MTL - I Ran Away After I Online-dated the Slag Marshal-Chapter 26 I'm just playing with you

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Jane slept uncomfortably.

Dream is a strange world, he saw a battlefield in this world, and there seemed to be a long roar in the dark red sky not far away, which shattered the sky, even The ground seemed to tremble three times.

That's why he turned around and saw a man in the smoke of the battlefield.

He was wearing a black military uniform and seemed to be covered in blood.

It was bright red.

It is not the same as in the game, it is real and can smell blood.


As if noticing himself, the man suddenly turned his head to look at himself, his face was so handsome and indifferent, especially the cold eyes, without any emotion, cold and scary !

Heavier...I think I've seen it somewhere.

The face really gave him a sense of familiar oppression.

Slowly, the man walked towards him step by step, approaching him, it was an extreme chill.

Jane slumped to the ground without realizing it.

Lu Zefeng walked up to him, stretched out some cold fingertips and pinched Jian Nai's chin, the man's eyes were cold, and he opened his lips and asked him, "Why betray me."

A creepy feeling of fear crept up my spine.

Jane was so scared that she was about to burst into tears, and at this moment, an alarm clock rang in her ears, and the sleeping man suddenly sat up, gasping for breath.

It was a dream.

The forehead was covered with a thin layer of sweat, and he couldn't even distinguish between reality and dream for a moment.

The feeling of oppression and suffocation is too strong.

He was so scared.

Turn off the alarm on the phone, Jiannai sat up from the bed with some collapse, and finally took a sip of water to calm down, but the phone rang again, scaring him to almost drop the water glass in his hand!

Jane Nai calmed down and turned on the phone, only to see that it was a missed call on the phone.

He picked up the phone: "Hello?"

"Nana, why did you answer the phone?" Qi Chen's voice came from the other end of the phone: "I called you to tell you that I may be going back soon, this year I can accompany you during the New Year!"

Jane was very happy: "Really?"

Qi Chen smiled: "Of course it's true, what did I lie to you for, vx I've already sent you a ticket."

Jane was very happy.

My good friend is finally coming back.

Jane took the initiative to say, "When you come back this time, we have to get together."

Qi Chen smiled and said, "Of course! Don't worry, I'll be back in a few days, I'll find you then."

Jane nodded: "Yeah!"

After chatting with my good friend for a while, Jian Nai finally escaped from the fear of that strange dream, he breathed a sigh of relief, turned on his mobile phone vx, and saw Qi Chen send him a message .

This is a photo taken at the airport.

This is also the first time. After half a year, Jiannai saw Qi Chen again. He lost a lot of weight.

It's even a little out of phase.

Every time he was in the circle of friends, or said to himself that he had a good life.


She was so thin in secret.

Jane Nai felt a pain in her heart and sent a message to Qi Chen: "Why are you so thin?"

Qi Chen replied to him: "Oh, in the mountains, it's just like this because I work a lot. It's normal."

"Normal ass." Jiannai couldn't help scolding: "Is it worth it to make yourself like this for a scumbag?"

Qi Chen was silent for a long time.

Just when Jiannai wondered if she was impulsive, he replied, "No, I've actually come out."

Jane sighed.

At this moment, Qi Chen sent another message: "Because he is engaged."

For a moment, when she saw this news, Jiannai's whole body seemed to be full of anger at that moment.

Qi Chen sent another message and said, "Just yesterday, he announced his engagement in the UK."

Jane was shocked.

It turned out that yesterday Lu Zefeng suddenly told him that he was going offline because he wanted to get engaged?

Is he still human?

Hate grows in my heart, almost tearing him apart.

Why can there be such animals in the world?

Why are you so duplicitous!


Jane has logged into the game.

When he opened his friend list, he found that Lu Zefeng was already online. After teleporting, he found that the other party was practicing hunting skills with a small fire dragon in a field.

The little dragon is being chased by several sheep and running around the plain.

Run and breathe fire.

Lu Zefeng taught it how to attack and defend, and at the same time rescued the dragon when the little fire dragon might really be injured.

The little fire dragon shrank in his arms and groaned.

Lu Zefeng looked at the dragon beside him, with a smile in his eyes, half serious and half reprimand: "Just like you, how can you protect your father in the future?"

The little fire dragon rubbed coquettishly in his arms.

Lu Zefeng helped him check for injuries.

From a distance, this is really a picture of a father's kindness and filial piety. If you don't know, you will think that this is such a good man. He can take care of children and care about his wife. Some people know that looking at a serious and honest man like this, he has a rotten and terrible heart behind his back, and he has two scumbags on his feet, beast!

