MTL - I Plunder Endlessly In the Interstellar Age-Chapter 434 break and stand

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

The female leader who had just met Nightingale reported the mission to Mu Qianye and submitted evidence of completing the mission.

At the same time, I asked questions that were confusing in my heart, such as the identity of the family of four who died, and who was protecting them.

In fact, she found something unusual during the mission, because they found the identity card of the Phobo law enforcement officer from a bodyguard.

At that time, she was shocked. If the certificate was real, who would be the person who can be protected by the law enforcement?

Reluctantly, the mission was just halfway through at that time, and it was on the verge of completion, so she had to send it out, so she could only bite the bullet and continue.

After all, dozens of people have been killed, so we can't just let go of the mission target, we have to get the money...

Also, is Mu Qianye from the Phobos Department, and why does it take so long to communicate.

In the past, it was Mu Qianye who contacted her, but now she contacted Mu Qianye, and immediately noticed something was wrong.

Anyway, she had a hunch that this task would not be easy, as if she was involved in some kind of conspiracy, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

Looking at the message from the nightingale leader, Mu Qianye was naturally extremely excited, which meant that the first and most important step of their plan had been achieved.

And the smoothness is simply beyond imagination. The price paid is only a little time and a little bit of Star Union currency, which is not worth mentioning at all.

At this time, she stopped pretending, and directly canceled the simulation of the virtual AI, revealing her real face.

Seeing the sudden change of person, the nightingale leader was dumbfounded, and then took several steps back in shock.

Because she has seen Mu Qianye, one of the important figures in Beiliang, and as a member of the gang, of course she has heard of the legendary deeds of Beiliang.

It's only a galaxy away, and it's only heard of, and I probably won't encounter it in a lifetime.

I didn't expect that this time I took a task that I thought I could make a small profit for no reason, and the employer behind it turned out to be an important member of Beiliang. What is the situation?

Before she could ask, Mu Qianye spoke up and directly told the female leader of Nightingale that what they just killed was the family member of the consul of the Tianhe System.

With just one sentence, Nightingale's female leader slumped down on the ground.

In fact, she didn't know the relationship between the consul of the Tianhe system and the federation of enforcers of the Phobos system, and she couldn't guess it.

But since they are family members, they are members of the Federation of Law Enforcers, and they are protected by the Federation of Law Enforcers of the Phobos system, so Nightingale has offended the Federation of Law Enforcers of two galaxies at once, and they will definitely die.

If the task is very lucrative and worth the risk, that's fine.

But the problem is according to the previous discussion, tens of millions is a small sum of money, but it is really not worth it to provoke such an important enemy.

While annoyed that she did not figure it out before she did it, she also marveled at Beiliang's vicious style of acting, and how they could be used as gunmen across a galaxy.

However, this is the end of the matter, and there is no turning back for her.

You can't just go and surrender to the law enforcement officers of the Phobos Department, saying that Beiliang ordered it behind the scenes, right?

With Yin Disi's cruelty, it is estimated that instead of forgiving them, they will kill them faster.

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

Now it seems that there is no other way but to run away. It is a day to live a day.

She didn't even dare to tell her subordinates who didn't know about it, otherwise it was estimated that a large number of people would leave Nightingale, and they would have to be disbanded by then.

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Before running away, besides asking Beiliang to pay the balance, she would definitely have to get another sum of money. This task caused too much loss to them.

So the next moment, the leader of Nightingale spoke the truth to Mu Qianye in a good voice.

Probably, they completed the mission as required, but Beiliang secretly played tricks on them. This is unethical, and some compensation should be made.

The overall speech is still polite, or with a hint of pleading.

It's a lie to be so shady and not angry, but the people who shady them are Beiliang, the current dominant force in the Tianhe system.

A galaxy away, it's useless to be angry, if you talk about it, there may be results. The female leader of Nightingale is still very sophisticated.

And her choice was undoubtedly correct. In the next second, Mu Qianye agreed to pay 200 million to Nightingale directly.

Now 200 million is no longer considered money to Beiliang, and it is still necessary to be kind to the gangsters who have helped them. This is what Chen Han meant.

Nightingale finally felt a little more comfortable about this, she just wanted to get tens of millions more so that she could run away easily.

