MTL - I Really Want To Go Against The Sky-Chapter 1758 The gospel of Faye!

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Latest website: Along the way, I haven't encountered any imaginary aliens, monsters, or premeditated traps. Everything in front of me seems to be formed by nature, with no traces of artificial creation.

This is a special space similar to the Secret Realm of Spirit Vessels, except that it is located on the bottom of the East China Sea.

The purple spiritual power has the effect of isolating divine thoughts, so Yang Fan is not sure how big this space is, or whether there is any danger in the deeper part of the space, and whether the three human emperors are really trapped in it. Here.


One thing Yang Fan can already be quite sure about now is that it's really cool to stay here.

This place is like a huge experience pool. You don’t need to do anything. As long as you bathe in this purple spiritual power, Yang Fan’s qi and blood experience and spiritual power experience will continuously increase and grow. The disciples of the disciples feel exactly the same when they lie down while practicing.

As the figure gradually deepens.

Yang Fan began to see some towering trees that he had never seen before, all kinds of flowers, plants and grasses, lush, and growing very well. It is hard to imagine that such a special place would appear in the depths of the East China Sea.

Although there is no sun in the space, the light is very abundant. The kilometer above the head is bright with white light. A huge whirlpool emitting white light is suspended in the air, continuously providing sufficient light source for the entire secret.

Therefore, even if he was in the depths of the jungle, even if the purple mist lingered around him, Yang Fan's vision was not affected too much, and he could still see all the sights in the jungle ten meters or more away.

Yang Fan cautiously went in for nearly a thousand meters, and suddenly a blue light flashed before his eyes, and Yang Fan's body suddenly stopped.


Yang Fan yelled violently. He didn't expect that in this jungle completely enveloped by purple spiritual power, there would still be living creatures that could move freely like him.

Although the figure just dazzled in front of his eyes, it felt like it was dazzled, but Yang Fan knew that it was definitely not his own illusion.

Within this jungle, there are bound to be hidden creatures that can move freely.

It's just that they are extremely hidden, and if they don't take the initiative to show up and move, Yang Fan won't even notice their existence.

Standing in place, Yang Fan's gaze shot in all directions, without receiving the slightest response, the light and shadow that had just passed away fell silent again into the jungle.

Divine Sense couldn't go deep, his eyes were only ten meters in front of him, and some of the previously used investigative methods all lost their effectiveness here.

There was no way, Yang Fan had to operate the consuming illusion-breaking eye again to check if there were other creatures hiding in the jungle in front of him.

The Eye of Deception is the exclusive gift of Heaven and Earth Spirit Vessel, which can break through all falsehoods, disguise and spiritual illusions, and is most suitable for use in this situation.

"You use the exclusive talent magical powers of the Heaven and Earth Spirit Vessels-the Eye of Deception, explore the Quartet, and further deepen your understanding of the Eye of Deception, mental power +10, skill proficiency +20."

"You use the exclusive talent magical powers of the Heaven and Earth Spirit Vessels-the Eye of Deception, explore the Quartet, and further deepen your understanding of the Eye of Deception, mental power +10, skill proficiency +20."


"You used the exclusive talent of the Heaven and Earth Spirit Vessel—the Eye of Deception, and explored the four directions, and found a water Vein spirit hidden in a cypress tree three meters to the left, mental power +100, skill proficiency +50. "

"You use the heaven and earth spiritual vein exclusive talent magic power-the eye of illusion, explore the surroundings, and find a water vein spirit hidden in a rafter ten meters from the front direction, mental power +100, skill proficiency +50."

"You use the unique talents and magical powers of the heaven and earth spirit veins-the eye of illusion, and explore the surroundings, and you find a water vein spirit hidden in a water grass five meters to the right..."


Damn it!

Yang Fan's heart was startled suddenly, Cautious Liver followed with a violent jump, and his blood pressure rose to its full value with just one stroke.

what is this? !

It's so exciting!

Under the blessing of the Eye of Deception, his gaze was so full that there were six strange creatures lurking in the surrounding flowers and trees secretly monitoring him.

These little guys, which the system calls Water Vein Elves, are small, about ten centimeters long, with two translucent wings clinging to their backs, lying prone among the flowers and trees, like a cicada.

There is almost no aura leaking from their bodies, and they are completely integrated with the surrounding flowers and trees. If it is not for Yang Fan, who has lost the ability to spy on God's mind with the help of the eyes of breaking delusions, they would not have noticed their existence.

"Two imperial peaks, four eighth-level imperial realms!"

"The cultivation bases of these water-veined elves are not weak, and the body structure is also very interesting. They are not bones and flesh, but are all composed of special liquid energy, which is very similar to the innate purple energy components captured by this handsome before. !"

