MTL - I Really Want To Go Against The Sky-Chapter 1805 Arrangement, the future!

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Three to five minutes is enough time for some Supreme Realms to walk the entire thirty-six domain back and forth, so their time is quite sufficient.

Yang Fan watched these disciples go away, and then his eyes flowed, beckoning to stop Yang Guo, who was about to return to Jinghua City to pick up people.

"Stay here obediently, and just leave it to me to pick up your parents!"

Gently patted the little girl's head, Yang Fan's mind moved slightly, operating the spore clone secret technique once again to create two spore clones that also possessed the peak supreme level cultivation base.



Without specifically instructing Yang Fan, the spore clones cut through the space and escaped into the void.

One ran towards the northwestern guard mansion and the other towards Jinghua City.

There are two ancestors, Zhu Huanan and Zhu Yiping, in the Northwest Zhenshou Mansion, some old friends such as Fu Zhengqing and Qu Hongde, and thousands of people with trumpets. All of them happened to take over to narrate their old feelings and help them improve their cultivation level.

In Jinghua City, there are not only Yang Fan's parents, but also a large group of students and disciples of Jinghua University of Wuhan. Since there are opportunities, naturally they have to take the chance to sprinkle them.

Now, the threat of the monster race is no longer a concern, and the alien race can no longer harass for the time being. The 36 domains of the Federation are in the most secure and stable period of time, so there is no need to worry about bringing these city masters and domain masters to the Federation Central City. What will go wrong later.

"Xiaohua, Dahei, you guys too, go to the Xuanchu Guard Mansion and the Southeast Guard Mansion, and bring all the disciples the master left there!"

Yang Fan gave another command to the pet beasts around him.

Anyway, one sheep is driven, and two sheep are also released. If there is a large federal center city, there is no shortage of places for thousands of people.

"Yes, Master Baba!"

The six pet beasts Da Hei, Xiao Hua, Crocodile Meili, Xiao Fengxin, Lu Congrong, and Ying Siyuan responded at the same time, and then directly flew into the sky, and disappeared instantly.

For a time, Yang Fan was left with Yang Guo, Huiyuan, and Alston alone.

After all, Huiyuan and Auston had only recently recognized the Lord, and were not familiar with the distribution of Yang Fan's disciples, so Yang Fan did not assign them a task, but chose to let them stay in place to protect the Three Emperors.

Cypress doesn't matter, it just obediently obeyed what the master asked him to do.

Moreover, it is the Hedao state itself, so the rule baptism of the Hedao state does not have much appeal to it.

But Auston was so excited, because it had just resurrected after all, even after more than fifty times of supreme demise, it barely managed to restore its cultivation to the emperor's state.

Therefore, it urgently needs all the opportunities to rapidly improve its cultivation realm.

And the baptism of the rules of the Hedao Realm is undoubtedly a god-given unparalleled opportunity for it now, and it is also a wonderful opportunity three times in succession. With good luck, Alston may be able to directly break through the emperor realm and step into it again. Promote to the Supreme Realm!

Yang Fan ignored the psychological activities of these two pet beasts, his eyes swept over Yang Guo's body, and a gentle and loving smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

"Not bad, they have already been promoted to the sixth-level imperial state!"

The past two days have been so busy that Yang Fan didn't even have time to say hello to the younger sister who was among the many disciples.

Now that I was idle, Yang Fan suddenly realized that Yang Guo, the girl's cultivation base, had already reached the sixth level of the Spirit Sovereign.

Yang Fan squinted his eyes and recalled, but he couldn't remember whether he had helped Yang Guo inspire and pass on merits.

No way, nearly two thousand disciples are currently bathing in the fate of the Supreme Fall. There are too many who need Yang Fan's empowerment and breakthrough, and Yang Fan's memory has begun to be a little confused.

"Brother is better, he is already the highest peak!"

The little girl looked at Yang Fan with a look of admiration. Half a year ago, she couldn't think of it anyway. Her former brother, the "Shame of South China", would one day grow up to such a level, even Has already begun to call brothers and sisters with the three emperors.

"Of course, brother, I am a rare super genius in 10,000 years!"

Yang Fan put a layer of gold on his face, then waved his hand, took out a space spirit treasure and handed it to Yang Guo.

This is the second space spirit treasure that Yang Fan seized when he was killing foreign spies. The space range inside was slightly inferior to the one that Yang Fan refined and used, but for the current Yang Guolai That's enough.

"Come on, my brother will give you a good thing."

"Take out your mental power and imprint your own spirit will into it. If you encounter danger in the future, you can hide in it directly without worrying about being discovered."

This is Yang Fan's life-saving trump card prepared for Yang Guo.

