MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 21 Abandoned hospital (5)

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Q: I am a man, a woman, and a friend who is very good to me. If a friend is good, it is very annoying. Now, suddenly, I accidentally kissed him for some reason, and he may have mistakenly thought that I am the foundation. I must hate me, I regret it. Very much, how can I ask for his forgiveness? !

A: Either from the palace, or commit suicide, or do a sex-change surgery to give your friends a cool.

In the few seconds of kissing Bai Yi, after the initial sluggishness and shock, Cheng Zhichu’s mind appeared in a lot of thoughts, so that he had an illusion that it had been extremely long in these few seconds.

He never knew that he could think of so many things at this time, that is, no one is useful. After experiencing many souls such as "Who is he, where he is, what he is doing", "What is wrong with Bai Yi?", he finally has only one thought left -

Bai Yi will definitely kill him! ! !

He was out of control and could not control his body. Even his closed eyes could not open, and he could not see Bai Yi’s look at this time. He only knew that the other party did not stop his movements—perhaps he was already scared by him. It is.

Because of his inner fear, Cheng Zhichu's face became extraordinarily pale. What is even more terrible is that even though his heart is desperately resisting, his movements are still going on.

He opened his lips slightly and explored the tip of his tongue. Like a kitten, he gently licked the lips of Bai Yi.


Bai Yi’s strength in holding his wrist increased a bit, and it seemed that his breathing was no longer so smooth.

Salvation - life - ah -! !

Cheng Zhichu’s liver scared the liver and gallbladder, and he knew that Bai Yi finally reacted. This is probably to crush his hand directly, and then the next second is his head!

[The behavior is out of control. 】

The system's automatic prompts are like a death bell that sounds at this moment. Cheng Zhichu gained the right to control the body, but he was already out of power and his legs were soft. If it wasn't for Bai Yi, he would pull him in time and hold him steady. He would sit directly on the ground.

Cheng Zhichu lowered his head and opened his eyes in trepidation. He kept staring at himself and Bai Yi’s toe, and did not dare to look up and white.

"Yes, sorry..."

I don't know how long it took, Cheng Zhichu got back his voice, pale and pale and apologize to Bai Yi. Besides, he couldn't say anything, and his mind was in a mess.

The current situation is so bad that it can't be worse. He still remembers the last time Bai Yi saw his kiss when he kissed Joshua. It was so cold that he could drop the hail, and this time he was lying in the air. Now, Bai Yi does not say a word, it is definitely figuring out **** him...!

"Knowing the beginning."

After a moment of silence, Bai Yi suddenly whispered and called his name. His voice is as gentle and calm as ever, and even contains a faint smile.

The more he did, the more he swayed at the beginning of Cheng Zhichu, fearing that it was calm before the storm, but he couldn’t stand the silence. He simply raised his head and looked straight at Bai Yi. There was a kind of generosity. The momentum.

However, when he looked up, he found that Bai Yi’s expression was not as gloomy as he thought. On the contrary, he even had a good mood. The beautiful black enamel shimmered, slightly curved, and the tears in the right corner. The look of his face was more gentle, the smile was filled, the long eyelids hang down, and his eyes looked straight at him.

Isn’t Bai Yi... not angry with him?

Cheng Zhichu and his face for a few seconds, the mood of panic gradually calmed down, his face also recovered some blood, finally gathered courage, whispered.

"I am really sorry, I just lost control. I don't know why I did that..."

Speaking of why he lost control twice is a move to make such a **** gay, is his person really a mental illness rather than a porn? !

"I know that you definitely feel uncomfortable in your heart," said Cheng Zhichu, who felt awkwardly afterwards, and his face rose red, because he was too worried that Bai Yi would hate him. He even forgot that this was What a shameful thing, "If you want to vent, just hit me, I promise not to fight back..."

"Don't be afraid, how can I be angry with you."

The handsome man smiled and smiled. He licked the soft hair of the beginning of the journey. The temperature was soft as water, and he opened his mouth with a very low voice.

"...It's better to say that it feels great."


Cheng Zhichu didn't listen to the latter half of the sentence, but was looked at by Bai Yi with such gentle and almost indulgent gaze. His face was red and sorrowful, and his shame and guilt were also coming up.

Bai Yizhen is...he knows that the steel straight man is being kissed by the same sex. Now he is definitely not good in his heart, but he is willing to endure for him, pretend to be nothing, and conversely comfort him... how can there be such a good temperament? People, he simply does not match Bai Yi to him so well! !

Cheng Zhichu was moved by Bai Yi, thinking that he could make such a good friend. His life was full, and he was kneeling down on the spot and bowing to the other side.

Bai Yi’s loyalty is one thing. He really regrets that Bai Yi is another matter. Now he really has no face and Bai Yi is so close. If he loses control again, he will start to harm Bai Yi. So at least for now, he should keep a distance from Bai Yi, and others...

Wait, yes, here is not only him and Bai Yi are there...! !

Until then, Cheng Zhichu remembered that there were others present, and immediately changed his face, and it was obvious that others had looked at him.

Sisters read and looked at him again and again, and looked at Ji Yunxiao. His eyes were very complicated. I don’t know if it was an illusion. Cheng Zhichu actually saw a hard-lived man from inside. "the taste of.

"The door is open, there is nothing in it."

Just when the atmosphere was in a state of rigidity, Da Gao pushed the door of Room 105 away, and turned back and said with a blank expression, it was like a scorpio for Cheng Zhichu at the moment.

He looked at the big high and his eyes suddenly lit up. He is sure that he will continue to lose control, and he has a hunch that the next loss of control may still be intimate to someone - although he does not know which mental patient will make it at the time of the attack. This is a maddening thing.

He didn't dare to stay with Bai Yi again. After all, Bai Yi was out of love and would not kneel down to subdue him, but let him act alone, he was very scared.

Ji Yunxiao is absolutely not afraid to come closer, Meng Ke sister is even more inappropriate, so only the strong and strong high is the most appropriate, if he is out of control again, Da Gao will definitely subdue him directly.

At the thought of this, Cheng Zhichu immediately came to the spirit, and refused to take care of the other. He filed this request with Da Gao, hoping that Da Gao could agree. After all, his loss of control is simply a bomb that will explode at any time. This is also to make the team more stable.

"No, know the beginning."

But before he even said what Da Gao said, Bai Yi first denied the proposal of Cheng Zhichu. His gaze was slightly sinking, pulling Cheng Zhichu back to his side, holding his shoulder and saying: "I said it doesn't matter, you can stay at my side with peace of mind."

"But..." Cheng Zhichu said a little embarrassed, swallowing and saying, "If I do something to you again... would you feel very annoying?"

"I don't hate anything you do." Bai Yi smiled and licked his head, Wensheng said, "Not to hate you. I promise."

Cheng Zhichu stunned, and his heartbeat suddenly became inexplicably disturbed for a moment, and his face was a little hot. But he soon became emotionally affected by Bai Yi, and did not think deeply.

Da Gao opened the door and saw nothing to say, but even if there is no Bai Yi, he will reject the proposal of Cheng Zhichu. After all, his most important task is to ensure the safety of the boss Ji Yunxiao, and can not be distracted by other things.

Thinking this way, he subconsciously glanced at Ji Yunxiao, but could not help but feel a little surprised.

Junmei's idol looked at Cheng Zhichu and Bai Yi, who were close to the situation, with thin lips and slight eyes, and beautiful eyes. The eyelashes fluttered slightly. Although it looked calm, but he was still familiar with him, he could still see Ji Yunxiao. Some are low.

Ji Yunxiao can't tell what kind of mood he is at the moment.

Although he always shines on the stage, he is actually a quiet and restrained person. He is not good at expressing his emotions, and he is not always used to responding to others' enthusiasm for himself.

Being a singer is his long-cherished wish, but after becoming famous overnight, he suffered too much sudden pressure and burden, which made him even unprepared.

Not only those rumors, arrogance and insults, but also the fans' love and expectations, Ji Yunxiao often does not know how to respond, in order to prevent them from being disappointed.

Perhaps it is related to the growing environment, he is very afraid of others disappointing him, especially those who love him. Therefore, his requirements for himself are always extremely demanding, and he hopes to show his perfect side to everyone.

Ji Yunxiao is also very clear, no one is perfect, he can't make everyone happy, especially as an idol, there will always be many things that are involuntarily. In many cases, he must reject others' expectations of him.

Although such things have happened many times, in the face of these people, Ji Yunxiao still feels uncomfortable, so he will try to avoid contact with people for too long, always looking directly at the camera. Cover your inner feelings with a smile.

He doesn't like to look at other people's eyes.

Until the moment when he and Cheng Zhichu were opposite each other, the heart was touched.

This is very strange. he knows.

Although this is not a deliberate move by Cheng Zhichu, it should not be a wonderful experience, because it reminds him of the experience of being attacked by illegitimate rice or black powder.

However, unlike those who are either crazy, paranoid, or disgusting, the eyes of Cheng Zhichu are so pure and transparent.

The reddish-eyed eyes were wet, and the light brown hazelnuts smudged with faint water, bright and pure, clearly reflecting his figure, with a hot and soft emotion, clearly silent, but it seems to contain a thousand words language.

It’s really weird.

Ji Yunxiao told himself in the bottom of his heart.

He shouldn't have any extra ideas.

It can be contrary to reason. At that moment, he clearly felt that his heartbeat was speeding up, could not help but remove his sight, pretending to look like, but could not cover his red face.

He didn't dare to continue watching, because the gaze was too pure. It seemed that as long as he took another look, he couldn't help but think that someone would love him so much.

It doesn't matter what kind of person he is, what he did, and what kind of good looks he has. It's just looking at him purely, but there is nothing else.

In this world, only one person will be watched.

Just... Ji Yunxiao also knows that this is his own illusion. After Cheng Zhichu's loss of control, he has been keeping a distance with him, and even deliberately avoided any line of sight communication. Every time Ji Yunxiao quietly looked at him, he always saw him looking at Bai Yi.

Now he even kissed Bai Yi directly - Ji Yunxiao's dawn was slightly dimmed, and he felt a tingling tingling in his heart.

... Even if it was just an illusion, he even wanted Cheng Zhichu to continue to look at himself with such a gaze.

This is really weird...



Da Gao noticed that Ji Yunxiao’s mood was not quite right. He reminded him of the sentence and reminded others not to delay the time: “It’s time to go.”


Ji Yunxiao responded, convulsing the loss in his heart, and nodded his head in a serious position.

Da Gao turned to the 105 room first, others followed him, and flashed the internal environment of Room 105 with a flashlight.

The thick dust flicked with the tiny airflow and slowly fluttered under the light of the flashlight.

Cheng Zhichu raised his hand and covered his mouth and nose. He looked around in the room and looked at the tables, chairs, medical beds and withered green plants that had not been able to move. He was very familiar.

This is not surprising. This is the office of his doctor, Luo Wei, who has been there many times. He used the skills of clues to find clues and saw three or four flashes.

One of them is on the wall, and a few pictures of the brain ct are attached to the broken picture light box. The nearest Bai Yi has taken them down and illuminates them with a flashlight.

Cheng Zhichu went to Dr. Luo’s desk. Just now he faintly saw a flashing reminder. After opening the drawer, it was a thick piece of paper. Cheng Zhichu used a flashlight on his face and shoulders to flip the paper in a strenuous posture. But most of them are just white paper, and many of them are shredded, and there is nothing valuable.

After turning over two drawers in a row, Cheng Zhichu didn't find anything. He squatted down and opened the bottom drawer, only to find that the drawer was empty, only one photo was placed inside.

[Found clues, gain 50 points of experience and 100 points of survival. 】

this is……

The photo was a bit fuzzy. Cheng Zhichu couldn't see the person above, and took it out. However, after seeing the face, his pupil suddenly shrank and his face became pale.

The teenager in the photo was dressed in a clean sick suit. The light-colored hair was especially dazzling in the sun. The barley was also very clear, and the complexion was white. It seemed that the whole person was shining.

His smile was very bright, holding the arm of another person. The man was taller than him. He was dressed in a white coat and dressed as a doctor. The position of his face was burned out of a small hole and he could not distinguish his appearance.

However, Cheng Zhichu is quite aware of the identity of the teenager, because this is his own appearance.

In the photo, he is a few years younger than he is now, about the age of junior high school. This photo should be taken during the period he was treated as a patient in this light hospital five years ago.

What is this... Cheng Zhi’s face is bloodless, like a bucket of ice water, from the head to the feet.

He knew that he was a patient in this hospital, but when he saw his own photos, he was really shocked, especially when he clearly remembered that he had never worn any sick clothes. This photo is completely It was made out of thin air.

This horrible feeling made him shudder, his fingertips trembled slightly, did not hold the photo in his hand, let it turn, and gently fell to the ground, revealing a line of pretty words on the back of the photo.

To the distinguished Dr. Luo:

Thank you for your help and care!

