MTL - I Ran Away After I Online-dated the Slag Marshal-Chapter 18 bridal chamber candle

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Jane Nai called Qi Chen at night.

Qi Chen on the phone was not very well. She kept coughing. After asking a few more questions, she found out that her friend had a fever because of the cold.

Jane Nai said with some distress: "You don't pay more attention to your body."

Qi Chen coughed while covering his mouth, and said with a smile: "The wind in the mountains is strong, and it will suddenly become cold."

Jane said: "It will be colder in winter soon, come back quickly."

"I will go back during Chinese New Year." Qi Chen's voice was a little weak, he sat on the bed and hugged the hot water bottle and said, "I actually had a good time here, please don't Worry."

Jane Nai counted the time, and there is still more than a month before the New Year.

Qi Chen added: "I'll go back then and bring you some specialties from the mountains."

Jane smiled: "Okay."

From the phone, he could feel that Qi Chen's condition was not very good. Although he didn't show it, Jane knew that he still hadn't fully recovered from Duan Haochen's pain.

Friends are being tortured, and some are just like nothing in the game.

I even think about getting married.

The more she thinks about it, the more sad and ironic she feels.

The signal on Qi Chen's side was not very good, so she just said: "Nana, I'll hang up first, and when I go back for the New Year, we'll have a good chat."

Jane Nai replied: "Okay, then you have a good rest, don't be too tired."

Qi Chen answered and hung up.

Jane Nai was sitting on the bed, feeling distressed for her friend and full of all kinds of uncomfortable emotions. Looking at the chat records on WeChat and Lu Zefeng's avatar, her heart was even more mixed.


He's not a scumbag.

Then such a gentle person may really be moved.

Unfortunately, scumbags can pretend.

He won't be fooled.

Next day

After getting up in the morning, Jiannai landed in the game cabin.

Today is the time he and Lu Zefeng agreed to go to the marriage stone to combine the eight characters.

As soon as Jiannai went online, she looked at Lu Zefeng's login status in the friend bar, and found that she was online and immediately sent it over. He was on time, one step ahead of himself.

Jane Nai waved her hand and said: "Ben Gong~"

Lu Zefeng turned to look at him.

Jane Nai ran towards him in small steps, with a smile on her face: "It's so early."

Lu Zefeng: "Just arrived."

"Then let's go to the horoscope first." Jiannai smiled: "I'm ready!"

Lu Zefeng responded.

When the two arrived at the marriage stone, there were still many people here who also came to marry today.

When someone passed by, they bumped into Jane.

Jane snorted softly and glared at him.

Lu Zefeng saw it in his eyes, and pulled Jiannai over to change his position.

Jane said suspiciously: "What's wrong?"

Lu Zefeng's voice was quiet: "You stand inside."

Jane Nai only reacted half a beat later, if he stood inside, he would not be bumped very easily, but if he stood outside, the crowd outside would be crowded and he would be easily bumped So, most of the time, Lu Zefeng will give people a cold, inhuman feeling, but there are too many times, he always does more than he says.

Jane's face was stained with a smile, and she said softly, "Thank you."

Lu Zefeng responded.

Two people stand here, more conspicuous.

Slowly, someone recognized them. Although Lu Zefeng is usually relatively low-key, Jiannai is of the succubus race, which makes it more eye-catching!

World Channel Instant Fryer:

"Here at the marriage stone, the succubus is coming together with a man."

"Fuck it."

"Isn't this number just changed a few days ago?"

More and more people gathered around the marriage stone.

Everyone seemed to be watching a new continent, and they started chatting.

, let me marry you~"

Jane Nai and Lu Zefeng took over.

This post is actually nothing to see, the main thing is to fill in their own characters.

Jane fills in her own and submits it.

Lu Zefeng hesitated for a moment and then filled in.

The matchmaker's eight-character match is very fast, and it hardly takes a few minutes to wait, and a red marriage sticker falls from the sky and falls into the hands of two people.

The matchmaker said with a smile: "The two are a match made in heaven. They have a fateful fate. Although fate is destined to have ups and downs, as long as they work together, they can grow old together!"

Jane rolled her eyes in her heart.

However, with a beautiful smile on her face, she said softly, "Wow, that's great."