The little fire dragon noticed his father, jumped down happily, and ran into Jiannai's arms.

Lu Zefeng turned to look at him.

Jane Nai hugged the little fire dragon, and when she looked up again, she showed a gentle smile to the man: "Engong~"

Lu Zefeng walked over and said to him, "Why doesn't he look so good."

The game "Ask" is too smart.

It will even adjust the state of the modeled character according to the actual physical condition of the player that day.

Jane Nai was still burning with anger, but looking at Lu Zefeng, he still showed a sweet smile: "No, maybe I haven't seen you all night and miss you too much."

Lu Zefeng is still not used to his sweet words.

Although I have heard it many times, I still feel a little awkward and happy.

However, he is not particularly emotional by nature, so he is just a little stiff and turned his face away: "Don't be ridiculous."

Jane Nai still had a smile on her face: "Eun Gong, didn't you say you had something to say to me last night, what did you say?"

Lu Zefeng responded.

He always wanted to find a chance to have a good chat with Jiannai, but face to face like this made him a little speechless.

Fortunately, there is still a couple contest that is not over.

He thought about it for a while, and just found an opportunity to talk to Jiannai at the end of the husband and wife contest, which just happened to make him happy and kill two birds with one stone.

Think about this—

Lu Zefeng said, "Well, don't worry, let's finish the last day of the couple's contest."

Jane Nai doesn't want to play the husband and wife contest at all now. To be honest, he wants to screw Lu Zefeng's head off and kick the ball, but now is not the time.

Before he planned to wait for Lu Zefeng to be tempted by him, and then dumped him.

But Lu Zefeng gave him too much money in the game and helped him many times.

So he relented for a moment later.

I wonder if I should tell Lu Zefeng the truth or not, as long as he sincerely apologizes, the matter will be over.

Now he understands.

To deal with a scumbag, is to give him pain!

The more ruthless Jane was in her heart, the sweeter her smile: "Okay, I can do whatever Engong wants, I will go wherever you go."

Lu Zefeng looked at the cute and well-behaved person in front of him, and his heart softened a little.

The two arrived at the husband and wife contest together.

The system prompts: [Because the two performed brilliantly yesterday, the system has automatically upgraded your rank for you, and the difficulty of the opponent you match will increase. Do you want to continue]

Lu Zefeng chose to continue without hesitation.

Jane too.

How could he miss such a good opportunity?

be inherited to the next round.

Jane Nai smiled sweetly at Lu Zefeng: "Eunuch, don't worry, I will do everything to protect you!"

Lu Zefeng didn't respond, after carefully reading the rules, his first reaction was to seriously say to Jiannai: "No matter what kind of danger you may encounter next, don't you have the teleportation skill? , you have to protect yourself for the first time, you know?"

Jane looked at his dark eyes, her heart was wrong for a moment.

When Lu Zefeng looked at him so dearly, it seemed to give him the illusion that he was really loved and cared for.

It's all fake.

He will never be fooled again.

The more angry Jian Nai is, the better her acting skills will be, she threw herself into Lu Zefeng's arms, and her face was moved: "Engong, you are so kind to me!"

Lu Zefeng comfortably touched the head of the person in his arms, his movements gentle.

The first round has finally officially started.

The characters matched this time are indeed stronger than before in all aspects, not just by one grade, especially Lu Zefeng has Jian Nai who has almost no combat ability.

The opposing lineup is also strong.

A swordsman also brought a mage.

If you look closely, you will find that these two are relatively well-known figures on the national service list, and their combat effectiveness is also very strong.

[Competition Begins]

When the game started, the swordsman launched an attack. He was very fast, and he knew very well that Lu Zefeng's weakness was Jiannai, so his first reaction was to attack the people behind Lu Zefeng.


The swords collided and made some sharp noises.

If the swordsman is very fast, then Lu Ze is almost dozens of times faster than him!

Originally, his plan was to solve Jiannai first, but he didn't expect it at all, he couldn't even touch the corner of Jiannai's clothes!

The moment the swordsman fought against Lu Zefeng, he realized something was wrong.

Too soon...

In recent years, the more powerful he can be on the national service list, the more powerful he is. It can be said that among the swordsmen of the full service, his strength is almost the top, and his weapon is a magic weapon, while Lu Zefeng is just an ordinary sword!


The man was kicked on the screen of the husband and wife contest, making a loud noise, and even raised a wave of lightning-like cracks, looking seriously injured.

Jane's voice came from behind: "Engong, be careful of that mage!"

Lu Zefeng's reaction speed was extremely fast, almost instantly avoiding the mage and making a fatal blow.

