MTL - I Plunder Endlessly In the Interstellar Age-Chapter 473 evidence

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

However, the arranged question and answer did not end, and the female artificial man quickly continued: "Your Excellency the Consul, you just mentioned something about other galaxies."

"Then besides the Milky Way, are there other galaxies related to it?"

These words made the originally noisy venue quiet again, and everyone looked at Prison Qi on the stage.

They didn't know how Zhuangqi would answer, but at this time, no matter which galaxy name Zhuangqi said, that galaxy would cause big trouble.

However, Prison Qi obviously didn't care about these things, and didn't hesitate for half a second: "The Earth Beast, the Earth Beast has already been controlled by Edith."

"Didn't you find that the Earth Beast System and the Tianhe System have a lot in common?"

"For example, it is an ally relationship with the Phobos Department. The two sides have a lot of material exchanges, and they have also participated in the war against the Gray Cave Department."

"It is said to be a strategic alliance to send troops together, but the war actually has nothing to do with them. It was just forced by Edith like me."

"And the people of the Earth Beast Department don't know this at all, and they probably think that they really have a very good relationship with the Phobos Department."

"I remember that Chen Han mentioned these things before, but it didn't attract much attention at that time, or was suppressed by Edith."

"Just like the scandal in the Tianhe system, she will find a way to suppress it, or put pressure on me, haha..."

Behind Prison Qi's seemingly casual answer, he was still instigating a war, citing the conflict between the Phobos system and the Earth Beast system.

When these words spread to the Earth Beast Department, there will definitely be related protests erupting there.

Regardless of whether it will cause any serious consequences, as long as it can cause some trouble, it will be valuable.

This is also the real significance of this press conference. While causing various conflicts from the outside world, it is necessary to put aside Beiliang and the united front to buy time.

"Your Excellency the Consul..." The woman made a human and wanted to say something more.

But Qiao Qi quickly raised his hand: "You have asked enough, give others a chance."

The blocked woman can only stop talking and sit down unwillingly.

Of course, this is also part of the plan, and some small actions have to be made so that the outside world does not think that all this is a script.

Soon Prison Qi clicked another code, and a young man with short hair stood up.

"Your Excellency, as a member of the Tianhe system, I really hope to see the Tianhe system doing well."

"If you can really get rid of the control of other galaxies and make the Milky Way a unique whole, I think it is the best ending."

"But as a media person, I have to ask some questions that everyone is puzzled, and stand on an objective point of view, sorry."

After finishing speaking, the young man nodded politely.

"Hurry up, hurry up, the time to talk about this is enough to answer several questions." Prison Qi waved his hand impatiently.

The number he ordered now is actually still an artificial human, and it is also part of the script, so there is enough drama to be done.

"I believe that many people are very interested in Chen Han's matter. You just said that he gave up the control of the United Front and handed it over to the law enforcers for federal management. Is this true?"

"Will it be handed over on the surface, but secretly everything is still controlled by him?"

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

"Also, do you have any evidence for the things you said about the earth animal system and the Huowei drama?"

"This is not asking for myself, but all the star people of the earth beast system."

"If you can't produce relevant evidence, then the matter will most likely be suppressed as it was last time." The android youth asked in a calm tone, speaking very clearly.

It sounds like all he issued was unfavorable doubts about the press conference.

But in fact, doubts will make the script more reasonable.

Because things like Chen Han's abandonment of the United Front are basically unbelievable.

Even if you don't say it now, others will ask in your heart and discuss it in private.

That being the case, why don't you just speak up and solve it at the press conference to save trouble in the future.

The same is true for the evidence of the collusion between the Earth Beast Department and the Phobo Department. There is no evidence to prove it, and something has to be produced before the incident can spread further.

It just so happens that they can take it out, and it happens to come to a wave of self-questioning.

Facing the "difficult" question, Prison Qi deliberately showed embarrassment, and did not speak for a long time.

It's not that it can't be said, but that he has almost performed well, and the next step is not to rely on him alone.

But the people at the venue didn't know that there was a follow-up, thinking that Qiao Qi couldn't answer.

Just when everyone thought that there would be an accident at the beginning of the public conference, a familiar yet unfamiliar voice suddenly sounded: "Let me answer this question."

Then Chen Han's figure came out from the backstage passage, causing a large number of media people to stand up quickly, and the shooting speed of various equipment was ten times faster than before.

Mainly in their hearts, Chen Han is the master of this press conference.

Chen Han hadn't appeared before, making them think that Chen Han would not come.

After all, this is the planetary fortress of the Federation of Law Enforcers, so the gangsters came here to throw themselves into the trap.

Now it seems that Beiliang and the Federation of Law Enforcers have really reached an agreement, and this press conference has just begun.

In addition, many people in the venue are still fans of Chen Han. Of course, they are happy to see a real person now.

I don't know if the venue was too chaotic, or because of Chen Han's appearance, the mechas standing around took a step forward one after another.

Probably feeling the oppressive force, the media people at the venue quickly sat down and regained their silence.

It wasn't until the entire venue became silent that Chen Han walked to the center of the main stage and continued to speak: "Everyone, it's been a long time. What Jiang Qi said just now has no fictional elements."

"Let me tell you about my mental journey again. I was forced to go to the gray cave system before, and I came back to avenge the Aoshi Group. You must know this."

"Actually, I personally don't have much malice towards the Federation of Law Enforcers in the Tianhe system. I just feel that the consul is incompetent and cannot bring any changes to the Tianhe system."

"In addition, I heard some gossip about the war in the Gray Cave System, and after I came back, I learned that the Tianhe Law Enforcer Federation and the Austen Group wore a pair of pants, so they even fought with the Law Enforcer Federation."

"Even if there was no hatred in the first place, after a few fights, the hatred will naturally come, and the two sides will start to fight each other, wanting to get rid of each other."

"I won't go into too much detail. I'll just talk about the result. The Aoshi Group was wiped out, and the only one in the Tianhe system that can compete with Beiliang is the Federation of Law Enforcers."

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

"Qiang Qi has indeed thought of many ways to deal with me, and I have also thought of many ways to deal with him, all of which are shady methods."

"The final situation becomes that no one can do anything about it, because the Federation of Law Enforcers occupies the planetary fortress, and Beiliang has no ability to take it down."

"After discussion, I created a joint front, facing the entire Tianhe system."

"At that time, I didn't really think about how to make it bigger and stronger. I just wanted to put pressure on the law enforcement agencies and dismantle their rule."

"Who knows that more and more planets and forces are responding, and suddenly the United Front has become a behemoth."

"At the beginning, I could feel that this was an opportunity, an opportunity to fight against the Federation of Law Enforcers of the Tianhe System."

"As long as I have all the planets and forces in the Milky Way system in my hands, what does it matter if the Federation of Law Enforcers stays in the planetary fortress? The Milky Way system is still mine."

"It's alluring when a gang of gangsters finally take control of a galaxy."

"But after a lot of thinking about it, I knew it wasn't going to work."

"Because Beiliang is a gang of gangsters after all, they can't get on the stage."

"If you forcibly control the Tianhe system, there will be no problem in a short period of time, but it will not give the Tianhe system a future, let alone make the Tianhe system stronger."

"There are two main reasons. First, all the galaxies in Kus must be managed by the Law Enforcer Federation. This is a rule that cannot be changed by anything."

"If Beiliang is in control, the law enforcement federations in other galaxies will not just look at it like this, and it will bring endless wars to the Milky Way."

"Our gang likes money, but as a member of the Tianhe system, we don't want the Tianhe system to suffer further."

"Secondly, there is still the same problem. Beiliang is a bandit gang, and they can fight, but they don't have too mature management experience."

"Technology is extremely lacking, and there is no way to give the Tianhe system a desired future."

"So at that time, I began to think of ways to negotiate with Zhuangqi, hoping to cease the war."

"The condition is that Beiliang returns the occupied star ports and planets, and leaves the Milky Way forever."

"However, Prisoner must announce Edith's actions to the entire Kus, and give the Milky Way a sense of autonomy."

"At that time, Junqi and Edith were very good, and they were unwilling to betray, so they couldn't talk to me."

