MTL - I Plunder Endlessly In the Interstellar Age-Chapter 423 messed up...

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The moment the convoy started to move, there were new movements in each building, and the aliens crawled out of the window sill or the door one by one, densely packed.

Everyone who saw this scene was dumbfounded, even the guards and law enforcement officers who had only experienced the battle last night.

Because the number of monsters last night is only a drop in the bucket compared to this time...

"Don't stop! Fire!" Woodian, who was sitting in the co-pilot in the middle of the convoy, yelled in the team channel.

This feeling of being surrounded by bugs was too terrifying, making his scalp tingle, and he just wanted to take everyone to a safe place quickly.

The 27th Mecha Squadron received the order without the slightest hesitation, and deployed their weapons with full firepower.

All of a sudden, energy bombs of various colors began to fly randomly, mixed with beams of light or circles of light, and from time to time, the sound of violent missile explosions resounded through the entire community.

Of course, the fragile aliens couldn't stop this kind of firepower. They were basically beaten to death. All kinds of stumps and shells fell all over the ground, and puddles of disgusting green liquid burst out.

If you look closely, you can find something as thin as hair twisting inside, which is most likely the larvae of aliens.

Fortunately, these things stopped moving after only being exposed to the normal environment for two seconds, probably inactivated.

This scene is undoubtedly very exciting, and the aliens fell one after another, giving them hope to rush out of here.

However, if it is just the aliens, it will at most cause a visual impact and will not pose too much threat to the mecha squadron and convoy.

But after parasitizing a large number of living bodies, the aliens have accumulated enough supplies, and the number of alien sickle rot snakes is also quite large.

After a short period of incubation, odd-shaped sickle rot snakes with slender bodies also appeared on the windowsills of various buildings.

They almost didn't stop, and they showed their mouths like spouts, aiming at the mechas and convoy below, and just sprayed, one after another green liquid fell with raindrops.

This is fatal to the convoy, to the human body, or to the mecha.

When the magnetic energy car encounters this green liquid surface alloy material, it will be melted first, and when it melts to a key part, it will directly turn off.

Once the car was turned off, the people on it would basically be unable to escape. They would also be affected by the green liquid, and their entire bodies would start to smoke and rot.

In just a few seconds, there were dozens of screams, which were more ear-piercing and shrill than the alien hatching from the human body.

Melee mechs with shields are okay, at least they can be topped with a shield, or the energy light shield carried by the mech can be deployed, which can effectively block corrosion.

Some long-range mechas with low defense capabilities are not so lucky. The armor will be literally melted when touched, until the green liquid is diluted, and the serious ones will be scrapped directly.

"Suppress those alien scythes! Hurry up!" Chuxue was at the forefront of the convoy, but she didn't receive too many attacks, because she had already led the enforcers away from the densest building area.

But she has been paying attention to the situation behind, knowing that the security team will definitely suffer heavy losses if this continues, so she hastened to remind her.

"Missile preparations! Aim at the target windowsill! Why hasn't the fighter plane arrived yet! We need support here!" Woodian also yelled in the team channel.

A few drops of green liquid just fell on his co-pilot's door, and a large piece melted, and now he can feel the cold wind blowing in, it's chilly, and he's almost startled.

If it happened again, he felt that he would not have such good luck, so he had to make some restrictions quickly.

The mechas of the twenty-seventh aircraft squadron also knew that the situation was developing in the worst direction, and they needed to stand up, so they quickly opened their missile ports and aimed at the alien sickle rot snake that could be seen within the range.

In the next second, more than 500 missiles were blasted from the ground to the mid-air. The targets were all windowsills, some on the 20th floor, and some on the fourth or fifth floor.

With a burst of intensive "booming" sounds, the broken stones and glass of the surrounding buildings were splashed, and there was also a raging fire from the inside because of the incendiary bombs.

I don't know if these cunning alien scythes are dead or not, but I can clearly feel that the falling green liquid is much less, giving the team a short respite.

After a few minutes of acceleration, Xiaorou finally brought Chuxue to the gate of the community.

There are a large number of mechs stationed here, and the cordon has been pulled up, and even a defense line has been built according to the order.

