MTL - I Really Want To Go Against The Sky-Chapter 1789 This must be an illusion!

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Latest website: Vivian was very excited. The eyes of the two peach monkeys were wide open, staring at Yang Fan as if they had seen a ghost.

This set of spiritual enchantment secrets, called Confusion and Divine Enchantment, is based on its own bloodline abilities and borrowed from thousands of subtle and mysterious techniques created by the supreme charms.

The entire alien star field is only known to it, and even if others want to learn, they will not be able to get started because of the conflict between blood and soul power.

Therefore, for thousands of years, even its closest family members, clansmen, and disciples have not been able to master it completely.

But what does it see now?

The supreme charm and supernatural power it created unexpectedly appeared on an aboriginal human race!

And what makes it even more unbelievable and unbelievable is that the delusion and mystery techniques displayed by this indigenous human race have reached the realm of small perfection, otherwise it would be impossible to confuse the first level around it. Under the second-level supreme subordinate.

"My old mother's feeling can't be wrong!"

"This is indeed the original delusion of my old mother!"

"But the problem is that he is an indigenous slave of the original star domain. He has never been to another star domain, and even met his old lady. Where did he get the secret technique training method?"

Vivienne was puzzled.

Its spiritual charm mystery has never been spread, even if it knows that others are unlikely to learn it, it has always been kept secret, and people who are not extremely close and trustworthy have never revealed more than half of it.

So, no matter how you look at it, it's absolutely impossible for the young man on the opposite side of the human race to know and practice its subtle mystery skills in advance.

"Could it be that he had an epiphany after just a glance, and directly grasped it and realized it to the perfect state?"

As soon as this thought came into her mind, Vivian felt that she might be crazy.

It doesn't believe that there will be such a heaven-defying enchantment in this world, as long as it reads its confusion and magic tricks, it immediately masters and comprehends it.

Such an ability, even a child of luck like Lord God Emperor, may not be able to possess it.

Origin Star Territory, an indigenous star Territory that has only been awakened for less than two hundred years, how could such a powerful indigenous slave be born? !

Vivian couldn't believe it.

It would rather believe that it felt wrong just now, that everything it saw was just a special illusion, and would not believe that someone could learn its exclusive magical powers in such a short period of time, and directly It has realized the state of perfection.

Too nonsense!

There may be such a genius and evil spirit in this world!

"What is your magical power?"

Yang Fan sneered, and gently curled his lips:

"This is clearly the blood secret technique of my human race, you demon monkey, you have learned it secretly, and now you dare to call and catch the thief, so shameless!"

"I bother!"

With two words, Yang Fan almost didn't vomit blood to Vivian with anger.

Who is the thief calling to catch the thief?

That is obviously the exclusive magical secret technique of my old lady, when did it become the bloodline secret technique of your human race?

Is there any law of nature? Is there any law of kings? Is there any reason for piracy?

Vivian's eyes were murderous, and the power of the charm secret technique multiplied, all focused on a little bit of direct attack on Yang Fan's spiritual consciousness.

It wants to use facts to tell this arrogant and shameless Human Race kid that its Vivian's charm secret technique is not so easy to pretend!

This girl must die today!


Sensing the strong negative emotions conveyed by Vivian, as well as the increasingly powerful charm secret technique, Yang Fan's mouth twitched slightly, and he couldn't help but close his eyes and enjoy it.

It's this feel, cool!

"You are invaded by the ninth-level supreme Vivienne (foreign person)'s subtle mystery technique, and your heart is touched. You have a deeper understanding of the heaven-level spiritual charm secret technique-confusion and love, and your skill proficiency is +800."

"You are invaded by the ninth-level supreme Vivienne (foreign person)'s subtle mystery technique, and your heart is touched. You have a deeper understanding of the heaven-level spiritual charm secret technique-confusion and love, and your skill proficiency is +800."


The system prompt in the ear kept ringing, and the skill and experience of confusion and fascination kept increasing upward, and Yang Fan smiled triumphantly.

This is the effect he wants. The female monkey on the opposite side does not go crazy or increase her horsepower. He wants to apply this charm secret technique to the realm of Dzogchen, not knowing when he will wait.