Lu Zefeng glanced at the post, where his and Jiannai's names were written together.

It's a match made in heaven!"

The noon sun falls on people's shoulders, and people's smiles are more beautiful than flowers.

There is a lot of people around and a lot of traffic.

For a moment, it was as if they were a real couple who came to receive the marriage stickers. They would be happy because the characters were very compatible, and they were looking forward to their future life.

Although Lu Zefeng's reason knows that this is fake.

They got married so that pets could be resurrected.

However, it seemed that Jane's smile was contagious, and the man finally nodded and said, "Yeah."

The matchmaker said in front: "The two of you can go to Yinyuan Mountain to worship the church and get married, don't miss the auspicious time."

Every time a pair of new people join the post successfully, there will be a world system refresh announcement.

Because, players on the full server will know who is getting married again:


"Do I rely on the first place on the battle list?"

"The one who never shows up or joins various sects."

"Haven't heard much of him."

When the world channel was all fried, Lu Jie, who was online at the same time, also saw this announcement.

When Jiannai arrived at the Marriage Mountain, a lot of people had already arrived at the Marriage Mountain. Most of the people came to watch the fun after hearing the news. There were many people at the foot of the bustling mountain.

The patron saint of Marriage Mountain is Yue Lao.

Before the newcomers enter the marriage mountain, they need to be recruited.

Just as Jian Nai and Lu Zefeng were about to walk in, someone ran over from not far away and grabbed Jian Nai's wrist: "Nana!"

Jane was shocked.

He turned around and saw Lu Jie's face.

Lu Jie panted, "Nana, what are you doing here?"

Jane Nai was a little speechless, he sneered: "Lu Jie, I'm getting married today, if you ask me what I'm doing here, am I a little mentally retarded."

Lu Jie's face was as black as a piece of charcoal, and the equipment he was wearing was golden, and looked very precious. In comparison, Jiannai and Lu Zefeng wore very plain clothes.

Lu Jie held Jian Nai's hand and said, "Nana, I can understand that you are angry with me, but you can't just find such a person just to be angry."

Jane was silent.

Lu Jie thought he had listened to his own words, and said quickly: "I and Wen Yue, I have terminated the relationship with him as a daoist partner, and my relationship with him at that time was just for the task, We have been in a relationship for many years, don't you still believe me?"

A lot of people watching the fun gathered around.

There are two men standing in front of the succubus wearing a blue shirt, the same tall and handsome, one is golden, the other is low-key and restrained.

Jane Nai looked at Lu Zefeng.

Lu Zefeng probably understood what was going on.

Just when Jiannai thought he would question herself or ask something, Lu Zefeng didn't do anything, he just whispered: "I'll go first, let's talk."

After all, he and Jiannai don't have any deep feelings.

Even if this marriage fails today, there seems to be nothing to regret.

Master Marshal tried his best to ignore the sudden displeasure in his heart, and took a step to prepare to leave here.

But at this moment, Jiannai grabbed Lu Zefeng's hand that was about to leave.

Everything around me seemed to stand still at this moment.

Lu Zefeng looked back at him in surprise, and met Jian Nai's firm eyes, those peach blossom eyes filled with his figure, smiled gently and said: "I have nothing to talk about with him."

Lu Zefeng's eyes were dark.

Jane Nai looked sideways at Lu Jie, her voice firm: "No matter what your reasons are, we are over."

"Even without him, it wouldn't be you" Jiannai held Lu Zefeng's hand, very firm and tight, he said, "My brother and I are very good, please don't come to disturb us."

Lu Jie was almost in disbelief.

The wind was blowing from the valley, and it was cool.

Jane Nai showed a gentle smile to Lu Zefeng, and said coquettishly, "Let's go in."

Lu Zefeng responded.

They walked inside, but Lu Jie's unwilling voice came from behind, he said: "Then why do you choose him? I can't compare to him, how can I compare him Difference?!"

I am the leader of the largest gang in the entire server.

And Lu Zefeng is just a swordsman without any name.

Janeila Lu Zefeng's hand, snorted softly: "My brother and I are really in love, even if he has no money or power, I don't care!"

Lu Zefeng fell silent for a moment.

He didn't know that Jiannai could play so much.

Lu Jie sneered: "You will regret it."

