MTL - I Only Like Your Character Settings-~ Extra episode 9: The scene where the horse fell

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103 Episode 9: The scene where the horse fell

The box office of "Tracking" continues to rise under the effect of word of mouth, breaking the previous box office records of dramas with heavy themes, and becoming a phenomenon-level drama that has been discussed by the majority of netizens, especially the two protagonists Jiang Tong and Gao Kun, who have become new fan circles. For the goal of food production, many large-scale fan artists have drawn a lot of fan comics.

Xia Xiqing, whose job is to paint, looks at the fanart drawn by everyone online every day, and finds it very interesting, but he has not forgotten his mission. Staying at home and painting all day, it finally became the fan benefits mentioned in the last live broadcast. Xia Xiqing posted a lottery Weibo, and attached a photo of the painting he took. Movie fans frantically retweeted this Weibo, breaking the million mark in minutes.

On the day of the lottery draw, this Weibo had been forwarded more than 100,000 times.

"Tell me, do I want to mount the painting myself? But I'm afraid it won't be convenient to mail after it's finished." Xia Xiqing took a glass of kiwi fruit juice handed over by Zhou Ziheng, frowned after taking a sip, "It's so sour. I'm so sour. gone."

"I'll try it." Hearing what Zhou Ziheng said, Xia Xiqing immediately handed back the cup in his hand, but Zhou Ziheng directly pulled him by the collar of his sweater and pulled him over to kiss him. His status as a veteran in love is not guaranteed.

"It's pretty sweet." Zhou Ziheng held back a smile and leaned against Xia Xiqing, leaning on him.

Xia Xiqing wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, "Such a big sofa has to squeeze me, are you trying to get along with me?" The more Zhou Ziheng talked, the more energetic he stretched out his arms and hugged Xia Xiqing tightly in his arms, " To get by, to get by, to live a lifetime.”

These words made Xia Xiqing's face burn, he pushed it with his hand but couldn't push it away, so he didn't bother to move and let him hold him, "Hey, did you hear what I just said?"

"A lottery draw?" Zhou Ziheng pursed his lips, "You dote on those fans too much. You will also dote on me anytime."

I'm not spoiling you enough, I've done 0 for love, okay?

"Then I won't be framed." Xia Xiqing leaned back into Zhou Ziheng's arms, leaned his head on his collarbone, and played with his mobile phone comfortably on his body.

"I want to travel." Zhou Ziheng said suddenly, "Neither of us have ever gone out to play together."

Xia Xiqing replied to him while reading the comments, "Everywhere you go, there are people. When we go out, we will be stared at like monkeys, taking pictures with our mobile phones. I don't want to go out."

"We can go abroad." Zhou Ziheng gently squeezed the tips of Xia Xiqing's ears with both hands, "Go to Tahiti? Do you like the sea?"

Xia Xiqing didn't answer, and was still looking at the phone seriously, which made Zhou Ziheng a little unhappy, "Don't look at the phone." He stretched out two hands to hold his face and forced him to look up, "Look at me."

This posture reminded Xia Xiqing of the scene where Zhou Ziheng came in to kiss him during the last live broadcast, and his heart skipped a beat as he stared upside down into his deep eyes.

Zhou Ziheng saw that Xia Xiqing blinked and was about to speak, but Xia Xiqing stretched his neck and kissed him in this position. Then turned over and lay down on one end of the sofa, smiling sweetly, "I can take you somewhere."

Instead of going with you, he used to take you there. Zhou Ziheng felt a little strange, "Where?"

"A good place." Xia Xiqing smirked and pushed his bare feet on his chest, and kicked his legs wobbly twice, "Will you go?"

Zhou Ziheng didn't talk about him, he kicked harder and harder, smiling like a rotten fox. Zhou Ziheng grabbed his ankle and rubbed it twice slowly, kneading the round ankle bone through the thin white skin. Xia Xiqing watched him grab his foot and lift it up, so he straightened his foot and leaned on his hand. With a smile, he hooked Zhou Ziheng's chin with his toes.

With just such a movement, the soft smile on Zhou Ziheng's face finally disappeared. He grabbed his foot and yanked it violently. Xia Xiqing, who was originally pillowed on the sofa, was pulled down by him, and fell on the sofa. After he let go, his knees clasped On Zhou Ziheng's shoulder.

Zhou Ziheng's hand slid down his thigh, and he looked at Xia Xiqing with a half-smile, "I like this posture."

Xia Xiqing, who was lying down, also laughed, "I seem to have found your switch."

The switch from a milk dog to a wolf dog.