The female mage was not annoyed to see him dodge.

At the moment of landing, a huge and terrifying vine suddenly grew on the ground of the arena. This formation seems to have been set up by a female mage for a long time, and now it finally takes effect.

The mage was invisible again, and the moment the vine grabbed Jiannai's foot, he attacked!

Jane Nai activated her control skills and pinned her in midair. Lu Zefeng received a blow, and the sword wind swept away, knocking the woman down from the air and hitting the vines on the ground with a loud noise.

Jane sighed in relief.

Lu Zefeng suddenly turned around and said sharply, "Be careful!"

Jane turned around and saw countless vines attacking her, and the woman kept her hand!

For a moment, Jian Nai felt that she could teleport away, but the moment she saw Lu Zefeng coming towards her, he actually stopped in place, his eyes widened unconsciously.

The vines exploded under the shadow of swords and swords.

The attack of the nearest plant was blocked, and the man hugged him tightly.

I heard the sound of vines and the explosion of the formation. This was the first time that Jiannai saw Lu Zefeng use the swordsman's final skill. Thousands of sword shadows cut off all the vines, but they were not able to Too late to block the heaviest blow.

Jane Nai wrapped her arms around Lu Zefeng's waist unconsciously.

He moved his hand slightly and felt some sticky liquid, blood.

The blocked blow hit Lu Zefeng firmly, it must have been painful, but he blocked it almost without blinking.

Lu Zefeng's voice was low: "Are you alright?"

Jane shook her head slightly.

The crowd was teleported to the ground.

The couple also stood up and came over and said:

"Brother, you are too strong."

"Challenge us both alone."

"You are really good."


Jane Nai looked at Lu Zefeng with some distress, and said quickly, "Are you seriously injured, why did you rush over? Does it hurt?"

Lu Zefeng had no extra expression on his stern face: "It's not heavy."

Jane's hands are shaking.

To be on the safe side, he still helped Lu Zefeng check the wound, and found that the last blow of the vine was not only heavy, but also poisonous. use.

The female mage came over and said, "I'm sorry, but this is actually the most energy-intensive formation I've ever used. After using it this time, I may not be able to use it for ten days and a half months."

Her relationship with him is even more serious.

Sword Shadow wounded them deeply, but fortunately she closed the pain so there was nothing torturing.

Jane said quickly: "Do you have an antidote? This poison."

The mage was stopped when she was asked, she scratched her head a little embarrassedly and said, "You are so difficult for me, I'm really fine with this thing, I can't solve this vine poison myself."

Jane Nai can only helplessly hope to land Zefeng.

Lu Zefeng reassured him, "It's okay."

At the moment when the man was injured, Jiannai was actually worried, and the shock was even bigger, but after that, he felt very happy when he thought of the disgusting things the scumbag did.

At this time—

The Master said with emotion: "Your husband is also amazing, the swordsman race can't feel pain, it's too painful, my husband just said that because he is of the same race, so I saw his information panel, actually Adjust the pain to 0!"

Jane was stunned.

This sentence was like a thunderbolt, which shocked him.

Jane Nai looked down at Lu Zefeng and said, "Have you never activated the pain system?"

Lu Zefeng nodded.

Jane Nai trembled a little, he couldn't describe his mood at the moment, he thought, it doesn't matter what the pain system says, how painful is this?

On the other hand, I thought, if this is the case, why should I protect myself from damage?

All kinds of thoughts flashed through Jiannai's mind for a moment, making him not know how to digest it.

Jane Nai looked down at Lu Zefeng, her voice was trembling: "Then what about you, you understand that you can avoid it."

Lu Zefeng sat up and threw the **** coat aside. The man had no extra expression on his stern face. He never complained of pain when he was engaged in self-determination, and he never took credit for this and Jiannai.

Seeing Jane's red eyes, her heart softened a little.

Lu Zefeng sighed in his heart, opened his lips and said, "Because I know you are afraid of pain."

As if the stones fell heavily on the heart, there was still an echo.

Jane Nai took a deep breath and sniffed: "I can't cure it, try it with Phoenix tears."

Lu Zefeng said: "No, the bleeding has basically stopped. Don't waste it. If you finish the competition earlier, I will help you get the prize sooner."

Jane was stunned after hearing this.

Some uncontrollable glared at Lu Zefeng, "Are you still thinking about divorce from me?"

Lu Zefeng looked so cute when he looked at him like this.

This child is like a little pet.

Lu Zefeng replied: "No."

Jane's eyes got a smile after hearing the answer.

The system sounded again: [The next round of competition is about to start, please prepare for all players]

Retransmission started.