Cheng Zhichu

[You recall, this is a photo of you and Dr. Luo. The weather is very good that day. You are about to recover and leave the hospital. So I took Dr. Luo and took this picture in front of the lawn in the courtyard. 】

[There are two photos. You and Dr. Luo have one each. The two sides exchanged their wishes and exchanged each other. This is a photo you gave to Dr. Luo. The words on the back of the photo are written by you. 】

[Photos given to you by Dr. Luo are also kept at home by you. You vaguely remember the message written above is "Give it to the early childhood friends, congratulations, you are going to be discharged, you are a very good child, we all like you very much, I wish you a safe and happy life in the future." 】


While listening to the introduction, Cheng Zhichu twitched and smashed the photo.

The person who had taken a photo with him was Dr. Luo. I don’t know why, his face was burned in the photo. Maybe the person who did this had some old complaints with Dr. Luo, but in this case, why not take the whole photo directly? Tore it, but to burn his face and put the photo back into the drawer?

"Little early..."

A sigh of utter sorrow suddenly rang in the ear of Cheng Zhichu, and the voice seemed to come from far away, as if it was close to him.

"Little beginning, come over..."

"Look back, look at me..."

Cheng Zhichu heard that this was the voice he had heard before, and suddenly he was tense, and the palm of his hand oozes a thin sweat.

His body was shuddering slightly and did not dare to make any moves, and there were some changes in the photos in his hand.

The teenager in the photo suddenly came alive and slowly moved his eyes. He smiled at the head of Cheng Zhichu, who was outside the photo, but his eyes were extremely empty, not really laughing.

He broke the doctor's arm and stared at the doctor for a second. His face gradually appeared a disgusting and cold look. He pushed open the doctor with a handful of blood. A bunch of blood was sprayed from the doctor's throat. The hole seemed to be like a cave. It was to remove the doctor's head, and the headless body fell straight down.

The blood of the blush was sprayed with the whole photo at a moment, and the blood in the water was more and more sprayed, drowning the figure of the teenager, and then a "squeaky" sound, a blood actually flowed out of the photo, splashed in the hands of Cheng Zhichu. .

Xiaochu, come over.


Cheng Zhichu screamed and returned from the stagnation of fear. He was cold and sweaty and threw the photo out again.

"Know the beginning?"

A warm hand slammed his shoulder, and Cheng Zhichu stunned and looked at the past. Bai Yijun's face fell into his sight, his brows stunned and he looked at him with concern.

"Photo, photo..."

Cheng Zhichu stunned his face and shuddered at the photo on the ground, but suddenly stopped.

It seems that everything that happened just now is his illusion. There is no drop of blood on his hand. There is no abnormal trace on the photo. It is still the young man holding the doctor's hand, the smile is bright, and the doctor's face is burned out. A hole.

Bai Yi gently patted his back and leaned over to pick up the photo. Seeing the smiling teenager above, he was light and asked quietly: "Is this child you?"

"Yes, it is me." Cheng Zhichu replied undecidedly. "It was a photo of me and Dr. Luo. His face was burned out of the hole. Not only that, but I also saw it just..."

He said the illusion of seeing the bloodshed of the photo. He heard the description of Meng Ke and showed some scared look. He said: "You are like me, I also saw a very horrible illusion. There must be some Some hallucinations..."

She was talking, a black shadow suddenly fell from her head without warning, rubbed her nose and fell to the ground, Meng can breathe a cold air, screamed in a short scream, and then stepped back a few steps. Stand firm.

After the black shadow fell, lying quietly on the ground, Meng Xin took out the gun at the shadow, while holding a flashlight to put the light on it, could not help but reveal a strange look.

" it a teddy bear?"

Da Gao also saw this thing and frowned immediately.

This is also a toy bear, which looks a lot like the one just mentioned, but it is smaller in size, and looks cleaner and newer. The limbs are intact and there is basically no damage.

He raised the flashlight to the place where the teddy bear fell, but there was no shelf on the top of their head. The bear appeared as if it were out of thin air, and did not see where it fell from.

"When the two of you saw the illusion, there was a teddy bear," Dagfu frowned. "Is it the illusion it brings?"

"But it's really just a very ordinary toy bear."

Meng Xin once again confirmed, even carefully took the bear up and looked at it, no matter how you look at it, this is not a prop item, there is no relevant hint.

"They may be just ordinary toys."

Bai Yi looked at the teddy bear, hooked his lips and whispered: "The appearance of them is representative... there is something to prove here."

