MTL - I Ran Away After I Online-dated the Slag Marshal-Chapter 49 I really miss you

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Jane Nai got confirmation from Lu Zefeng.

What he didn't expect was that when he proposed this condition, Lu Zefeng agreed almost without thinking.

It was as if he had never thought about the idea of ​​finding a second spring, or taking a concubine.

Even after agreeing, Lu Zefeng asked again: "Are there any other requirements?"

Jiannai looked at his serious face, and suddenly felt very soft in her heart, he leaned over and kissed Lu Zefeng, very gentle, very serious kissing him, revealing from the heart Smiling, he said softly, "No."

"Also, don't look at me with such eyes." Jian Nai's fair and tender hands stroked Lu Zefeng's stern face, asking him to withdraw the somewhat uneasy gaze and take the initiative to lean on it. He kissed Lu Zefeng's lips and said with a smile, "In this case, it will make me feel that you love me so much."

Lu Zefeng's eyes dimmed slightly.

Jane Nai smiled mischievously: "Although you love me, I will be very happy."

Lu Zefeng tightened his hand around his waist. He wanted to find something in Jiannai's eyes, but he didn't. Those eyes didn't have any deceitful eyes, they were very serious.

As if…

As if he was real, serious.

For a moment, Lu Zefeng really felt that Jane Nai also loved him, but he couldn't tell the truth from the fake, because he had suffered a loss once.

It's okay.

Lu Zefeng put his arms around the waist of the person in his arms, he leaned down, some strong kisses blocked Jiannai's chattering little mouth, when the person in his arms had no strength to cling to him, he Thinking about it, what if it was fake, the action that fell into his hands could no longer be reversed.


Jane Nai took Lu Zefeng's car back.

Because Lu Zefeng still has something to do, the adjutant sent him back. The adjutant even came over and asked Lu Zefeng if he would go to the F galaxy. Lu Zefeng gave him a look like you idiot.

The adjutant learns by himself in an instant.

Especially seeing Lu Zefeng holding Jiannai in the car like a baby, the action is very gentle, and the person in his arms is also wearing Lu Zefeng's cloak, which is like a baby Carefully hugged, obviously a few days ago, the Marshal was still sternly speaking, and he also saw Lu Zefeng reject Jane's purse, but today he is like a blind dog, seeing...the two of them snuggled together. Together.

This is really-

Quite surprising, but not unexpected!

On the way, the adjutant asked Jiannai and said, "You weren't frightened yesterday."

Jane sat lazily in the back seat of the car and answered honestly, "No."

Lieutenant: "That's good."

After he finished speaking, the driver couldn't help but look back at Jiannai who was sitting in the back. Jiannai wanted to laugh at him, but without waiting for the adjutant to ask, she said directly: " If you have anything to ask, just ask."

He said so, and the adjutant was not polite at all, and said directly: "Do I have to change my words later?"

Jane found it very interesting: "Why ask that."

"Because..." The adjutant smiled: "You have the smell of dragons on you."

The orcs are very sensitive.

Especially the dragon race, they are a very possessive race with strong territorial awareness in all aspects, especially after they have a partner. To the point of concealment, it is the kind that can be distinguished by any orc whoever has a nose and eyes.

Jane Nai didn't expect this answer, he thought for a while, then smiled helplessly and said, "Well, you can change your mouth."

The lieutenant was really surprised.

But when he looked back at Jiannai's too-beautiful little face, he felt that all of this seemed to be a relatively normal thing. In the end, he could only give a thumbs up and praised with emotion One sentence: "It's really efficient."

Jane smiled: "I won."

However, he was actually a little flustered.

After all, if he said it, he would go back and his mother would easily break his leg.

The car arrived at the door of Lu's house.

Jane saw Xiao Di when she got down from inside.

Xiao Di glanced at Jiannai and hurriedly came to help him. After Jiannai asked the adjutant to go back, she asked Xiaodi with a guilty conscience, "Are father and mother at home?"

Xiao Di replied immediately: "Yes."

Jane's heart was raised, he still remembers when his parents used family law, the look of rage, it is really scary!

Jane timidly swallowed.

Xiao Di hesitated for a while, but didn't expect to turn a corner, and saw Jane's father and Jane's mother coming from the other side.

Jane grew nervous.

Jian's father and Jane's mother ran over directly, and looked very excited and supported Jian Nai's arm: "Nana!"

Jane Nai was nervous, just wanted to say something to ease the embarrassment, but she didn't expect her parents to hold his hand a little excitedly and say, "Nana, the Marshal personally called us just now to communicate, Good boy, you are really suffering, are you alright, go back and have a good rest."


Jane was in disbelief.

My parents who talk about virility in this way seem to suddenly change their faces, which is really very emotional.

Jane replied, "Okay."

