MTL - I Ran Away After I Online-dated the Slag Marshal-Chapter 4 I hurt my brother

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What... what?

Jane Nai felt as if she had heard it wrong, and looked at Lu Zefeng in shock.

Lu Zefeng quickly withdrew his hand. After all, he kept a distance from him. The soldier was wearing a black shirt, wrapped around his wrists like scale armor With the chilling and **** smell that has not dissipated, the knife has been withdrawn, but there seems to be a hostility between the cold eyebrows.

Jane Nai thought that all scumbags would have a white face, or a greasy type, but she didn't expect to be so decent and serious.

Tell the truth…

This look is really his dish.

If it weren't for the fact that the person in front of him was a scumbag, in this situation, he would really want to develop and develop with the other side.

Unfortunately, it's scum.

Lu Zefeng checked the progress of the dungeon and said to Jiannai, "If there's nothing else, I'll go first."

Jane returns to God:?

Lu Zefeng stopped looking at him, and walked directly to the other side of the field, his speed was very fast, and he was far away from Jiannai in almost every few steps.

Jane Nai was stunned for a moment, wondering if the wild wolves around would return, so he quickly followed suit.

Lu Zefeng took a few steps and looked back at him: "What are you doing with me?"

Approaching: "Engong, don't leave me, I, I'm afraid."

Lu Zefeng frowned: "If you're afraid, what are you doing here?"


To seduce you.

Jane Nai of course didn't dare to tell the truth, he hesitated: "I don't know either, I just didn't know what task was triggered, so I was sent here."

Lu Zefeng frowned: "Isn't this my personal scroll mission, how can I send someone in?"

Jane was embarrassed.

What can he say to tell him that he came here on purpose.

It's still using the special skills of the succubus.

Jane Nai had an idea, and said aggrievedly: "I don't know, anyway, it came in inexplicably, maybe there is something wrong with the system, and the monsters here are so high, so scary , thanks to my benefactor just now, otherwise I would have lost my life, is there anything else in this dungeon, a very powerful monster."

Lu Zefeng replied calmly, "Fortunately, there are no dangerous monsters here."

Jane Nai choked: "Then the evil wolf just now belongs to..."

"Low-level monsters." Lu Zefeng had the expression of how you would ask such a question: "There is no danger to life."

Jane feels that she is not well.

We may not be playing the same game?

Seeing that Lu Zefeng was about to leave him and run away again, how could Jane do it? He took a few steps forward, reluctantly pinched himself, and exclaimed in pain, "Ouch!"

The figure in front stopped.

Lu Zefeng hesitated for a moment and returned: "What's wrong with you?"

Jane Nai's brows were slightly wrinkled, seeing Lu Zefeng coming back, she said continuously, "Engong, can you take me, I, I seem to be injured..."

In such a wilderness, a beautiful little succubus, dressed in a little ragged, fragile and helpless, he is like a cute and harmless cub, as if he has left the beast's Protection, the next second may be torn apart by the surrounding dangerous monsters, and at this moment, it is pitifully attached to a stronger force.

No one will reject him.


Lu Zefeng is an emotionless warrior, without hesitation: "No."

The expression on Jiannai's face froze, stunned.

Lu Zefeng began to check the remaining time of the dungeon and glanced at him: "It is inconvenient to bring you."

Jane Nai gritted her teeth secretly, she never expected to meet such a person who doesn't understand the style. Fortunately, he took a crash course with Xinxin today, otherwise, with his temperament, this would be possible have given up.

The first rule of chasing men: [A good woman is afraid of stalking wolves]

I will try my best to show my strengths and make my brother soft.

Seeing that Lu Zefeng was leaving, Jian Nai quickly stepped forward and pulled his sleeve: "Benefactor, it's very convenient to take me with you!"

Lu Zefeng glanced at him.

Do not believe.

Jane Nai also knew that he looked useless, but he spoke quickly and read out the skills of the shameful man: "I have a bonus buff, if you bring me, you can increase it by 30 % defense, and 10% attack!"

That's it, you should be able to bring him!

Jane has already given up at this moment.

Lu Zefeng thought for a moment after listening, and opened his lips: "I don't need it."


Lu Zefeng looked around the field and opened his lips: "These monsters, I can play them alone."


Did you ever say that you are really easy to bet on orphans.

Are you a qualified scumbag! ?

Jane Nai couldn't control her character, and yelled: "But I'm in your copy now, your copy level is so high, a wolf can bite me if you want Death, I don't know how to get out of the dungeon, and I can't turn off my pain, you know that I'm really afraid of pain, anyway, you can do it alone, so what can you do to save me..."

