MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 16 Reality (3)

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Cold branches fall white?

Is this really a cold fall?

The whole forum recognized the top of the big gods cold white? !

Cheng Zhichu was so shocked that the first reaction was that his eyes were out of order, or what illusion was generated. After all, how could such a legendary God-level player reply to his post!

What's more, it has been two years since the last posting of the cold twigs. Many people are even guessing whether he is dead or not. How can he be so skillful? The return of the gods after two years is actually because they want to reply to this newcomer. s post……

In a twinkling of an eye, Cheng Zhichu immediately convinced himself that it was indeed wrong, but at the same time, his mobile phone suddenly stunned, and the new message that the forum kept receiving replies was like crazy going into his mobile phone. He stuck his mobile phone directly.

No, isn't it?

Cheng Zhichu stunned for a few seconds. After the reaction, a "slot" blurted out and quickly restarted the phone. Both hands trembled and reopened the forum at his fastest speed. He clicked on his post and it was reflected in his eyes. Rows of "???" and the 2nd floor that seems to be gleaming id -

The cold branches are white.



After exclaiming with excitement, this trip back was really falling from the bed.

But he didn't want to get up, so he lay on the ground with the inverted green onion. He was so excited that his face was flushed, his hands were full of sweat, and he held the phone and stared at the simple words on the screen. .

That's right, it's really cold! He appeared! After a lapse of two years, I finally got out of the forum, and even replied to his post! !

Cheng Zhichu was so excited that his fingers were shaking. Even if he knew that the time of the cold branches was still short, he could also know how powerful the other party was. Of course, it was said that he worshipped the cold branches and fell, and this feeling was even more It is similar to "so that a very powerful person actually talked to me", is flattered.

The number of replies in the post continues to rise wildly, but in just two or three minutes, the number of posts has already been three or four hundred, which means that Cheng Zhichu immediately scored nearly 400 points of survival.

Of course, these people are not looking at the Raiders, but they are simply shocked by the appearance of the cold, and they are coming in and watching the gods.

15th floor:? ? ? ?

85th floor: Ah? I? ? Live? ?

146th floor: Don't hit the ghost.

177th floor: I... by...

283 floor: Ah, ah, it’s really my cold god! God, I miss you so much...

Cheng Zhichu was very upset. He browsed these responses, most of them were shocked by the sudden appearance of the cold branches, and a few were asking why the cold branches would disappear for two years, and there was no news during the period.

Of course, there are very few people who are sighing that the landlord has gone so far, and can get the reply from this big man.

In fact, Cheng Zhichu himself also wants to know why, just now, the cold twigs said that the copy is interesting. In the end, he did not feel that the Raiders he wrote were special.

After a few seconds, Cheng Zhichu decided to ask and satisfy his curiosity. Although the cold branches will not speak after this, it is estimated that they will not reply to him, but if there is a case, it is not impossible to expect.

Freshly squeezed orange juice to restore the cold branches and whites: the cold branches are good! I didn't expect the **** to reply to my post, I really feel very happy! I would like to ask, what do you mean by "interesting", what is special about this copy?

Cheng Zhichu sent the reply with some nervousness. However, after more than ten minutes, the cold twigs still did not reply. However, the number of people who came in and watched the gods continued to rise. His survival point has exceeded 1000 points.

Seeing this situation, Cheng Zhichu simply did not think about the post first, spent 700 points to upgrade his skills to the second level, and in the mall to see the "topographic identification" skills, that is the ability that Lu Wenjing had before , you can identify the map, and then buy enough after you have enough survival points.

Um... But should he give some survival points to Bai Yi? After all, Bai Yi saved him several times. Finally, in order to save him, he also overdrafted to kill Joshua. It is not a bit inappropriate to tell him. .

Thinking of this, Cheng Zhichu suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and he sent a message to Bai Yi, saying that he had posted a Raiders post and there would be some survival points.