Jane raised her face: "I won't regret it"

The players around the theater said with emotion:

"Fuck, what a joke."

"Don't give up on the great god, and go with a swordsman who has nothing?"

"Is the succubus crazy?"

"Who would have thought that Brother Jie would be rejected one day!"

The mocking eyes of the people around him were like a knife, and the fire in Lu Ji's heart was piling up, and he looked at Jiannai not far away with resentment, not understanding how he could treat himself like this .


Just as Jiannai was about to leave, Lu Jie shouted to Lu Zefeng, "He doesn't like you at all!"

Lu Zefeng stopped.

Lu Jie's eyes flashed a smile, raised his chest and said, "You may not know him, there are many rich and powerful men around him, although I broke up with him, But he might have already hugged the thighs of several rich people, and even I don't like it now, and you must be just playing around with you."

When we were together.

As soon as Jiannai entered the entertainment industry, Lu Jie was very unhappy, always suspiciously suspecting that Jiannai would fall in love with others because of money.

The two quarreled a lot.

Because Lu Jie's original family was very poor, he was very afraid that Jiannai, who entered the entertainment industry after graduation, would be attracted by the rich and powerful, so he would leave him.

Jane Nai frowned: "Lu Jie, what nonsense are you talking about?!"

Lu Jie sneered.

Jane Nai looked at Lu Zefeng with some worry: "Engong, listen to my explanation..."

Lu Zefeng's stern face did not fluctuate because of Lu Jie's words.

Seeing that Jiannai was a little anxious, he just said: "The time is coming, go get married first, don't delay the people behind."

After all, he is a person who has seen strong winds and waves, and his calmness is like a safe haven that is reassuring.

Jane Nai and Lu Zefeng walked together to the foot of Yinyuan Mountain to prepare for the last step of marriage.

There are several marriage modes to choose from on the Marriage Mountain.

The first is the easiest.

Hand over a few hundred stones to Yue Lao to get a certificate.

The second one is what the general public will choose.

Hand in thousands to tens of thousands of stones to open a copy of the worship hall, witnessed by the old man, and tied the knot.

The third one is for the players of the Great God and Fortune Rankings.

Submit 100,000 stones to open the Peach Blossom Tree of Marriage. Players will sign a marriage contract under the marriage tree of Sansheng III.

The last one, which no one has chosen so far.

Million Stone Wedding.

It will be notified by the whole server. From the time of purchase, the whole server will regularly sprinkle mandarin duck candy, and invite all players to celebrate.

The peach blossom tree in the Marry Mountain will bloom for nine days, and it will be covered with long-term marriage cards.

However, no one has ever purchased the last one since the launch of "Ask".


The noon sun shines on everyone's shoulders, and everyone is watching the script of a beautiful succubus marrying an ordinary swordsman and rejecting the first gang's courtship, feeling that the succubus is too visionary.


The mechanical system sound suddenly sounded in the ears of all players: [Congratulations to the players Feng and the helpless for their good marriage, and the wedding of eternal knots will be opened in the marriage mountain. From now on every hour, Ben The server will randomly drop mandarin duck candy, and the peach blossom tree in Marriage Mountain is about to bloom, please pay attention to all players to participate. 】

Mandarin Duck Candy has experience and money to pick it up.

It takes millions of stones just to open the eternal knot, not to mention the money!

The entire server was shocked.

Even people who don’t know gossip started to swipe the World Channel:

"What's going on?"

"Which local tyrant did I marry?"

"Someone in Marriage Mountain has opened the eternal knot!"

"Thank you for your gift!"

"Happy 99!"

"Shocked my whole family, how can they be so rich?"

The protagonist of the incident, Jian Nai, was also dumbfounded. He could hardly believe what he heard. He looked at Lu Jie a little stiffly and stammered: "Ben Gong? You are Isn't it wrong?"

Lu Zefeng said, "That's right."

When Jiannai thought that millions of dollars were spent, he was shocked and heartbroken, and whispered: "This is too much money!"

After he finished speaking, he was even a little moved.

Jane Nai's peach blossom eyes even slowly filled with tears, she looked at Lu Zefeng and whispered: "Eun Gong, you are too kind to me, you are willing to spend so much for me You must have saved the money for a long time, right?"