Space Lingbao is usually completely hidden into the void, like a special space completely independent of the origin star field. As long as it is actively exposed, even if Yang Fan uses the Eye of Deception, he will not be aware of its existence. .

Therefore, in principle, as long as the resources stored in the space spirit treasure are sufficient, it can definitely be regarded as a top-quality refuge space.

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The resource is nothing more than a number in his local tyrant Yang Fan. Therefore, before giving Yang Guo this spatial spirit treasure, Yang Fan has already put a few spatial rings in it, which is a daily necessities for food and clothing. , There are everything you need for cultivation resources like elixir and elixir.

"Thank you brother!"

Yang Guo didn't be polite with Yang Fan, but listened to Yang Fan's explanation, tapped out his mental power, and refined this spatial spirit treasure for his own use in a flash.

After simply manipulating it twice, he was already very familiar with the control of the spatial spirit treasure.

Seeing that Yang Fan had placed so many resource artifacts in the space spirit treasure, the little girl was directly stunned.

"Brother, don't you prepare for it? How come you have given me so many things, I can't use it all alone!"

This is the first time that Yang Guo has seen so many resource artifacts. There are nearly a hundred Inner Pills and Soul Crystals alone, and there are dozens of drops of spiritual vein origin. In fact, they are like water vein spirit, earth vein spirit liquid, and various levels. The soul-refining golden core and so on, etc., are simply countless.

The elder brother gave her more than a space spirit treasure, it was simply a space treasure house.

"If you can't use it up, you can give it to your parents, to the two ancestors of Xichu City, and your master to use it!"

Yang Fan waved his hand indifferently and said:

"In the future, if Brother is not with you, if you encounter any danger, you can invite your parents and them all to take refuge in this space spirit treasure."

"With these resources, even if you stay in it for ten or twenty years, there is no problem at all."

This is Yang Fan's way of preparing for his family. In the entire Origin Star, only Yang Guo can receive such treatment.

At the side, Hinoki and Alston saw each other and couldn't help but glance at each other.

Even the space spirit treasures were taken out, and it seemed that their owners were far less confident and worry-free about the future of the Origin Star Territory than he showed.

But this is not surprising.

No one knows the power of the alien star more clearly than the two of them. Only with such a bit of supremacy in the original star domain and the three emperors of the human race that are about to break through, they are not even enough for alien stars. The power within the domain is here to plug the gap between the teeth.

In their view, the only thing in the Origin Star Territory that hopes to be able to withstand the invasion of alien races is the alien and variable Yang Fan.

If within ten years, Yang Fan can maintain the speed of breaking the boundary, there may be a chance to comeback in the future.

Otherwise, the origin star field that has broken the rules and regulations will inevitably fall into the rule of the alien star field when the sixteenth spiritual power tide starts listening ten years later.

"The master is setting aside a back road for his family!"

"However, this is not like Master Baba's style. Even when he faced Adonis of the fifth-level Harmony Realm before, he didn't even shrink back in the slightest!"

The two pet beasts secretly made eye contact, and some wondered why Yang Fan acted like confessing to the funeral.

"Brother, are you going to retreat?"

Yang Guo seemed to have noticed Yang Fan's abnormality, and couldn't help asking softly.

"Almost." Yang Fan nodded: "After the three emperors break through and enter the combined path, even if the Human Federation is completely stabilized, I should find a way to enlighten the Dao and prepare to break through and advance."

"So, for a long time in the future, I may not appear by your side. With this spatial spirit treasure, you can also have more protection, and I will be more at ease when I retreat. ."

Hearing this, Yang Guo hugged Yang Fan's arm, raised her head and looked at Yang Fan baffledly, and said unwillingly, "Does it take a long time, a few months, or a year?"

"I'm not very sure. If it goes well, it may be out in a few months. If it doesn't go well, it may take a year or two."

Yang Fan chuckled: "But don't worry, I will leave a few clones outside before the retreat. When you miss me, you can call my clones to accompany you."

"The space spirit treasure I gave you is just in case. UU reading has my clone, you may not have the opportunity to use it."

Yang Fan smiled confidently, raised his hand and scratched Yang Guo's little nose, which made Yang Guo's mood a little better.



At this moment, the disciples who had just left had already returned from all directions. Yang Fan's thoughts moved and he sensed that the two spore clones he sent out seemed to be approaching.

"Well, dad, mom and two ancestors are almost here, let me meet you!"

Yang Fan straightened up and reminded Yang Guo softly.

Then, the two brothers and sisters stood side by side, looking for the direction of spatial fluctuations and raising their eyes to greet each other.


The two space portals opened in turn, and the figures of Yang Chaoqun, Zhao Linglan, Zhu Huanan, Zhu Yiping, Fu Zhengqing, and Qu Hongde walked out of the two space portals in turn.

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