sound】]

Xia Xiqing almost rolled his eyes in front of the camera. Looking at Zhou Ziheng now, he couldn't help but miss the little milk dog when he received the gift more than ten minutes ago, "No, who just gave it to Brother Xiqing one by one?"

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! ]

[I really can't imagine how sweet they are in private. ]

[Ahhhhhhhhhhh self-study drives me crazy! ! ]

"What's wrong with calling you brother?" Zhou Ziheng disagreed, "Calling you brother will change the fact that I am your husband? No."

[Fuck! ! zzh why are you so awesome! ! ]

[Kiss, I suggest that you speak more if you can speak! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa whom! ]

[Holy shit, so I didn't watch Zzh's graduation ceremony, but watched him fight with his wife live! Affection! scold! pretty! ]

[Ah ah ah ah ah no! You are his husband! This is a fact is a theorem! ! ]

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Xia Xiqing resisted the thought of domestic violence in front of the live broadcast audience, showed a kind smile, reached out and patted Zhou Ziheng's face lightly, "You are very good at talking, let's talk more."

[Ha ha ha ha ha **** xq, angry online! ! ]

[Damn it, Xi Qing's tone is so lustful! Brainstormed a car! ! Queen accepts! ! ]

[The queen is attacked by a wolf dog! Who loses and who wins? ? ]

@无限好文,All in Jamie

[Wolfdog, it's inhumane to do it]

[Hahahahahaha, that inhumane sister, are you a werewolf! ]

[Inhumane hahahahahaha I burst out laughing! ]

"I was wrong." Zhou Ziheng touched the back of Xia Xiqing's neck twice flatteringly, "Don't say anything, don't say anything."

[It seems that people are still loyal dogs hahahaha]

[xqgg's expression is so tempting, even rolling his eyes is so tempting! Who can stand this! ! ]

[Anyway, Zhou Ziheng can't stand it! ]

"Hey, don't go too far with your topic." Zhou Ziheng pointed at the screen, "The live broadcast room will be blocked by then."

Xia Xiqing lowered his head and laughed, then raised his head and added to the fans on the screen, "Yes, the Internet is not illegal."

[Hahahaha what a joke! ! ]

[Okay, I'll take off Pinru's clothes right now. ]

[Hahahahahahaha is too showing the younger sisters! ]

Zhou Ziheng walked around the outside of the college with his mobile phone, showing everyone his classmates and the venue specially arranged by the college for graduates. Xia Xiqing just walked behind him leisurely, looking at his back with a smile.

[The next year is so beautiful, woo woo woo woo]

[What kind of spoiled eyes is xqgg, it's too sweet my mother]

[Why is Nianxia so delicious? ? ? ]

["I'll be dressed up for your graduation."]

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ]

"Ziheng!" Zhao Ke waved at Zhou Ziheng from the front, "Come here, let's take a picture!"

"Here we come." Zhou Ziheng handed the phone to Xia Xiqing, "I'll go over."

Xia Xiqing nodded, followed and walked over, and looked down at the camera next to the red wall where Zhou Ziheng took pictures.

[Oh my god, xqgg's Yan is too capable! This angle is so close, it looks terribly beautiful! ]

[prprpr! ! xqgg I love you! xqgg look at me! I really can! ]

[Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, It’s so beautiful]]

"Hmm... are you looking at me or Zhou Ziheng's photo?" Xia Xiqing asked for his opinion thoughtfully, so as to see if he should turn the camera over.

[Look at you! ! ]

[I haven't heard xqgg talk for a long time! ! ]

[xqgg I miss you! We haven't seen each other for months! ! ]

"Yeah, I haven't shown up for two and a half months." Xia Xiqing inadvertently raised his eyes when he was thinking, and then lowered his eyes to smile, "Miss me?"

[think! ! ! ] @无限好文, all in Jamie

[xqgg will post more selfies and live broadcasts in the future! I want to see you draw! ! ]

[Is xqgg busy with the art gallery? ]

[I feel that xq has lost weight, hard work! I love you brother! ]

"No, it's probably due to lens distortion." Xia Xiqing turned his face to look at himself in the camera, "But I'm really busy recently. Thank you for going to the art museum all the time. I saw the strategies and travel notes you posted online. Thank you very much."

[xqgg I love you! ! ]

[I went to Beijing to see the art museum. I think it is super worthwhile to see the works of Xi Qing and so many artists. I will definitely go there next time. ]

[Thank you xqgg for willing to give us so many good works! In the past, I felt that art was far away from me and was not a daily necessity, but now I have completely changed. It is you who let me understand that art is an indispensable part of a good life. ]

Seeing this sentence, Xia Xiqing suddenly felt a lot of emotion. He never thought that he could change anything, let alone that he was a qualified preacher.

[I have always wanted to ask brother Xi Qing a question, what do you think art is to you? ]

The suddenness of this question stumped Xia Xiqing, because he had never thought about it. His family allowed him to accept these things since he was a child. No, it was not a family, it should be said that it was a gene passed down in his bones.

"Actually... I have always felt that art is probably a kind of nourishment for everyone's daily life." His voice was like the warm summer wind, soft and floating, "For me, it is actually life It’s gone.” @无限好文, it’s all in Jamie

A group photo was taken over there, and a few giggling boys clapped their hands with a smile. Zhao Ke went to the exclusive photographer Ruan Xiao to check the finished film. Zhou Ziheng walked towards him with the fullness of midsummer.

[Brother Xi Qing, what is your nutrition? ]

my nourishment...

Xia Xiqing raised his head, looked over the phone screen, and saw the man smiling brightly at him.

In the silent universe, a shining star.

On the other side of the small screen, all the fans were waiting for Xia Xiqing's answer. But they didn't hear his voice, only the long chirping of cicadas.

A few seconds later, they saw the screen flip, and the sight of Lu Yuan's pretty face turned into a large expanse of green grass, the clear blue summer sky, and the flickering light flowing through the gaps in the dense leaves.

There was also Zhou Ziheng who walked towards them, but gave his gentle eyes to the person behind the camera.

my nourishment.


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