When I heard him, the other people's looks changed, and the back was a little cold. Cheng Zhichu was shaking and shaking, and he couldn't help but question whether his ring really worked.

The role of the original ring is that there is a ghost in the five meters, it will remind him of heat, but now it is actually a little bit of movement, it really does not work when used, the side effects are extremely obvious.

"If it's like what you said," Meng Xin looked worriedly at the bear in his hand. "Is there any use for the bear? Is it wrong for me, shouldn't the bear be broken?"

"You can get it first."

Bai Yi said, and at the same time took Cheng Zhichu's photo into his pocket with an incomparably natural and smooth movement, and then raised the brain ct film in his hand: "I found clues here."

He walked up to the broken picture light box, hung the film in a certain order, and then put the flashlight into the light box to form a light source. The broken glass corners of the light box and the shape of the brain in the film made a strange thing. Projection, mapped to the opposite wall.

"Ah, this is a password..."

The two sisters opened their lips slightly, showing a slightly surprised expression, looking at the projection on the wall.

This projection reflects the words and numbers, like the reflection in the mirror, which is flipped over. The text is very simple and clear with the words "password", prompting them that this is a password somewhere.

The remaining numbers have a total of four digits. The beginning is the flipped "6". If it is turned over, it should be at the end. After all the numbers are reversed, what is presented is...

"Password: 0, 5, 2, 6..."

Meng Xin read the characters one by one. Every time she reads a number, Cheng Zhichu’s face is even more pale, because his birthday is May 26, which is no coincidence.


Seeing this number, Bai Yi was dark and dark, and raised his lips to reveal a sneer.

"Do you remember that there is a place where passwords can be used?"

Meng Xin asked Cheng Zhichu. In the absence of a map, they can only expect him to remember something, otherwise they will have nowhere to look for a place where passwords may be used.

[You think of the second floor conference room with a password cabinet for storing items, perhaps this password can correspond to the password cabinet. 】


Cheng Zhichu swallowed the swallow, suppressed the fear in his heart, nodded, according to the system's prompt: "The conference room on the second floor has a password cabinet." He thought about it and added, "the conference room is on the second floor." At the end of the corridor on the left."

The others nodded and confirmed that there were no more clues. They left Room 105 and found the stairwell leading to the second floor. They are not moving fast, because Meng Xin and Cheng Zhichu want to use the skills of clues to observe their route and prevent any omissions.

The surroundings are very quiet, seemingly oppressive and terrible. Cheng Zhichu has been thinking about passwords and photos, and the voice, all of which are inextricably linked to him, but what is the connection, he has nothing yet. Clue.

But he can faintly feel that the person or ghost who made these things should be very close to him, know his birthday, use his birthday as a password, and ruin the half of the photo that belongs to Dr. Luo, but he will be This half of it has survived.

Could it be that the person who called him "Xiaochu"? If this is the case, then the voice should be real, but he has no impression of the existence of this person...

When thinking about these problems, their group members have already arrived at the front door of the conference room on the second floor. The door of the conference room has been smashed, and it is open to the inside, and the furnishings inside can be seen faintly.

"There is a piece of paper attached here."

The paper on the gate attracted the attention of Meng Ke. She held a flashlight and read the text above.

"'Notice: Due to the recent renovation of the hospital floor, the road between the inpatient department and the outpatient building is temporarily closed, and everyone is allowed to enter or leave. If necessary, please bypass the hospital's east gate or enter the inpatient department from the underground passage. We apologize for any inconvenience. '...This is a construction notice."

Is this suggesting that they will go to the inpatient department afterwards?

Cheng Zhichu’s thoughts passed through such thoughts, and the system gave a hint again.

[The most feared place during hospitalization is the underground level of the hospital. 】

[The structure of the hospital is very weird. The inpatient department and the outpatient department have the same underground passages. There are mortuaries in the building. If you want to pass through the ground, you will definitely pass through the mortuary. 】

[Only hospital personnel can enter the underground passage, but usually few people will choose this route. 】

[The door to the underground of the outpatient department and the inpatient department is equipped with a door lock. If you want to take this passage, you need to find two keys to get in and out. 】

[You are all listening to the nurses who care for you. They like you very much, they will tell you a lot of interesting things, and occasionally mention some ghost stories circulating in hospitals. 】

[For example, the female corpse in the morgue, there is an invisible ninth floor in the inpatient department, the ogre of the sewer...]

[You are so scared that you can't sleep because of these ghost stories. In the middle of the night, you curl up in the quilt and don't dare to close your eyes. 】

[Whenever this time, you will be looking forward to......... come over...]