When the match reopened, the opponents were stunned when they saw Jian Nai and Lu Zefeng.

It's Lu Jie.

When he saw Jiannai, he called out, "Nanai, what a coincidence."

Jane Nai didn't expect to meet him today and rolled her eyes.

Lu Jie looked at Lu Zefeng beside Jian Nai and said, "Nai Nai, did you choose to leave me and stay with this man because he is richer than me?"

Jane sneered: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Lu Jie was scolded but not angry, but asked: "I went to inquire about the rules of spirit pets, you need a land deed to adopt a spirit pet, is it because of this that you followed him because of the land deed Getting married, it must be like this, right?"

He got it right.

Jane Nai agreed in her heart, but he knew very well that now was not the time to turn against Lu Zefeng.

He must completely soak the person in his hands before tearing his face.


Jane Nai snuggled up to Lu Zefeng, softly opened her lips and retorted, "That's not it!"

Lu Jie was taken aback.

Janeela Lu Zefeng said: "I want to marry my brother because I really like him!"

After finishing speaking, those beautiful peach eyes seemed to be smiling, looking at Lu Zefeng eagerly, as if afraid that he would not believe him, and added a sentence: "Really."

Lu Zefeng only thought that this child was a little too noisy, but this will fill his heart with tenderness.

The system sounded: [The game starts]

When the arena is fully opened, the battle is about to start.

In the last competitive match, Lu Zefeng was always the defender, but when facing Lu Jie, he turned into an attacker. In fact, Lu Jie is also a little famous in the national service list Fighter, but he didn't expect that when he faced Lu Zefeng, he was defeated by the opponent's numerous moves, and he didn't even have the strength to fight back!

The top gods of war are fighting with all their strength, and ordinary people can't bear it.


There was a roar of gravel, and smoke was rising from the ground.

Lu Jie kicked the whole person to the ground, he even vomited blood in pain, but standing in front of him was tall, giving him a sense of absolute power and oppression.

Lu Jie raised his head hard and looked at him against the light.

Lu Zefeng pointed the sword between his eyebrows, the outcome was already decided.

On the bottom arena floor, there are only two of them.

Lu Jie sneered: "I lost, no wonder he chose you."

Lu Zefeng looked down at him, his voice was a little chilly: "Don't harass him any more."

Completely different from the indifferent posture before, now the man seems to have initially shown a little possessiveness. In the past, it seemed that this man was hidden. Now, looking at it, he feels oppressive all over People shudder.

Lu Jie smiled bitterly and said, "You won't have any results with him. Do you know what his real occupation is? Do you know his family situation..."

He hasn't finished speaking yet.

The sword between the eyebrows has sunk a bit.

Lu Zefeng's face was indifferent, his eyes were cold, he opened his lips and said, "No matter what kind of person he is, I don't mind."

For a moment

Don't know why.

Lu Jie looked at Lu Zefeng, and suddenly felt that this person was not as simple and restrained as it seemed on the surface.

The system sounded again: [Competition ended]

When Lu Zefeng answered, Jiannai walked up and asked, "What are you talking about below."

Lu Zefeng replied, "Nothing to talk about."

"Don't tell me." Jiannai snorted softly and said a little worriedly, "Don't believe what he says."

Lu Zefeng said solemnly, "I won't believe him."

Jane looked sideways, met the man's dark and deep eyes, his voice was low and powerful: "I only believe in you."


Jane's heart trembled slightly.

In one afternoon, the couples contest was over.

When the last couple was also defeated, the final winner of the normal competition naturally appeared. Lu Zefeng and Jiannai deserved their name and became the final winner of the competition.

The system announcement also sounded: [Congratulations to the winning couple who can get all the goods in the Lucky Wheel, including the private and exclusive romantic island play opportunity~]

Jane was stunned: "What is a romantic island?"

Sounds like a rude look.

However, when the reward was issued successfully, he and Lu Zefeng were automatically sent to this island by the system. This is a very romantic island, where the birds and flowers are fragrant. The most important time, as the prize of the husband and wife contest, here Everything is designed for couples dating.

Jane's mouth widened: "Wow~!"

Lu Zefeng said: "Look at the other prizes."

All prizes were delivered by the flying pets in the game.

Jane squatted down and opened it, and found that there were a lot of things inside, which naturally included, land deeds, and all kinds of rare treasures, and... There was even a Bali ticket Redeem code!

This is the official reward for the husband and wife contest. Can you also use the current ticket for love in the real world?

What a big deal.

