MTL - I Really Want To Go Against The Sky-Chapter 1761 I'm so kind!

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Latest website: Yang Fan looked up and couldn't help thinking of an ancient folk song.

"The sky is like a dome, covering all fields.

The sky is blue, the wild is boundless, and the wind blows the grass and sees cattle and sheep. 』

"These plants turn into fairy monsters, and they all seem to like playing with hoods!"

Yang Fan sighed softly in his heart.

Whether it's Zhu Zhiyao or Hua Xiangrong, and then to the cypress in front of them, they all seem to like enclosures, using their bodies as cages to shut their opponents into their bodies to fight.

This should be the instinctive advantage of the plant system.

However, it has to be said that among the three great masters of the supreme realm plant family that Yang Fan has encountered, the cage of this ten thousand-year-old juniper tree in front of him is the most impressive and beautiful.

Starry, bright and transparent, not feeling depressed at all?

"Boy, this deity hasn't fully used this magic trick for a long time, and you should be honored to die under this deity's trick!"

Seeing Yang Fan seemed to be frightened and stupefied, he stood still and moved, and Hiyuan couldn't help but laugh and was happy.

This little worm dared to despise it just now, it was really reckless.

How are you now, are you scared?

Yang Fan pouted.

Mao's magical secret technique, when he is Xiaobai who doesn't know anything, this is obviously a natural formation made of juniper wood, OK?

This stupid wood dared to play with his eyes in front of his master Yang Huanzheng Fan. Isn't this playing a big sword in front of Guan Gong?

Yang Fan's gaze continued to observe the huge canopy surrounded by cypress branches and leaves, and the system prompts in his ears constantly:

"You observe the ninth-level supreme spiritual plant set up a natural imaginary array-Soul Eater Nine Ranks, with a sense of understanding, but unable to comprehend due to insufficient strength, mental power +1000, spiritual will +10000."

"You observe the ninth-level supreme spiritual plant set up a natural imaginary array-Soul Eater Nine Ranks, and you have some understanding, but you can't understand it because of insufficient strength..."

"You are attacked by the ninth-level supreme spirit plant natal natural phantom array-Soul Devouring Ninth Rank mental attack, the soul shakes, the sea of ​​consciousness is confused, the mental power and the strength of qi and blood are powerfully swallowed and refined, the immortal will is passively defensively stimulated, and the mental power +1000, mental will +10000."

"You are attacked by the spirit of the Ninth-level Supreme Lingzhi's natural fantasy array-Soul Eater Nine Ranks, and you have a sense of understanding. You successfully learned God-level natural illusion array-Soul Eater Nine Ranks, mental power +10000, mental will + 100000, spirit strength +10000, formation experience +1000, formation experience +500."

"You have been attacked by the spirit of the Ninth-level Supreme Lingzhi's natural fantasy array-Soul Eater Ninth Rank, and your heart is touched. God-level natural fantasy array-Soul Eater Ninth Rank has a deeper understanding, and the formation experience +500."


As always, when encountering a strong attack with a cultivation level that far surpassed him, Yang Fan had the opportunity to comprehend and obtain the corresponding skill secrets only when the attack was actually present.

The Soul Devouring Nine Ranks phantom array can directly and forcibly swallow and refine Yang Fan’s mental power and qi and blood strength. If it weren’t for Yang Fan’s immortal will protector, maybe even the origins of the souls in the Sea of ​​Knowledge would be affected by it one by one. Point the ground to eat away!

That's awesome!

Yang Fan looked up at the sky again, looked at the stars on the sky, and couldn't help but sigh softly.

It turns out that these water vein elves are the real core of Soul Eater Ninth Rank. The mental power and the strength of qi and blood that Yang Fan has just lost are all absorbed by these water vein elves that have turned into stars.

"That's me, Yang Fan. Otherwise, if you change to any of the eighth, ninth or even the highest level of the supreme powerhouse and fall into this set of formations, I am afraid that you will be sucked into dried meat in a very short time. ."

"This set of Soul Devouring Rank 9 swallowing ability is not inferior to Da Hei's Devouring Sky and Earth's supernatural powers!"

Yang Fan was scouring the Soul Devouring Rank 9 formation experience, while discussing this set of formation skills, his expression was very peaceful, without the pain of being swallowed and refined.


"What's the matter? Could it be that the deity's Soul Eater has failed?"

Seeing Yang Fan's relaxed and contented appearance, Hinoki couldn't help but start to doubt the power of his formation.

It makes no sense.

This is its natal illusion, it is the ultimate card that naturally awakens when it breaks through to the supreme realm. It stands to reason not to say that it is devouring a small human emperor, even if it encounters the same level. The ninth-level supreme can easily be refined.

Why now, when cast on this small body, there is no response at all?

"That's it?" Yang Fan raised his head to look at Juniper, cast a disdainful look at it, and said tauntingly: "I feel a little bit awkward to tickle the little master, can you use a little force, how can you follow it? Like eating?"

"If you are at this level, I advise you to stop dreaming. Even if it is a hundred years for you, you shouldn't kill the young master!"