It was originally supposed to be a very bad tone, but since the little succubus's voice scolded, the red eyes were full of tears, and the voice was soft and tender. Some.

And now the whole person looks a lot more lively than just begging blindly.

Like a cute little bunny being pushed, with fierce milk.

Lu Zefeng looked at the rabbit, silent for a while, and finally said, "Keep up."

Jane was stunned.

Lu Zefeng raised his feet to leave, and finally said to him, "I won't care if I lose it."

A successful smile flashed across Jian Nai's eyes, like a sly rabbit, she hurriedly came over and grabbed Lu Zefeng's hand, her voice soft and soft, not good: "Eun Gong You have such a good heart, don't worry, I will be obedient and won't run around!"

This is their second handshake.

Lu Zefeng only felt that his hands were soft and tender, completely different from the hands of those soldiers in the army.

Isn't it really a bunny?

Lu Zefeng pushed the person away uncomfortably: "Just follow me, you don't need to be so close."

Jane Nai was stunned for a moment, aggrieved: "Engong, this is the effect of our succubus' buff, it is only useful if you touch it, I, I just want to care about you."

Lu Zefeng said, is this a serious buff?

But he wouldn't say it, he just said: "Just follow me, it doesn't matter if there is a buff or not."

Jane pouted, reluctantly: "Oh."

Although the plan to seduce the scumbag suffered a bit of setbacks for the time being, there are still some gains in other places. On the wilderness along the way, choosing the wind with Lu Lu has opened Jiannai's eyes.


Another giant python fell to the ground. When the huge body fell, the ground trembled for three minutes, and the dust raised seemed to be several feet high.

Jane Nai was dumbfounded, and everyone was frightened.

Lu Zefeng resolutely took out the python's crystal core reward, and the knife shone with a chilling light in the sun.

Jane Nai just saw him cut seven inches of the giant python with her own eyes. This will make her feel bad. This is his first time playing "Ask" The copy, I know it is more real, but I didn't expect it to be so real.

Lu Zefeng looked sideways at him, opened his lips and said, "Come here."

Jane reacted in confusion for a while.

Lu Zefeng frowned and repeated it patiently, but his voice was much harsher: "Come here."

It is much bigger, and when it stands upright, it seems that even the light of the sun will be blocked!

Lu Zefeng's figure dissipated in the dust.

The knife light flashed in the sun!

The giant python was beaten and let out a somewhat angry roar, and the ground trembled.

This monster seems to be the final boss of this dungeon. It has skills. When the scales are attacked, the whole snake seems to be stimulated, its eyes become scarlet, and it spews green venom Come!

Seeing that Lu Zefeng was about to be attacked by the venom, Jian Nai subconsciously called out, "Be careful!"

Lu Zefeng's reaction ability was stronger, and he avoided it almost instantly.

Jane sighed in relief.



Why did he breathe a sigh of relief?

Isn't he just here to take revenge on scumbags? !

At this time, what he should be thinking about is how to make trouble for the scumbag!

Jane was so angry with herself that she immediately thought about it, although she can't take the scumbag right now, but he can make a stumbling block and let this scumbag be bitten by monsters. Mouth, isn't it happy?

Just do it!

The people who are in a hard fight not far away are inseparable.

The giant python was enraged, its huge tail was beating heavily on the plain, and it went crazy and attacked the cunning intruder. The scales flew to the warrior!

Lu Zefeng narrowed his eyes sharply, he did not expect this boss to be really difficult to deal with

Just as the battle stalemate, someone rushed over, Jiannai's voice was crisp and dripping, and called out: "Brother, I'm here to help you!"

Lu Zefeng looked sideways.

The little man in the blue clothes ran over to him without hesitation.

Jane Nai ran over to expose Lu Zefeng's position, so that the python could attack easily, but after running over, she realized that the poisonous scales just flew over at this very moment!

Lu Zefeng frowned, reminding him: "Be careful behind your back!"


The poisonous scales that were supposed to assassinate Lu Zefeng were blocked by Jiannai, and a huge pain spread all over the body in an instant.

Lu Zefeng caught the person in his arms.

Jane Nai was speechless in pain, her whole body trembled in his arms: "Brother, I..."

Lu Zefeng was a little surprised when he saw his pale and bloodless face: "You actually blocked the poison for me..."

Jiannai almost fainted after hearing this.


I **** you sir.

Read The Duke's Passion