MTL - I Plunder Endlessly In the Interstellar Age-Chapter 407 1 arrow 3 carvings

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

"By the time she receives the wind and consciously takes precautions, we will most likely have succeeded."

When saying these few words, Mu Qianye seemed confident.

No matter how smart Edith was, she would not realize this kind of thing in advance and take precautions.

As long as there are no big mistakes, this will definitely succeed.

"Can you get information about his family?" Chen Han asked tentatively.

I have been busy thinking about deeper issues before, so I haven't discussed this with Qiao Qi.

Since they wanted to attack Gongqi's family and had made a plan, the first thing they needed to do was to know the exact location of his family.

"Yes, Prison Qi's private newsletter is in our hands. There are a lot of communication and contact records in it, so we can easily find it." Mu Qianye nodded emphatically.

Just now when Prison Qi mentioned that he was being threatened, Mu Qianye had a plan for it.

It's just that she deliberately didn't ask a word, but just like Chen Han, she didn't care at all.

In this way, no matter what happens next, Prison Qi will not suspect them.

Otherwise, if he asks before and after, no matter how clumsy Qiao Qi is, he will still think of it when his family members die.

"Then let's do it this way. It's just that we have to be more cautious in the links of finding gangsters and making disguises, so that no one can discover our true intentions."

"Otherwise, once exposed, it will be difficult to find another opportunity." Chen Han nodded, looked at Mu Qianye, and gave a few words of advice.

This also means that this matter has been confirmed in this way, and Mu Qianye will handle the whole process, so he can rest assured.

"Understood, I'll think about the details again, and then I'll see if I can get in touch with someone this week and make arrangements there." Mu Qianye followed suit and nodded.

The sooner this matter is dealt with, the better for them.

It is best to reach it before Edith realizes the news that the planetary fortress in the Milky Way has been occupied, without giving any reaction time.

"If Prison Qi openly admits the existence of Beiliang, then we don't need to close the star gate to the outside world, can develop with peace of mind, and don't need to participate in the war with the Phobos department?" Ning Bai asked suddenly, sitting on the chair Very correct.

Since both Chen Han and Mu Qianye feel that as long as they get rid of the prisoner Qi, they can get a lot of convenience, it seems that the complicated step of winning the war can also be saved.

"No, no, playing tricks on Prison Qi is just the beginning, not the end." Chen Han quickly shook his head, "What we just discussed is only the possible follow-up impact, not the only impact, even in a short period of time. will not work."

"Just imagine, if Prison Qi makes a public statement according to our intentions, what will the outside world's reaction be?"

"Ordinary people and forces must be surprised, and don't understand why Zhuangqi would do this."

"But the Federation of Law Enforcers in other galaxies will react immediately. There must be a problem with the planetary fortress, which is under the control of Beiliang."

"Could it be that a short statement can impose restrictions on them? Can it prevent Edith from sending troops?"

"Of course not. What they should do, or what they will do, will quickly send troops to the Tianhe system through internal meetings."

"At this time, we definitely can't stop the enemy, we can only close the star gate according to the original plan."

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

"When they find that they can't make it through, they must go back and find a way."

"There are only two ways. When we really can't hold on, lift the ban on the star gate."

"Or build a star gate by yourself and open up the connection with the Milky Way."

"Either way, they spend a lot of time considering the pros and cons."

"This is equivalent to a cooling-off period. After a long time, they will not have so much malice towards the Tianhe system, and it will allow Prison Qi's statement to continue to ferment in the outside world."

"We can take this opportunity to consolidate our rule over the Tianhe system and eliminate internal conflicts until the entire united front is really united and becomes a rope."

"Even if the Tianhe system encounters powerful enemies in the future, or we announce the establishment of the Gaia Empire, no one would dare to disagree."

"War must also be fought, just during the period when the star gate is closed to the outside world."

"Because the gray hole is an ally, we have to get it, and nothing will change."

"However, when we help win the war, you can feel the change."

"First of all, with Prison Qi admitting first, even if the Huidong department speaks for us at that time, it will not appear abrupt, and it is difficult for other consuls to say anything."

"After all, the consuls of the Tianhe system have all recognized it, and the help of the consuls of the gray hole system is not a violation of the messy terms of the Federation of Law Enforcers."