Although the forum can't directly transfer the survival point, he can ask what Bai Yi wants to buy, and then sell it to him at a very low price.


At this time, the door of the bedroom was suddenly knocked a few times, and Cheng Zhichu should have a voice. The beautiful and pure girl pushed the door open, her eyes sparkling, and she put down a bag of things in her hand. His side shook his arm and spoke.

"Brother, do you have anything right now, can you help me with nothing?"

"Well? What?"

Cheng Zhichu put down his mobile phone and asked very casually, but it didn't take long to react. He looked at her with vigilance: "Cheng Lingling, you said clearly, what kind of help is it, it will not be what you did." Let me cook it for you?"

"Oh, how can I, don't doubt me so much, I am very embarrassed recently."

The girl spit out her tongue and said, "I want to ask you to take a photo for me. You know that I like Ji Yunxiao very much. Recently, they officially had an event. Just wear Xiao Xiao’s aid or take it. Taking pictures around and sending it online and Ait official, you may get a place to visit Xiao Xiao’s variety show...”

The more she said, the more excited she was, the more she started taking the bed of Cheng Zhichu: "I! Really! I want to be selected especially! If I can see Xiao Sha’s real person at a close distance, I will die and have no regrets!! So brother, I beg you, you must take pictures for me!!"

"Oh, then take a shot. I will shoot you? Use your mobile phone or my mobile phone?"

Cheng Zhichu nodded and felt that it was really nothing. He always knew that Cheng Lingling especially liked Ji Yunxiao. He almost started chasing when Ji Yunxiao just debuted. Since he likes it, it is not a matter of helping to take pictures.

Two years ago, Ji Yunxiao debuted as an idol and became famous overnight in China. He is the most popular top-level traffic singer. The news about him is overwhelming. No matter where he goes, he can see the advertisement with his image. When he walks into the store, he puts his songs... Of course, Ji Yunxiao is also hacked at the same time. It’s very bad.

He also saw Ji Yunxiao's debut mv, which is indeed very attractive. Before the camera, the beautiful idol was dressed in a very heavy black uniform, and his body was perfectly set off, full of abstinence and temptation.

His eyebrows were sharp and handsome, and as the prelude sounded, he slowly turned his head, staring coldly at the screen, lifting his slender hands in black gloves, making a shot, and at the same time, a sense of rhythm The extremely strong music broke out, swept swiftly, and boiled on the apex.



This gun was opened on the apex of countless girls, and also attacked his sister Cheng Lingling. Since then, she has become a loyal fan of Ji Yunxiao. Under her leadership, even their parents are also against Ji Yun. Xiao is very fond of it.

Of course, he does not think that his sister can get a quota. After all, Ji Yunxiao has so many fans, the competition must be very intense, and his sister’s luck is not better than him. It is impossible to win.

"It's not that you took pictures of me. Of course, my own ones have already been shot and sent, I am shooting for you!"

Cheng Lingling's eyebrows danced, and the contents of the bag were smashed out. Cheng Zhichu looked at the past and turned out to be a support t-shirt with the image of Ji Yunxiao and a q version of his doll.

"This event is also a fan of relatives and friends can also participate, if the relatives and friends get the quota, you can also transfer to the fans themselves. So more than one person to take pictures, the greater the hope of winning, I have launched all the people I can find to shoot me Even my parents said that I am moving, now I am worse, change clothes, I will take pictures of you!"

No, let him take pictures?

Cheng Zhichu was a bit helpless. He didn't want to shoot. But since he had already promised Cheng Lingling, he had no choice but to change his clothes. He still holds Ji Yunxiao's doll in his arms.

However, at this time, Cheng Lingling’s mobile phone suddenly came to the phone. She glanced at the caller’s display and squinted a little, then went out to answer the call.