How good it is now, it's just a casual teaser, and people take the initiative to cooperate and continuously improve his skills and experience. What a good monkey, I can consider letting it die a little later.

While scouring the skill experience of Confusion, Yang Fan was not idle, and his mental power was quietly exploring, and he also used his most proficient charm skill on the opposite female monkey.

"You cast a charm skill on Vivian, the ninth-level supreme (foreign person), and the charm fails. Vivian (foreign person) is aware and vigilant, mental power +50, spiritual will +50, skill proficiency +20."

"You cast a charm skill on Vivian, the ninth-level supreme (foreign person), and the charm fails. Vivian (foreign person) is aware and vigilant, mental power +50, spiritual will +50, skill proficiency +20."


Because the two sides are in a hostile state, Vivian has always been vigilant, so Yang Fan's charm skills did not easily succeed, and one side ended in failure several times.

However, Yang Fan was not discouraged. It was not the first time this happened anyway. As long as he didn't give up and brushed it a few times, there would always be a success.

"Thirteen! Immediately open the spiritual protection array and fully defend!"

Vivian let out a cold snort, and while trying to charm Yang Fan with all his might, she did not forget to wake up the sixteen subordinates who had been killed by the mysterious technique and were ready to abolish their cultivation.

At the same time, Vivian also secretly communicated to the confidant subordinates around him, so that it immediately stimulated the spiritual protection array he carried with him, in case Yang Fan did the same trick again, and continued to use similar charm secret techniques to influence and control the subordinates around him. .

"Yes, Master Vivian!"

The supreme foreigner, known as Thirteen, bowed his head and mobilized his spiritual power without saying a word to inspire the spiritual power array he carried with him.


The shield came up again, directly enclosing all the strangers present in it, completely isolating all the power of spirit and blood from outside.

"Master Vivian, be careful. Among the native slaves on the opposite side, it is very likely that there is a stronghold of the fifth-level combined Dao realm. The five-level combined Dao-level spiritual power array we brought before was destroyed and stolen. go!"

Seeing that Vivian had once again activated a set of spiritual shields, Harlan and Jessica who had survived hurriedly reminded them.

Just now they had suffered a huge loss from the stolen array, so they were in a desperate situation and had to kill their companions.

Now, seeing Master Vivian also activated a set of spiritual shields, they are worried that the hidden Hedao Xeon will repeat the same tricks, so that so many of the Supreme Clan that Master Vivian brought will repeat them. The mistakes.

"Five-level Harmony Realm?"

When Vivian heard the words, the corners of her mouth curled, and she coldly turned her head and glanced at the two Seventh-level Supremes, Harlan and Jessica.

"Don't talk nonsense, the Origin Star Region is just a new star region that has just awakened for more than one hundred and fifty years. How can it be possible to have the birth of the Hedao Realm?"

Vivienne didn't believe it at all.

When the Hedao Realm is the Chinese cabbage on the roadside, anyone can reach it by practicing?

What's more, if there is a strong existence of the fifth-level Harmony Realm in the Origin Star Territory, people will still be here with you?

I slapped them a long time ago and killed all their strangers. Is there anything?

Once again, she looked up at Yang Fan, who had not been charmed by it, and Vivian was thoughtful.

Compared to the five-level Harmony Realm that Harun said in their mouths, it was still more inclined to these two seventh-level supreme aliens who also caught the mental interference of the opposite human races and produced hallucinations.

Perhaps, the previous Hedao Realm formation was not stolen by someone secretly, but Harlan and their supreme being caught in illusion without realizing it, closing the formation defense and killing each other.

"It may not be impossible!"

"The charm of this Human Race kid on the other side is not inferior to that of the old lady. Harvard, Jessica, and the like will catch his way if they are not careful!"

The more Vivian thought about it, the more it felt that it was possible, but it didn't worry at all that they would repeat the mistakes of the previous supreme team.

This time, not only is Vivian, who can easily see through the mental illusion of the opposite human race kid, but the array they bring this time is higher and more powerful, even if it is actually shot at the fifth level of the Dao Realm. Don't imagine that it was half a point.

Vivian waved to both Harlan and Jessica, indicating that they should stop talking nonsense, so as not to confuse the military.