Yang Fan's mockery was very powerful, and Hinoki was irritated with a roar, and became angry:

"Damn little guy, really has a bit of arrogant capital!"

"But you shouldn't anger the deity again and again, the deity's anger is definitely not something you can bear!"

"Succumb to the deity!"

With that said, Hinoki's already extremely huge body swelled to the limit again, shrouded in the dome above Yang Fan's head, and suddenly tens of thousands of thorny vine branches came out and slapped Yang Fan with teeth and claws.

Seeing Hinomoto's aggressive moves, thousands of branches and leaves are like whips, carrying the mighty power of the ninth-level supreme realm, and they quickly drew towards him from all directions without any dead ends.

Yang Fan didn't panic at all. With the blessing of invincible mentality, he didn't even know what fear was.

Allowing Hinomoto to close the entire world in front of him, Yang Fan unhurriedly followed his own steps to launch the necessary mental interference against Hinoki.

"You have used the charm skill on the ninth-level supreme Lingzhi Hinoki. The charm fails, and the Hinoki soul moves slightly, seemingly aware, mental power +10, spiritual will +10, skill proficiency +20."

"You used the charm skills on the ninth-level supreme Ling Zhi Hinoki. The charm failed, and Hinoki's soul moved slightly, and it seemed to feel..."

The first two times ended up in failure, but Yang Fan was not at all anxious. He glanced at the attack that was already in front of him, still smiling at the corner of his mouth, and launched the third and fourth charm skills to Hiyuan. .

However, while using the charm skills, he also threw out a hold technique and soul deterrent skills.

As long as it can smoothly confine Hiyuki's Divine Soul Consciousness Sea, reduce its mental defense directly to the freezing point, and then use the charm skills, the success rate will inevitably get a great bonus.

At the same time, it also allows him to temporarily avoid the crisis of being beaten by the vine branches.

"You used the soul deterrence skill against the ninth-level supreme spirit, Hinoki, and the deterrence failed. Hinoki's soul is tough and successfully avoided the attack of your soul deterrence. Spirit power +10, mental will +10, skill proficiency +20 ."

"You performed the hold technique on the ninth-level supreme spirit Zhiyuan Juniper, and the hold was successful! Juniper's body fell into a fixed body state for one second, mental power +20, mental will +20, skill proficiency +40 ."


Just now they opened their teeth and danced their claws, like thousands of vines and branches dancing like a swarm of snakes. At this time, they were all frozen in the air, and several of them had even been beaten within half a meter in front of Yang Fan, which was truly thrilling.

But now, at least in the next second, they are no longer a threat to Yang Fan.

Yang Fan raised his brows slightly, proud.

He knew, how could he, already invincible, be unable to confine a ninth-level supreme spiritual plant?

No matter how awesome Ren Ya is, he has to kneel when he meets the little master who is hanging on, hum!

Take it while it is sick to kill it, and when the iron is hot.

Yang Fan began to continuously use his charm skills at Hiyuan the first time he succeeded in the hold technique.

After all, he still wants to turn this spiritual plant into his own, and it would be better if he could become a pet beast.

To treat Lingzhi who doesn't like to show his face like this, Yang Fan must have more patience and tolerance than when dealing with monsters.

Otherwise, if a demon beast dared to speak harshly to him or kill him in pain, Yang Fan would have raised his supreme sword long ago and snapped the opponent away.

"I'm so kind! I really am a good person!"

Yang Fan advertised himself, feeling happy.

Even if there is no outsider here, he would not admit that the reason why he chose to give this spiritual plant a way to survive is entirely for the water vein elves conceived from this spiritual plant.

He just has a heart of compassion, and simply wants to give the other party a chance to live.

"You have used the charm skill on the 9th-level supreme spirit Zhiyuan Juniper, 66% ignore the defensive probability and successfully trigger, and the charm is successful. Juniper's favorability for you is greatly increased, mental power +20, spiritual will +20, Skill proficiency +30."

"You used the charm skill on the ninth-level supreme Lingzhi Hinoki. The charm is successful. Hinoki's favorability for you is greatly increased, mental power +20, spiritual will +20, and skill proficiency +30."


"You have used the charm skills to the ninth-level supreme spirit Zhiyuan, UU reading has successfully charmed you, and your affection for you has been greatly improved.

The meaning of closeness is pervasive, the heart of love is deeply embedded in the bones, and the sense of loyalty is deeply embedded in the soul of the sea. The relationship between the two parties has reached the ultimate state of affinity, and the meaning of closeness will never retreat into the soul. Mental power +50, mental will +50, skill proficiency +60. "

It's done!

This ninth-level supreme spiritual plant has finally become his own!

Hearing the system prompt that the charm was successful, Yang Fan couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. The smile on his face became even worse, and the corners of his mouth almost touched his ears.

The second-level Hedao realm spirit treasure that he had been holding tightly in his hand couldn't help but relax, and the dodge attribute that he had been preparing to trigger at any time was temporarily put aside.

Invincibility does not mean being brainless. No matter how arrogant and swollen, Yang Fan will never forget to put his safety first.

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