During the vacation, Zhou Ziheng prepared delicious food for Xia Xiqing in different ways every day. Xia Xiqing went into the kitchen to help him at the beginning, but since breaking eggs into the bowl three times in a row, Zhou Ziheng never let him in again. The kitchen is up.

"Ah, the lottery is coming." Xia Xiqing walked to the restaurant talking to himself, pulled out a chair and sat on it to check the results of the lucky draw on Weibo.

The Weibo lottery draw platform automatically released the list of winners, and the names of the ids that were drawn were a bit strange.

"I hate Lenz's Law the most... What kind of ghost ID name is this?"

Could it be that he got a fake fan? Xia Xiqing frowned and clicked into the id. He didn't feel much at first, but was stunned when he saw the profile picture clearly.

@无限好文, all in Jamie

This avatar... He clicked to enlarge it.

The photo shows the fingers pressed together, and on the inner side of the ring finger there is a small black rose drawn with a signature pen.

This, how is this possible...

He raised his head all of a sudden, leaned over the table to look at Zhou Ziheng in the kitchen. At that time, he drew it casually, and the only person he could photograph was Zhou Ziheng.

Hold. This can't be Zhou Ziheng's trumpet...

Has this lottery platform been opened?

He put the mobile phone on the dining table, and Xia Xiqing sat on the chair with his legs bent, thinking anxiously for a minute, and decided to delete this Weibo, pretend nothing happened, and start a new one.

Yes, just do it.

When Xia Xiqing opened Weibo again, there were already more than a thousand comments on this lottery Weibo, and it was reposted almost a thousand times. He didn't even read it and quickly deleted it. A second round of draws will take place. Fortunately, the one who was not selected in the lottery this time was an ordinary fan with an id named [When will Xia Xiqing and Zhou Ziheng get married], and he looked like a CP fan at first glance.

In just one minute, Xia Xiqing, who experienced a lot of wind and waves, quickly reposted the Weibo of the lottery.

[@tsing_summer: Congratulations to this kid, please private message me your address and contact information. Thank you for your participation~]

Soon the comment section was taken over.

[@一系糖: No, brother Xiqing, she wasn’t the first one drawn just now! ]

[@一个吃烈人Reply @一盘糖: Yes! I saw it too and took a screenshot! Why was it deleted later? [share pictures]]

[@自学女孩冲鸭: I am sore again today...but congratulations! This little angel is so happy. ]

[@一个名叫明嘉的女孩reply to @一个garbageman: This person’s id is so cute hahaha, why do he hate Lenz’s law, is he a scumbag hahaha. ]

[@今日also self-study in reply to @一个garbage man: This avatar...why does it look so familiar? ]

[@展阿豪mumu replies @一个garbage man: Ahhh, this avatar! I remember that when Ziheng attended the event, I also had a rose like this in my hand! I'm going to look for pictures! I have seen it! ]

[@海粉奶雪阿华田: Heng fan whispered bb, Zi Heng also seems to have such a small rose on his ring finger on the palm of his hand. ]

[@密阿豪mumu: ah ah ah ah ah I found it! ! This is the little rose! Mom, look what I found! [share pictures]]

[@98k给你回复@幕阿鲟mumu:啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊这是纹身吗是纹身吧! ! ]

[@爱自学的曼曼 reply @圆阿豪mumu: Oh my god, this tattoo is exactly the same as this avatar! Just different colors, one black and one red. ]

[@自学女孩一飞飞天Reply @圆阿肠mumu: Sister, you have discovered Huadian! ! So is this number self-honored...]

[@自学女孩never admit defeat Reply @自学女孩一飞飞天: Sister, you want to go with me! That's why brother Xi Qing deleted the lottery blog at the first time, otherwise why would he delete it without explaining at all, he must have discovered that the winner is his husband's trumpet! ! Is my logic disk right? ? ]

[@梦晨回复@自学女孩never admit defeat: Xiuer! Please sit down! ]

[@方笑笑笑笑笔记者@自学女孩never admit defeat: I just looked at the trumpet, and the birthday on the information is October 20th, and the location is Beijing. There seems to be a Weibo with a location, which shows Peking University, and this account has posted a lot of physics-related Weibo, which has a 99% coincidence with Zhou Ziheng! ]

[@足球的锅章者:Reply to @方笑笑笑笑: Sister, you are too good! I'm going to see the trumpet. Farewell! ]

[@自实怎么不养婚社 Reply to @方笑笑笑笑; ah ah ah ah ah my God! Is it really Hengheng? ? ? ]

In this way, Zhou Ziheng's trumpet, which had been hidden for three and a half years, was exposed by this oolong lottery. There are more than 800 microblogs in the trumpet, one third is related to his university life and academic research, and the other part is to discuss current affairs, and there are also complaints about what happened while filming. Not only the netizens were watching, Xia Xiqing followed suit.

