MTL - I Plunder Endlessly In the Interstellar Age-Chapter 421 underground tunnel

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But there aren't many cases of the xenomorph, especially the metamorphic branch.

Take the alien sickle snake and the alien rotten snake as an example, Chuxue has never even seen it, so how did the planetary fortress know about it?

There are even related models, and they are so complete and realistic.

Could it be that some planet has already obtained a physical sample of this monster.

More importantly, this detailed report contains not only two unseen monsters, but also other monsters below.

For example, the aliens can not only hatch the alien sickle rot snake, but also have other variants, which are larger, more aggressive, and even fly in the sky.

And these variants also have different branches, strengthening the corresponding ability, dazzling at a glance.

It has only been a few dozen days since she led the team to this planet. Logically speaking, it is impossible to research so many things. This report is obviously abnormal.

Xiaorou understood Chuxue's meaning, so she opened Tianxun and glanced at the report details: "The private note left for us said that some data were provided by Beiliang..."

Hearing the word Beiliang, Chuxue couldn't help shaking her right hand that was placed on the table.

She hadn't heard from Beiliang for a while, and there were people she cared about.

Recently, she wanted to contact her more than once to ask about the situation.

But they were all stopped by her father on the grounds that the communication line might be intercepted.

Now that the headquarters said so, it seems that Beiliang contacted him on his own initiative.

However, she quickly remembered something, and clenched her fist slightly with her right hand: "There is also a natural disaster in the Tianhe system?! How is the situation?!"

They have been discussing whether the monsters only exist in the gray cave system or in the entire Kus, and why they appear.

If the Tianhe system also exists, it means that the entire Kus is almost the same.

"It's not mentioned above, sir." Xiaorou shook her head, then remembered something, and looked at Chuxue with gossipy eyes, "But I remember that Chen Han, the leader of Beiliang, belongs to you..."

She didn't finish her sentence, but the meaning was obvious. This matter was not a secret among the law enforcement officers in the sky blue material area.

Of course Chuxue would not discuss this topic with Xiaorou, otherwise she would definitely be asked endlessly, her cheeks under the mask were slightly red, and she continued to watch the report on the screen without saying a word.

Xiaorou could feel Chuxue's reaction, she was very sensible, and didn't ask further.

And the things behind the report are not too different from the front, they are all related to monsters, and they have basically never been seen.

Chuxue didn't record it in detail, and it doesn't need it now, just save the information on the report.

All in all, this item is very important and will be very helpful for the subsequent investigation work.

In addition, the source of the news was provided by Beiliang, so it must be trustworthy, so there is no need to consider the issue of accuracy.

"Sir, the note also said that this information is currently only in the hands of our Gray Hole Law Enforcement Federation. Let us temporarily prohibit it from being disclosed to the outside world."

"However, in the case of Huaijing City and Wanli City, should we provide some to their security forces..." Xiao Rou didn't finish speaking with worry on her face.

The current crisis has not been resolved, and there may be another wave at any time.

They now know the weaknesses and characteristics of these monsters, but the local guards don't know that it will be very strenuous to perform certain tasks.

"A small amount can be provided, such as the alien worms and sickle rot snakes that have appeared so far, and the rest will not be used for the time being."

"And it can only be provided to the secretary-general of the planet, telling him that these are for internal use, and it is forbidden to publish them to the outside world, let alone spread them outside the planet."

"Whenever there is a danger, he can provide the information in time." Chuxue thought for a few seconds before saying.

Information must be provided, otherwise it will be difficult to control the overall situation with the power of law enforcement alone.

But it can't provide too much. Some things will cause panic after being exposed, and the harm is no less than natural disasters.

So it is only necessary to disclose the part of the planetary fortress that was researched by itself, and those provided by Beiliang are not necessary at present.

"Understood, sir, I'll handle it." Xiaorou nodded, picked up the bare board, and started editing on the spot.

Chuxue's thoughts drifted away. In fact, she really wanted to contact the planetary fortress and ask about Chen Han's situation.

It's just that she has a heavy responsibility, and she can't turn her mind to such aspects as children's affection.

At this time, a thick baritone voice suddenly came from outside the door: "Report!"

"Come in." Chuxue recovered from her thoughts and sat up slightly.