Because the order they received was to block the entire community to prevent people or monsters inside from coming out.

It's just that it's not peaceful here at this time, because there are a lot of pedestrians running on the street outside the community.

Even if it is biased towards the suburbs, in the capital city where every inch of land is expensive, the buildings and people in the suburbs are also very dense.

They were screaming or crying, as if they had seen something terrible or were being pursued.

All kinds of magnetic energy cars crashed into a ball, or clinging to the surrounding walls, making a mess everywhere.

It is definitely not caused by the situation in the community that can cause such chaos. There is a high probability that there are also alien insects or alien sickle rot snakes in the outside world.

Seeing vehicles coming out of the community, two mechas holding shields stepped forward and made a no-go gesture.

Even though the outside world was in chaos, these guard mechas did not forget their duties.

"Let's go! Those things are inside, the follow-up vehicles are all our people, what's going on outside?!" Chuxue jumped off the co-pilot of the magnetic energy vehicle, holding a standard energy pistol in his right hand.

Although she probably guessed what happened, she couldn't help but want to make sure.

Seeing that it was Chuxue, the mechas blocking the way hurriedly put down their shields, and even opened the fence used to block the way.

A team leader who looked like he was in charge of the place came out of the bunker, with panic on his face, and he said directly, "'s messed's messed up everywhere...there are monsters outside too..."

According to the original order, he thought that those things would only appear in the community, who knew that the chaos would happen in an instant.

Before Chuxue could say anything, he could see aliens crawling out of a window sill more than 20 meters high in a supermarket building hundreds of meters away.

Even 200 meters away, there was a strong alien scythe rotten snake wielding its twin scythes and frantically harvesting the lives of the fleeing crowd. The chaos probably came from there.

This distance is within the strike range of the mecha, whether it is a firearm or a missile, it can make an effective attack.

It's just that there is no clear order, and the guard mechas left at the gate of the community cannot open fire without authorization.

After all, there are vehicles and pedestrians next to the monster. If a wave of firepower passes by, not only the monster will die.

There were more passers-by who probably saw the guards and mechas in this area, and ran over to seek shelter as if they saw life-saving straws.

The sudden incident caused the mechs of the security team to be at a loss, and more and more people gathered here.

"Gather your troops immediately. You don't need to surround the entire community. Build a double-sided defense line in place and keep away from the buildings."

"We still have to divide the safe zone and the dangerous zone. Our own people stay in the safe zone for defense, and all the people who run in from outside must stay in the dangerous zone. They may also be parasitized, so we can't have any physical contact!" Chuxue immediately ordered. For related orders, she will stand up and take over at this moment.

Originally, she wanted to let the mechas outside the community enter the community to support, and then take the convoy of the guard team out.

Now it seems that there is no way, the situation outside is obviously more serious than inside.

Not only monsters, but most importantly, even people are unsafe, maybe one of them will suddenly start hatching.

Although the top priority is to leave here quickly and go to an area that can be more effectively defended.

But she and the law enforcement officers don't have mechas at the moment, and they don't know where the temporary airport that Woody'an mentioned is, so running around will only be more dangerous.

Constructing safe zones and dangerous zones is a helpless act of desperation. It is really impossible to disperse pedestrians running back from everywhere. You can't kill people who look normal on the surface like you kill monsters, right?

Therefore, it is necessary to stabilize the position first, strengthen the defense line, wait for the entire convoy to come out, and then discuss the retreat.

"Yes... yes..." The captain nodded and ran away to make arrangements.

Xiaorou didn't stay idle either, and went directly with a group of law enforcement officers to find the vehicles they had brought back. These were specially equipped by the Law Enforcement Federation, which had higher security and was more convenient for subsequent breakouts.

Soon the mechas used to encircle the community ran back according to Chuxue's order. They were originally on the outside to prevent the aliens from leaving the community from the inside.

Now that the outside is also occupied, it is meaningless, it will only disperse the troops in vain, it is better to stay together and defend.

The line of defense also began to extend further, from the original one-sided to double-sided, so that even if the enemy was attacked from the front and back, it would still have the power to resist.

A circle was also specially planned for people who came running from all over to stay there, with armored guards next to them.