[@I hate Lenz's law the most: on the second day of playing basketball, I can't lift my arms. ]

[@I hate Lenz's law the most: what's going on, none of the experimental equipment today is easy to use, could it be that the Pauli effect has come to me? ? ? Picture: life rua makes me this little cat · jpg]

[@I hate Lenz's law the most: If I can get out the ppt of the mid-term pre today, I will reward myself... Forget it, I will be a ghost if I can get out. ]

[@I hate Lenz theorem the most: In fact, physicists are pretty handsome (when they were young), but every time I see pictures of them when they are old, I am very worried about my hair, even though my hair volume has always been A lot, but who doesn't know the maxim that physics makes people ugly? This strengthened my determination that I can't rely on my face for food. Picture: Let’s cheer up the duck today.jpg]

[@我喜欢Lenz's Law: The moon is tidally locked to the earth - unrequited love, Pluto and Charon are tidally locked to each other - double arrows. In summary, the little scumbag of the earth. ]

What, this little guy is too cute. Xia Xiqing, who turned back to front, glanced at the time. These were all posted by Zhou Ziheng when he was eighteen years old. Just by reading the text, Xia Xiqing could imagine Zhou Ziheng's appearance at that time.

[@I hate Lenz Lenz's Law: Is it greedy to have many ideals? It shouldn't matter if you work hard for it. ]

Sure enough, I have been very greedy. Xia Xiqing flipped through it with a smile, and found a Weibo with only pictures and no text.

[@I Hate Lenz's Law Most: Share pictures. ]

The photo shows a bouquet of paper roses inserted into a vase. Xia Xiqing looked up at the dining table, which was exactly the same as the one in the photo. It turned out that he had already moved in when he was a sophomore.

[@I hate Lenz's law the most: Met a terrible person. Picture: slipped away gif]

[@I hate Lenz's law the most: Late night soul torture—why do some people's appearance and inner self do not match so much? ]


Xia Xiqing glanced at the time, March.

Is that me?

[@I hate Lenz's law the most: I don't understand why everyone is so sweet. Is it true that it is as strange as Murphy's theorem? ]

[@我喜欢Lenz’s Law: Most of the brain cells are dead after recording a program, but it doesn’t matter, what matters is that you fall into the pit again and again. Eat a fall and gain a wisdom. ]

[@我喜欢Lenz's Law: Suddenly get the need for the existence and development of art. Science is the driving force for the world to continue to explore and develop. If the expansion type explores the external world and ignores the inner pleading, then human beings will really become a barren carbon-based creature inside. ]

There is also this awareness. Xia Xiqing laughed unconsciously, thinking that Zhou Ziheng was really funny.

[@I hate Lenz's law the most: It turns out that I also have times when my heart is not firm. ]

There was no Weibo for a long time, probably after recording the first issue of "Escape from Birth".


Turning back, Xia Xiqing froze when he saw the next item.

[@I hate Lenz's law the most: become an accomplice. ]

Accomplice... He glanced at the time, it was after the recording of the second issue of "Escape from the Sky", he vaguely remembered that Shang Sirui asked them to drink together and play truth or dare...

[@我喜欢Lenz’s Law: The little prince couldn’t stand the waywardness and arrogance of roses, so he left his planet. The earth was full of roses, but none of them were the one he wanted. When he realized it, he would go back Look, the abandoned little rose has been waiting to wither. Don't let yourself regret it, hugging a rose takes patience. ]

[@I hate Lenz's law the most: I feel sad just watching this drama, but if he doesn't act with me, I will be even more sad. ]

[@I hate Lenz's Law the most: Why does he look so good in whatever clothes he wears? How strange. ]

[@I hate Lenz’s law the most: the snacks in Wuhan are delicious, the Yangtze River Bridge is beautiful, and the architecture of the Republic of China in Wuhan is also great. Most importantly, the way xxq speaks Wuhan dialect is really vivid, please forgive my poor wording. ]

[@I hate Lenz's law the most: the action of force is mutual, and the same must be true of emotion. As long as I give enough, I always get something in return. ]

Looking at it, Xia Xiqing's eyes suddenly blurred. As long as he imagined Zhou Ziheng's state at that time, his heart would feel so uncomfortable. In fact, at that time, I was also in pain, I didn't want to hurt him, I didn't want to drag him into the mud again, but I was addicted to his tenderness and couldn't get out.