Xiaorou also turned off the light panel and looked out of the tent.

The person who came over was Wu Dian. His clothes were drenched through the night's drizzle, and his hair was wet. It was hard to imagine that the person in charge of the security team in the capital would be in such a mess.

But he obviously didn't care about this, and came in after hearing Chuxue's voice, also holding a shiny light board in his hand: "Your Excellency, the people on my side have completed the processing as required, and I have also seen it, and I need you Look over here."

Chuxue didn't speak, but nodded slowly, took the light board, and motioned for Woodian to sit beside her.

She still has a good impression of this person. She has been busy all night, so she is considered capable.

Woody An didn't dare to talk much, let alone sit down, so he stood at the door with his head down and waited.

Xiaorou poked her head to look at the bare board in Chuxue's hand.

This was originally her job, but Chu Xue just took care of it when she was free.

In fact, there is nothing fancy about this thing, it’s just a formality.

However, after watching it for more than a minute, Chuxue suddenly frowned deeply, looked at Woodian, and drew a small virtual screen: "Why are human corpses so much less than monster corpses? Verify Is it over?"

Hearing Chuxue's question, Woodian hurried over and could see several data on the screen, namely the number of deaths, the number of parasitized people, and the number of monster corpses.

In terms of the number of deaths and the number of parasitized monsters, the two are the same, but the number of monster corpses is as much as dozens less, which is indeed a bit different.

"That's right, sir, many of the corpses of the monsters are gathered together, and some of them were smashed. It's hard to tell the number."

"Plus those exploded by missiles and incendiary bombs, less is reasonable." Woodian quickly explained.

He also paid attention to these data before, and checked it himself, and it was within the normal range.

"No, there won't be such a big difference." Chuxue shook her head resolutely again, "Immediately ask them to review it again, and write down the suspected and uncertain numbers!"

It stands to reason that no matter whether it is a living body or a corpse of a human or an animal, at least one alien can be hatched.

The few living bodies that were discovered at first hatched many of them.

Adding these together, the number of aliens must be more than that of human and animal corpses.

There are a little too many broken corpses of monsters, but there are always wrecks left, and they won't evaporate to the point.

Dozens of them were missing now. Aside from all kinds of broken corpses and uncounted debris, there should be more than a dozen corpses of Alien worms that have not been found.

The four buildings are so big, where can they go?

There are only two possibilities, it was hidden, it was not cleaned up, or it ran away, and it is currently in the community or outside.

But with the level of blockade last night, it was impossible for the aliens to escape under the watchful eyes of everyone.

The building was cleaned up floor by floor, and there shouldn't be more than a dozen of them hidden, so Chuxue was very puzzled, and wanted to see if the person who counted the corpses made a mistake.

Seeing Chuxue's tone was so serious, Woody'an didn't dare to neglect, nodded and walked out, and at the same time pressed the convenient communicator next to his ear to say something, the members of the security team who had just been idle outside fell into commotion again middle.

Chuxue didn't pay attention to the movement outside, and frowned slightly while thinking.

Eyes have been looking at the ground outside the transparent tent, dripping raindrops and flowing rain.

Xiaorou continued to edit what Chuxue had just explained with a bare board.

In the past five minutes, Woody'an ran in quickly again, with a little panic on his face besides the exhaustion from staying up all night: "Your Excellency, they did not make a mistake in counting, even if all the remaining limbs and fragments are added, the number of corpses of the monster is still the same." Thirteen are missing."

"We have definitely cleaned every floor carefully. I have already asked them to search again carefully. It will take a little time..."

The not-so-good news made Xiao Rou couldn't help but stop what she was doing, and turned her attention to Chu Xue.

As Chuxue's brows furrowed deeper and deeper, the atmosphere on the field became more and more dignified, even suffocating.

Just when Woodian wanted to say something more, Chuxue finally spoke.

But she didn't tell Woodian, but turned to Xiaorou with a stern face: "Do you have the structure diagram of the underground waterway in the fourth building?! Expand!"

Hearing this, Xiaorou's expression also changed, she took out her Tianxun, and searched for something.

Woody'an's heart skipped a beat. They did completely seal off the perimeter and ground of the four buildings, but some underground passages couldn't be sealed.

