MTL - I Ran Away After I Online-dated the Slag Marshal-Chapter 34 Become a new age anchor

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The other side - General's Mansion

Lu Zefeng was slightly tired after returning from the banquet.

The adjutant glanced at the boss cautiously in the car, and said, "Sir, are you not feeling well?"

Lu Zefeng rubbed his eyebrows.

Since last month, he has been very busy, and his feet are not touching the ground.

I even brought out the rambunctious collateral children of the Lu family one by one and rectified them all from beginning to end.

Even a small border country, the war that should be fought and should not be fought, has been dealt with.

There are even some Star Rescue operations in person.

The adjutant said with some worry: "It's not the way for you to keep busy all the time, let's take a break."

Lu Zefeng's tall and handsome body leaned against the sofa, looked out the window, and whispered, "It's okay."

As if trying to numb myself with being busy.

This way you won't have to think too much.

He did this in the past, and he would not think too much about the non-stop battle, and the world would be cleaner and purer.

The adjutant recalled what His Majesty said at the dinner tonight, and tentatively said: "The nightingale that the system matched you before was not suitable, and there are quite a few suitable ones. Do you need to contact me?"

Mentioning this matter, Lu Zefeng thought of the person by the pool today.

Words and deeds are always familiar.

And I don't know why, the appearance also has many similarities with Jiannai.

When thinking of him, a dark color flashed across Lu Zefeng's eyes, and said in a deep voice, "No need."

The adjutant's heart tightened.

Then listen to Lu Zefeng: "About Nightingale, don't mention it again."

The lieutenant responded.


After Jane told her family about her desire to go out to work, she was strongly opposed.

Parents are very excited.

Especially the mother, who was about to cry: "Nana, the family is not so difficult yet, how can I let you go out and show your face!"

Jane Nai chuckled and said: "But I work normally, and I really want to try acting. I also inquired about it, and now the salary of actors is quite high..."

My father came over and said, "Nana, no matter how difficult the situation at home is, I won't let you suffer like this!"

Jane was speechless.

To be honest, he doesn't feel wronged at all.

On the contrary, it was the strong opposition of his parents that made him a little aggrieved.

Jane Nai never felt that it was such a great thing to slap a swollen face and make a fat man.

The mother said: "Nana, don't worry, we have submitted your spiritual match again, this time we will definitely find a suitable match for you."

Jane Nai said directly: "Mother, I won't accept a match, and I don't want to get married in the future."

Parents are stunned.

Father Jian was the most excited one. He came over and asked, "Aren't you still thinking about Shen Jie?"

Jane shook her head and said, "Of course not."

Mother also quickly came over and asked, "Who is that?"

Jane Nai was helpless by the two of them: "I just haven't met someone I like yet."

They both obviously don't believe it.

In the end, Jane's father and Jane's mother felt that their son was stimulated by something, so they directly told Jane to go back to the house, saying that he didn't care about the family's affairs.

Jane: "…"

Quite speechless.

Seeing that he was not happy, Xiao Di said in a low voice, "Master, it's useless even if you go out."

Jane asked, "Why?"

Xiao Di said cautiously: "Because people working outside now, even actors, need to audition, and they also need a certain degree of popularity. Only those very popular entertainment stars can film."

Jane Nai asked again: "How can it be considered fire?"

Xiao Di immediately came over and opened a live broadcast platform for Jiannai and said to him: "Look here, there are several big anchors on the homepage, especially talented, they have millions of fans every day to support them , It is these big entertainment stars who are qualified to film."

Jane held her chin and said, "Don't you think it's not good to show your face, why are so many people watching?"

Xiao Di pursed his lips and smiled and said: "Although for the noble Nightingale, it is definitely not short of money, and it is not rare to be an entertainment star, but for ordinary people, it is the public. A high-profile star is a great opportunity.”

Jane thinks too.

He clicked on a live broadcast room and found a girl in a dancing dance suit dancing. There were many gifts on the screen, and the popularity was very high. There were 20 million online users. Excellent.

Click on another one.

The anchor in this live broadcast room is also talented. She is a beauty blogger. She is singing at the moment. The song she sings is a bit incomprehensible, but she can hear that her voice is good and her popularity is very high. Gao, there are many people below who are swiping the bullet screen:


"Listening to music and dancing is just so comfortable."

"The spirit is relieved."

"I'm so happy."

"Although it's a little worse than Nightingale, this anchor sings the best."

