MTL - I Plunder Endlessly In the Interstellar Age-Chapter 443 before the storm

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"The contact with that side must be fast, at least before I publicly show up with you in Beiliang, otherwise Yin Disi will be on guard and the plan will fail."

"And it will take time for the Tianhe fleet to get rid of the supervising team. They have to prepare in advance." Prison Qi didn't pay attention to Chen Han's eyes, and said to himself.

The only possible failure of this plan is that it failed to beat Yindis in terms of time, at least that's what Qiao Qi thinks.

"Well, I will have the relevant lines and equipment ready. You go to rest first, and I will call you when the time comes. Look at your state, don't die." Chen Han nodded and pointed at the prisoner Qi. eyes, and gestured to the artificial man next to him.

The weapon-wielding man-made understood, and made a gesture of invitation to Yuanqi.

" must call must call must must hurry..." Zhuang Qi was very obedient, and followed the artificial man towards the outside of the headquarters, but his mouth kept gurgling, somewhat a little bit Dazed.

"Wait." At this moment, Mu Qianye suddenly remembered something and shouted.

"Huh?" Prison Qi turned around suspiciously.

"You Law Enforcement Federation, there are a group of people who would rather retire and become ordinary people than join Beiliang."

"I hope you have time to do their ideological work. They have corresponding talents, and they should not be buried here. They should shine where they are needed." Mu Qianye helped the monocle and added.

Not all law enforcement officers are willing to abandon their original identities and join Beiliang. It seems that they would rather die than surrender.

Originally, she and Chen Han planned to give up this group of people, otherwise there would be no point in persecuting them.

But now that Prison Qi is so cooperative, maybe he can talk to those people.

At the current stage, Beiliang still needs high-quality personnel.

As for the future, after joining the Beiliang Foreign Legion, it would not be too late to slowly brainwash them.

With a deeper understanding, the minds of these people will eventually change.

"I'll talk about it." Prison Qi nodded and continued to walk towards the door.

He has seen everything now, and he doesn't care about anything.

After Prison Qi left completely, Chen Han looked at Mu Qianye: "How?"

"Based on the above, it doesn't look like he's cheating, you can try to act." Mu Qianye nodded, she knew what Chen Han meant.

"Let's arrange it for him." Chen Han looked at Piaohuo, "but keep an eye on him to prevent petty tricks."

"There is also the Tianlan Fortress. We are also preparing to contact. I will communicate with Chu Yizhong after the result of the prisoner Qi."

Hearing Chen Han's order, Piaohuo immediately stood up and made a Beiliang's usual gesture: "Understood, head."

Then she sat down immediately, led a group of geeks, and started to operate.

"Then the second wave of reinforcements from the Phobos, what are you planning to fight?" Mu Qianye looked puzzled.

Chen Han didn't talk about this in detail just now.

"I want to fight. Only fighting can make Beiliang flourish forever. An Yi can only die slowly. Taking down this fleet will bring Beiliang to a new level." Chen Han nodded and took a deep breath.

As a militant, he does not intend to let go of any battle that can improve.

It is definitely easier to stop the enemy and win in the Milky Way than to go to other galaxies.

After all, this is their territory, they can attack in advance, defend in retreat, and there is a steady stream of support.

"But you are worried that if you don't fight, you will ruin the entire Tianhe system, right?" Mu Qianye naturally understood Chen Han's concerns.

Even Yuan Qi understood this, and the two of them naturally knew it in their hearts.

"Yes, this is indeed an unnecessary risk. Now we don't need to rely on gambling to win. I don't want to gamble on luck."

"It would be great if we could accurately know the enemy's marching route, specific scale and quantity." Chen Han nodded again.

At this point, he must not be as reckless as before.

Because the higher you stand, the more painful it will be to fall, and the more you have, the more you can't afford to lose.

If his order goes wrong, hundreds of millions of lives will be lost in that failure.

Mu Qianye didn't speak, and his expression was slightly distressed, with self-blame on his face.

Although Prison Qi has said a lot, he is still not sure.

As long as it is not 100%, accidents may occur, and what they are afraid of is accidents.

It would be great if their intelligence network could be deployed earlier, and they would not be as passive as they are now. This is what Mu Qianye blamed himself for.

"Perhaps we can check the stargate records of these galaxies leading to the Tianhe system, maybe we can find traces of enemy reinforcements, so we can judge the specific strength of the enemy?" Floating fire in front of the podium He raised his head suddenly and reminded him.

This made Chen Han and Mu Qianye stunned. They first looked at each other, and then turned their gazes to Piaohuo.

Piaohuo, who thought he said something wrong, was startled, and quickly lowered his head.

After more than ten seconds, Mu Qianye nodded emphatically to Chen Han: "It is possible! This step is very troublesome, because there are a lot of star gates outside, but we can definitely find them out!"

Every battleship that passes through the star gate will leave a data record.

These records are kept in the star gate and cleared every seven days. Only the console of the Law Enforcer Federation can view and call them, that is, the planetary fortress.

If it was Beiliang in the past, it would be impossible to get this part of information, even if they had a strong team of geeks.

But now they are in the planetary fortress, holding the console, and they can call it at any time.

The only difficulty is that there are too many star gates, too many battleships passing through, and a lot of data will be generated, which takes a lot of time.

Also, they don't know the specific route of the enemy's advance, so they have to look at the star gates in each direction one by one.

And before each stargate automatically clears the data, the process is a little more complicated.

But in any case, I can finally have an accurate answer, so I don't have to rely on guessing.

"Very good, very good." Chen Han gave Piao Huo an appreciative look.

If it wasn't for the floating fire, he really didn't think about it.

The main reason is that the bandits have been in the gang for a long time, and their thinking has not changed all of a sudden. The planetary fortress has not been fully understood yet.

Piao Huo was a little embarrassed by the praise, and she had been in charge of the Stargate console recently, so she only learned about this function.

However, Chen Han, who had just put on a smile, quickly darkened his face: "We didn't expect this to be excusable, why didn't you say that?"

They asked Prison Qi related questions just now, and Prison Qi analyzed a lot, but he just didn't talk about the simplest method.

Mu Qianye also frowned slightly, which was indeed a little suspicious.

Could it be that what Zhuangqi did was really a disguise, the purpose was to lower their vigilance, and they were actually waiting for the arrival of the second wave of reinforcements?

But he was the one who brought up the reinforcements on his own initiative. If he had such a plan, he shouldn't have mentioned it, so that Beiliang would be prepared.

And if everything is fake, it means that Prison Qi has seen through Bei Liang's plan from the very beginning, knowing that Chen Han and Mu Qianye are the murderers, which is not in line with Prison Qi's reaction.

All kinds of contradictory doubts made Mu Qianye a little confused.

Just when Chen Han was about to call Prison Qi back to ask, Piaohuo said again: "Boss, he might have forgotten too."

"Because I looked at the inspection records of the Stargate Federation of Law Enforcers of the Tianhe System in recent years, and it is basically rare."

"The most recent time was several months ago, and I checked the inner star gate of the Milky Way."

"At that time, we had just returned from Beiliang and destroyed two starports. They probably wanted to track us down, but to no avail."

While talking about the fluttering fire, he drew a screen in front of Chen Han and Mu Qianye, and there were indeed only a few messages.

It can be seen that Prison Qi has basically never used this function, and he is not very proficient in business, so it can be explained.

After thinking for a few seconds, Chen Han nodded: "Well, let's pretend that he doesn't know, but we must keep an eye on him, especially when contacting the Tianhe fleet, to prevent him from using secret words to tip off the news."

"Whether it is loyalty or treachery depends on how he explains to the Tianhe fleet, and everything will be understood by then."

It is precisely because they are deceiving the puppet, Chen Han also has the mentality that the puppet will lie to him, so it is always right to be prepared.

"Understood!" Piaohuo made another Beiliang's usual gesture. This was the second time Chen Han emphasized it, and she also attached great importance to it.

"As for the detailed data on the outer star gate, use geeks to search with all your strength?" Mu Qianye asked tentatively.

This is related to their next strategic arrangement, the sooner they figure it out, the better.

"Well, the priority is to check the direction of the beast system, so let Ling also help, it can find it quickly." Chen Han continued to nod.

Although he didn't fully believe in Yuan Qi, he felt that Yuan Qi's analysis was reasonable.

If Yin Disi is really sending troops over, then the most likely ones are the Earth Beasts.