Together with the spiritual power shield, Yang Fan's spiritual power and spirituality are completely isolated, and the system prompts about the charm skills in his ears also come to an abrupt end.

But fortunately, Vivian's charm attack on him did not stop because of this, and Yang Fan's still was able to continuously acquire relevant skill experience from it.

Just like the psychic shield of the Human Race Federation, the psychic shield that surrounds the entire city-state can isolate and block all external attacks of spirit and blood, but the external attacks of the people inside are not affected.

In other words, I can hit you, but you can't hit me, it's so cool.

Only now, what was protected by the shield was replaced by Inhumans, and they became the one who was passively beaten.

"A monkey is a monkey, it's not a long lesson!"

"I just lost a Hedao Realm formation and I don't know how to repent. It's so stupid and cute!"

Yang Fan shook his head slightly, and without any hesitation, he launched a god-level gathering technique at the spiritual shield not far away.

"You used the god-level collection technique against the god-level defense formation-the spiritual power protection array, and the associated skills are passively triggered to break the gods. The collection is successful, the spiritual liquid of the aura +99, the essence of blood +99, and the spiritual power +50. Skill proficiency +50."

"You used the god-level gathering technique against the god-level defense formation—spiritual protection array, and the associated skills are passively triggered to break the gods. The gathering is successful, the sky star stone +33, the mysterious sky wood +66, the spiritual power +50, and the skill proficiency. +50."

"You used the god-level gathering technique against the god-level defense formation—spiritual protection array, and the companion skill was passively triggered to break the god, and the gathering was successful.

"You used the god-level gathering technique against the god-level defense formation—spiritual protection formation, and the companion skill was passively triggered to break the god, the gathering was successful, and the eighth-level union realm formation was +1..."

This is different from Yang Fan's success in destroying the shield after only collecting three times.

This time, Yang Fan collected nine times in a row before collecting all the materials of the micro-spiritual shield in front of him, and finally obtained the most core eighth-level Combination Realm disk.

"It's worthy of being a miniature shield in the eighth-level Harmony Realm, and its defense capabilities are indeed powerful!"

Yang Fan sighed in his heart, looking at the eighth-level Hedao Realm formation that had been quietly lying in his collection space at this time, feeling happy.

The power of this thing is not inferior to the eighth-level Hedao Realm Lingbao. More importantly, it can be recycled. As long as the formation material is sufficient, there is no problem with such a formation how many times you want to use it. .

"I'm going! Here again, here again!"

"See it, see it! The spiritual power shield is gone again, and the hidden Hedao Realm Xeon has shot again!"

Seeing that the spiritual shield in front of them suddenly shattered and dissipated again, Harlan and Jessica, who had just calmed down, fry the pot again!

Their spiritual protection array fell again, and the tragedy that happened to them just now is very likely to happen again.

"To shut up!"

Vivienne screamed, her mental power was instantaneous, and directly charmed Harlan and Jessica and forced them to calm down.

Afterwards, Vivian looked around, and didn't find any aura of a powerful person in the Dao Realm, nor did he notice any signs of being in a spiritual illusion.

"What's going on? How could the spiritual shield suddenly collapse, this is the spiritual shield of the eighth-level combined Dao realm, even if it is broken by someone, it is impossible to be so silent?"

Vivienne's brows were frowning, and there was nothing suspicious about it. It felt like something was wrong.

"Thirteen, check the formation and see what's going on?"

Vivian confessed to the thirteen who was holding the array. UU reading

After a while, Thirteen trembling replied: "Master Weiwei, the formation... the formation is gone!"


Vivian's figure flashed, and she appeared directly in front of Thirteen, staring sharply at Thirteen:

"How could the formation disk disappear? Haven't you already refined it completely and integrated it into the sea of ​​soul consciousness? How could it have disappeared?!"

Vivienne's heart felt uneasy and uneasy, and she couldn't help but remember the reminder from Harlan and Jessica.

What happened to them now is exactly the same as what happened to Harlan and the others just now!

Is this an illusion, or is there really a high-level Xeon in the Origin Star Territory?

You know, the formation controlled by Thirteen is the formation of the eighth-level combined Dao realm. In theory, even if the Xeon of the eighth-level combined Dao realm personally shoots, it may not be able to break its defense!

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