Selfish and cruel.

[@I hate Lenz's law the most:! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ]

Before he could get out of his sadness, the next Weibo suddenly turned into a series of exclamation marks and a few comments. The previous Weibo was just for his own entertainment. Xia Xiqing went in curiously, only to find that Zhou Ziheng was still talking to himself.

[@我hate Lenz's Law: I want to remember this day! ]

[@I hate Lenz's law the most: How to restrain the overly excited mood, indulge in love, and have no intention of working. ]

[@I hate Lenz's law the most: why did he finish the film so quickly... want to go back to Beijing...]

[@I hate Lenz's law the most: Back to Beijing tomorrow! ! ]

Xia Xiqing was warm all over, and Zhou Ziheng, who was secretly talking to himself, was so cute.

[@I hate Lenz's law the most: Zhenxiang theorem does not deceive me. ]

[@I hate Lenz's law the most: Sitting in the self-study room, I have no intention of studying, surrounded by friends who are crazy about doing questions and I just want to go home. Be sure to read a book tomorrow. ]

[@I hate Lenz's law the most: Did zzh read a book today? No. ]

@无限好文,All in Jamie

[@我hate Lenz's law: the first class in the morning is the devil! I don't want to get out of bed, my morning **** is so soft and warm, I don't want to go to school! ! ]

[@I hate Lenz's law the most: I was so cold on the rooftop that my head fell off, why is it so difficult to take a photo? Holographic projection is also difficult to do, but it is still not as difficult as xxq. ]

"It's difficult for you..." Xia Xiqing said to himself, but Zhou Ziheng suddenly walked to the restaurant with stewed beef casserole, "What are you talking about?"

"Ah?" Xia Xiqing put down the phone guiltily, "It's nothing, nothing. Is the meal ready?"

"about there."

Xia Xiqing didn't know how to tell Zhou Ziheng that his trumpet had already been watched by everyone, but he could hide from the first day but not the fifteenth, and...

He stared at Zhou Ziheng's face, and hooked him up with the cutie in the trumpet, thinking it was cute and funny. So she couldn't help getting up and hooking Zhou Ziheng's neck, and kissed him on the face several times.

Zhou Ziheng couldn't help laughing, and put his hands on his waist, "What's wrong with you, so happy?" @无限好文,在杰米哒

"No." Xia Xiqing pressed the corners of his mouth, but the corners of his mouth still rose wildly.

"Obviously." Zhou Ziheng lowered his head and bit his lip, "Say it or not."

"Not really."

"Say it."

"Hmm..." Xia Xiqing rolled his eyes and let go of his hand, "Ziheng..." He hesitated for a long time, but he still didn't know how to explain it to him, so he sat back on the chair calmly I took a spoonful of beef and stuffed it into my mouth, and said casually, "Go to Weibo and check it yourself, and declare in advance that it has nothing to do with me."

It is you who have to use the trumpet to forward the lottery.

Zhou Ziheng sat across from him without knowing why, took out a mobile phone in his pocket, opened Weibo, and reflexively checked the trending list.


Xia Xiqing swore that this was the first time he heard Zhou Ziheng swear.

[@今天吃古了了了: Zhou Ziheng’s trumpet was picked up by netizens. Let's have a taste, what a cute boy this is! Men in science and technology make complaints about not wanting to go to school, it's super real! ]

[@一个蛋蛋的蛋蛋的蛋蛋:What a man. I'm not a fan, but I just feel that this kind of boy is so cute, and he's not the master attacking character of the number one alpha in the entertainment industry. ]

[@刀娘娘: Oh my god, this id name is so cute that it pokes my cuteness, Zhou Ziheng is such a super cute little angel! ]

[@自己少女: You flip through his Weibo from the back to the front, and you will find a cutie [from only reading physics books to falling in love with the brain]! Today, I also cry for the beautiful love! ! ]

[@富财大喜爱: [The little scumbag on Earth] Hahahahaha what kind of cold joke can a little angel of science tell? He is so cute and su. ]

[@罗北罗北: Oh my god, I’m so sore, the sight of my little boyfriend in science has become more and more in love later on, it’s so sweet to cry me! ]

[Xingyue in the eyebrows: When he said that brother Xi Qing looked good no matter what he looked at, he was really sua, and today he is also lemon essence 5555 and his profile——I have a little rose. Are you talking about Brother Xi Qing? My God, why is Hengheng so sweet? ]

[@自学女孩never admit defeat: My god, how can it be so sweet, a process of gradually becoming more and more fragrant. Zhou Ziheng really loves Xia Xiqing. ]