After calming down, Yang Fan sighed softly as he watched these small things like autumn cicadas.

Through the delusion-breaking eyes, he can not only clearly see the water-veined elves in the latent state, but also see through their cultivation realm, and see through their body structure.

Soon, Yang Fan understood that these water vein elves should be similar to those innate purple qi produced by the spirit vein secret realm.

It's just that after the birth of the innate purple qi that belongs to its own spiritual wisdom, it will naturally transform into a dragon, forming the best innate purple qi of three, four or even five claw qualities.

But here, similar energy has evolved into this kind of elf that looks like an autumn cicada. It seems that the longer the cicada's wings are and the brighter, the higher the cultivation base and the better the quality.

With a move of Yang Fan's thoughts, he directly used the appraisal technique at one of the water vein elves with the peak emperor realm cultivation base. Soon, a series of attribute panels with blue music appeared in front of Yang Fan:

Item name: Water Vein Spirit (Special Spirit Body)

Quality: golden cicada wings

Efficacy: Strengthen the flesh and blood, improve the martial arts qualifications.

Attributes: Strength +99999, Constitution +99999, Agility +99999, Qi and Blood Strength +999999

Restrictions on consumption: above the first level

Note: Faye’s gospel, the physical sanctification, is that simple!

Yang Fan's eyes lit up, and he almost blurted out a "fuck".

Strengthen the physical bloodline, improve the martial arts qualifications, and more importantly, after taking it, the measurement attribute directly increases by 99,999 points, which is so undesirable, there are woods!

In contrast, the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine million points of qi and blood experience were nothing.

The measurement attribute of nearly 100,000 points, even for the current Yang Fan, is an extremely impressive attribute experience.

"This is not only the gospel of Faye, it is also a superb miracle medicine for fighters!"

Yang Fan sighed in his heart, both eyes involuntarily shone out, and saliva was about to flow from this corner.

He was frightened just now, and he felt that there were too many small things lurking around, making him very insecure.

Now, less than two seconds later, Yang Fan's mentality changed drastically. Instead, he felt that these little things were so few, only six, and they were not enough.

"You used the charm skill on the special spiritual body water elves, the charm failed, the special spiritual water elves moved slightly, seemingly aware, mental power +10, spiritual will +10, skill proficiency +20."

"You used the charm skill on the special spiritual body water elves, the charm failed, the special spiritual water elves moved slightly, seemingly aware, mental power +10, spiritual will +10, skill proficiency +20."



It failed?

Yang Fan was very surprised. He didn't expect that the charm skills that had been in the realm of the gods did not succeed on these elf only in the emperor realm.

It seemed that the spirit and will of these little things was unexpectedly firm.

However, these accidents and failures are nothing to Yang Fan, who has been accustomed to this situation for a long time. Yang Fan was not discouraged. Seeing that these water spirit elves did not act abnormally, Yang Fan was not welcome, and continued. To cast charm skills.

"You have used the charm skill on the special spiritual body water elves. 66% of them ignore the defensive probability and successfully trigger. The charm is successful. The special psychic water elves have a great affection for you, mental power +20, spiritual will +20, skill proficiency +30."

"You used the charm skill on the special spiritual body water elves, and the charm was successful. The special psychic water elves have greatly improved your favorability, mental power +20, spiritual will +20, and skill proficiency +30."


"You have used the charm skill to the special spirit body water vein elves, and the charm is successful, and the special spirit body water vein elves have greatly improved your favorability.

The meaning of closeness is pervasive, the heart of love is deeply embedded in the bones, and the sense of loyalty is deeply embedded in the soul of the sea. The relationship between the two parties has reached the ultimate state of affinity, and the meaning of closeness will never retreat into the soul. Mental power +50, mental will +50, skill proficiency +60. "

It's done!

One, two, four... six!

Thanks to Yang Fan's unremitting efforts, all the six water spirit elves lurking around were turned into his own by him.

"Come on, little ones, all come to Baba's bowl!"

Yang Fan enthusiastically raised his hand to wave to the six water-veined elves, and at the same time let go of his spiritual portal, revealing the vacant pet beast space channel.

Then, the six water-veined elves who were quietly lurking among the flowers and trees a second before, after hearing Yang Fan’s incomparable call, involuntarily began to spread their wings, blooming with a soft and attractive blue light, slowly towards Yang Fan Flying in front of me.

Then, under Yang Fan's kind and enthusiastic greeting, these little elves, one after another, took the initiative to fly into the apparent passage of the petting beast space.



Just in the blink of an eye, the six water-veined elves, without exception, all got into Yang Fan's pet animal space and became Yang Fan's personal belongings.

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes