MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 30 Abandoned hospital (fourteen)

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After a period of treatment, the condition of the teenager has changed a lot and is gradually recovering. During this period, his life has also undergone great changes.

The parents of the teenager used to be busy with their work. They didn’t have time to care for the children. The feelings between the parents and the children were very indifferent. But since the boy’s danger, they realized that they had made a serious mistake and started to unload the busy business. Time to accompany the teenager.

Joe also realized that some of his previous behaviors had caused great harm to the teenagers. After he had been entangled for a while, he finally took a rattan to the hospital and pleaded guilty. The teenager beat him out, but he scared the boy. This has become a talk of nurses for a long time.

Everything is moving in a good direction.

But the teenager is not as funny as before, and sometimes even reveals a very lonely look.

He felt that his heart was cut open, and when he was inadvertently, he often fainted and licked blood.


“Have you seen anything unusual recently?”

At the time of the review, Dr. Luo asked the teenager so.


The boy shook his head, his fingers trembled, and lowered his eyes and said, "It is sometimes... I will hear someone calling my name."

He heard a voice that had been calling him "Little Beginner". The voice seemed to come from far and far, but when he turned back, he was empty and had nothing.

He is very courageous, especially the ghost stories that nurses and sisters have said. It has been a long time, but until now, he occasionally feels fear.

These ghost stories are all fake - he always tells himself whenever he is afraid.

But he can only call his voice, but he has no fear at all, and even his heart is still faint hope, if it is real, it will be fine.

Because it is like the voice of Yuanhuai's brother, or the voice of the "far-huai brother" he imagined, because he has never seen Xie Yuanhuai in reality, and he has never heard his voice.

The sound you hear is just auditory hallucinations, because you have fantasies.

Dr. Luo and he said that the nurses and sisters and their parents also said this to him, so that the youngster himself thought so.

Sometimes he can't tell the difference between reality and fantasy, so people close to him tell him what he will believe.

That is his hallucination.

The real reality is that Xie Yuanhuai has been dead for several years. As for why the people in his fantasy are just called "Xie Yuanhuai", he guessed that perhaps at the time when he happened to hear the name of Xie Yuanhuai, nothing more.

He heard that Xie Yuanhuai's body has still been sealed in the mortuary of the hospital. His family members cannot accept the fact that the only child died. They refused to take back the body, but they did not let anyone handle it. Every year, they donated huge donations to the hospital. As the cost of saving the remains.

Perhaps they still believe that one day their children will open their eyes again.

Occasionally, the boy’s mind will flash like this: He wants to go to the morgue to see what the real Xie Yuanhuai looks like, and whether he has any similarities with the cold and gentle man in his fantasy.

But even if you have fantasies, the teenager knows that his ideas are too absurd and impossible to achieve.

"...well, it is impossible to go to the morgue, but there are ways to let you see the appearance of Xie Yuanhuai."

Occasionally, during a chat with the nurse, the teenager accidentally said the idea, and the little nurse heard his wish, thought about it, and whispered and said to him.

"I can find you a photo of him. There must be a registration in the previous file of the hospital. I have to look for it when I have time. I should be able to find it. You may have to wait a little longer."

"Do you not bother your sister?"

The young boy's heart beats faster, can't help but start looking forward, but still very cleverly does not want to trouble the little nurse.

"No, I am secret."

The little nurse spit out his tongue and said a pair of "who is who who is with whom".

In fact, she is doing well for the young. After all, how his "Xie Yuanhuai" fantasizing may be the same as the real Xie Yuanhuai, showing him photos and breaking his fantasies will definitely help his recovery.


"Do you still hear the sound?"

Dr. Luo’s tone is still mild: “You have not responded?”

"No, I have not responded at one time."

The boy shook his head. Before Dr. Luo and he said that not paying attention to those voices would help him recover better, so every time he resisted, only when that voice never existed.


"Well, Director Luo, knowing the beginning, I have to take pictures of you. Three, two -"

Under the clear blue sky, the courtyard of the hospital is full of gloom, full of vitality, filled with a touch of floral fragrance.

The little nurse raised the mobile phone and took a photo with Dr. Luo and the teenager. The youngster was discharged from the hospital, and the weather was very good today. He took photos in the courtyard and kept it as a memorial. The teenager in the camera took Dr. Luo’s arm and both laughed very much. Happy.

The handsome and cold man stood under the shadow of the tree and looked far away.