Lu Zefeng frowned: "Is this much money?"

Jane was stunned.

Lu Zefeng said: "Isn't this what you can get by just playing a few copies."


Don't say such jealous words in such a light tone!

You're not playing a normal dungeon at all!

After the marriage fantasy opened, it was time to hire. Before Jiannai could get away from the shock, she received a transaction application from Lu Zefeng.

Jane clicks to agree.

Lu Zefeng's trade box appeared in front of him.

【Artifact. Xuanwu Ring】

【Artifact. Blue Sea Blue Ring】

【Artifact. Nine Heavens Profound Phoenix Brocade】

【Artifact. Glazed Marriage Bracelet】

The weapons in Asking are graded.

They are: God. Ghost. Demon. Demon

Properties are not bad either.

The dazzling array of weapons and equipment really caught Jane's eyes.

As a novice of the game, he still doesn't understand that selling these things can make him rich overnight.

When others get married, they send flowers and romance. When they marry Lu Zefeng, they send a bunch of weapons.

Jane Nai coughed lightly and said, "Master, are you sure you didn't give it wrong?"

Lu Zefeng: "I'll give you a better one in the future."

Jane hurriedly said, "No, no, I'll just wear this."

In fact, he was still wearing a relatively white Tsing Yi. These clothes and equipment were delivered in a timely manner. He simply clicked on the equipment bar and changed his clothes directly.

After a burst of white light, a bright red dress appeared on Jiannai's body.

The skin of the person wearing the bright red is fair and translucent, the phoenix embroidered with gold thread on the robe is shining in the sun, and there will be a thin light passing by with the movement of the person , taking advantage of the youth's bright and beautiful facial features, full of extravagance.

Jane smiled softly and leaned against the man: "Does it look good?"

Lu Zefeng caught the person with a faint fragrance and responded.

The groom's tuxedo, dignified and handsome.

The two of them are talking, but the people around them are not indifferent, and the world channel is completely fried:

"Fuck, **** outfit!"

"He delivered four **** outfits in one go!"

"Is the wind so strong?"

"Why does he never wear it himself?"

"Is there a possibility..." Someone whispered: "It's because he thinks that he doesn't need to use the attributes of the **** outfit to clear the level."

After all, that person is a national uniform.

Compared to the frying pan of the World Channel, because the two people who entered the Peach Blossom Marriage Fantasyland have been completely isolated from the noise outside.

Peach Blossom Valley only sent two people in.

This place is really beautiful. The beautiful peach petals are blowing in with the wind. It is dusk in the valley.

In the quiet canyon, there were only two people.

Jane Nai and Lu Zefeng sat beside the trees in Peach Blossom Valley, quietly enjoying the sunset and dusk together.

Jane called him softly: "Ben Gong."

Lu Zefeng: "Yeah"

"Thank you." Jiannai was really grateful to him and did not embarrass herself in front of her ex-boyfriend, but he didn't say this, just said: "If it wasn't for you, I would Maybe I really don't know how to rescue Xiaohong, with my current strength, it is impossible to hit the land deed..."

Lu Zefeng said in a deep voice, "No thanks."

Jane Nai looked at him sideways, the man's handsome profile looked particularly handsome in the afterglow of the setting sun.

This fantasy world has no people around, the climate is mild, and there is a reclining chair that looks very soft not far away. Just now, the system has prompted that this fantasy world will last until nine days before it closes. Until then, no one will come in here, and they won't be able to get out for 24 hours.

Is this the wedding candle for two people!

Jane Nai said that this is a good time to enhance the relationship between the two.


Jane Nai coughed softly, looked at Lu Zefeng with a pair of affectionate peach eyes, and pulled the corner of the man's shirt with her little white hand: "Engong, I have never known how to thank you. , Now is such a good day and auspicious day, anyway, you can see that we can't get out now, why don't we..."

Lu Zefeng looked sideways at him, his eyes deep.

Jiannai winked mischievously, her eyes full of hints.

Lu Zefeng seemed to understand what he meant, stood up and took Jiannai's hand and said, "That's just right, come on, I'll teach you some basic self-defense techniques, so what will happen next time? Dangerous beasts also have the ability to protect themselves, take out your sword and I will show you some tricks first."

Jane: "…"

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