At this time, the convoys in the community came out one after another, including people from the security team, and the survivors from the four buildings from last night.

Under the desperate cover of the twenty-seventh aircraft squadron, most of them survived, and the bugs in the community were not too strong to fight against.

After all, there are less than 200 mechs of various types arranged inside, and it is not difficult to suppress hundreds of alien scythes.

Woodian was also lucky, the vehicle he was in was not sprayed with corrosive liquid.

He had just narrowly escaped death and hadn't had time to rejoice. Seeing the situation outside, he was dumbfounded. Didn't he just escape from the wolf's den and enter the tiger's den?

At the same time, I admire Chuxue even more in my heart, not only predicting the situation inside the community, but also almost guessing the danger outside.

Seeing that Chuxue was directing the arrangement of the defense line, he quickly got out of the car and ran over: "Your Excellency, this place has completely fallen, we must go to the temporary airport and return to the headquarters immediately..."

When he said this, he saw the chaos around him, and felt bad again.

He didn't think there was any point in defending such a place. There would only be more and more monsters. When the number of alien sickle rot snakes increased, the wave of monsters would definitely overwhelm this place.

"You first confirm that the temporary airport still exists! Then contact the headquarters of the security force immediately and ask them to do a good job of internal defense first. They cannot let any outsiders enter casually. If they want to enter, they can only enter the temporarily planned area, otherwise they will not wait. When we go back there, we will fall!" Chuxue continued for a while, her tone hurried.

When the temporary airport was set up before, the monster hadn't come out yet, so there must be no problem.

But now there is a mess everywhere, and it is not certain whether it can withstand it.

They can't go there without confirming anything, and it will be more troublesome to go for nothing.

The same is true for the guard headquarters. After a crisis of this magnitude occurs, both monsters and people will flock there immediately.

It would be fine if they were all escaped survivors, but if they didn't understand the situation and let a parasite in, then there would be a big problem, and the fall would only take a moment.

If the headquarters of the security forces in a city fall, then the security forces in various places can only fight on their own without command, and everything will be over.

This was the case in Wanli City that night. The guard headquarters recruited a large number of refugees to defend against monsters from the outside world.

Who knew that the monster specially mixed in the parasites, causing the impregnable security headquarters to disintegrate from the inside.

The case was right in front of him, so Chuxue had to remind Woody.

In just a few words, Woody'an broke out in a cold sweat in an instant.

The situation was too critical just now, he really didn't expect these points.

Now that Chuxue said it, he remembered that there was no news from the temporary airport.

Including fighter planes and nothing came to support, which is a bit abnormal.

The police headquarters also couldn't be contacted at all. It is estimated that there were too many communications flooding in for a moment, resulting in a temporary paralysis.

If Chuxue really followed what Chuxue said, then the problem would be serious.

So after nodding repeatedly, Woody An also hurried to the side to make arrangements anxiously.

It's a pity that the monster didn't give them too much time. As the convoy left the community, the alien worm and the alien sickle rot snake followed closely and launched an offensive.

Walls and bunkers can't stop them, and the specially constructed feet allow them to crawl around smoothly.

Fortunately, the mechas of the No. 27 Squadron had been focusing on the community, and opened fire the moment they saw the monster coming out. Energy bullets of various colors flew in an instant, hitting the aliens until **** of green body fluid burst out.

In the absence of terrain advantages, the long-range attack capabilities of the alien sickle rot snakes are also slightly insufficient. In terms of range, they are incomparable with mechs, and they are killed from a long distance away.

Although apart from the long-range ability, their melee strength is also good.

But if you want to fight in melee, you have to get close first. In front of the steel defense line built by the mecha, it is basically impossible to get close.

However, at this time, there were not only monsters in the community, but outside the streets, after a period of uncontrolled parasitization and incubation, the number of alien insects and alien scythes had grown to a certain scale.

Looking around, as long as it can be seen within the field of vision, there will be aliens coming out of the window sill or the door.

Even on the street, from time to time there will be a normal person screaming and puffing up his stomach to hatch.

The hatched aliens are chasing and biting living bodies within the range, parasitizing, and repeating.

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