[@结衣衣衣: I don’t want to go to school or work, I just saw myself. But there is no soft and warm brother Xi Qing on my bed, sore. ]

[@昆伦君: I saw a period of depression in the middle of his Weibo, probably the period when he couldn’t ask for it? There is also the id of Lenz's law, which is so subtle. Doesn't Lenz's law refer to the law of "come, refuse, stay, stay" in electromagnetism? Combined with the Weibo he posted, he probably wants to say that he hates the see-saw feeling when he is in love? Thinking about it this way, I think he really likes Xia Xiqing, and his head portrait. Is it possible that Xia Xiqing painted him a flower, and later he put this pattern on his hand, it's just a guess. ]

[@接自实头的头向向天地 Reply @奇伦君: Fuck you big brother! Woooooo Zhou Ziheng is really amazing, who wouldn't love Zhou Ziheng? ? What kind of fairy love is this! ! ]

[@恒凡超级a: "Physics makes people ugly", "I can't rely on my face to eat", "True Fragrance Theorem does not deceive me" hahahahahaha Zhou Ziheng is such a serious sand sculpture, and he is ashamed to say "how can there be appearance People who are so inconsistent with their hearts", please take a look at yourself, please? ]

[@娱乐圈第一条攻 Reply to @婷桑超a: Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha please Zhou Ziheng open his eyes and look at himself. ]

[@周夫夫是also replied @娱乐场第一先攻: Sister, you should change your name to the number one cutie in the entertainment circle hahahaha. ]

[@自实上天了: The key is that the process of losing the horse is also very sandy, hahaha, the handsome guy actually used the trumpet to repost his boyfriend’s lottery blog, and he even won the lottery hahahahaha, a well-hidden trumpet Just like that, I was stabbed by my boyfriend hahahahaha, I can laugh at this stalk for a year. ]

[@去自学我们是妹妹: Heng Heng is just jealous, he just doesn’t want brother Xi Qing’s paintings to fall into other people’s hands! The lottery blog has been reposted dozens of times, I laughed so hard hahahaha]

[@徐清哥我可以: You go to see his likes, all of them are likes and brother Xiqing’s cp blog, and also liked a Weibo of diss Sanqing cp, hahahaha what is the king of vinegar in East Asia? Haha, I'm making you jealous, let's roll over. ]

Zhou Ziheng knocked the phone upside down on the table.

"It's over..."

The famous name of the first life was destroyed in one day.

Who would have thought that his character set would collapse in such a bizarre way? Who could have imagined this? ? ?

Xia Xiqing suffocated his stomachache from laughing, and leaned on the table beside Zhou Ziheng, laying on his shoulder and laughing non-stop. Zhou Ziheng was angry and embarrassed. Now everyone knew what he did, it was really embarrassing up.

"You're still laughing." Zhou Ziheng sighed, looking up to the sky, regretting so much that he just wanted to smash his head against the wall, "Can you stop laughing?"

"Okay, okay, don't smile, don't smile." Xia Xiqing patted his face, tried hard to adjust his expression, stretched out his hand to break Zhou Ziheng's face, just turned to face him, and couldn't help but burst out laughing, " Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…"


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Xia Xiqing apologized to him covering his stomach, and laughed out of tears, "You are so cute, really, why are you so cute." He repeated Zhou Ziheng's words in the trumpet, "Meeting a terrible People, am I that scary? Huh?"

"Stop talking." Zhou Ziheng couldn't bear to look directly at him. Xia Xiqing came up to him and kissed him, "Little angel who hates Lenz's Law, would you like to be my accomplice?"

here we go again. It was this teasing tone again.

Zhou Ziheng felt like he was back when he first met Xia Xiqing.

"Why are you so milky~" Xia Xiqing hugged his neck and kept laughing, "I don't want to go to school every day, but I still go to class seriously every day with my schoolbag on my back, no, I'm going to laugh to death, you are really too That's cute." Said he started laughing again.

"You think I'm naive...I'm sometimes very naive."

The age difference of five years has always been a knot in Zhou Ziheng's heart. He tried his best to smooth out the gap between them in all aspects due to their age, and tried to be more mature. But time is objective and does not shift for will.

Xia Xiqing held Zhou Ziheng's face in his hands, and pressed his forehead against his, with gentle eyes.

"Others say, never grow up with a boy. Waste time, waste feelings, make wedding dresses for others."

His voice fell into Zhou Ziheng's heart like an ice cube falling into the champagne.

"They lied."

Xia Xiqing blinked slowly, his eyelashes fluttering slightly, "When I met you in the park when I was eleven, I should have stolen you away."

"So sorry."

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