MTL - I Ran Away After I Online-dated the Slag Marshal-Chapter 24 don't betray me

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Lu Zefeng also had a moment's shyness about the fact that Jian Nai cried like this.

Jane Nai still pulled him and whispered, "Eunuch, what's wrong with me? Is it okay not to get a divorce?"

Lu Zefeng looked at him silently, before saying, "You didn't do anything bad."

Jane looked at him suspiciously.

"You married me, isn't it because you need a land deed?" Lu Zefeng said with some puzzlement: "Now that you have the opportunity to get a land deed, you don't need to stay with me anymore. isn't it?"

Jane pulled the corner of his shirt and said, "But there's no need to get a divorce, sir, are you willing to let me and the child?"


Lu Zefeng said that Huolong's father is still in the water and moon fantasy.

Jane Nai didn't give him a chance at all, tearful: "Eunuch, did I do something wrong to make you unhappy, or did you fall in love with someone else?"


Lu Zefeng is not very good at dealing with such a scene.

Although he asked himself, he felt that he and Jiannai could be said to be innocent.

But at this moment, facing three consecutive questions like Jiannai, I am afraid that even normal people will feel a little softer at this moment.

Lu Zefeng replied in a deep voice, "I don't like anyone else."

Jane blinked and looked at him.

Lu Zefeng: "I just think that you and I were originally married for the purpose of the land deed, and I occupy the place. If you meet someone you like in the future, it will not be good."

After listening to this, Jiannai was in a trance.

Did he really not expect the scumbag to be so upright? !

He doesn't even know what to say!


In addition, I even helped me consider my own future affairs, and I didn't think about taking any advantage of it. Do people with such roots really exist in this world!

No, he doesn't like him yet.

What's the point of taking revenge on the scumbag and kicking him without waiting for him !

Jane's eyes seemed to be filled with tears: "Eun Gong, what are you talking about, in fact, from the day I met you, I like you, The person I've always liked is you."

Lu Zefeng was taken aback.

Jane Nai's small mouth doesn't give him any chance to react at all.

Jane said:

"I married you of my own free will."

"My favorite person is you."

"Could it be that you have not been aware of my intentions?"

Lu Zefeng was a little shocked. To be honest, he has always been slow in relation to emotional matters. Although Jiannai has always been clinging to him, he always thought that this child just wanted him to take him for a copy. , I didn't think anywhere else at all.

Jane Nai wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, it can be said that she is getting more and more into the show: "Engong, it doesn't matter if you don't like it, it doesn't matter if you want to divorce me, I can use the nameless , as long as you don't hate me."


Lu Zefeng was lost in thought.

Jane looked up at him.

The eyes are facing each other, those beautiful peach blossom eyes are full of sad tears, and the acting skills of the special actor have been brought into full play at this moment.

The wind blows

Jane Nai's fragile body seems to fall apart in the next moment.

Lu Zefeng frowned slightly, and finally said, "I don't hate you."

He raised his hand and touched Jiannai's head with some wide palms with a hint of comfort, and seemed to sigh helplessly: "You are young, just afraid of bullying you. "

Jane's eyelashes trembled.

The palm of my hand felt a little warm.

It seems that I can feel the gentleness of a man through this.

Lu Zefeng said in a low voice, "It's also because I didn't think much about it. Even if you and I marry for the sake of a spiritual pet, if you divorce, it won't be good for your reputation."

Jane Nai felt joy in her heart: "Then what do you mean?"

Lu Zefeng replied: "I..."

Just when the man was about to finish speaking, a message sounded. This is the user's emergency contact, which means that there is an urgent matter in real life that will be disturbed by such a ringtone.

Lu Zefeng frowned and said to Jiannai, "I'll leave for a while."

Jane was anxious: "Where are you going?"

"I have something to do, you can play for yourself first."

After explaining to Jiannai, the man went offline.

It's almost gone."

This is the general who betrayed Lu Zefeng in the final battle.

After being detained for half a year, she has reached the limit of her life today.

Lu Zefeng stood up and said, "Prepare the car."

The adjutant responded: "Yes!"

Sifang even saved his life and was very trusted by the coach. This is exactly the kind of person who gave Lu Zefeng a knife in the back when he was in the most dangerous battle, which was almost fatally wounded.

The adjutant glanced back secretly.

If it wasn't for Lu Zefeng's extremely strong physique, he might have died long ago.

The brothers who lived and died together in the past turned against the tide, and the blow to people was unimaginable.

Otherwise, it is impossible to cause Lu Zefeng's mental power to run wild in the later stage.

This see him again.

Hope you're fine.

Heavy Cell

The prisoners are the most vicious criminals.