That being the case, let's check it first, and then talk about it if you can't find it.

If he finds it, there will be an explanation. He can actively choose to fight or not to fight, and how to fight.

As long as the enemy's strength is not too outrageous, with their current strength in Beiliang, there is every chance.

Not to mention that the Mark Group's transport team is on its way with a large number of warships.

With the addition of a new batch of warships and energy-level weapons, it is not certain who will win the battle.

"Okay, I'll arrange it." Mu Qianye adjusted his monocle and said briefly.

After a few days of relaxation, their schedule in Beiliang was full again.

First of all, the Tianhe fleet has to make contact and find a way to raid the Phobo fleet and return safely.

Then there is the Sky Blue Fortress of the Gray Hole System, and they also have to contact them. There will be a lot of things to talk about, involving the future cooperation between the two galaxies.

After this step, the transportation team of the Mark Group is estimated to be arriving soon. They have to trade and place new large orders at the same time.

After all, the strength of the Tianhe system is too weak now, and they have to exchange money for combat power, so as to protect the Tianhe system, earn more money, and form a virtuous circle.

Later, they should also find out the direction of the enemy's second wave of reinforcements, and they have to choose whether to block or not.

After eliminating the external threat, they still have to solve the internal problems of the Galaxy system, which is almost a public conference, a unified declaration and the like.

This step not only stabilizes the hearts of the stars of the Milky Way system, but also has a miraculous effect on the entire Coos Federation of Law Enforcers.

According to Prison Qi, they don't need to be beaten anymore, and they don't need to close all the external star gates, and they can properly leave the galaxies they have contacts for trade and technical exchanges.

As for the latter, they officially joined the war between the Gray Cave System and the Phobos System, accompanied by the threat of natural disasters.

Whether they can avenge Gaia and establish the Gaia Empire depends on this war.

Anyway, just thinking about it is a matter, and it is also a big matter.

They have a lot to do until the war is over.

Now I only know a rough idea, the order of occurrence cannot be determined, there are too many variables.

In this way, after a brief exchange, everyone began to act according to the order.

Piaohuo leads some geeks to build a communication line that can avoid Yindis's monitoring according to the request of Zhuangqi.

Mu Qianye led zero and some geeks to investigate the data of the outer stargate of the beast system through the console, looking for traces of enemy reinforcements.

Chen Han was not idle here either, and continued to observe Prison Qi's every move through covert monitoring to prevent this person from making any small moves.

But due to not sleeping for a long time, coupled with the effect of alcohol, Qiao Qi fell asleep after returning to his and snored like thunder in an instant.

Seventeen star hours later, Piaohuo finally completed the construction of the hidden line, and began to contact the commander of the Tianhe system fleet mentioned by Yuan Qi through the relevant number.

Another sixteen weeks later, when he was about to get in touch, Chen Han asked someone to wake up the sleeping prisoner Qi.

It's just that even after waking up, Chou Qi was still dazed, and he sat on the bed in a daze for a whole week before recovering, recalling what happened before, and what he heard and said.

After learning that the communication was about to be completed, he simply washed up, put on a brand new consul uniform, and returned to the command room.

What he said to Chen Han and Mu Qianye earlier was of course not crazy or drunk, it was all sober, now is the time to get down to business.

Chen Han was also in the command room like Mu Qianye, but he was not in the same place as Prison Qi.

They don't need to show up in this communication, just watch from a distance, unless there is an emergency.

After all, the commanders of the fleet outside still don't know much about what happened inside the Milky Way system or even inside the planetary fortress.

If Chen Han appeared on the same screen as Prison Qi, he might be frightened, thinking that Prison Qi was coerced, which would be bad for the plan.

Now everything is still concealed and guided. As long as Zhuang Qi can convince the fleet commander to cooperate, then everything that follows will be very cooperative.

Piaohuo and a group of geeks are at the main podium, not too far away from the prisoner, and they are waiting in full force.

Her task is to make sure that Cun Qi is not messing around, and as long as Cun Qi shows signs of secretly revealing or tipping off, she will block the communication.

Of course, this does not mean that the plan has failed, but that Chen Han will come forward.

Since it doesn't work to say it, we can only use the family members of the law enforcement officers of the fleet as a threat to force them to submit.

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