"As soon as I got angry, I used some means to block the planetary fortress, compressing the activity space of the Law Enforcer Federation, and blocking their connection with Edith."

"This process lasted for a relatively long time, and the two of us have been in conflict."

"A lot of things happened in the outside world, and the murder of Gongqi's family is one of them."

"Because of this, he made up his mind to turn against Edith and had many negotiations with me."

"I can understand him. Although I have no family since I was a child and don't understand the feeling of loss, I understand the value of possession."

"I can also feel his sincerity and determination. After this kind of incident, it is true that he will never reconcile with Edith no matter what."

"The final decision is what he just said. I make a concession and return everything. He announces the truth and gives the Tianhe system an autonomy."

"Don't worry about the authenticity of this matter, because Beiliang is about to leave the Tianhe system and go to a distant place."

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

"I really don't know how to prove it to you now, but when the news of Beiliang comes from other galaxies and the flag of Beiliang is raised, you will naturally know that everything I said is true."

"As for the fact that the Earth Beast is a vassal of the Phobos, I know. I have all the evidence you want, and I can show it to you now."

"I don't ask for anything else, I just hope that you can spread the truth and let people in the Earth Beast and other galaxies know."

"If you leave it alone and watch the fire from the other side, one day in the future, they will follow in the footsteps of the Tianhe system and the Earth beast system."

While talking, Chen Han moved his fingers, and soon a giant screen popped up in front of him, and a series of videos and pictures began to appear.

Most of them are images of Edith giving orders to Prison Qi, and they are all obtained from the monitoring of the planetary fortress. There is no more direct evidence than this.

Many media people at the venue watched it very seriously, for fear of missing a frame.

Chen Han on the main stage was also very satisfied with this scene, this is what he wanted.

And what I just said is also carefully choreographed, with both true and false elements.

For example, he just said that Beiliang and Prison Qi fell into a very stalemate negotiation, and finally the negotiation was made after the murder of Prison Qi's family.

He didn't say that it was actually Beiliang who took down the planetary fortress, because he didn't want the outside world to know about it.

Although capturing the planetary fortress would boost Beiliang's reputation in the interstellar world, it would also make others wary.

Chen Han didn't intend to be guarded, he had to find a way to pretend to be weak, so that the outside world could continue to look down on Beiliang.

When you are weak, you must find a way to disguise and increase your momentum so that others can't understand the situation and dare not attack at will.

When you are strong, you have to find a way to pretend, but you have to pretend to be weak.

In this way, others will let down their vigilance and allow you to bite back at the right time. This is Chen Han's way of defending against the enemy.

And the fact that he gave up control of the United Front is also half-truth.

If it is impossible for him to give up, the entire Milky Way system, including the planetary fortress, will be his.

This is just to prevent the Federation of Law Enforcers from other galaxies from coming to cause No matter how much hatred, if the United Front does not belong to Beiliang and tries to attack, it will be somewhat unreasonable.

It is true that Beiliang will indeed leave the Tianhe system at that time, it may go to the Phobos system, it may also be the gray hole system, there is also a probability of the Earth Beast system and surrounding galaxies, all are possible.

Although this will arouse the vigilance of the enemy, it will also make the enemy fearful and worry every day.

Chen Han wanted this effect. Anyway, the enemy didn't know their real route, so there was no other way but to be afraid.

He has to find a way to make Edith eat well and sleep well...

Of course, there are many loopholes in what he said.

The most obvious one is that Beiliang blocked the planetary fortress, and also blocked the contact between Prison Qi and Edith, so how did Prison Qi know about the death of his family?

Although he knew that what he said could not form a closed loop, Chen Han did not choose to be foolproof.

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

The main reason is that what he said was a lie, and no matter how hidden it is, it will never become true.

While trying to hide one loophole, maybe ten or even hundreds of loopholes will emerge. How will we solve it then?

So it's better to simply keep some less fatal loopholes and let others guess.

After releasing the evidence that Prison Qi was instigated by Edith, a new picture soon appeared on the virtual screen. It was Beiliang who ambushed the beast reinforcements at Stargate No. 4633 not long ago.

(end of this chapter)

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