Taking advantage of her efforts to go out, Cheng Zhichu sat on the bed with his doll and began to look at the news on the phone. He found that Bai Yi had already responded to his life-related matters and told him not to think about it. Those survival points were all given to him. .

Cheng Zhichu was very moved, but he felt very embarrassed. He chatted with Bai Yi a few times. At this moment, the mobile phone screen suddenly appeared bleeding red and jumped out of the familiar prompt box.

The cooling countdown ends and the player is asked to select a copy.

Cheng Zhichu: "?!" Wait, the countdown service is not to say that there is still one day left, why should we open the next copy now? ?

[Ah, I forgot to tell you, when the countdown is occasionally inaccurate, this is also inevitable, but the probability of such a thing is very low, I did not expect to be hit by you. 】

Why don't you say such an important thing early!

Cheng Zhichu was very flustered. He and Bai Yi had not agreed on the time to enter the next copy. What should he do? !

At this time, there was still a little time to enter the copy. He almost cried, typing to Bai Yi for help.

Freshly squeezed orange juice: Not good, my copy cooling time is ahead of time, now I am going to the next copy! !

Read one: It doesn't matter, don't be afraid, my copy just ends, I will come. What, even so clever! !

Cheng Zhichu was overjoyed. It was like a perfect life. He had already said the name of the new copy with Bai Yi. When they started the copy together, they could enter the same copy, so he settled down and started to choose. A copy.

[The player has chosen a copy: the abandoned hospital. 】

[Level: 8 levels. Difficulty: difficult. Number of people: 6 people. 】

[I am about to enter the "disused hospital", countdown to five seconds. 】

Still the same as the previous time, the surrounding light is gradually darkening and the temperature is also decreasing. Cheng Zhichu waits for himself to be transferred into the copy. Suddenly he feels that something is wrong. Looking down, Ji Yunxiao’s doll is still subconsciously hugged by him. In the arms.

If this thing is lost by him, the spirit will kill him!

Cheng Zhichu suddenly changed his color. At this time, the scene around him changed suddenly, and it was an environment of sinister atmosphere.

The moonlight in the night sky is bleak, surrounded by black-pressed woods, a muddy road is stepped on his feet, and the sloppy puddles emit a weird smell. At the end of the road is a wide courtyard, through the lush crown It is faint to see that there is a tall building inside, it seems to be white.


The light of the flashlight illuminates behind the beginning of the journey, scaring him to jump, but he immediately responded to the teammates in the copy, then turned the doll and looked at it, but suddenly stunned for a few seconds, then gradually revealed a horrified expression. I widened my eyes.

It turned out to be...


The young man with a flashlight is very avant-garde in dressing and dressing. It is obviously a styling. The neat black hair is also highlighted by a few dark blue, and the silver earrings on the earlobe are shiny.

His eyebrows were neat and handsome, his temperament was unexpectedly meek, and his gaze was first fell on the doll held by Cheng Zhichu, then the t-shirt with photos.

He looked at it for a while, raised his hand and touched his face, and looked at Cheng Zhichu with some slyness, while Cheng Zhichu, who was carrying the doll, was watching him.

"Know the beginning?"

Bai Yi flashed a flashlight and walked in the other direction. Seeing that Cheng Zhichu stood there, he couldn't help but smack his lips. On the face, he showed a gentle smile, but he calmed down after seeing the clothes and dolls of Cheng Zhichu.

He watched for a few seconds, and looked at the young man who was looking at Cheng Zhichu. The smile faded away, the darkness of the cockroach was darker, the voice was still gentle, but it was inexplicably revealing a hint of coldness.

"...I know why, why is your face printed on his clothes?"


Bai Yi's Diary · Part 16

If it is not known, I will peel off the man's skin. All.

If there is not that man, I will immediately take off the clothes of Zhichu, and it is all.

Although I know that this person should be a star-class public figure, it is his fan at first, but... I really can't let anyone know that there are others in the eyes.

I want him to only look at me. 2k novel reading network