Jiannai asked Xiao Di suspiciously when she saw it: "Can you still watch others sing and dance to restore your spiritual power?"

Xiao Di replied: "Anything that can make people feel happy can restore the orc's spiritual power, of course, among them, Nightingale is the best, otherwise it will not be swayed by the great nobles. There is a lot of competition, especially the pure-blooded Nightingale."

Jane Nai remembered that his family always said he was pure blood, but he didn't think he was very powerful, so he asked curiously: "Xiao Di, what did you do when you were with me? feel it?"

It's okay if you don't ask, I didn't expect the child to blush.

Xiao Di glanced at him and said softly: "Yes, I think the young master is very good-looking and his voice is good. Sometimes when you are tired from work, if you can chat with the young master, you can I'll feel less tired."

Jane was shocked.

Is this really a miracle? !

He thought about it for a while, his family would definitely not agree now, so the only way now is to secretly open a live broadcast first, he is a singer on earth, singing is still a very simple thing, and You don't have to show your face when you sing, so that others won't know your identity, it can be said to kill two birds with one stone!

Thinking about this, Jane has an idea.

He applied for the host privilege of the live broadcast platform, and the other party asked him to register the real-name system of identity information, and Jiannai logged in, but what he did not expect was that this information authentication would make everyone in the backstage Drop your jaw!

The auditor nearly fell off his chair: "Shit."

Others asked what happened.

"There is an anchor who applied for the permission to activate the live broadcast. In his real-name information, the race is pure blood nightingale!"

This discovery left all the staff sitting still!

Since the entertainment business of Dark Star, almost no pure-blooded nightingale will do this kind of work, there have been, and they are all for the sake of living, but such people will soon be able to Retirement, find the gold master and retreat, how can Jiannai be so young.

The staff said with emotion: "I really don't know what to think."

"No matter what, let's agree first." Another said: "I'm also curious about what Pureblood Nightingale will broadcast live."

No one objected.

Jane Nai even sighed that the efficiency of this dark star is really high, and it was passed within a while after the submission. He has no idea about the process that ordinary anchors have to go through for a week.

After driving Xiao Di out, Jiannai tried to start a live broadcast.

The live broadcast room has many useful functions, such as facial special effects, Jane chose a fox mask on her face and started her first live broadcast debut.

The backstage staff thought that Jiannai would name the title of the live broadcast room: Nightingale or something. As a result, there was no traffic. During this time, there were many live broadcast rooms, and many people sang. Jane was so mediocre, she was quickly drowned in a bunch of live broadcast rooms.

The staff sighed: "How can there be such a fool, don't leave the traffic password!?"

Even so, because nightingales are really rare, the staff still pushed Jiannai's live broadcast room on the newcomer's homepage, which led to many people being unknown to this, but they were able to recommend it Bit's live broadcast room was a little curious and went in.

Jane was still researching the live broadcast room, and when she looked back, she found that there were 100 people online and was shocked!

Audience message:

"Does the host have any talent?"

"Sing something."

"Why not show your face?"

"I don't think you're anything special."

"It's boring."

"Go away..."

Jane Nai panicked and said quickly, "Hey, hey, don't go, I can sing."

But the number of people online is still decreasing.

Finally a person appeared. The person whose ID was Wanghai said, "The anchor is my birthday today, can you sing me a song?"

Jane Nai did not hesitate: "Okay!"

He won't sing the Dark Star song, but he will sing the Earth's "Happy Birthday"


When he sings, he is very vocal and gives a very pleasant feeling: "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you~"

This song is very simple.

When he finished singing, he found that the number of people in the live broadcast room no longer dropped.

The barrage was frozen for a while.

Jane Nai chuckled a little awkwardly: "Does it not sound good?"

Just when he was stunned, suddenly, the screen flashed a particularly gorgeous fireworks special effect, the system flashed the text, and the user Wanghai sent a set of fireworks to the live broadcast room for a long time.

Jane Nai didn't know how much the fireworks cost. He didn't have time to see the price of the gift when he became an anchor for the first time. Ah, thank you so much, happy birthday to you, if you like it, can I sing it to you again?"

What he didn't know was that fireworks were a cheaper gift.

When this sentence came out, the barrage was frying.

Jane was stunned when she saw it.

"I'll make 99 fireworks, sing me a song!"

"You can go away, I'll pay 999!"

"I have a carnival!"

"The anchor looks at me, I have fireworks!"


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