I didn't expect Mu Qianye to be so generous, so there is nothing to say.

However, the next second, what Mu Qianye said shocked the female leader Nightingale again.

It probably means that Nightingale doesn't need to run away, and can just stay in Phobos.

Because Beiliang also needed manpower in the fire health department to perform specific tasks, judging from the degree of completion of Nightingale's operation, it was undoubtedly very suitable.

This is also the truth, no matter what methods Nightingale's people use, but the result is achieved, that is a good group of gangsters.

In addition, Beiliang will not stay in the Tianhe system forever, and will eventually fight with the Phobos system. It is very important to cultivate one's own power in the Phobos system in advance, so that it will be more convenient to do anything in the future.

All of the above were discussed by her and Chen Han recently, and now there is an opportunity, so there is no harm in giving it a try, and nothing will be lost.

In this regard, the female leader of Nightingale did not directly refuse, but asked, what Mu Qianye meant by staying in the Huowei Department, was Beiliang continuing to hire Nightingale, or was it equivalent to joining Beiliang?

This is very important. If you continue to hire, it is equivalent to being Beiliang's gun, or chess piece, which may be abandoned at any time.

If you join Beiliang, it will be different. It is equivalent to your own people. Beiliang has a very good reputation for your own people, and you will be more secure.

Without hesitation, Mu Qianye directly explained that the status of the Northern Liang Foreign Legion was just in the form of gangsters from other galaxies.

This gave the leader Nightingale the courage to continue asking, including the benefits of joining, tasks to be performed, restrictions and the like.

Since he is Beiliang's own person, he must not be counted as the salary of employment.

The task is also very important. If Beiliang wants them to directly confront the Law Enforcer Federation of the Fire Guards Department, that is absolutely unacceptable.

Mu Qianye seemed to have thought about the details long ago, and still without hesitation, he promised to give Nightingale a support fund every quarter for them to purchase arms and train personnel.

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

As for the mission, at this stage, we only need to help Beiliang collect information about the Phobos Department.

For example, the mobilization of troops by the Law Enforcer Federation, the divisions of various important planets and important starports, where there are core industries and the like.

There are basically no restrictions. Nightingale can develop her own power, continue to accept missions from gangsters, and fight against her enemies, just like normal gangsters.

The only thing is, since he chose to join Beiliang and took Beiliang's money, he had to do something and not sell it.

Otherwise, no matter where Nightingale is at the ends of the earth, Beiliang will hunt him down to the end. This is Mu Qianye's warning, or threat.

The leader of the nightingale did not question the authenticity of these words. Beiliang has always kept his word, and almost everyone in the surrounding galaxy knows about it.

After a brief consideration, the female leader Nightingale did not discuss with her subordinates, but just looked at Mu Qianye and nodded emphatically.

In fact, she has no choice. Killing the members of the Phobos Law Enforcement Federation is equivalent to standing on the opposite side of the Phobos department, and there is no possibility of whitewashing.

In this case, whether they continue to stay here or run away to other galaxies, they will have a very miserable future, and they may die in any corner of the interstellar world.

That being the case, why not trust Beiliang, work for Beiliang, take Beiliang's money, and develop a wave, maybe with this luck, you can make a name for yourself.

It can be said that this is an extremely bold decision, which is equivalent to staying in the enemy's nest. After being found out by the Phobos Law Enforcement Federation, there is absolutely no place to die.

But Nightingale's female leader didn't show much fear. Instead, she felt a faint sense of excitement. They, a small gang, finally had a backer.

After negotiating, the next step is some details. The two talked a lot, all about cooperation.

During the period, the female leader of Nightingale also asked Mu Qianye why he wanted to kill the family members of the consul of the Tianhe system. Is there any point in this?

In her understanding, it is much more effective to make a person compromise and control his family than to kill him.

With the brains of everyone in Beiliang, it is impossible not to understand this, which made her really curious.

However, Mu Qianye didn't tell her the answer, just perfunctory.

Although there is no need to keep this secret, even if you tell the leader Nightingale, even if Yindis knows about it, it won't change anything.

But for some internal decisions, Mu Qianye still had the habit of not talking about what he could not say.

Of course, in order to reassure the female leader of Nightingale, she put 500 million into Nightingale's account in one go.