At least you don't have to be scolded, it's good.

And he is really tired and really needs a good rest.

Jane went back to the bed and lay down. Last night, she was tossed all night and she almost fell asleep. She didn't really rest at all. She would go back to her room and sleep very deeply. slept for a long time.

But he didn't expect to sleep all day and night.

After waking up, Xiao Di brought another table of dishes for him to eat and cultivate his body.

Jiannai looked at the rich dishes and hesitated: "Our cook is back?"

Xiao Di nodded fiercely: "Come back, Mr. and Mrs. said that you have worked hard, Master, and you must take good care of yourself."

Jane Nai really didn't expect that after being with Lu Zefeng, she would actually live a well-off life. This life was really touching. He was a little tearful. It's not easy to finally be able to eat hot and delicious meals at home!

After Meimei's feast, Jiannai found that there was new news on the terminal.

After clicking on it, he found that Lu Zefeng sent him a message. The friend he had been adding to Lu Zefeng was passed, and he saw several missed messages:

"Are you home?"

"Are you still feeling sick?"

"Do you need me to send a doctor over there."

Jane was really warm.

Lu Zefeng is the kind of person who doesn't say good things, but does practical things.

Jane Nai replied to him immediately: "I got home, I just woke up after a good night's sleep, and thanks to you, I had a very good meal, and now it's not uncomfortable at all."

After a while, Lu Zefeng said, "Whatever you want to eat, I will send it to you."

Jane Nai smiled happily. After eating and drinking, she happily rolled around on the bed. Although this roll touched her waist again, he grinned a little, but it didn't prevent him from being happy.

Jane Nai typed back to him and said, "I don't have anything to eat, I just miss you a little."


There was a long silence over there.

Just when Jiannai thought she was being too proactive, Lu Zefeng replied, "Until the matching table is down, we can't meet according to regulations."

Jane Nai "tsk tsk tsk", knowing that he has many rules, she can only reply: "I know."

Lu Zefeng stopped talking again.

Jane Nai thought the chat would end here, but she didn't expect Lu Zefeng to send a voice communication application, which shocked Jian Nai at first, but picked up after she reacted.

No one speaks first, only breathing can be heard.

Jane Nai heard the rustling sound of the tip of the pen scratching the paper on the other end of the phone, it was very quiet, and there was the occasional sound of information electronic screen scheduling, he guessed that Lu Zefeng was working, his brain could even imagine A picture came out. A man in a military uniform was sitting in the office and seriously processing official documents. His face was unsmiling, but even a person who looked so serious would call his partner at this time.

Just because he said he missed him.

The corner of Jian Nai's mouth became wider, and he realized that he really liked Lu Zefeng.

Lu Zefeng's voice was low: "Didn't you say you miss me, why don't you speak."

Jane cleared her throat: "You are at work, I will disturb you when I speak."

Lu Zefeng didn't expect him to have such a caring side, so he only said: "I can handle these documents, you say yours."

Jane Nai smiled sullenly. He was also idle when he was idle. He was looking at his information terminal and found that the live broadcast website kept sending messages to him, reminding him that he had not broadcast for a long time.

Jane Nai thought for a while and said to Lu Zefeng, "Can I sing to you?"

This will not interrupt his work.

As long as he is the background sound.

Lu Zefeng did not refuse, and answered in a low voice, "Yes."

A smile appeared on Jiannai's face, he said: "Then I open a live broadcast room by the way, you don't mind, this is my own work, because I haven't worked for a long time, so Opening today."

Lu Zefeng's pen stopped.

He suddenly remembered that Jiannai had told him a long time ago that he was an entertainment star.

This is a job that a noble race like the Nightingale would never do.

Lu Zefeng doesn't discriminate or look down on it. He just thinks that since they are going to be together now, Jane Nai doesn't need to do such a showy job anymore. .

Lu Zefeng asked, "Have you been doing this kind of work?"

Jane Nai didn't understand what he meant, he replied: "I've been doing it for a while."

Lu Zefeng frowned inaudibly, but he still decided to respect Jiannai's choice, after all, after they got married, Jiannai would definitely not do this again, so before that , he didn't have to be that bad guy.

Jane has opened the live broadcast room at this moment.

What they did not expect was that there were so many people in the live broadcast room, and they were all enthusiastic:

"The host has finally started broadcasting."

"I miss you so much."

"The anchor will broadcast longer today!"

"I've been saving gifts for a long time!"

"Favorite streamer, love you!"

Jane Nai looked at the barrage and smiled, but she knew that Lu Zefeng was working and was not good at speaking, so she could only secretly compare her heart and whisper, "Thank you, I love you too~"


Even if he was quiet, he underestimated the dragon's excellent hearing.

Lu Zefeng's pen stopped.

Read The Duke's Passion