In addition to the hasty preparations and lack of thoughtfulness, there is also the reason that normal buildings do not have open underground waterway entrances. It stands to reason that the entrances should be placed outside.

A few seconds later, Xiaorou seemed to have found it, and projected a larger virtual screen, pointing to the middle area with slightly trembling fingers: "Sir, the structure diagram shows that there are public utility rooms on the first floor of the fourth building. An open sewer pipe leads to the underground waterway of the whole community."

"But the pipe is very small, it has been in a state of disuse for a long time, and there is a cover blocking it, will it..."

Afterwards, her voice became smaller and smaller, because as long as there is a pipeline leading to the outside world, no one can guarantee whether the monster will get in.

"Lead the way! Go and see!" Chuxue directly pulled out the standard pistol, stood up, and at the same time looked at Woodian next to him, "Let your people gather immediately, get ready, strengthen the blockade of the community, there may be monsters running away !"

After speaking, under the leadership of Xiaorou, he quickly ran out of the command tent, leaving behind Woodian who was still in shock.

After a pause of less than half a second, Woodian also immediately ran outside, swearing constantly, of course he knew the seriousness of the matter...

Guided by the structure diagram, Chuxue and Xiaorou quickly found the utility room on the first floor.

This place is generally used for residents to store things that are not needed temporarily, but they are reluctant to throw away those sundries. There are messy things everywhere, and there is a mecha of the 27th Squadron standing at the door.

The pilot inside was very surprised to see the two law enforcement officers running over in a hurry, not knowing what happened.

"Have you searched inside?!" Chuxue asked straight to the point.

"The first time we broke into this building last night, we dispatched reconnaissance drones to complete a comprehensive search, and found no monsters, sir." The mecha standing at the door quickly turned on the loudspeaker to answer.

He stood here not because there was an abnormality inside, but because when the comprehensive search was carried out later, it was stipulated that a mecha should be stationed at the door of all rooms to prevent fish from slipping through the net, and the order has not been lifted yet.

Chuxue didn't speak any more, and walked in with Xiaorou directly, and searched for the so-called abandoned pipe according to the structure diagram.

Because there are too many sundries, it is quite difficult to find them. I looked at the mecha at the door in a daze, not knowing what to do.

After five minutes, the two of them moved away from a dusty sofa and finally found a pale red pipe.

It's really not big, the height and width are more than ten centimeters, and the door is also wrapped with waterproof tape.

It's just that the waterproof tape at this time has been torn in sevens and eights. From the impressions, it looks very much like the claws and teeth of aliens.

And this scene also made Chuxue and Xiaorou feel cold, and their eyes met.

They don't know why there is such an open pipe here. It may be that it was not repaired when the building was built, or it may be designed like this on purpose.

But no matter what the reason was, it was obvious that aliens had sneaked in. It was probably around the time when they withdrew from the building last night and surrounded the entire four buildings.

Although the passage is very small, it doesn't look like it can be drilled in.

But the size of the aliens is also small, a dozen small ones appeared out of a hundred, and they successfully got in, which is reasonable.

Logically speaking, this kind of fairly obvious channel, as long as someone comes in to check carefully, it can be discovered in advance, and it will not be delayed until now.

However, it's no wonder that the 27th Airframe Squadron was in charge of the search.

Because the debris here is too cluttered, it is difficult for mechas to have a place to step in. Usually, reconnaissance drones are sent to use sound waves and infrared to search, and the accuracy rate is much higher than human judgment with the naked eye.

Once this procedure is followed, as long as the drone detects that there are no active creatures in the space, it will be marked as safe, causing no one to care about the utility room.

If it wasn't for the fact that the number of monster's corpses didn't match, and she happened to see the rainwater flowing into the sewer, and asked Xiao Rou to check the underground structure of the building, she wouldn't have found such a thing.

"Sir, I will immediately ask them to block the underground waterway of the entire community, and then send drones of the same size to search in depth..." Xiao Rou said with a trembling voice, the way to make up for it.

Chuxue didn't nod or shake her head, she was fascinated by the red pipe, and after a few seconds she said slowly, "It's too late, Xiaorou, those bugs won't wait for us to find them in there, I guess they've already done what they need to do." It's all done..."

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