Jane Nai thought that the scumbag was busy getting engaged abroad now, and she must not dare to travel with herself, thinking of this, a smile appeared on her face, she turned around deliberately and said, "Engong, look Airfare!"

Lu Zefeng responded: "Well."

"Are you going to play?" Jiannai gave him a wink: "This is the ticket for the day after tomorrow."

Sure enough—

As he expected, Lu Zefeng hesitated.

The man was silent for a moment, seemed to have thought carefully, and finally said, "We are in different places, and I guess there is no way to go the day after tomorrow."

The irony in Jiannai's heart is heavier.

Lu Zefeng stepped forward and helped him sort out the contents of the bag. Then he pulled the person in front of him and whispered, "I have something to tell you."

Jane Nai was a little puzzled and asked, "Can we discuss the matter of dividing the prize?"

The romantic island is full of flowers, very beautiful and bright.

Lu Zefeng took out everything in the package, pushed it in front of Jiannai, and said in a low voice, "You will handle these things."

Jane Nai was stunned: "Will you give it to me?"

Lu Zefeng responded.

Jane asked hesitantly, "Why?"

After thinking about it, Jiannai was a little worried and said, "Eun Gong, are you going to divorce me?"

The scumbag has a new goal?

I'm still afraid of being suspected by my engaged girlfriend.

Seeing him so cute and silly, Lu Zefeng smiled, opened his lips and said, "None of them."

Jane asked: "So, what is that?"

No, he doesn't want a divorce.

The plan has been carried out to the general level, how can it be possible to let the fish off the hook?

Then all his previous efforts were in vain!

There were some tears in Jiannai's eyes, and she looked pitiful: "Eunuch, let's not divorce, okay?"

Lu Zefeng opened his lips and said, "Who said I was going to divorce you."

Jane was stunned.

He raised his head and met the man's handsome and serious face. Lu Zefeng's eyes were dark and deep, looking at him for a moment, and whispered: "I have thought about it carefully, we will not divorce."

Jane was a little surprised: "Huh?"

Lu Zefeng didn't look at him for a moment. In fact, he has always been bad at sex. It was the first time in his life that he liked a child, but he didn't know how to express it so as not to scare people.

Thought for a moment.

Lu Zefeng finally said: "When you got married before, do you remember what you told me?"

Jane Nai shook his head honestly, he talked too much, how can I remember it clearly.

Lu Zefeng was a little funny, he was cute, but he still said seriously: "Tell me, hold me responsible."

Jane was stunned.

"I thought about it carefully, and I will be responsible." Lu Zefeng's eyes clearly reflected Jane's figure, and every word of the man came from his heart: "You said that you like me, although I can't promise you the same passion, but I'll give you everything I can and can do."

Every word does not mention love but every word is love.

Lu Zefeng's confession is sincere and does not contain any magazines.

The romantic island breeze blows gently from the coast, with a soft floral fragrance, and the man's voice is firm and gentle, like a scented wind, falling on the heart.

Jane listened quietly, hiding her surprise, and finally said, "So, Engong, you like me too, right?"

Lu Zefeng nodded.

Jane was still a little unconvinced, and asked again: "Really?"

Lu Zefeng thought he couldn't believe it, so he said, "I never tell lies."

In the last second, Jiannai was still a little shocked.

But the next second, after hearing this, a similar irony appeared in his heart.

How rare.

A scumbag who is full of lies said that he would never tell a lie.

How ironic.

I just got engaged to someone yesterday, and I'm coming to woo myself today.

Is this a great love? If it wasn't for hearing the news from a friend, Jiannai felt that she couldn't see the scum in front of her more clearly!

, at least half of your money should be handed over to me for safekeeping."

He did it on purpose.

But she didn't expect the next second, Lu Zefeng nodded and said, "Yes."

Jane was stunned.

When he didn't respond, he heard the system prompt: [Your game account is transferred thirteen million stones to you by your friend Fengfeng, please pay attention to check]


Jane was shocked.

These game coins can be exchanged for real RMB, even if they are discounted, they can be millions!

Yes, well.

I didn't waste the past six months of acting, I took it as a scumbag to supplement the mental loss of my friends.

Lu Zefeng didn't know what Jane was thinking at the moment.

"You... don't need any psychological pressure." Lu Zefeng said to him: "I'm telling you this, but I don't want you to think wildly. We will be together in the future, just live a good life, I will Strive to do all the due diligence.”

Jane sneered.

Since the mental damage fee has been paid, there is no need to continue acting.

He raised his head and looked at Lu Zefeng, the beautiful peach eyes and the usual smile disappeared, replaced by a cold and unfamiliar gaze, looking at Lu Zefeng, a malicious smile evoked .

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