His figure was pale and pale. At this moment, it was thin and thin. It seemed as if a wind blew, and his shadow would be blown away, and it would no longer exist in this world.

These days, he almost never left the juvenile, calling him again and again, wanting to touch him and let him feel his existence, but they completely cut off all connections, juveniles Did not see him.

He knows that from the moment the teenager realizes that he is a ghost, the cognition has undergone a tremendous change, and he no longer thinks that he is a "person," so since then, the teenager has really not perceived him, even if He tried it numerous times, and it was just in vain.

He could only watch the young man crying and calling his name, asking him to appear until the voice was hoarse and fainted with tears in his face.

Later, the young man gradually thought that "Xie Yuanhuai" was just his own illusion, and he became somewhat silent, and he almost never mentioned the name.

Now he is about to leave this time and greet a brighter future.

However, Xie Yuanhuai’s time will only stay here, always pale and illusory, and it will not be in the memories of the teenagers, turning into fine dust.

His body was sleeping in the cold, trapping his soul in this courtyard, and no more steps could be taken, so he would not see the boy until the day he died.

He will eventually be forgotten.

But he can't forget it.

Even if the body turns into dust, the soul is nothing, as long as he still exists, he will always remember his boy, his little beginning.

He will hide him in his heart.


Tears gush from the eyes of Xie Yuanhuai silently, slipping down the cheeks and disappearing in the air.

... but he still wants to ask him to leave.


do not go.

do not go……

Don’t go, don’t go, don’t go


A sudden wind blew through the courtyard and blew the crown.

The teenager was blown up by the wind, and had to reach out and rub his hair and continue to take photos with the nurses.


Dr. Luo, who took the phone and took pictures for them, looked up and looked around strangely. He said to himself: "How can there be such a big wind in such a good weather?"


Xie Yuanhuai slowly turned around and finally left the courtyard.

He is very clear that Xiaochu is not like him, and he can't stay in the hospital for a lifetime.

Not to mention he does not want it.

His early life should be better than anyone else.


Today is the day when the teenager recovered and was discharged.

His parents drove to pick him up, and Joe overtook the class, and he did not hesitate to help carry the luggage, and looked like a rabbit in front of the elders.

The nurses were very reluctant to leave the hospital with this cute and lovely boy. Before he left, they hugged him. The teenager was a little shy, and they were different from each other. The last little nurse avoided everyone, mysterious. He pulled him to the corner.

"Sorry, I have got a photo of Xie Yuanhuai now, do you want to see it?"

The little nurse took out his cell phone and asked the teenager. Although the teenager has recovered, there is no need to show him the photos, but this is what she promised. She does not want to renege.

This time she opened her eyes. She didn't expect Xie Yuanhuai to be so handsome. Even if she only registered the photos, it would make people feel soft. She looked at the first time when she saw it.

Uh... unfortunately, God doesn’t have long eyes, so he passed away at such a young age, no wonder his family can’t accept it...

The little nurse sighed in the heart and handed the phone out. The young man screamed and reached out, but he paused when his fingertips were about to touch the phone, and then silently shrank back.

"What's wrong?" The little nurse was a little surprised.

"I... I still don't see it." The teenager's smile was a little stubborn. "Sorry, my sister, you still have to spend so much effort."

"It doesn't matter, but why don't you watch it?"

The nurse became more and more confused. She clearly remembered that the teenager seemed to be very eager for photos before, and often watched her stop and talk.

"……I can not see."

The boy bowed his head and said softly.

He is afraid that Xie Yuanhuai and Yuanhuai brothers in the photo are not at all like it.

But what he is more afraid of will be like a place... even if only a little, he will not know what to do.

So he can't see it.

Yuan Huai is his dream.

But he should wake up from this dream.


Xie Yuanhuai came to the ward where the boy had lived. The door was open and there was no lock, so he went in and stood there for a long time, watching it silently.

The items that the teenager once placed in the ward have been taken away. In order to use the ward for the next patient, the room has been thoroughly cleaned, the windows are wide open, and fresh air is coming in. The original breath has already been Dissipated completely, leaving only the warmth of the sun.

It is no different from other wards...

He thought slyly, but the shadow of the juvenile constantly appeared in his mind, as if he still stayed here, everything has not changed, but he went to the doctor for inspection.

Just wait a moment and the teenager will come back. No one else was present, he could hold the warm and soft body in his arms, kiss his delicate lips, and whisper his name under the shy gaze.



"Yes... this is the ward, come over."

