MTL - I Ran Away After I Online-dated the Slag Marshal-Chapter 32 thank you

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Jane is still not very familiar with this world.

The current situation.

Dark Star is a constitutional monarchy.

and the most afflicting work.

Dark Star's Orc status is the highest.

Because the orcs have the level of spiritual power, and the spiritual power can strengthen the body and various functions of the orcs.

Much stronger than ordinary humans.

Among all the orcs, the nightingale is the most harmless, but also the most precious race. To put it bluntly, it is actually an attachment. The best way out for all the nightingales is to find someone to attach to. The strong get married and live a carefree life.

Every time Xiaodi always said: "Master, you will marry a good family."

Jane rolled her eyes: "I don't live to get married."

The family that Jiannai is staying in is also very worrying.

But this year.

The emperor married, the new queen came from a family of merchants and was also a stunning nightingale.

She was very favored by the emperor.

The chain was cut off, and he led many merchants to encourage the Jian family.

It is precisely because of this that Jian Nai's mental strength matches the general's mansion, and the family will force the child to enter the general's mansion to save the family's misery.

Xiao Di comforted softly: "Master, although the general is rumored to be cruel, he has never married. Many nobles have many concubines. I think the general should be a good person."

Jane Nai said, "What if he can't do it?"

Xiao Di's simple face showed a shocked look.

This kid hasn't experienced much, so he was a little shy when he heard this.

While Jane was talking to him, someone came in outside.

It was Jiannai's mother, she came over and asked, "Nanai, are you feeling better?"

Jane Nai and Xiao Di were sitting in the garden enjoying the shade. When she saw the woman coming, she replied, "Thank you mother for your concern, I'm much better."

The mother came over and said with a sigh: "Nana, tomorrow will be a banquet in the palace, and our family is a businessman who has cooperated with the palace for many years, and is also among the invited ranks. Yes, your dad and I both thought, just take this opportunity to apologize to Marshal Lu, this is indeed our fault."

Jane said, "It's time to apologize."

Even if Jian Sang didn't know the world very well, he could guess that this kind of thing happened to a great noble, and he eloped with someone, it was too embarrassing.

The mother said: "If you don't want to go, you can not go..."

Jane said directly: "I'll go."

Mother was a little surprised.

Because she knows this child relatively well, she is very stubborn, and she usually pays attention to anything that happens, but she didn't expect that she would actually ask to go this time!

But the mother still smiled happily: "Okay, okay, then we'll go together tomorrow."

Jane nodded: "Since this matter is because of me, I will also take responsibility for this matter, mother, don't worry, no matter what, I will Apologize well."

Mother was very happy, but she still told Jian Nai seriously: "Child, when tomorrow passes, you ... you should also dress up well, many people, especially the queen They're all waiting to see our family's jokes."

Jane nodded: "I know."

How to do things like dress up like a girl.

Jane Nai felt that it was a bit outrageous, but his mother said so, and he couldn't refute it.

The night before she was going to the party, Xiao Di kept pulling Jiannai to try on clothes: "Master, which of these do you like better?"

Jane sat on the table and felt a little tired.

Nothing else, mainly the clothes of this dark star, that is really too fancy.

For example, the one that Xiao Di was holding at this time, golden clothes, with various beautiful and fancy gemstones hanging from the waist, with complex and beautiful patterns carved on them , It looks really bright and eye-catching under the light.

Unfortunately, they are not in Jiannai's aesthetic line.

Jane said directly: "I don't like it."

Xiao Di took out a lot and showed him one by one.

Jane Nai has discovered that the original owner's aesthetics are all popular, and they belong to the kind of aesthetics that are at odds with him at first glance, which is really a headache.

Letting Xiao Di rest, Jiannai walked to the wardrobe, and finally, after spending a lot of effort, found the only piece of clothes that seemed to be in the past. , plain cyan, white lining, cyan coat, with light green leaves tassels hanging down, looks quiet and elegant, he tried it on, this set of clothes brought out the person's delicate and tall figure, and No more gaudy.

Xiao Di was stunned: "Master, you look good."

Jane said, "How about before?"

Xiao Di said honestly: "Young master used to like to wear bright colors, and it looked good, but now it looks better."

Jane was very useful to him.

He said to Xiao Di: "I don't like those clothes anymore. When I have time, I will take you to the clothing store to buy them again."

Xiao Di said nervously, "But isn't there any money in our mansion?"

Jane Nai then remembered the fate of this tragic family, he sighed and said to Xiao Di: "It is precisely because of this that we have to find a way to sell these flashy clothes, Buy something that really works."

Xiao Di felt that what the young master said was really reasonable, and he really admired the young master more and more.

Jane Nai naturally did not know the psychological changes of the children. At night, he was a little sleepy and fell into a deep sleep. In his dream, he saw some strange scenery. I dreamed of a dark, wet and cold place, where I saw a man who was wearing a dark military uniform and looked very gloomy and terrifying.

Jane wanted to get close but didn't dare.

Just as he flinched, the man noticed his trail and looked sideways.

Those eyes were so familiar, as if they had seen it countless times before, before Jiannai could not remember where it was, but at that moment, he suddenly remembered, that person It was Lu Zefeng.

Lu Zefeng looked at him for a few seconds, but turned and left.

Jane Nai was a little anxious and wanted to chase after him, but the man's back went further and further, until he couldn't catch up at all.

Jane woke up from her dream.


Jane waved her hand and said, "I'm fine."

Today is the day to go to the palace banquet.