Lu Zefeng walked to the innermost room and saw the man squatting in the corner, his eyes met, the extremely weak man saw him and showed a sneer.

Chu Yuan was ragged and looked shabby.

Lu Zefeng was wearing a military uniform, clean and tidy, and his tall and handsome body looked extremely noble in the dilapidated cell.

Chu Yuan gave a low, somewhat unpleasant smile and said, "Come to give me a ride?"

Lu Zefeng: "Yes."

"It's really touching." Chu Yuan's voice was intermittent: "Also, it's not in vain, brother, I risked my life to save your life."

They were once life-threatening friendships.

Lu Zefeng's eyes were icy cold, looking at the person who was about to die, he finally opened his lips: "Why?"

Chu Yuan was stunned.

Lu Zefeng looked at him: "Why betray."

Chu Yuan laughed lowly, with a bit of hatred: "You know my name is Chu Yuan, then do you know what my real surname is?"

Lu Zefeng doesn't know.

He only knew that Chu Yuan came from a nameless galaxy.

Chu Yuan said, "My mother is a dancer."

After the mansion, he never came out again."

Lu Zefeng's eyes lowered into a storm, and there seemed to be a guess in his heart, but it was difficult for people to face.

Chu Yuan smiled lowly: "You are all noble nobles, you are purebloods, of course you look down on us, but is this the reason why you are so careless, my father Later, I went to Lu's house to ask for a word, and they never came back, they are all dead."

Chu Yuan hated Lu Zefeng:

"I really don't understand, why people like you can live!"

"What's wrong with not being a pureblood!?"

"Can the dancer's life be invaded at will?"

"Your Lu family are beasts!"

"She must have wanted you to die too!"

Lu Zefeng listened to his cursing quietly.

He remembered again when he was a child, his mother always washed her face with tears, and the young self could only stand helpless and don't know what to do, he didn't understand why his mother I hate myself, and I don't understand why others say he is a mixed-race little beast, and even his father hates him for corrupting the blood of the dragon family.

Because of the turmoil

The coercion of the huge mental force spread throughout the heavy cell in an instant.

Because of the turmoil of past memories, Lu Zefeng's mental power ran rampant again for a moment. His own evaluation level is SSS-level super mental power. The heavy cell was instantly filled with mourning.

Many prisoners who were affected by mental power cried out in pain.

Chu Yuan on the bed spat out a mouthful of blood.

But he still looked at Lu Zefeng stubbornly, and gave a low, somewhat vicious smile: "I wish you Lu family people will always be betrayed by those around you, never, never have to love."

Lu Zefeng frowned.

The huge vortex of mental power carried a fierce killing intent, and the person on the bed couldn't stand his coercion and vomited blood.

The adjutant outside came in under pressure and shouted: "Sir!"

Lu Zefeng's dark eyes were low with blood, and with this call, he seemed to regain some sense, and without looking at Chu Yuan again, he turned and left the cell.

When he left here, the mental torture of the prisoners on this floor finally disappeared.

The adjutant whispered: "Why did the lord go wild again? Didn't he recover before, do you want to call the national teacher?"

Lu Zefeng's voice was low and cold, as if suppressing a storm, and said solemnly: "No."

When I returned to the Marshal's Mansion, it was already dark.

Lu Zefeng was unable to rest for a long time due to the damage of his mental power runaway.



He seemed to remember something, and quickly walked out of the game cabin to log in and go online.

The initial landing page of the game is the lobby.

Lu Zefeng went back to the manor to check and found that Jiannai was not there, and the friend list was displayed online again. After hesitating for a moment, he had a bad guess in his mind, and then he quickly returned outside the arena.

That's where he goes offline.

The person sitting under the tree is still holding his legs and waiting obediently.

I don't know how long I waited, he fell asleep with his legs in his arms. For a moment, his heart was filled with softness.

Lu Zefeng's extremely anxious mood settled down.

He walked over slowly, stopped to look at the person in front of him, Lu Zefeng crouched down, his voice was a little gentle: "Why are you still here."

If you can't find me when you come back, you've been waiting here."

The body of the person in the arms will be as cold as the wind.

It made Lu Zefeng's heart feel a little hot.

His eyes were low and gloomy, and finally he couldn't help hugging Jane Nai tightly in his arms, feeling the attachment of the people in his arms to him, and the brutality in Lu Zefeng's heart slowly precipitated When he got down, he gently touched Jian Nai's hair, as if acquiescing to the fact that this person was by his side.

Don't betray me.

Stay by my side.

I'll be nice to you.

The author has something to say: At this moment, Jiannai doesn't know that she may have provoked a crazy critic.

Read The Duke's Passion