"Someone takes the lead, plus a period of calmness, there must be people who agree with Yuanqi and Zhizhi."

"As long as half or more of the galaxies are no longer hostile to Beiliang, our chance will come."

"At that time, the stargate restrictions on friendly galaxies can be properly released, so that the Milky Way will not be sealed off and disconnected from Kus."

"When the fleet capable of protecting the entire galaxy develops, and the Exile also grows, we will be able to gain a firm foothold in the entire Coos without fear!"

After saying these words, Chen Han directly clenched his fists.

Prison Qi was not allowed to cooperate with this kind of plan before, so some of their decisions about the future of the Milky Way system were very rigid and unstable.

Now Mu Qianye's sudden proposal directly straightened everything out, and the goal became clearer.

"Understood." Ning Bai nodded with a half understanding.

Chen Han didn't say anything more, Ning Bai was still too young to see far enough, she had something to learn about this aspect.

The eyes of A Ao and the others were filled with thought, indeed, everything is clear now.

Internally, unity, externally, and resistance are their tasks for a long time to come.

Su Wen was the most shocked, she has been here all the time.

It's just that she is a newcomer, and she doesn't know many things about the situation in Beiliang.

Now hearing that Chen Han and others have a series of plans and almost terrifying ambitions, they are a little confused.

If this momentum continues, Beiliang will have more than just the Milky Way System...

At this time, Mu Qianye supported the monocle, and then said, "That's right, so the gray hole department can also prepare to contact you."

"Even before Ronchi makes a statement about it, they need to be contacted to agree on a plan."

"We will not only join their war, but also give them a big gift, a big gift that is good for both galaxies..."

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

When talking about this, Mu Qianye suddenly paused, a smile as if in the cold wind suddenly appeared on his cold face.

"Huh? What?" Chen Han couldn't understand.

In a short period of time, apart from verbally agreeing to the gray hole system, they couldn't actually provide anything.

As for money, the annual tax revenue of the Gray Hole Law Enforcement Federation is estimated to be hundreds of times that of the United Front.

As for people, the gray hole system is full of talents, both in quantity and quality are higher than the Tianhe system.

Not to mention munitions and the like, the Gray Cave system doesn't like things produced by the Tianhe system.

On the contrary, they are lacking in this aspect, and it is estimated that they need the support of the gray hole system.

In this way, it seems that they have nothing to give to the past...

Everyone was equally dumbfounded, they didn't know what Mu Qianye meant.

"Why did the Milky Way reach this point?"

"Why was the Gray Cave Department so hard to stop some time ago, and dangerous situations happened frequently?" Mu Qianye didn't answer right away, but asked the crowd instead.

He also walked around the conference table for half a circle, and finally put his hand on Ningbai's head.

"Because all the fleets of the Tianhe system have been sent out to participate in the war, we have found an opportunity."

"The gray hole system was besieged by three galaxy fleets, so it couldn't stand it." Ning Bai hurriedly said like a teacher answering questions in class.

Everyone didn't speak, and their eyes were still on Mu Qianye. These were issues they knew about.

"That's right." Mu Qianye nodded, and looked around the crowd, "The root of the Tianhe system's weakness is the absence of warships, and the reason why the Gray Cave system can't stop it is because one is against three."

"If we do a little bit of tricks to make the gray hole system only used for one against two, and the pressure is greatly reduced, is this considered a great gift?"

In just two sentences, everyone's eyes widened.

"You mean..." Chen Han immediately realized what Mu Qianye was going to do, and also became excited.

"Yes." Mu Qianye looked at Chen Han and nodded, then walked to the position of the tactical platform, turned on the screen, and revealed a tactical sand table map, "Don't forget, the Tianhe system at this time is participating in the war against the gray cave system of."

"Now that we have occupied the Tianhe system, if we can call back all the fleets we sent out, then the gray cave system will face one-third fewer enemies."

"With the addition of this fleet and personnel, the strength of the Tianhe system will also increase greatly."

"Although I heard that the Tianhe system fleet suffered heavy losses over there, there must be a few thousand ships left, and they are still a few thousand ships with a relatively high level..."