[As long can sleep...very.........]


Suddenly the system's prompts became obscure, like an old tape that was intermittent and unclear. Cheng Zhichu tried to identify and wanted to hear content that seemed to be blocked, but it didn't work.

It said over, what came over? Is it someone? Dr. Luo, or is it the person who called him "Xiaochu"? But who will enter someone else's ward in the middle of the night...

Cheng Zhichu didn't know why the sound of the system would become like this. It was very flustered, and what it said seemed to cover up something. The more I thought about it, the more I felt creepy.

Da Gao took the lead in the conference room, and Cheng Zhichu followed him behind. The interior of the conference room was very wide, and it was very messy everywhere. The tables and chairs were sloppy, scattered with information on the ground. The iron cabinets were close to the walls and had been smashed for the majority. Only a few plaids were still in good condition.

After using the skills of clue prompts, Cheng Zhichu and Meng Xin both confirmed that there was only a flash in the grid in the iron cabinet, and there was no other clue, and everyone came to the iron cabinet.

On the iron cabinet is an old-fashioned code lock, like the lock of the suitcase, which can be unlocked by turning to the corresponding number. According to the corresponding password, the high-order four-digit lock code turns the number into "0526".

There was a light bang in the lock cylinder, and the door of the cabinet opened a gap, and the door was opened slowly to reveal the paper placed inside.

Da Gao took the paper on the top and took it out. It was a note. He glanced at it and read the above.

"Desperate, I lost the key to the underground passage. It may have fallen in the men's room on the second floor. I will go find it first. You don't have to wait for me to have lunch."

"That means we have to go into the men's room to find the key." The two sisters muttered.

Da Gao took the note and put it away. He took another piece of paper from the cupboard and looked at it. He frowned and said, "It is a doctor's handwritten thing. It seems to be a medical record. I don't understand."

Said that he handed these pieces of paper to Ji Yunxiao: "Boss, trouble you."


Ji Yunxiao nodded. Like Cheng Zhichu, he also has the skills to interpret words. He took the paper and looked down seriously. He gradually looked up at the beautiful eyes and looked up at Cheng Zhichu. His eyes were a little bit unbelievable. His face was flushed and he was still a little shy.

...and so, what is it?

Watched by Ji Yunxiao, Cheng Zhichu suddenly had a very unpredictable feeling in his heart. He stepped forward and took the thing.

This turned out to be his medical record.

[Patient Name: Cheng Zhichu]

[age: 14]

[Diagnostic results: moderate paranoia, mild flower disease, mild skin hunger]

[Etiology analysis: The patient grew up in a relatively indifferent family environment, lacking the family ties that the family should have, leading to a longing for the closeness of others.

Due to the problem of sexual orientation, there is a huge contradiction with the family, and as a result, it is subject to bullying on the campus, which causes tremendous mental stress and thus causes disease induction. 】

[Symptom performance: like to be close to the appearance of outstanding same-sex, eager to get their attention, touch and love. In serious cases, they will fantasize about the special relationship between the other party and their own lover, and make intimate and show-loving behaviors to the other party, and even imagine that they have a close relationship with a non-existent object. 】

Cheng Zhichu: "..."

He chose to die in place.


Bai Yi's Diary · Part 21

It was really cute at first, and he thought that I would be angry with the things he kissed me.

I am a little angry - for myself. Why didn't I have to turn my head a little more, so that he could just kiss my lips.

When he licked my mouth, God knew how much I wanted to hug him and kiss him.

This kind of knowledge can only be mine, he can only be me alone.


I am not sure whether the "I" here still retains the previous memories, but he still remembers the birthday of Zhichu, and apparently has an illusion about the beginning of the knowledge.

I really want to let him die.

The author has something to say: Enter v, thank you for your support! Before the update in the early morning of the morning, the baby who posted the message in this chapter can get a red envelope. I love you =3=

Ps: I have revised the chapter 16 about my sister's plot. It probably means that my sister is going to participate in an activity, so please help my brother to wear the clothes of the fans to take photos, so as to get the audience quota of Ji Yunxiao variety show, the other has no effect~ Thank you for your comments, love you! =3=

Thanks to the mine's mine x4, even the black and white and jasmine mines x2, as well as the tears of the star zero, today also want to exercise, Nanshan has snow, salt smoke and the Qin dynasty mine! =3=2k novel reading network

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