Among them, 200 million is the reward for completing this task, and 300 million is the activity fund for the first quarter.

And explained that there will be every quarter in the future, the specific amount depends on the development scale of Nightingale, the completion of tasks and loyalty.

This can be regarded as some small means of Mu Qianye. After all, he is controlling a gang of gangsters across a galaxy, so he must spend money and make money, otherwise why would others believe you?

Sure enough, this trick was very effective. Seeing a large amount of money in the account made the female leader of Nightingale more confident in the future, and promised to swear allegiance to the death.

500 million, although I can only buy a second-hand Storm-class battleship, it is not too much to be outrageous.

But for them who are currently in a difficult period, it is too much, which is equivalent to completing several D-level tasks in normal times.

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

The conversation basically ended here, and soon the communication room went dark, and the virtual projection disappeared, leaving only the female leader Nightingale.

She didn't think for long, and after taking a few deep breaths, she called several of her confidants in, explaining the conversation she had just had with Mu Qianye and the agreement reached.

The confidantes were of course extremely shocked by this and looked at each other in blank dismay, but no one expressed their opinion, they all just looked at their leader with firm eyes.

The female leader is very satisfied with everyone's performance. These people have followed her for many years, from the ground to the stars, and they have long since given up their hearts. Even if they die, they will follow, let alone join Beiliang.

After talking in detail for a while, the female leader walked out with her confidants, gathered all the people belonging to Nightingale, and came to the main control room.

She didn't hide anything, and repeated the content of the previous mission and the agreement proposed by Beiliang.

Of course, she didn't say that she had agreed, but asked everyone what they thought.

This news was undoubtedly a blockbuster to Nightingale's followers, and there were instant discussions on the field.

Some people said that they should join Beiliang, and they had no way out, not to mention that Beiliang was a big backer, which was conducive to the development of Nightingale.

Some people said that they should notify the Federation of Enforcers of the Phobo Department immediately, and that exposing Beiliang's conspiracy would be a great achievement, not to mention forgiveness from the Federation of Law Enforcers, and there might even be rewards.

Some people expressed that they did not want to get involved with the Federation of Law Enforcers and Beiliang, and wanted to take away the money they deserved during their mission and leave, not planning to go into troubled waters.

Facing the crowd with different opinions, the female leader Nightingale acted very calmly, smiling and asked the crowd to divide into three groups according to her own choice.

Soon the crowd parted, and the least number of people who wanted to join Beiliang was about 20 people. They planned to notify the law enforcers that the federation and those who wanted to leave were divided in half.

It can be said that in just a few minutes, Nightingale, who was originally united, became fragmented in an instant. It was basically impossible to unify everyone's opinions.

Everyone set their eyes on the female leader, wanting to see what choice she would make.

And the answer given by the female leader was also very simple. She directly led her confidants to pull out their and swept towards the Federation of Law Enforcers who supported the Phobos Department and the crowd who wanted to leave.

Ten seconds later, the small main control room was full of corpses. Many people couldn't believe that they didn't die in the mission before they died. They would die at the gunpoint of their leaders and teammates.

After there were no more survivors on the field, the female leader confessed to the astonished twenty people that she had already made the decision to join Beiliang and reached a relevant agreement, and now Nightingale already belonged to Beiliang.

That being the case, no matter those who support the Law Enforcer Federation or those who want to leave are their enemies, there is no need to continue to live.

After all, let these people leave, as long as one person discloses the news and let the Law Enforcement Federation know the agreement between Nightingale and Beiliang, it will inevitably lead to endless pursuit, and she doesn't want to take this risk.

This is also what Mu Qianye taught her. Priority must be given to rectifying the internal affairs. Only when everyone is like-minded can they accomplish great things.

Including the future recruitment criteria, they must be loyal to Beiliang.

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

As for the death of so many people, the originally weak Nightingale became weaker.

And shooting at someone who was a teammate just a minute ago is somewhat unruly and cruel.

But the inside of the gang is very cruel, and they might die in an unimaginable way in the next second.

People don't have to worry, they can recruit people at any time if they have money, and it just so happens that they don't have to pay wages to these dead people.

Breaking down and then building up, this is the first thing the female leader does after joining Beiliang.

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