Suddenly there was a loud noise coming from the door. The young nurse appeared at the door, followed by the patient wearing the sick suit and the family carrying the luggage.

Xie Yuanhuai watched them come in, his eyes suddenly trembled.

"A family member came over to register with me, take the new card back and plug it in. Come here."

The nurse snorted a few words with his family and then leaned over to remove the original card from the bedside card slot.

It reads the words "Cheng Zhichu".

Do not……

Xie Yuanhuai was pale and wanted to grab the nurse's hand and leave the card, but her fingers crossed her wrist and watched the nurse put the card into her pocket.

"This bed is quite comfortable."

The patient sat in the hospital bed and tried to feel it. He said something to his family with a smile.

That should have belonged to Xiaochu’s bed.

Xie Yuanhuai's body trembled slightly, his pupils shrank slightly, watching them take the items out of the trunk, and arranged them in a busy manner, occupying the remaining space a little, turning this place into a completely strange appearance.

It was already dead, but at this moment, he felt the coldness and pain of the bones, and the scars on the heart were torn apart in an instant and became fragmented.

His chest broke open the void of nothingness.

The dark, twisted, and complex desires rushed out and slowly spread.

Why are you leaving him to leave?

Obviously he belongs to you.

His gaze, his smile, his breathing, everything in everything, should only be for you.

Can you bear the burden of others in the future, forget you completely, and spend the rest of your life with others?

Do not……


He didn't want Xiaochu to forget him, and he didn't want to see Xiaochu before he died. The rest of his life can only be spent in endless thoughts.

He regretted it.

You should get him back.

Call his name and let him perceive your existence.

But how can he find it? He could not go out of the hospital, and he did not know where the young man was.

Then ask other people.

Also ask Dr. Luo.

Ask him why he told Xiaochu that he could not respond to you.

He broke your relationship and took Xiaochu away from you.

If he can't say it...

You will kill him.


An accident occurred in the escalator of the hospital, causing a girl to die on the spot. At the time, Dr. Luo, who was also taking the elevator, was slightly injured, but fortunately there was no serious problem.

Seeing the blood of the girl splashing on the escalator, Xie Yuanhuai trembled, showing the painful color, but immediately confuses the mind with the painful and dark desire.

This time I failed to kill Dr. Luo, but there is still a chance.

In fact, it is also a good thing that the little girl died.

Death will strengthen your strength. If you kill enough people, your early childhood will definitely see you again.

Then go kill the people who occupy his ward, how can you tolerate others to capture your memories.


Two months later, a fire broke out on the eighth floor of the inpatient department. One person died and two people were seriously injured. The deceased was the patient in the juvenile ward.

Do you feel the power that death brings to you?

Now because of your influence, those monsters that do not exist will also be born in the hospital.

The sewers of the sewers, the ruins of the red women in the mortuary, the ninth floor of the non-existent... These monsters have already had a shadow in the hospital.

Xiaochu once thought that they were also real because they were ghosts. When the illness occurred, he saw the hallucinations of them in the middle of the night, escaped from the ward, and unfortunately fell from the stairs.

Because of this, you hate them, but they are your helpers, and if they kill people, they will also strengthen your strength.

Leave them.

As long as your strength is strong enough, your little beginning will come back to you.


Half a month later, the six elevators in the inpatient department also had a falling accident at the same time. More than 50 people were killed, and doctors such as Dr. Luo Wei were also on the death list.

The light love hospital was closed and it became a forbidden land that no one is close to.

Before the hospital closed, Xie Yuanhuai’s family wanted to retrieve his body, but he suddenly found his body missing.

It was he who took the body himself and placed it somewhere in the hospital.

He can't let the family bring his body back, because once the body moves, he will follow the hospital. When he loses all his strength, he will never see the beginning again.

During this long five-year period, Xie Yuanhuai felt that his body was gradually rotted, and his flesh and blood disintegrated, leaving only a skeleton.

Without the body, the heart is sinking in the abyss, and Xie Yuanhuai has gradually become a real devil.

From time to time, the explorer entered the hospital and was swallowed up by the ogre and the red corpse. It became his strength. Xie Yuanhuai just stood still and watched quietly, without waves, no longer possessing any human beings. Compassionate heart.

He has completely broken.


Here is his dark paradise.

He is waiting here, calling his teenager day after day -

Xiaochu, come over.


"Cheng Zhichu...Cheng Zhichu!"