While talking, Mu Qianye's fingers kept moving back and forth on the sand table, making various annotations.

These include the four galaxies of Tianhe, Phobos, Gray Hole, and Earth Beast, all of which have been clearly divided.

After a few seconds, everyone understood what Mu Qianye meant.

If it is said that the proportion of the gray hole department and Phobos department was three to seven.

After the river system fleet leaves that day, the ratio will become four to six.

With one increase and one decrease, it will change from a big bad to a small bad, and the change is huge.

And the proportion of troops in the Tianhe system can also change from one to two, which was only the main fleet of Beiliang before.

When the two sides form an alliance, the four of the Gray Cave system and the two of the Tianhe system will fight against the six formed by the Phobos and Earth Beast systems, then it will be completely evenly matched.

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

A war that is evenly matched, plus they are the defensive side, have the advantages of supplies and positions, and they will definitely be able to win in the end.

Then they can implement the follow-up plan according to the previously discussed, so that the Tianhe system can re-unblock the star gate and integrate into Kus.

"This is indeed a great gift. With the support of our troops, we have a certain amount of capital. We will not be too passive on the negotiating table. Very good, very good..." Chen Hanlian nodded his head and muttered, and the more I get more and more excited.

This is a plan that kills two birds with one stone, no, it kills three birds with one stone!

While strengthening the Tianhe system, it weakens the Phobos system, and also reduces the pressure on the Gray Cave system.

It's just that while he was excited, Chen Han blamed himself a little.

Because recalling the fleet is such an important matter, he didn't think about it, and he didn't make any plans in advance.

If Mu Qianye hadn't remembered to mention it, then there was a high probability that they would not be able to take advantage of this, which would be equivalent to suffering a huge loss virtually.

Mu Qianye seemed to understand Chen Han's expression, and immediately said, "Actually, I just thought of it..."

She really just thought that whether the planetary fortress can be taken down before the main issue is a problem, and it is difficult to make too perfect thinking.

"Then shall we immediately recall the dispatched fleet in the name of the Tianhe system?" Ao raised his hand.

"Will they come back? Do you want to ask Lunqi whether this fleet is currently independent or under Edith's control?" Miaoying followed suit.

The idea is there, but how to implement it is an issue that needs to be considered urgently.

They don't know how the fleet was sent out at that time, and who is the relevant commander now.

If it was Edith's people, there was a high probability that they would not be able to call them back, instead they would scare the snake away.

"No, we can't do this by ourselves, the chance of failure is too high."

"After Prison Qi is willing to cooperate, let him find a way to recall him, and only he knows how to do it." Chen Han shook his head and looked around the crowd.

No matter how the fleet was sent out at that time, the one who gave the order was definitely a prisoner.

He should know who belongs to Edith, who is loyal to the Tianhe system, and who is left now.

"Yes, that's right~ This matter has to be handled by Yuanqi, and it has to be done voluntarily." Mu Qianye followed up.

In fact, when she was talking to Prison Qi before, she proposed to cooperate because she wanted to ask Prison Qi if he would like to recall the fleet he sent.

It's just that Qiao Qi didn't give him a chance, so she could only give up and put this in the follow-up plan.

"What if these people don't want to come back? Is there any follow-up restraint?" Dashan also raised his hand.

Unless you personally command something like a fleet, it is easy to send it out, but it is not easy to get it back.

"It stands to reason that no, first of all these are people from the Tianhe system, family members, friends, all in the Tianhe system."

"Secondly, they didn't fight voluntarily at the time, but were forced by orders from above. There was no other way."

"Coupled with the big defeat in the gray hole system, life is not easy. At this time, those people should return to their hearts like an arrow."

"As long as Prisoner Qi says that the Tianhe system has regained its autonomy and no longer needs to work for the Phobos system, most people will obey." Chen Han thought for two seconds before explaining.

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

Standing in his position, it is not difficult to understand the psychology of ordinary soldiers or law enforcement officers.

"Yes, we don't need to call everyone back, it's not realistic."

"As long as most of the fleet can be recalled and people loyal to the Tianhe system are enough."

"As for those who care about Edith and are loyal to the Huowei Department, it will be a disaster if they come back." Mu Qianye echoed.

(end of this chapter)

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