Jane Nai got up early in the morning, washed, dressed, and went out. His cheap parents also brightened up when they saw his dress up. Maybe Jane Nai finally stopped being so garish. I felt relieved.

When she arrived at the banquet, Jiannai was also surprised by the brilliance here.

To be honest, this is the first time he has seen dark European-style castle buildings, towering buildings even suspended in the air, the heavy industry of the dark star may be at the top of the universe .

When he entered the banquet, he saw a lot of strange people.

Mother kept pulling Jiannai to introduce all kinds of things: "The one over there is the son of the Prime Minister's residence, over there is..."

Jane's ears were calloused.

Finally, after almost all the people at the banquet had arrived, not far away, someone shouted: "Your honored guest!"

To be able to come to this banquet, you must have some assets and money.

Especially this banquet was hosted by the royal family.

A group of people who came not far away were wearing golden and bright yellow clothes, they looked very extravagant, they should be the emperor, there were two people in the lead, and one was wearing a black military uniform , He is very tall, and it can be seen from a distance that he has a calm temperament like leadership. When he appeared, the air around him seemed to be a lot condensed.

Far away…

You can feel his oppression.

Mother whispered to Jiannai's ear, "That's General Lu Zefeng."

Jane Nai felt that this person's figure was familiar, so she couldn't tell.

He was thinking about it, and his mother said, "Now is not a good time in the past. Your father and I will show you to meet people first. There are many young talents at this banquet!"

Jane Nai is not in the mood, his heart is still elsewhere.

Just as Jiannai looked at the man in the black military uniform, his eyes were reluctantly ready to withdraw, it was obviously far away, but the man seemed to be inductive and also looked over , his eyes were sharp and shocking, which made Jian Nai groan in her heart.

The parents pulled him and said, "Come on, Nana, let's get to know him, this is the best businessman in our Dark Star, Cao Boss. Their catering business is the strongest in the universe. The wealth list is famous!"

Jane Nai looked at Boss Cao, a man with a big belly and a beer belly.

The man looked at him with a meaningful look in his eyes, smiled and said, "Mr. Jian, your son, you have been really out of place these past few years. more watery."

Jian's father and Jane's mother smiled and said, "Boss Cao is too famous."

Jane Nai couldn't take it anymore, so she simply said, "Mom and Dad, I want to go to the bathroom. Let's talk slowly."

Jane's father and Jane's mother didn't expect the child to be so willful, and they couldn't stop it if they wanted to.

Boss Cao didn't seem to mind at all, he just said, "It's understandable, child."

Jane Nai is actually quite used to such large-scale receptions. When he was an artist before, he had participated in many receptions of this scale, and those at the reception were snarky, fat-headed and greasy Man, he has seen a lot.

Especially a scum like Boss Cao, who wants to fight one when he sees one.

Walking all the way to the toilet beside the sink, Jiannai was washing her hands by the sink, and a voice came from behind: "Mr. Jian, what a coincidence."

When Jian Nai turned her head, she saw that Boss Cao was following.

Boss Cao walked to his side and washed his hands too. He wore expensive jewelry on his hands and looked very rich. He hooked his lips and smiled and said, "I heard your name a long time ago. Well, when you were a child, I still hugged you."

Jiannai almost vomited the disgusting overnight meal when she heard his sticky voice.

Boss Cao said while washing his hands, "I've heard all about you, and I don't want to marry into the General's Mansion, right? That's right. Although Lu Zefeng is a high-ranking man, he is a soldier. How can you hurt people who are recruiting and fighting outside all the year round? If you follow me, that will be a blessing. Although I already have a wife, my family has not yet taken a concubine. If you follow me..."

Boss Cao stretched out his hand to touch Jiannai's hand as he spoke.

Jane Nai got goosebumps with disgust all over her body, she avoided the moment when Boss Cao's hand reached out, gave him a cold look: "I'm not interested in you."

Boss Cao's expression changed a little.

Although he is average, but he dares to say, with his net worth, how many people want to marry him?

Jane Dare to say such a thing!

Who doesn’t know about the imperial capital? You run away from marriage, you think the General’s House will still want you, and only our Cao family can save you, I think you are your blessing!”

Jane dodged away from his embrace.

Jane Nai was stunned, and laughed out loud when she saw the fat pig thrashing in the water.

But he didn't expect that Boss Cao was not easy to provoke. When he climbed to the shore and Jiannai didn't have time to react, he grabbed a hand and wanted to pull Jiannai into the pool together. go!

At this critical moment, someone grabbed Jiannai's arm.

Boss Cao was kicked back to the pool, and a huge splash of water splashed. Jiannai was so frightened that she looked sideways and stared at the man who saved her. He was wearing a black With a straight military uniform, his stern profile looks like a knife cut, Lu Zefeng has a pair of stern and ruthless eyes, when he looks at people, he will give people a sense of oppression.

Jane didn't know why she wasn't very scared.

Seeing Boss Cao's embarrassment, he smiled and said softly, "Thank you."

Seeing that he was about to stand up and grab himself in the pool again, he subconsciously leaned on Lu Zefeng, but he didn't expect that Boss Cao was also afraid of Lu Zefeng. After climbing out of the pool and seeing the person in front of him, he said a word Run away.

Jane Nai was relieved, he also realized that he was too close to him, and almost went into someone's arms, but his voice was soft and soft, blinking Blinking beautiful eyes: "Thank you for saving me. If it weren't for you, I don't know what to do. Thank you so much. How can I thank you?"

Lu Zefeng was silent for a moment, then pushed the person leaning away a little, and said in a low voice, "Self-respect."

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