Seeing that Cheng Zhichu fainted on the ground, Meng Ke was so horrified that his face was white and violently pushed him. The bear also turned around and turned around. He screamed, but suddenly his body was stiff and squatted on the ground. It shivered.

Meng can bite his teeth and want to set off the arm of Cheng Zhichu and leave. Before he saved her life, now she can't do anything to leave people anyway.

But at this time, a pair of white hands suddenly came over, wrapped around the body of Cheng Zhichu, and easily slammed him.


The bear shivered and stunned Cheng Zhichu’s clothes corner, trying to leave him, but was carried by the force in the air, squatting at the corner of the clothes for a while, the fangs tearing the cloth and let it "snap" On the ground.

Meng Ke was violently shaking. She had already felt the **** and mottled death of the coming person, as if she was facing an endless abyss, so that she could not afford the slightest rebellion.

Even if she does not look up, she knows that the other party must not be a living person.

Can know the beginning... she can't...

Although fear has made her almost unable to breathe, Meng Ke still forced himself to raise his head, and finally saw the ghost in front of him.

Appearing in front of her is a handsome young man, with a cold look, indifference, and a illusion of physique, such as a touch of moonlight, like ice and snow.

He held Cheng Zhichu and glanced at her gently. His eyes touched slightly. Meng Ke seemed to fall into a **** **** at this moment. His heart suddenly stopped and he felt like he had already died.

The young man looked at her as if he was watching something dead, but unexpectedly, he did nothing to Meng Ke. He turned to Cheng Zhichu and left, slowly disappearing at the end of the corridor.


Meng Kezhen fell softly on the ground, and even his breathing was shaking.

Her will has been completely defeated by fear, and even a move can not move, groggy, lying on the ground like dead.

I don't know how long it took, she suddenly felt the ground violently shocked, and then heard the broken glass sound, and the movement was very big, and her eardrum was shaking.

She heard footsteps approaching her, but she could not escape. She could only open her eyes and blur the face of the person and identify her identity.

... is Bai Yi.

Bai Yi...

- It is Bai Yi!

Meng Ke suddenly raised hope, opened his eyes and struggled to sit up.

Bai Yi held a white bone knife in his hand and looked at her condescendingly. There was no expression on the handsome face, only the blackness in the middle of the circle was tumbling like a tide.

For a moment, Meng could see the ghosts he had just seen for himself. He suddenly felt creepy and did not dare to look at him again. However, Bai Yi used his knife to sharpen his jaw and was forced to look at him.

"Where is the first time?"

Bai Yi’s voice is extremely calm, but it is also extremely terrifying.

"He was taken away by ghosts..."

Closed to the throat by the cold knife tip, Meng Ke twitched in the direction of the disappearance of the ghost: "Go there..."

Bai Yi did not say a word, he took the knife and left, and the figure quickly disappeared in that direction.

The bear wanted to keep up, but was directly squatted by Bai Yi, so he had to pull his ear back to the original place.

"Heart... heart and Xiao Xiao?"

Meng could slow down and look around, but did not see Meng Xin and Ji Yunxiao, suddenly worried, and stood up in a hurry.

The bear lost for a while, see Meng Ke anxiously turned around, smashed his head, thought for a while, and said with a childlike voice: "Look at the fact that you have not left your mother, give me chicken legs, I will show you them."

"Well, if you find them, I will buy them from the chicken leg store!"

Meng Ke was too busy to agree to the bear, the bear nodded with satisfaction, let her bend down, it climbed to the top of her head, and patted her hair, said.

"Drive! Turn left!"


Bai Yi's Diary · Part 30

When I first arrived in the first day of the first year, because his school was open to the public during the autumn games, the family members of the students could visit, so I wanted to go in and see him on that day.

For this purpose, I asked my cousin to transfer to the high school of the school, so that I can see the beginning of the game.

The beginning of the game was really cute, and I also had the only photo with him -

When I didn’t participate in the project, I sat in the fifteenth seat on the left side of the third row. I sat in the third seat in the fourteenth row. The school’s aerial photography at the sports meeting left this scene. Can see this photo.

Although there are still thousands of people in the photo, in my eyes, only I know the beginning, I am very satisfied.

Slightly regrettable, the cousin immediately transferred back to the original school after learning the reason for letting him transfer to school, which led me to never enter again.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the undisputed mines x2, and the volume, 1279 has been a waste of lao, 肆皓 Mu, 昀, star zero tears, your roots, Wang Du, 36112154 and Gu Jiasheng's mines ! =3=2k novel reading network

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